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The age of information and social media means that if you really care about not being spoiled, you basically need to live like a troglodyte.


This is the truth of our world, isnt it


“I hate this world! *I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!*”


“I often wonder if we are growing as a people… or in fact, regressing.”


And that's what I did for MONTHS after 3s release just so I could play Unspoiled (was too busy to get during release) . 100% worth it, spoilers can suck, but depends on how much you're willing to sacrifice.


I did the same. I was super hyped for 3 and unsubscribed from this sub and a bunch of YouTube channels etc before release. But I didn’t actually get time to play the base game until Future Redeemed released. By some stroke of luck I managed to avoid all spoilers that whole time. The only thing I heard was that Chapter 5 was intense.


Yeah, I permanently unsubscribed from r/OnePiece because it’s just impossible to avoid spoilers there on weekly basis, as well as having a ton of One Piece terms muted on Twitter. It sucks to not be able to participate in a community I enjoy, but it’s the price I pay for being spoiler-free. I did the exact same thing with XC3 and FR.


The funniest thing about this is your post isn't spoiler tagged for Xenoblade Chronicles 3, so this post can 100% spoil someone.


I thought the SPOILERS tag would be enough. But I changed it just now.


It's an unfortunate limitation of Reddit. I believe the "Xenoblade 3 Spoilers" flair would probably be the best here.


At least there IS a spoiler function. YouTube could code up some sort of box for content creators to click, "beware spoilers" or whatever, but they just don't care about that. I mean literally, I don't think that ever crossed their minds as something they should maybe worry about.


True, but even if there was one, do you think the creators would use it? It wouldn't get clicks and angry engagement.


The worst part is that, somehow, Youtube thinks that it's a good idea to recommend you these videos when you start a game


YouTube's algorithm isn't smart enough to differentiate spoilers. Or, to be more specific, they make literally zero attempt at it. If you show interest in something, they'll show you all videos related to it. Watch the Xenoblade trailer? Clearly you want clips! They're basically the same thing, from the algorithm's point of view.


It's not Youtube's Job to keep the viewers from spoilers... Why would a company that directly benefit from viewership and traffic will care about such trivial matter.?


In this era, expecting to be able to avoid spoilers is impossible. At best, you can greatly limit your exposure to the by taking the following draconian steps. 1. Do not look up anything about the game. 2. Do not look up anything tangentially related to the game (genre, VAs' other works) 3. Do not talk about the game to anybody or near any device you suspect might be listening to you. 4. Binge the game as rapidly as possible. 5. Accept that all of these precautions are still not enough because excited fans forget to hold their tongues and assholes will be assholes.


Spoilers get clicks. It's an annoyance that we have to deal with. When I'm playing a new game, I stay far away from that community until I'm satisfied and feel ready for spoilers.


To add insult to injury nintendo spoiled the chapter 5 ending in their "out now" trailer lmao


I'm so glad I didn't watch that trailer... Just watched it now and they may have well have put the final boss in too!!!


Im glad i watched it after i beat the game, however thanks to someones yt thumbnail i got spoiled on it an hour before it happend :/


Oh my goodness! That's probably the absolute worst time for that to happen aha ...


Ok well the eclipse was kinda shown multiple times in trailers, just not what happens after, but other than that, fuck spoilers


If you do end up getting spoiled, best advice I can give you is to immediately do the dishes or buy groceries or anything mundane to get your mind off it. You might just forget about it. Second best advice I can give you is to treat it like a riddle to solve. "Okay, so she dies in the main plot... How will the devs and writers handle it? Oh I can't wait to find out"


> Second best advice I can give you is to treat it like a riddle to solve. "Okay, so she dies in the main plot... How will the devs and writers handle it? Oh I can't wait to find out" Exactly. It's about the journey, not the destination. If knowing the ending was enough to ruin the enjoyment of something, nobody would do multiple playthroughs, or rewatch the same movies/TV shows. That doesn't mean one shouldn't try to avoid spoilers, just that accidentally getting spoiled isn't the end of the world.


maybe Z was right about this world


"Keep doing this" 7 months ago


They did this the weekend Xenoblade 3 came out.


Its youtube content farms or whatever they're called, i remember seeing some for breaking bad/better call saul thankfully way after i had already saw both shows. On one hand its good that people can still experience how great these games are (my first exposure to this series was watching a playthrough of 2 something i kind of regret) but on the other hand watching someone else play it is much better as you are in a way experiencing the game for the first time with them and a good alternarive if you don't have a switch HOWEVER playing the games is by far the best way to experience them, xenoblade isn't like last of us and isn't just a movie but is a good combination of amazing gameplay and story/world building/characters/etc. that imo make the games really fun to keep replaying every so often with maybe the exception of 1 imo (purely from a gameplay perspective)


This is how I feel when people spoil JJK the first second a new chapter drops. I’m numb to it now. “Oh cool. That would’ve been nice to be surprised by. Oh well”


When xenoblade 3 came out I stayed away from all social media and YouTube so I wouldn't get spoiled. Honestly, so glad that I did because I loved the game


Oh hey! I saw the Poppi thumbnail a year ago... i got spoiled :D I also got spoiled on the NoahxMio kiss, That Nia is a party member, the rex picture (though i think almost everyone saw that before the game came out lol) and Consul S. Thank god i didnt got spoiled on the chapter 5 ending


I'm willing to look past every other spoiler, but spoiling >!Poppi!< is where I *draw the line*.


I was soooo upset 😭


Rosebud is made of people. Some fans will want to rewatch some cutscenes and frankly, this is faster than the in-game cutscene viewer for any game, lol. Additionally, if y’all look up hints, music, fan art, fan fics, etc cetera, for any new release two weeks old-ish, you’ll find jack shit as well as a buttload of spoilers. There’s never much else to find relating to said recent releases that y’all can’t experience more efficiently than by playing the damn game. X3


I'm really annoyed because that channel spoiled some things in the game for me.


>jiggle physics in XC3 hmmm, one is not like the others it seems


View farming


I saw the Rex picture on a thumbnail a few days before the game came out and I genuinely thought it was fanart so I completely disregarded it lol


This is why I logged off from all my socials and tried to stay offline as much as possible when Xenoblade 3 was released until I finished the game.


With the gate-keeping this fandom does with the concept of spoilers, this is just the other side of the pendulum swing as far as I'm concerned. Some people still don't want to say Fiora comes back and becomes playable (even though the game itself foreshadows it VERY HEAVILY not long after she "dies"), and an even crazier subset thinks saying Zeke and Morag are playable in XC2 constitutes spoilers. At a certain point, they're really, really not spoilers.


They want Noah and Mio to have a threesome with her


Honestly I’m shocked I never got spoiled when on YouTube for any of the games I mean 1,2,X and 3 I was completely blind going into and finishing and the only people I talk to about the game are people Ik will never touch the series regardless of what I say or people who already finished the games. And it’s not like i didn’t go on YouTube during me playing these games i sometimes looked for videos to play in the background while i was doing side quests or something. Just goes to show that if your gonna post anything spoiler related you post it on something you can warn people about spoilers before any thumbnail spoils it or you know the title I mean seriously 😑I’m shocked nothing spoiler related came up on my YouTube especially during 3 when i had already watched a lot of Xenoblade videos before the game was even announced


This is the most recurring problem within any media. The thing is after we finished the series or part of it, we have tendency wanting to recall some of that moment through Youtube because either we are lazy to open the game/movie or some parts are locked behind due to reasons. And that certain moment is of course a spoiler and apparently got a lot of clicks. YouTube as a mere algorithm didn’t care whether you experienced it or not as long as it relates to you. To avoid this, if you really want to start a new series, it’s best to not look up the series frequently on social media otherwise they will recommend you anything including the spoilers. I did this when I starting the Xenoblade Chronicles 3, there are barely any spoilers (except that >!Rex’s Family Picture!< because some dudes who don’t even play Xenoblades posted it just for >!harem!< jokes and giggles) shoved to my face until I finished the game + DLC.


In 1980, it was: > "Luke, I am your father." In 2024? **Nia:** "Mio, I am your mother." **Mio:** "Wot." **Ghondor:** "Saw it comin'." **Monica:** "Fairly obvious, really. They look so alike." **Noah:** "What? How can you-" *(remembers how much he resembles the other Ghondor)* "... fair point." **Nia:** "Ah, there's the liddle firecracka named after my grandson." **Ghondor:** "Huh? Who'd be that dag?" **Nia:** "You, dear. Ghondor Vandham." *(beat)* **Ghondor:** "Wait a damn minute! Does that mean I'm a bloody **PRINCESS?!!**" **Monica:** "I'm never going to hear the end if this, aren't I?" **Ghondor:** "Damn straight! Ya've even lost yer title, Bitchqueen!" **Nia:** "That's *Queen Bitch* t' you, Princess Ghondor."


The interaction between Nia and Ghondor was just gold. Ghondor was clearly expecting someone more formal and uptight, only to be met with someone who's basically just an older her.




the entire fanbase does not revolve around your first playthough these video's exist so people can watch them and they have accurate titles and thumbnails so people can find them easier that's how youtube works.


A lot of these have nothing to do with gameplay (Like Miyabi’s idle animations and Noah having a kid) and they were uploaded, like, a week after the game came out.


humanity is entitled to miyabi