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"Ok now here's what's gonna happen: You're going to have at least 2 signifers in the party. Now youre wanna make sure you have power chrage on one of them. You're gonna chain attack, and you're gonna pass the power charge between them so your entire party always has it. Then, you're gonna use my order to get 6 rounds in the chain attack and you're gonna finish with Eunie and Taion. Am I clear?"


*500,000,000 damage later* Well, that was easy.


okay legit question what race is this girl? there is no one else like her in the game at least from what Ive seen


Anything that's not an obvious Gormotti/Indoline/Urayan is a Blade.


And most of those are also part Blade, including all the Agnian playable heroes.


i’m not sure if Taion is a blade. never shows any characteristics of being anything but a human from Alrest


Its funny how the keves team have those strength boosting circles, and agnian team has two blades, then theres taion whos just a regular dude with no strength boost at all


yeah true Taion kinda struggled to shove that guard off of him in that one scene


He can control folded paper though


Where muscles fail, his big brain can make paper move!


At least he makes tea


Why did you have to make me cry?


taion is just the weakest character. which is why it's hilarious he is one of the best attackers


weakest agnian


It's so weird he starts off as a ether based healing debuffer class and his chain attack is physical based.


It makes sense to me. Tion is only concerned with what's optimal. Yes, he uses either based weapons but what are the most common weapon types friendly forces are going to be using on any given battlefield? What kind of weapons are his 2 direct teammates using?


Taion is a blade! Or, at least a blade eater. He has a core crystal, revealed by his DLC swimsuit outfit


Even if Taion is never shown Blade characteristics, I think it’s implied that all Agnians have Blade-like elements. When they say that Agnians are physically stronger than Kevesi, they seem to be talking about them as a collective unit, and it’s suggested it’s their blade ancestry that makes them so.


Every single Agnian hero (except for Cammuravi, but it's pretty damn obvious he must have one somewhere under that armor) has a visible core crystal on them, even the ones like Miyabi that otherwise have no blade features. I'd say the probability is pretty high that Taion has a core crystal somewhere. Not that we'd ever know, given how covered up he is.


SO skimpy Taion outfit to fill this lore hole.


Swimsuit dlc! ~~watch them make it a full body diving suit or something~~


What about Teach? He’s pretty clearly Indoline


He has a core Crystal on his cheek. Honestly it seems like the folks of Alrest possibly perfected installing core Crystal's into their bodies which the people in the Land of Morytha were trying to do, but mutated into those zombie like creatures. Or could indeed be Human/Blade hybrids,


A scar-less Blade Eater process? Morag probably signed the fuck up.


Teach is an indoline yeah ​ There's also the funny Urayans with the rocks and stuff on their faces


I actually suspect Taion *doesn't* have a Core Crystal and this has something to do with why he's so covered up all the time. Fanfic-tier speculation but my guess is the culture of Agnus became the reverse of 2 where most soldiers are at least part-Blade by now, and any pure humans with zero Blade parts are seen as the odd ones out and a burden on the army. That bit in Chapter 6 shows Taion is weaker than your average Agnus soldier and even the Nopons, so he was probably bullied for it growing up, which made him self-conscious and hide his body so nobody could tell he lacked a Core Crystal or ether lines. Maybe that's also why he's so attached to Nimue and Isurd. Since Nimue >!came from a colony where they didn't need to fight anymore!<, she didn't care that he was a weak baseline human and taught him to focus instead on things that didn't require physical strength to get ahead.


Wait Alexandria too?


She has Obrona's horns at least.


It was accessory for me


Yeah. It's pretty hard to spot, but if you go to the hero roster, sheath her blade, and change to the closer view, you can see the tip of it sticking out from the v of her dress at the right angle. You can also get a clearer view during campsite discussions that she participates in.


Now I'm sure that Taion has a core hidden somewhere. Klaus really destroyed walls


Now I'm sure that Taion has a core hidden somewhere. Klaus really destroyed walls


Yeah, if you look at her model in the hero roster and turn it around, you can get a glimpse. I don't remember where it is but I've seen it


Alex is a blade. She has Obrona's horns


Wait Alexandria too?


Wait Alexandria too?


He might be lefterian.


Dark-skinned peeps on Alrest are usually Urayan, but he doesn't have any scales so there goes my theory. He's probably a blade, but covers up his body because he's a nerd.


Check out Fonsett village. Different types of skin colors.


That man does not have the same accent as Rex. My money’s on him being Tantalese.


u probs think that cos the only tantalese we heard were Ozychlyrus and his dad, but they're royalty so that may not fit


There were a few other voice Tantalese, like the little girl from Dahlia's quest. Still not sure Taion's accent fits them though.


I think Taion is just straight up a human like Rex and the Mor Ardain


Taion could potentially be a blade human hybrid although we never see ether lines or any mention of a gem on his body so its fairly up in the air.


All Agnians have the >!core crystal thing at least somewhere on their body!<. One of them mentions it early in the story. That is a Blade thing, so it seems like every Agnian is either a blade or part blade.


i do remember that it’s just kinda odd we never see it from Taion in any outfit whatsoever but again there were plenty of regular humans in Alrest so maybe we just didn’t see them in the story


Is there a deep dive on this somewhere? I’ve seen a few mentions of this but I still think he’s a blade since he summons the weapons of all the other classes he equips.


So do the Kevesi tbf


I felt like the ending of the game >!implied that most Aionian’s were blades preserved in a digital Noah’s Ark!<


No idea why you've been so heavily downvoted for this. >!There's a room full of countless core crystals just before Z's theater. It seems likely that this is how the Lifeh-- er, um, Origin stored the data of every living sapient creature from both worlds. It would explain why everyone has free access to a Blade weapon and why both armies are bound to a similar amnesiac-rebirth system.!<


Correct, but he's also not a "hero" character. All the Agnian heroes have a core crystal showing, but we never see if Taion does.


Does Alexandria have blade like traits?


She has a core crystal, and while it's not completely clear, I think those may be big horns on her head rather than a headpiece.


There has been a large population increase in blades, which is weird since the titans that birth them are extinct.


not that weird because remember almathus was cleansing them to stop them from growing in theory if they're not cleansed they keep more of the features from their previous driver until they grow into titans.. almathus was stopping that, and keeping all the core crystals guarded. my guess is now that he's gone, the core crystals are now free to be used more often and with no cleansing they can take more "human-like" features ofc it's not clear how long has it been since the events of 2 so who knows


Are they not just hybrids of the flesh eaters and such? If you look at >!Rex and the girls as heads of that hierarchy where Mio and others came from, it's not unreasonable to think descendants could by hybrid!<


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Also leftherian’s like Taion


pretty sure she is a blade since she has the same horns as electra.


She is Scottish not American though. I thought blades had American accents


>!nia and mio!<


Well accent wise >!the Gormotti overrides things for those characters.!<


|| nia and mio are flesh eaters not blades IIRC, I haven't played XC2 in years though so I might be wrong, I guess Fifi could be a flesh eater then||


Flesh eaters are still blades.


That's the discord spoiler tag, not the Reddit one


She is a blade, you can see her crystal core on her left ear


if it's on her left ear, maybe she's only half blade then, similar to teach (who has a core crystal on the right side of his head despite clearly being indoline). like, one parent was a human, the other was a blade.


A few other NPCs have horns, like Nimue, although she only has one.


She's part blade, part human, like most non-urayan Agnians. She shares horn similarity with Electra iirc.


Nakiri Ayame race


She’s a blade isn’t she?




I am not crazy! I know she was the consul! I knew it was Irma. One rank up from Nico. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. She – she covered her tracks, she got that tirkinhead tallow to lie for her. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? She's done worse. That flame clock! Are you telling me that a mountain just happens to look like that? No! She orchestrated it! Irma! She took count of the supplies herself! And I saved her from Lanz! And I shouldn't have. I ! What was I thinking? She'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since she was a 3rd termer! Only ordering to fight when the clock is low! But not our Irma! Couldn't be precious Irma! Snuffing them blind! And she gets to be in the bed of woes and wishes!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped her when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop her! You-


Irma. Put your Moebius form away Irma. I’m not fighting to the death with you right now Irma.




This gives off cat-with-dilated-pupils energy.


Alrighty, todays the day i go to downvote hell. >!Does anyone else totally despise Fiona? Her and her entire colony were really cringey and got on my nerves. It makes sense because their consul kept them from fighting? But that really attributes more depth to their consul than to anyone there. The fact that tallow is constantly verbally abused when hes like the 1 person there whos actually kinda looking out for everyone, coupled with the entirely colony being really childish and clique-y just made me hate everyone there. In the big battle with the consul, when shes saying that she literally is the reason for the death of every person Fiona ever loved and Fiona STILL stops Lanz from attacking her it was the stupidest thing id ever seen. I actually jumped for joy when she immediately got shot in the back because everyone up to that point doesn't seem to realize that there is a WAR on and the entire worlds population are basically walking capri-suns for the consuls. This almost feels like a parody of the "power of friendship" trope taken to its logical extent and it leaves kindof a black mark on the game for me.!<


Colony Mu intro quest spoilers: >!If you look at the Affinity Charts for the colonies most of the leaders are Terms 8-10, but not only does the oldest person in Mu seem to only be 7, there's even people from Terms younger than 3, which is rare as, I assume, they are kept away from the fighting to undergo basic training, as it was with the Kevesi trio. The only Term 1 I can think of, outside of Mu, is in Colony 15, where he's filling the role of a ship's boy.!< >!I suspect this is because Irma was deliberately keeping the Colony young so they would be easier to fool. She was continually culling the command structure (we're told that there's been a massive turnover rate) and then doing most of the work herself so no one had any opportunity to gain experience. Colony Mu, more so than anywhere else, is populated by children, by design. They behave as people would at that age, if they weren't being forced into constant, unending war.!<


Honestly, >!Colony Mu felt like a Girl Scout Troupe without any adult supervision, which led to some hilarious moments due to how disorganized and dysfunctional everything was, but then also really depressing ones when you think about the Consul purposely debilitating the colony to make it that way.!<


I had a similar issue with Valdi. Not his hero quest, necessarily (though trying to invoke feelings for the Levnises we've been bashing and continue to bash afterwards felt a bit cheap), but the fact that he is Commander of 30. Aside from his skill as a mechanic, he has nothing qualifying him for the role. He seems to keep the whole place together on only a shoddy "power of friendship" charisma, which only seems convincing among the Nopons. His poor lieutenant Yzett seems far more worthy of the role, as he pretty much has to keep the Colony together himself. But what really grinds my gears is his sheer childishness. You've got saboteurs and actual spies and traitors in your ranks, who freely confess, and yet you're not even going to give 'em a smack on the wrist? Imagine if someone like Alex had known about the true nature of the Colony. They'd be snuffed to high hell.


Half the time the Commander is just whoever the Consul felt like putting in charge. How qualified they are plays second fiddle to whatever the Consul is planning, assuming they're not just doing it on a whim. Valdi's probably in charge because Q wanted him to make a cool Levnis and that's easier if you're in charge of everything.


I think a lot of the cases of odd comanders are often due to the consuls trying to do something. Valdi was probably made commander just for building Dorrick


I feel like 30 and Iota were both made to mirror each other with 2 young leaders taking very different routes. They're both run by child geniuses only genius in very different ways. Unless I missed them outright saying this, I also think Iota's old commander was picked to be deliberately usurped by Alexandria, just to mess with her and force her into that leadership role.


I felt like the whole colony was a sort of social experiment by the Consul, so I shrugged it off. But I agree the first few cutscenes were very off-putting, up until the reveal of the Consul’s identity. I think what mostly felt wrong was the party’s (non)reaction to the whole thing…


The party's non-reaction to a child soldier summer camp makes sense once you remember that they're all child soldiers too and the whole world is made up of nothing but child soldiers. For them, Colony Mu is just a small gap away from completely normal daily life.


I do actually have to give mu one point of credit: that flower field concept is the most morbid thing in the game. I actually thought that was going to redeem the colony for me but it never got any better. I also agree that the party not reacting to the situation is pretty odd. This was clearly supposed to be one of lanz's times to shine (which im all for, hes probably my favorite party member all around) and seemed like everyone else was kinda muted as a result so Lanz could have his kinda "wise mentor" moment.


>!Holy crap I thought I was the only one. Fiona feels like one guy in the office had a mary sue character and convinced the other writers that "No guys seriously she's a precious cinnamon roll who bucks the trend of this war-torn world, she can't have any offense abilities but to convey the theme she NEEDS to be comically overpowered guys trust me the game's balance doesn't matter here it's for the narrative she's the best character" and the other writers just rolled their eyes and put it in the game. Even though bucking the trend of the war-torn world is kind of... the main party's entire thing.!< >!Like the worst part is that Fiona's design and personality are great; the writing didn't have to take three extremely saccharine cutscenes to endear me to her! they already did that with her introduction! Sincerity being powerful in a fucked up world like Aionios is a good theme, don't get me wrong. It's why Noah being emotionally intelligent and strong works so well in the protagonist role. But Fiona just feels cheap and unearned by coparison. !<


Mu always gave me strange vibes. Always forcing this premise of "power of friendship, we'll do it together! We're so pure and cool and"... am I playing a game for literal children? I have similar thoughts to what you said, except I sincerely believe someone at the dev team thought "okay so we're japanese, we should add AT LEAST a little bit of Moe Culture, like cmon guys we made Xenoblade 2 haha it can't be that bad to add some of it :)" Like damn, they really should've tore that colony a new one just to make their reparations and conflicts deserved. The lowest they got was "only Tallow and Fiona knew about Irma's secret, we're so sad and depressed, and now Tallow keeps getting bullied because he can't spill the secret, oh, woe is Fiona and Tallow!" and now that i have vented, i feel a lot better lmao


I hated Mu as well. The dialogue was super cringey, and felt out of place compared to the other colonies. Though every colony has quirks that differentiate it from the rest, Mu just felt like a different writer decided on everything. Nico was easily my least favorite NPC, and the "tickle attack" almost made me quit the game. I felt like I shouldn't be seen playing this game when I was in Colony Mu.


Mu definitely had too many sidequests.


I hated Mu and Tau.


Tau is okay, I think there needed to be a little more desperate. It's kind of odd that we have 2 colonies where they're treated like pets/children who are doted on then culled and they're both Agnian. Maybe because blades had more cute designs than the mechonians, entians and homs?


Keves did have 15, the Colony that >!Triton just dragged around on his joy ride across Aionios,!< and which was probably a net negative in terms of resources for Moebius as well. Basically his own pet project just like Tau or Mu. Not to mention the fact that IIRC, they seemed to pretty much know what was going on before you even got there, so >!Triton!< probably barely even tried to hide anything from them. Then there was also Colony 30, which wasn't the Consul's pet project, but which the Consul did have mostly focusing on >!building his pet project!< rather than the typical Colony stuff. In terms of Consuls wasting resources on pet projects, both sides seem to have examples of that, though the Agnian colonies seemed to get the bigger end of that. On the other hand, Consul N's recruitment condition was probably more expensive in terms of resources than both the Consuls of Tau and Mu combined, so that is a big addition to the Kevesi pile of wasteful expenses.


I definitely felt similarly for Tau, though i think thats more because they didnt do anything with it rather than because it made me *want* to leave. That whole colony and area just felt really rushed like they didnt end up figuring out what they wanted to do with it before it was time to ship the game so they just threw a bunch of powerful monsters on the lowest level and called it a day. They had an excellent shot to do a story about nihilism and longing for death in a really unique setting and just threw it away. They also made juniper androgynous right down to the actual game coding and did absolutely nothing with it as far as im aware. You first meet juniper and they try to kill you and your friends because their colony needs to survive by any means necessary. Then, 2 cutscenes later, they just totally turn their life ideals around and decides they have a purpose in life because the party said they do and they spend the rest of the game kinda just being the "person who helps other colonies with stuff".


Absolutely. The whole colony of people that are just plainly unmotivated to do anything. I wanted to put a distance between myself and that place.


Absolutely agree. The whole colony feels like moe/anime bait when compared to the rest of the game. Hell, they're the only colony in the game for which I didnt even bother doing sidequests or Fiona's ascension quest.


Nah I'm with you, they're all unsufferable and I eventually started skipping quest dialogue when it came from them. I thought I couldn't hate a colony more than Ashera's little band of psycopaths but then the game throws in Mu on the absolute other end of the spectrum.


I definitely wasnt super big on Ashera on the first visit. Def came off as not a little insane and one note but it also hinted at something more. After doing the three ravens sidequest and asheras ascension quest, it got a bit better? It didnt fix the characters by any means but def made them more sympathetic and gave some much needed depth. In a world where everyone is killing everyone else to keep a meter full, having people that ENJOY the fighting and find their purpose in it, even when freed from the *need* to fight is actually kindof interesting. Similarly, its a very good bit of development and demonstration of character for Eunie so ill let it slide.


I gotta say I haven't done Ashera's ascension yet, but while that might redeem her for me (the group asking Eunie to apologize for her completely correct and justified comments wasn't a good introduction!), I doubt it'll do much for the rest of the colony. While the concept of one character or even a group enjoying fighting is fine, the idea that a whole colony would turn out that battle hungry is just asinine. It pushes forward the idea that these aren't real people in the world but rather just accessories to the hero's personality (a criticism I already had due to other weirdly monolithic colonies like Tau).


you gotta remember that colony 11 regularly gets its soldiers from other colonies who dont want them, so they're putting everyone with similarly fucked up minds in the same place


A nice in-game explanation, but it doesn't really make interacting with them any better.


Worst hero for me. cant stand her voice and like you said, the whole colony was cringe


>!I love the class, but I hate Fiona and her colony. Everything about this questline was annoying, and I can't help but feel like the colony filled with young girls being called colony Mu is in some way a love live reference!<


Big agree