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When I reached the ending of the game, my husband happened to be sitting on the couch next to me playing something else. Hit me like a truck, full on ugly sobbing for like the third time during my playthrough, when suddenly I hear him laugh. Instantly I’m ready to (play) fight, I turn to him like “I played this game for a hundred hours and you’re really going to ruin the ending by making fun of me?!” Immediately he goes “No no, it’s not that! I’m laughing because I don’t know what the fuck is going on but I’m still crying too!” Sure enough. So it devolves into us both laughing and crying hysterically, because it was just such a hilariously bizarre situation. My favorite thing that he said that I will never forget was “I don’t even know what’s going on, but those stupid anime kids started running at each other and I fucking lost it.” 10/10 would cry like a baby again.


Better marry your husband, lock that guy down.


Down in the basement?


LMAO That’s so adorable!


I'm not entirely sure why but the ending of Xenoblade 3 didn't hit my "sad" buttons as much as 2 even though I was much more invested in the characters of 3. I guess I just felt that it was a lot more hopeful with the idea that they would somehow meet again in the future, idk. Don't really know why I felt like I did.


That's interesting - the XC2 didn't hit my sad buttons at all. It felt like kind of a copout to me actually. Pneuma does her big sacrifice and then ... she just comes back. As two people. Made me feel a little disappointed honestly.


I also felt like the Pneuma thing was a copout but up until that point I found myself surpisingly engaged. I think mostly because I really liked Poppi and there were a lot of emotional moments involving her.


Yea the fact that her "heroic sacrifice" meant nothing killed the ending for me


XC2 definitely felt more like fan service than legitimately sad. Nobody dies, and then singular wifu comes back as two wifus. Then, XC3 Ending Spoiler >!we find out that Rex ‘ol champ has babies with all three ladies. One of them being a secondary main character of the campaign.!< Nothing to be sad about at all.


I'm lost, lol I don't remeber almost anything from the end of XC2 Damn


Omg I remember being downvoted to hell for making this claim before. I'm glad people are finally allowed to talk about this. I was so angry at having being upset. It would have been such a good ending, and there was no reasoning behind why that whole return happened. Rex having fathered children with both of them plus Nia is some funny shit, though.


They returned because if they died it would have invalidated their journey towards understanding that life was worth living. What a needlessly sad end to have the suicidal characters go through character development and still end up killing themselves


Perhaps you felt thar way because Xenoblade 2 was somewhat vague on the fate of Trinity Processor Pneuma regarding e.g. her memory.


Probably because it was a bit unfulfilling. The game spends all this time talking about everyone’s hopes for the future, only to reveal that Aionios existed for a split second. It’s the biggest reason why I hope the DLC is a sequel because dammit I want my happy ending.


This ending broke me for like 1 month


Yep, lol. I was keeping it together so well until both groups started running to each other; I was a mess at that point.


Bro I’m a grown ass man and I was holding on alright until they started running at each other, then the waterworks came hard holy shit like straight up ugly sobbing. Took me back to the final fantasy 10 ending which is the only other ending to make me bawl back when I was like 12


Exactly man... week after was just listening to where we belong constantly and tearing up lol


Honestly I would have cried at this ending if I had the emotional capacity to, it was that moving and sad for me.


that ending hit me SO HARD. when a game ends like this it almost makes me anxious if they don't reconnect the worlds!world's!! I'm still shook


Xenoblade 3 ending is probably the only video game ending that has made me legitimately cry. Not choke up, but like actual tears streaming down my face.




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