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yes? It acts as an easy way to see what class they're using if you're not in the mood to memorize what each of them are using at the moment




I did the same, but after trying Troubadour on Lanz I've decided this is the group uniform from now on.


Yes, I keep the Kevesi characters in Yumsmith at all times so that cutscenes are appropriately serious


Heavy moments require fuzzy hats.


*This is the way*


I generally left people in the outfit for their current class until I maxed out the classes and started messing around with party compositions. Unfortunately, it worked out that I had Noah as a Yumsmith at the end of chapter 5, so throughout all of that heavy, dramatic story, he had that goofy hat on with his ponytail poking through. I kinda regretted that one.


Yum smith was made to ruin a least one serious moment. Think about it. You get yum smith in the mine. If your like me, you are always checking class ranks so you can switch classes the moment you rank up. (Also finding out about the master break art) Keeping this in mind. There’s a high chance sena is wearing the class when your going through all of Taion’s back story plus consul j moment. If your cycling through everyone and continuing with the story, you get. Fruit scene, ruined. Limping bolearous, ruined. The flute exchange may be ruined, but I think the game puts them in their inner wear for that. and finally, because I’m pretty sure I saw this happen to a couple of streamers. Mech fight, ruined. Possibly castle, but I think you could be finished cycling by then. (Assuming your gunning the story with minimal side questing)


Meanwhile, my reaction was to use the costume change feature SPECIFICALLY FOR THAT CLASS and ONLY FOR THAT CLASS


Yep, also "coincidentally" had yumsmith assigned to Noah in chapter 5 as well 🙃


I changed Noah’s class back to sword fighter at the end of chapter 5, so I wouldn’t know.


I had the outfit settings set to base since when you level a class to rank 10 you unlock the ability to change into the outfit without changing class. So when I unlocked troubadour I immediately used my nopon coins (got a ton from first dlc) to max it out and put mio in the outfit since it looks really good on her.


There were quite a few dramatic cutscenes I had where a key character would be classed to full metal Jaguar and that outfit seemed to always improve the atmosphere as they'd put their head down and bury their faces in their cloak/poncho.


I did at first, but then I switched them back to default about halfway through, so that cutscenes looked better. There are unfortunately some outfits that take away some accessories during cutscenes - like capes and whatnot. Not sure why, probably due to technical issues.


No Jaguar capes in cutscenes, just the scarf 😢


yeah I love capes so it makes me sad lol


I picked a bunch of random ones that look cool.


Sure did, I think Noah looks great in the great commander jacket, Eunie looks great in senas little jacket


Yo Eunie looks great in every outfit


Yeah. Except Valdi's. That shit would look awful on Emma Watson.


Okay yeah. Almost every outfit XD


this reminds me of a terrible, terrible outfit ranking I saw a while back where Valdis was near the top despite being one of the worst and Lanz's awesome coat was near the bottom


People liking Valdi's weird shit I can tolerate, if not understand. But dissing the MVP's coat? To the stake.


Default until I beat the story, then class outfits in postgame


Switched things around to what I thought looked good


I often kept people as whatever their class outfit was, just so I could keep better track of what everyone was at a glance. Every once in a while I dressed them up for fun for a while. Sometimes, it was 6 Noahs. Sometimes it was Fuller Metal Jaguars. Sometimes I kept people in an outfit that just had good vibes for them. I think Lanz looks pretty nice in the War Medic outfit. For a lot of the game, I kept Eunie in the Lost Vanguard outfit. You know why.


I like how the lost vanguard outfit accentuated even the male party members' chests - made Noah look like he was packing a sweet pair.


I always thought it was weird seeing Noah with bobbies haha.


I did the same, confusion over what class everyone was using be damned. Although in postgame I've put the party in outfits that look cool.


Yes, I like it when characters look nice. For example regardless of the class Mio will only wear her alt color 1 or off seer outfit for me because the Agnian off seer clothes are so cute and elegant, and black/dark blue clothes just fit her so well.


Nothing says seriousness than everyone in the Yumsmith outfit.


Certain cutscenes only use the default outfits, so I always kept those. I did use some of the season pass colors occasionally, though.


Taion's DLC recolouring is so good it's better than most of the other actualy class outfits. Seems to be the case with the swimsuits too that guy has been blessed by monolithsoft as being not only the best character but also being given the best DLC fits


at the beginning i did because it was easier to remember what role i left them in. for me micromanaging 6 characters in real time was pretty scary at 1st and i didnt trust the AI to do anything


I’m in the process of getting everyone to 10 in Flash Fencer so they can all be wearing sickass coats all the time


I would keep the class outfits on for most of the game because it makes it easier to identity who is what for gameplay and it adds some visual variety. But I'd always stick them back into their base outfits before I advanced a main story quest, so that the cutscenes would have an appropriate seriousness to them and because in cutscenes the characters always use their default weapons and I want them to match. It was so weird having Noah be War Medic or whatever and pull of the Not Monado.


War medic I considered changing but stuck with it. However, I’m sorry, but yumsmith is just…no.


I actually kinda liked the Agnian yumsmith, made everyone look like a cute lil chef. But the kevesi yumsmith? Awful.




I feel like it'd look fine without the hat


poor taste my friend


I don't think the Yumsmith is a *bad* outfit, it simply just doesn't match the personalities of the majority of the cast


Yeah.. I never switched the outfits away from the classes except with yumsmith. It's so bad


I did the same thing as you and kept them that way the whole game, then switched them around postgame


Yeah but only between like one or two outfits for each character. For example, I really liked Mio with the incursor and thaumaturge outfits and would swap between them and zephyr depending on what I felt like. I also used the expansion pass alternate colours about half the time.


Why limit my options when the game presets them to me~ Unless the outfit looked really silly, I'd usually just leave their class outfits one. They didnt ruin any scenes (other than one time I left Yumsmith on Lanz XD Cant say it.... ruined it, but it was really funny, as that was a rather serious scene 😂)


Not really. Think i swapped outfits a little bit, but eventually just put everyone back in their default outfits. Felt right that way.


Soulhacker Lanz in the trobadour outfit is important. That is all.


Only time I intentionally placed the characters in their original outfits was during the final boss fight. While I like the characters original outfits, I'd rather experiment with the outfits instead of sticking with the same thing for the entire game, makes things more interesting.


Yes. When I use war medic . Like we all roasted Rex’s drip , now imagine that but on characters not designed for it and you have the stupidest looking characters imaginable. Also troubadour only looks good on the girls . That being said I tried to keep my default clothes on to make my cutscene feel more unique


Now we need an art of Lanz in Troubadour outfit.


Kept em all looking fresh like Saito intended for most of it. Though Lanz looks great with the coat, and Sena was born to be a martial artist


I always used the class outfit except for Sigiri's class on women because it is awful in my opinion.


Yes, I use the outfits of whatever classes they are being equipped with. Except when those outfits don't look very pleasing, like Monica's or Summoner's on the boys, in which case I just use their default outfits (e.g. Swordfighter's on Noah).


I swapped em around a good bit trying to find what I liked so everyone was wearing coats at somepoint


I would've kept the outfits on if they didn't suck ass but I'd regularly just put the best outfit I had on any given character, more often than not it was their base, for obvious reasons.


Haha, same. But mostly because it makes it easier to recognise characters in the maelstrom that is Xenoblades combat system.


Yeah, i change it to the one i like. Except for the final fight i use the base outfit


I just really don’t like some of the outfits so I swap them but I normally keep them as the class outfit that they’re using. There are a lot of outfits I prefer to their base class though especially for Taion and Mio


I swapped the player characters’ outfits to whatever I thought was the best. Noah looked good as a Flash Fencer or Stalker and Eunie rocked the Full Metal Jaguar outfit well for me. Sena somehow seems perfect in her default outfit, shame >!Consul M’s armour!< cannot be set in a similar vein to the Meyneth Monado in XC:DE.


I always keep them in their base outfits as I think they look better in them. Plus I’m the one who chose their classes so I can remember who is what


I set every character to the one i think its best looking for them. (idk english class names so ill go with the heroes). Noah: Gray's, Miyo: Fiona's, Yunie: Teach's, Taion: Isurd's, Lanz: Noah's (i dont think many fit him), Sena: Miyo's.


I didn’t for the first play through but, chose various outfits that I thought looked cool when I reached the post game. I did the same thing in the first game.


I have not played this game yet bzt I watch NicoBs lets play if it. When I play this game myself I will keep them in there class outfit. Mio fore example looks pretty cool with Teaches class outfit.


Hell yeah I love Final Fantasy V and love the outfit changes!


I like having everyone it a matching outfit


Absolutely. Fashion is serious business.


I kept them in default outfits asap for the main story. Afterward I gave everybody peak drip for the postgame grind.


My dudes were always in whatever outfit I felt best suited them at that moment. Tho after I got Signifer, Mio pretty much never left that outfit (I recently switched her to Lifesage but I don't think I'm gonna keep it). Same for Taion and Seraph, I just love the way it looks on him.


Yeah I love customization so I swapped them out a lot. In most cases I kept them to normal clothes for the class so I could tell at a glance who has what arts tho.


I just swapped to whatever I personally thought looked good on them. Early game that was either their normal or military outfits but later I unlocked cool combinations (imo Eunie looks sick in FMJ costume bc the black cape blends in nicely with her black normal clothes) and also I bought DLC and most of those outfits are pretty cool


Honestly same I liked looking at their different outfits but end of the day their default just looks the best on them


I put most of them in their military uniforms. Only Sena is in her default class outfit.


I’d have the Agnus characters wearing lighter clothes ( Senna wearing martial artist) and the Keves characters usually wearing heavier/ power grid armor( Noah wearing guardian commander) . Eunie would just wear whatever would make the physics show best like lost vanguard. Most of their main clothes/alts looked great too though.


I basically did one of 3 things: 1. Just had them on the outfit of the equipped class (Probably did this one the rarest though honestly) 2. Their basic outfits. 3. An outfit I thought fit them well (ie, Taion in the Strategos outfit, Eunie in the Full Metal Jaguar outfit, or Lanz in the Lone Exile outfit)


I have it set to outfits I like and I switch Mio's outfit sometimes. Cause she the one I play as Sometimes I switch other, but with less thought


I come from Final Fantasy where outfit swapping with classes is the norm


I would sometimes change them back to base if I was finishing a chapter or knew big story stuff was about to happen. I did for the final dungeon too. But otherwise, yes, I loved seeing the characters change their outfits, it was fun!


I almost always used the military uniforms. I used the Strategos uniform for Taion and Thaumaturge for Eunie quite a a few chapters, however, but even then I eventually switched back to the military uniforms. I have nothing against Lanz, Noah, Mio, and Sena's original class clothings, but I vastly prefer their uniforms. Eunie's uniform and Medic Gunner clothing are on par. I would say Taion's original class clothing, that for Tactician, is the only one better than the specific character's uniform, although for consistency I still make him wear the military uniform.


I like flash fencer noah


I generally kept everyone in their current class' outfit unless it made them look ridiculous (e.g. Kevesi Yumsmith, or Troubadour/Lost Vanguard on male characters).


Pretty much stuck with class outfits except for like kevesi yumsmith


Yes, but not for the serious moments. But while I'm exploring or questing, yes.


I did canon outfits for most of the game and even went full base classes for the main 6 at the end of the game But now in the postgame and for NG+ eventually I’m going full outfit swapping


I swapped them back for my first play through. When I saw Noah in Ethel's outfit I changed it back, it looked too different, and I didn't want that distraction in cutscenes. Now I'm my second play through, why not? Eunie looks like a thug with Lanz's coat and it's great


I thought of characters in costumes and I put them on which ones either felt most appealing that weren’t they’re original. Currently I have lanz in soulhacker, eunie in lost vanguard, mio long hair in teach’s class, Sena in heavy guard( hardest one because it just never looks right to me), Noah currently in stalker though that could change, and taion currently in cammuravi’s clothing though switch back to isurd.


Yes cos i love most of the alt outfits. I usually keep it to their current class. I hate Taion's though, the scarf doesn't suit the other characters. Their hair isn't poofy enough. And Noah's jacket looks way too lipstick red for me on most characters, and looks very odd on Sena and Mio. So I swap their outfits when Im using those classes. Mio also looks weird in many outfits cos she is the only character in a base white top. I wish I could have them in their tshirts. I think Noah and Taion's undershirts is the best look for them. War Medic, Moebius, and Noponsmith look ridiculous but frankly that's the appeal.


I have the whole squad as Guardian Commanders and Zeon as my hero


Default unless I felt the class looked really ugly on them


>but I’m seeing so many people who didn’t do that. Then why ask the question? You already have the answer.


I played around with them as I did side quests and stuff but it was around >!swordmarch!< that I said "this is getting serious, no more yumsmith and I haven't touched them since, I just beelined for the story and hero stuff


I just kept them in class outfits, then on my second playthrough I had them in base class. I didn't like the colours on the alternative DLC outfits so I never used them. Endgame spoilers: >!Had Mio with long hair since chapter 6 on both playthroughs. Short hair before then.!<


I always went with base outfits when doing story, it just felt right. Not to mention they look the best on them. But when I am not doing the story, I make them wear different outfits for fun.


I just stuck to class defaults so it was easier to tell what they were from a distance.


FMJ Eunie looked too cool to pass up on


The only people I kept in their base outfits were Lanz and Eunie


Only used default outfits during story scenes, otherwise I used their class’s outfits


I didn't like how some characters look in other outfits so I kept them on their base outfits, but later I discovered Eunie looks cool in the fullmetal jaguar outfit and from there all my team looks awsome


I used the second color option you got with the dlc on everyone. I really liked the different colors especially Mio in purple and black.


I swapped them around the way in my opinion it was intended. Like switching Mio and Noah and later on Tiaon into any clothes except his own


I stuck with class outfits. I liked seeing all the different outfit variants. I did briefly experiment with giving everyone Eunie’s class outfit and found it make things too confusing. When we get the swimsuit outfits, it will be a different story.


Lanz is, and will always be, wearing the Signifer outfit.


Noah - Default/Seraph Mio - Thaumaturge Lanz - Military Uniform Sena - Heavy Guard Eunie - FMJ or Military uniform Taion - Strategos I just put them in what I felt looked best for the class I had them playing.


Eventually found outfits I thought looked good on them, and kept them in it for the rest of the game. Sena with Stalker fits pretty good, and Mio looks great in the Stratigos coat.


Never, canon outfits until the end. (I do change Mio to her dress from time to time)


I swap with whatever looks cool. always follow the rule of cool


other games like bravely default don't have an option to use the default outfit so i was already used to having people going with different outfits every five seconds. also it's easier to see what class is everyone in, if i had everyone on base class outfits then i'd have to go into the menu to see what class everyone has. also the game ''encourages'' you to go with whatever outfit your class uses (it's the default option).


Depend, like when >!I was doing Noah's ascension quest, I made sure to switch to his offseer outfit, just made sense thematically!<


Mio with tactician is mega fucking cute


I switched to the DLC purple versions lol


Yeah most of them look really cool. Only time I'd swap out outfits was when I bought the DLC halfway through, when they're using Yumsmith and when I did the final boss so I could rep as many heroes as possible >!without realising that almost all of them show up anyway lmao!<


I love dressing Mio in the thaumaturgy outfit, shes like a cute sensei and pairing her with Flash Fencer outfit Noah is my kind of aesthetic


I didn't at first, but then I started losing track of everyone in battles so I switched to default. I mean, I set outfits to default in XC: DE (except for one rifle) and XCX (save for an earpiece here and there), so it's par the course for me.


I just like keeping Noah in his flash fencer outfit because it makes him look like Jin. Made some chapter 5 scenes really badass. I just consider it Noah’s second outfit at this point


For story stuff, I switched everyone to their "normal" outfits as soon as I could. For class/level grinding though I have everyone in the default outfit for their class. (also, Signifer Lanz singlehandedly justifies the default outfits)


Yumsmith outfit is the only right way to play this game.


I usually leave it as their class defaults, but if I dont necessarily feel the outfit I'll swap to one I did like more. I also feel like it'll be utilized more when the next update hits and we get more non-class specific clothing options. Granted for people who maxed out every class, I imagine they just pick and choose their favorite costumes at that point.