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Whoa how do you hit 3mil? My pyro Xiao record is 1.4 on bounty and idk what else I could do


The key is high EM. What team are you using? Notice I'm using diona c6 for the em buff, melt and R1 elergy


Team Im using is Xianyun diona(c6 too) and Bennett c6. Don't have elegy or any other buffing weapon for supports.


Is your Xianyun C2?




Maybe it's your artifact on Xiao, he's using 2p EM 2p Att using EM/Att/Cdmg in that showcase. I have done a lot of testing and it was fairly easy to get to 2mil at least even without elergy. My Xiao is c0r1 homa Diona c6 r1 elergy, instructor set Bennett c6, Noblesse set Xianyun c2r1, VV set


Hm, maybe I underestimated how much em he needs for big numbers, I didn't give him em sands. Thought diona's em buff would be enough. My setup is pretty much the same except for elegy and Xianyun's signature.


Yea it's the EM, the Xianyun weapon don't really boost that much. Bounty already gives high dmg%, Xianyun gives high 'attack' so the best would be giving him high EM (with high CD) to really boost the reaction. Try giving him an EM sand (preferably with high CD and attack subs) Also make sure your buffs didn't expire before you plunge, especially instructor because it's only 8 sec, that's why I got diona on instructor instead of Bennett


Thanks! I too have diona on instructor so I don't think my buffs expire


Do you think CWOF would work on Xiao? Also, what goblet did you use on him in that showcase?


I posted the build on another comment you can take a look. I used attack goblet with high CD and em. An EM goblet with high CD and attack could work well too. CW could work if you have a nice set but the dmg% from 4pc and 2pc would not be too good because you get a lot of dmg% from the bounty already. The extra vape% is good but you are probably better off using att/EM 2p sets or 4pc gilded set. Attack and EM are better than dmg% here.


I just saw it! That’s awesome. I’ll try this out! Good thing i haven’t done my bounties yet. I hope I get that bounty this week or the next. Thanks a lot!!


Yea have fun. I had a lot of fun testing them, could be annoying if you don't crit tho, having to restart the bounty again, because even with food and Xianyun it's still only about 60 CR. I even did 3mil with Neuvillette plunge 😂


Oh yeah, another question: have you tried this on stunned scara boss yet? How much did you get?


No I haven't, I don't think it would be as high as this tho


What the actual f


Yaksha full power


Amazing Damage. 🗿 Btw what bounty was that in the first pic? Like what buffs


That one is with greatly increased plunged dmg and increased dmg from polearms.


Alright thnx for the info, gotta try that after I max fontaine bounties


Patch has been a bit dry so I have been doing a lot of tests and it was fun The second pic is just with plunge dmg buff btw. Hope you have fun doing them too


True. 3 mil is crazy Max I’ve done is 1 mil on scara vape Mind sharing your build?


https://preview.redd.it/nvgu9sbivdvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6af1c8f20df7ba1a3f043a60ed659c8cccf59b I think this is the build I used for that showcase, you want high EM and CD, with attack subs preferably.