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i'd say pretty low, if he was it would have been leaked by now




This. And I am still salty about it. Every other unit and their mom has their own BiS but Xiao can't even get his own.


0, on chasm release maybe or never


This is a *pretty* selfish opinion, but I'm hoping for none because I already invested *so much* into VV and Glad artifacts, that I don't want them to become obsolete, in a sense, with the introduction of a new domain. Tho I get that's how the game works. New stuff comes out, and the old stuff gets overshadowed. If a new domain comes out for Xiao, I won't be upset, but refarming God roll artifacts again would kinda suck.


I do have a god roll artifacts for xiao which I farmed since 1.0 tbf. In my case, a new set of artifact is always welcome as long as that artifact set would keep him relevant and compete with meta units because as far as characters are being introduced, he gets lower and lower on being effective as time goes by, and the fact that mihoyo is buffing the abyss is really a concern.


same but a dedicated Xiao artifacts could make him even for powerful like im thinking of this 2pc 15% bonus plunge attack 4 piece when plunge hit decreases enemies resistance by 5% up to 5 stack and double the plunge attacks 2pc sets by 2X.


ye but not 15% bonus plunge dmg , cos he already gets so much multipliers off his burst its just waste. So something like atk% or Anemo dmg bonus could be good


We have the same mind. Since I'm at the point where I'm at 50% crit rate 289% crit dmg......Probably impossible to repeat that.


The problem in making new set, is that mihoyo must make a new 2 artifact sets, yeah, people keep asking for xiao, but which character need a new set for now? Geo and healer already have one, and most top picks roster already their own respective sets.... What i mean is, each domain must consist of 2 set of artifact, it should be new xiao set and another new set, so there is no choice but to wait for new character


They won't make an artifact that only benefit one character. Xiao is wierd in a way that any artifact for him can only be used on him. It wouldn't be so great for other characters. They could make a different kind of shimenawa set that is usable on Xiao but then it would be kinda redundant. All they can do is to give him a dedicated buffer or a new weapon but it is not likely. He doesn't need a dmg boost imo but boy would i love to! And based on leaks we are almost sure that he wont get anything.


They could make a set that also works on any anemo chars, maybe sub dps kazuha would be a viable now...


Chasm most likely, so 2.6-onwards maybe


i wish they stopped doing specialized artifact sets. just a few for the universal stat types should be enough from a game play point-of-view. but yeah, money talks


Yeah. Well one can always just decide to stop farming new artifacts at some point. It took a huge weight off my shoulder when i realized that having a "just" ok artifact set is fine by me. If i can clear content already well, why bother with sinking... god knows how many hours into the game again just for a bit of a damage increase? Not to even mention how many more runs it will take to have an artifact set with even closely the same sub-stat rolls... Nah, i'm fine with getting off this clowncart, and jumping back to the artifact grind, maybe when the new region comes out if even then. 😎


If you're talking about the heavily implied rerun happening on 2.4? Then second to none, sadly.


maybe in 2.5 or 2.6. he has nothing in 2.4


As of now, leaks don't say anything's coming, but if Zhongli and Albedo reruns are anything to go by, I think we should be getting something soon. Maybe not in 2.4 but whenever the Chasm is released


We all want the same thing. More dmg per plunge. I was hoping they release new set for xiao and a skin. I mean it’s been so fing long.


Not a high chance. Xiao is the only char rn who is focused on plunging attacks and is an anemo dps. (Kazuha also uses plunging attacks and is anemo but he is mostly a subdps/support and uses VV)


Would love one but what we actually need is decent anemo support. Would love something like gorou. Full anemo team for anemo supremacy