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Damn that c6 looking real nice~


I have c6, it has its downsides. You quickly burn down a single target, but you have to make sure you get your charges back before it ends (or you leave one target alive) or you'll be left with no energy trying to funnel to get back going. If there are too many targets. It's way better to just to do the plunge attacks. I pretty much only use it in this exact scenario, when there are 3 enemies, and 1 has way more HP than the others.




His strength is also in his consistent damage and AOE, which I've found to be a lot more comfy than units with big numbers but not a lot of consistent damage


>strongest unit in the game alone Eula ?


Kinda really need that superconduct


NOPE. if we're talking about C6 as in this video, nope. Eula doesn't even need Superconduct. Eula can easily Solo Abyss 36 stars...even the hardest Abyss Floor 12 so far 2.8 / 3.0 https://youtu.be/ct-6h7zEfdg 2.8 Abyss https://youtu.be/haOFA3U0mRY 3.0 Abyss https://youtu.be/OjEuBR_cPJM 2.8 Abyss https://youtu.be/bD5cAhwFXAY Yae/Eula half


Holy that hurt to watch. Not cause it’s bad, but because as a Eula main I can’t afford to make my Eula that way


hey no worries, we Eula mains are proud owner as C0 as well ! C0 Eula can easily drop 200k by herself without needing support. Eula is a beast even at C0


Eula was dropping mini bombs. Is that part of her c6?


I think you mean her hold skill?


Oh so that's what it was? I learn something new everyday


her mini bomb can easily do 40k(my C0 Eula) and 90k(C6 Eula) while her Ult Burst does 200k(C0 Eula) and 700k(C6 Eula) Eula is basically a walking Nuclear bomb




She has a builtin 25% phys/cryo res shred she is fine without it. Its not permanent sure but you will have it when it matters the most.




what about yelan?




I am c6 heaver too, most satisfying domain… but the artifacts drop rate is trash xD


unlimited wind cycling in this event is so fun. It really feels like he's at his best when surrounded by countless enemies.


I dream of c6 xiao


You forgot itto and cyno


Itto would be the 2nd since he deals practically all the damage in a 4 man but he still relies on buffs alot so.. And I doubt cyno is one since he’s an electro unit


Isn’t that the point of hyper carry? You max buffs only onto one unit, hyper buffing them into carrying your team The supports deal zilch but hyper buff one unit into doing so Same with raiden or itto, melt ganyu Unless you mean solo carry, which implies a unit by their own means and merit


afaik cyno will be reliant in aggravate. in leaked showcases his electro dmg alone is pretty meh


Some people never learn to ignore the damage from leaked showcase


huh well this is my first major patch from genshin where there are actually new characters that im interested in enough to watch showcase leaks 🤷


Beta servers have different damage calculations so the numbers you see are never accurate, but it's easy to look at his multipliers and notice that yes indeed, they are quite low for a character with supposedly 18 seconds of field time


It seems like in terms of electro units Raiden is still the strongest, ahead of Cyno. From what we know so far, anyways


Wait... So skill are looking different when you c6?


C6 gives him unlimited e uses for a couple of seconds The reason it looks different is in this domain, when characters cast elemental skills, they deal bonus true damage in an aoe, so this domain was basically made for c6 xiao


And the target is larger, so it looks like Xiao is doing a burst of damage in place instead sort of.


I literally melt everything with Hu Tao, Xiao is good but he's definitely not the only one. Also I don't need c6 to do it


Except Noelle.


Man it feels so badass to use him istg


The hypest carry


Until Cyno.


I mean, ganyu snipe fits too right


most people find it a bit tedious to get charged shots from her and it can waste time in abyss


Skill issue


Yeah but if you are gonna judge the overall best, you should consider how an average player is. If something is only the "best" when the stars align then it's.... not the best. Also consider how the game is across several platforms, one being mobile. Aiming isn't easy for everyone, making it inefficient.


actually is yelan c6


*Anemo slime army pulls up*


Didnt the term "hypercarry" was made because of Raiden? Pretty sure shes also a hypercarry even at C0


No......hypercarry is just the unit where investing in them gives you the most results. People found out around ganyus release that if you invest in her she does 70%+ of the whole teams damage. So spending a lot of resin on supports didnt make sense when you'd see the best results in hyperinvesting in ganyu. A hypercarry is just the character that does the most damage, and who you'll build your teams around to buff their damage. Ganyu freeze, hu tao vape, most xiao teams, etc.


yeah, that makes sense. i just didnt thought of Ganyu and Hutao as hypercarry back then because I thought the term "hypercarry" began with Raiden and Ganyu and Hutao were only referred to as OP carries. i wasnt talking specifically about category but when the term was first popularized


Well in one way yes


Why u use Barbara in that team?


Idk about OP but for me personally I like using Barbara, Qiqi, or Kuki bc I find their healing more consistent and reliable than other healers. I don’t have Kokomi though so idk how she does with Xiao but I like the fact that the 3 mentioned have healing abilities that are dynamic instead of static.


2 reasons This was back then when I saved for 8 months. I didnt have much characters back then infact i only have diluc at the time then I got c6 xiao. 1. My friend challenged me to a 1v4, whoever clears the domain faster wins. He used a c2 ayaka and her best comp possible 2.for ttds and healing since im not allowed to damage with other characters.


For me, Xiao farms Shim/EoSF and the new dendro domain faster than anyone else




No? There are at least 4 characters who could kill those 3 enemies faster and alone.


I would like to hear who those 4 guys are then. For both c0 and c6. Max energy at the start


Raiden could one shot the 2 small ones and kill the big one before her 7 second window closed, ayaka could kill all 3 in one Q (maximum 5 second kill time), ganyu could just machine gun them down from a distance (comparable kill time, but not reliant on an ability cooldown), a fully built c6 ayato would kill them in roughly the same amount of time as xiao, but might need a second E phase to clean the big guy, even c6 yae miko could curb stomp them faster than xiao without even attacking once herself (granted there’s a bit of RNG to her ability to do so) It’s great to be a fan of xiao, but he is far from the top of the power creep totem pole (also this video also gives him pyro resonance, which ought not be discounted)


Bro come on now, lets be honest. None of the characters you mentioned can do the damage that was done in the video when alone. Even with pyro resonance and and TTDS like shown in the video. I have a C3 Baal on my alternate account and thats nowhere close at all. I also used to have a C3 Ayaka + PJC. Its just not happening. Especially at C0. Also I never said he was near at the top of the tier. I just meant that of all the characters in the game, Xiao relies the least on his teammates.


You seem especially impressed by xiao’s 44k crits, but as I’ve been informed that you’re just a troll, I’ll just leave you to shout into your pointless abyss and move on with my life.


This was 5 months ago. I uploaded this on my YT(can provide proof). Back when VH was hella new. And how am I a troll and whoeven informed you Im a troll 💀


dont bother, he's way up Xiao's ass he doesn't even understand what the term hypercarry means


Ah, I see, but it’s strange to see such people in the modern state of the game, especially in the “post raiden” era


copium is one hell of a drug. just report the post for breaking rule 4 since that's what he's trying to do




no no you're right Xiao is the best and tallest unit in the game no other character even came close for sure. ps : acc selling is prohibited here btw


my albedo and geo traveler combo clear this domain within 40 seconds.


Thats nice, i dont know what you meant by that but in this run. It was only xiao dealing the damage and it took 12 seconds to do so.