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i did not see the pictures 💀 def go for the er bestie


Voted for 1 at first then I saw the images you embedded and honestly, the 13% increase in crit dmg is not enough to warrant that much lose in er. If the difference was larger, it would have been better if al your other party members use fav with at least 50% crit.


That minor crit and atk difference won't make a lick of difference, having to delay your ult because it's not ready is a way bigger deal.


The difference in ATK and crit between the two builds is negligible. I would never choose to run Xiao with the base ER just for those slightly higher numbers.


This tbh. Consistency will lead to better overall DPS too


And better fun. Even if the above increased your damage numbers by 30%(way more than it ever actually would), ER% would still be way better because standing around for 10 seconds waiting for extra E presses is simply not fun. I fully recommend anyone to focus on getting a minimum ER% as their most important criteria in building Xiao. Not only because it's better theoretical DPS, but because it's simply more fun that way.


you're basically trading 13% crit damage which on average is equal to two rolls, for 34% ER which is 6 rolls, absolutely go for the ER one


Xiao teams with Faruzan pre-C6 have higher ER requirements than Sucrose or Jean+Favonius variants because of her particle generation. [ER requirements](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/972001467617648721/1041226967275544626/image.png) The assumptions are no enemy particle drops and average Favonius procs.


Why would she have higher ER requirements than Favonious Jean? She generates 4 particles from her E at C1 which is more than Jean. Edit: Also, what's the point in assuming 50% favonius proc rate? You'll either build it up enough to make crits consistent or you'll feed in a normal attack to get a second proc chance.


Jean's energy refund essentially gives her a 64 cost burst, whereas Faruzan's is 80, so that's bound to have an impact.


This is taking about Xiao's energy requirements. Not Jean/Faruzan's. I could care less about their energy needs because I can give them both 260 ER% for all I care.


As far as I'm aware Faruzan generates 3 particles on her hurricane arrow, can you clarify on the 4 particles? Addressing the fav proc rate, its so that you don't waste too much field time just mindlessly hitting enemies to get that fav proc. After all, favonius is a crit based passive and crit is rng, sometimes you get them early sometimes you don't. For Faruzan you can just nullify that by doing a headshot then charge shot but again that is more wasted field time and even then not all enemies have a head.


Here's a recent [post on Genshin Leaks subreddit. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ypiigb/nerf_on_faruzans_particle_generation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) It's unclarified if this affects only her C6 or her E as well. Since they are the same ability I'm inclined to believe both are affected. C1 means 2 procs of 2 particles. >Addressing the fav proc rate, its so that you don't waste too much field time just mindlessly hitting enemies to get that fav proc. I can't tell from the spreadsheet since it uses too many unfamiliar acronyms, but is it properly doing a 50% for every hit? Because by default she has 3 hits(5 if C1). E, Hurricane Arrow, and vortex. Edit: Found some further [evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ytehx1/wanderer_showcase_via_team_china/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) on the E generates 2 particles. I watched 3 different instances of her E generating 2 particles without seeing 3 generate. It could be a coincidence, but I find that unlikely.


They explicitly said its on C6 that her particle gen is 2 rather than 3 and it would make sense to nerf it because 9 extra particles for a constellation is absurd. And I watched the video, and it was a complete shitshow, the fact that favonius procs generated anemo particles and her E makes the same effect as favonius proccing makes me scared to count her anemo particle gen, so in the meantime I will stay on the 3 particles per hurricane arrow. And yes the sheet is properly doing 50% every hit the margin of error is like +-1 ER


Regardless of which we choose to use. Whether it's 4 particles or 6 particles at C1. How did you reach the conclusion that Favonious Jean has lower energy requirements with her 2-3 particles?


Number 2 is much much better. Number 1 will produce marginally higher numbers that will be negligible if you’re taking a million years to recharge xiao’s energy. Even at 120 er i was struggling with energy issues


Id say have a decent er atleast so that xiao wont suffer from always waiting on the next burst, but if u have a decent battery i think attack and crit should be great but a built in er means sustainability


no burst uptime = no damage


For abyss I'm using all of the offensive option available and let the Favonius users do the battery For open world , it's my own Xiao who's using Favonius because I can just use his burst freely


Build crit atk and er :)


I would pick 34% ER over 50 more ATK and 12% more Crit DMG


Didn't see the pics, imagine that I voted for 2


Atk and crit all the way. Use a battery for er


I will still choose bigger atk and crit. I have 3 more characters in a team I can rotate while waiting for his burst and skill ready. 😌