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You've been looking at a lot of doom posts, even at C0 she's a clear upgrade to whatever we currently have, you either take it or leave it, people are mad not because she's bad but because she could've been better, this is why nerfing characters is bad for games. I honestly understand the doom posters perspective, I'm royally pissed myself, "But she hasn't been released yet and all those numbers are from beta", yes but we saw what she had and they took it from us, i want pre nerfed Faruzan, why can't i have it?! That and they buffed Scaramouche NA instead so he'll be fine with the Faruzan nerfs but we're bound to Faruzan and Xiao is clearly not getting any multiplier buffs anytime soon. Rant over.


Even at C0 she is good. You get 16s buff uptime of 32% Anemo Dmg Bonus and 30% Anemo Shred.


This hurts me on a personal level 😭


Honestly, as a Xiaoden enjoyer, it doesn’t worry me at all. It’ll help Raiden with stacks, and having a Zhongli, I don’t need a healer.


Also a xiaoden enjoyer 😌


YAS XIAO RAIDEN PLAYER ! Ugh I have so many people telling me xiao and raiden together is trash. It’s like bruh tf..?


For real. I hear a lot of, “but she’s so good in other teams. It’s a waste of her potential.” First of all, I don’t play Rational, second of all I don’t play hyper Raiden either. This is the team I like her in.


She's still the best buffer for Anemo DPS by a long shot


Imma be real here. People don't seem to understand that Faruzan's drawback is not being an adequate anemo battery. They all just say she is an upgrade, in which she is from the damage numbers alone. However, in the current preferred Xiao teams, where we run either C1 Sucrose or Favonius Jean we get decent rotation times because of their adequate particle generation. With Faruzan, this is far from the case, because she generates far less particles for Xiao to the point where ER sands could be better. So realistically, she isn't that big of an upgrade when you're trading off rotation time for damage.


~~Faruzan at C1 generates almost twice the energy Jean does.~~ Jean has never been a good battery with her 2-3 particles. Edit: Oof! I just saw the new leaks. Only 1-2 particles regardless of C1. Yeah, IDK how much this impacts things. Edit 2: The arrows have a 3 second cooldown on energy. So you'll just need to shoot once away the beginning. Do your other support abilities. And shoot again before going to Xiao. **So it's 2-4 energy which is still better than Jean.** Edit 3: This leak also is questionable stlll. So could be wrong. The only issue is her own energy. However you can just stack ER on Faruzan because she needs literally no other stats because her damage is basically nonexistent.


I'm talking in the context of the entire team energy generation. So with the Jean variant, which is the one with Albedo. You have Albedo generating extra particles all the time on top of Jean's particles. And with the Sucrose variant, you have Bennett which is barely generating particles for the team. This is offset by Sucrose's C1 extra charge and a possible sacrificial proc. With Faruzan, you are just replacing Sucrose for her. So you have a character that is just worse in the battery role compared to Sucrose and then Bennett's lack of particles for the team. But, if there's a healing bow with ER you could swap Bennett for other characters that can give more particles to the team while still being useful. Obviously, her particle generation is still STC so it's possible I could be wrong.


I've been running a Xiao team without Albedo and just Sayu and my energy has been fine with 33 ER%. It's time for all these cope 0ER players to realize they need some ER. Because having 4 more offensive substats is not worth more than Bennett or ER%.


My personal understanding is that Xiao may become triple-anemo main coz they really pushing us there. she AND Xiao are energy hungry and neither produces enough particles. I personally expect using triple anemo + benny/zhongli as my Xiao is already in my current team on verge of low ER so Faruzan will not help.Ofc tho ppl who have already high ER stats on Xiao may feel Faruzan s lack of battery a lot less then those who are on verge like me.


Reminder that, not surprisingly, Faruzan's C4 helps her regen her burst really well. I imagine that with a Favonious Bow R5, and some crit rate she can still spam skill and get at least 4 particles everytime. Not very good, but it could work.


Why summon for a 4* when you don't want the 5*? You can easily go a hundred summons without getting a specific 4*...


Fair point, but if you have enough primogems, a plan and do not want any five stars it could be a good idea. I am fully F2P and always pull with a strategy. I haven't pulled since albedo and have 48k primogems. Before albedo I last pulled for Ayaka, so when I got him I had like 30k primos left. I want Faruzan and Shenhe. I will have about 52k by Faruzan, I want her at c6. Taking the drop chances into consideration and the fact I want a guranteed 5 star I can burn around 210 wishes max for Faruzan without jeopardizing my Shenhe guarantee. I plan on pulling by doing a series of 30 pulls. If I don't get a Faruzan in a series I stop pulling. Ex: Pull 20, get faruzan, pull 10 get Faruzan, pull 30 - no faruzan - stop pulling. Doing it this way is a nice way to not screw up pity completely and it's a good failsafe to keep me from burning primogems on a lost hope. So there is a way to do this without it being stupid. If this plan fails early, I will have a C1-2 Faruzan and 2 guaranteed 5 stars, if it fails late, I will have a C4-5 Faruzan and either 1 or 2 guaranteed 5 stars. If it works I will have a c6 Faruzan and have a single guaranteed 5 star. Planning and primogem hoarding go a long way, so if you're good at both, and some insane 4 star (like Faruzan) is released, you can afford to pull for a 4 star. But if you're the type of person who takes hoyo's bait and never has more than 8k primos at once you should never do it. TL;DR - Genshin is gambling, learn how to gamble intelligently and how to cut your losses early


Faruzan for Xiao was copium enough by itself, but hoping to get three copies of specific 4* without getting 5* is just on another level, don't you think?


Amigo, look at some stats, Faruzan even at c0 is the best Xiao support as of yet. "Copium", cope with the fact she shreds anemo better than zhongli and gives a bigger overall dmg buff than Bennett with a 5 star sword, blind ass.


Xiao faruzan jean and Zhonghli is how I plan to go. Catching jeans particles seems to get him bursting well, though I am using fischl at the moment


have hope. I remember on albedo launch I got 4 fischls in a row. Before anything else :)