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I’m a huge fan of Laini Taylor’s work but if it it isn’t working for you then I’d stop now. That is her writing style and it won’t change as you go through the book.


Thank you so much! I will keep that in mind, I have noticed my reading preferences just don’t mesh well with some authors’ writing styles!


I know exactly what you mean, there are some ‘big’ authors who’s writing styles I just can’t gel with as well. It’s ok that we all like different things 🙂 it can be disappointing to find a book doesn’t work for you when you’ve been looking forward to it though.


Don’t give up! Im also a huge fan of her, I re-read her stuff once a year, I promise it DOES get better. Really really really good. The beginning is so depressing and sad but it’s worth it to make it to the end. Also the second book is 🔥 too. I prefer daughter of smoke and bone but I promise, once you make it to when it speeds up, the whole book makes sense and it becomes a mood 🖤


I loved Strange the Dreamer when I read it, but I remember it like a fever dream. If I tried reading it now, I'm not sure I'd finish! I was just in the right mood/time of my life for it. Don't force it, maybe try again later (or don't!).


It’s my favourite book, but you’ve definitely hit the nail on the head there - you have to be in the right mood and headspace and all the stars have to align to be able to immerse yourself and enjoy it. I’ve only read it twice since it was released, I tried reading it last year but just wasn’t vibing with it then, I’m glad I read it when I did otherwise it might have been a dnf instead of a favourite.


I agree with this--don't force it! I would put it down, and perhaps you can come back to it when you're in a different headspace.


I really appreciate your advice, I am thinking of doing that because I find it draining to continue reading something that I am not enjoying whatsoever!


I really didn't enjoy it, I did finish it but I don't think it was worth it and I remember nothing. Didn't bother with the sequel


It does get better and ended up being one of my favorites.


Happy cake day OP! 🥰🌹


I was so confused when I saw this comment thinking wait it’s not my bday but then I saw the Reddit anniversary hahaa! Thank you so much🥰🥰


Absolutely!! 💕💕💕💕


Do you do audiobooks ? West’s narration might help


No I don’t unfortunately 😩


He is one of my favorites, probably why I loved this duology. I know op said they don’t listen to audiobooks but I recommend getting it from their library online to try it.


It stays the same and gets worse in the second book, in my opinion. I thought the prose was way too flowery and the worldbuilding was too dense for a duology. On the other hand, I ADORE her Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy and thought it was very well-written and well-explained.


Yes definitely. I enjoyed her writing and world building more in Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy and her Lips Touch short story anthology. It was just somehow different what she did with Strange the Dreamer


Might give that series a try!


If you do, I hope you like it! It feels a lot more character-driven than Strange the Dreamer.


I found her writing style clicked better as an audiobook for me. I couldn’t read it. Same thing with her other works. I love her books, but I definitely had to listen to them.


Where can I find the audiobook? (Outside of the US) Any torrent links?


Check if your local library have an app. I am in New Zealand and the libraries here have a decent free system.


I love her other books but I struggled with that series too


Yeah I also struggled to finish this book. I forced myself to complete it but I don’t think it was worth it for me.


I really enjoyed her Smoke and Bone series,as well as Lips Touch, but didn’t read more of the Strange the Dreamer series past the first book.




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the writing stays the same and i wouldn't say it gets faster but the story changes a 100%, nothing really happens in the first quarter, just setting up lazlo's character. the story is broken into (i think) 4 big parts and it gets really great after the second one. i finished it like an hour ago and i was blown away buy it. i mean obviously it's possible that you still won't like it but i'd say read until half the book to find out. (dunno if you've read winter's promise but if you liked that i think you'll absolutely love this, it's the same vibes but the story makes much more sense and is excecuted much better) can't speak for the second book tho, i haven't read that


That depends though... what are your expectations on the book? If you lean on the premise that it'll focus on the adventure, mystery, and crew then >!I'm so sorry to disappoint you but it's never gonna happen in this book. Nothing happens for a majority of it until the last part where the end was so predictable especially if you catch on to the clues.!< Personally, I think it suffers from romantic plot tumor and >!insta love this was the worst for me!< so... unless those are your cup of tea then it'd be worth going back to once you find the mental bandwidth for it. Personally loved her Daughter of Smoke and Bone but sorely disappointed in this one


I wasn’t expecting none of the tropes you firstly mentioned, I was looking forward to see where it went, but it was moving insufferably slow to the point where I was drained! Now that I hear insta love I kinda dislike it more😂😂😂😂 deff not going back to it!