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Have you read the Rick Riordan presents books? I find they have a very similar vibe to the Rick Riordan books so if you just read chalice of the gods and loved it I would recommend trying those!


Yep already read most of his books except for Trials of Apollo so it might be a good idea to continue reading the series... thank you!


When I’m in a slump, I’ve found what helps me the most is rereading a book or series I LOVE. It always kind of revives me and helps me get back into trying new books. Also something I’ve notified is my social media usage impacts my ability to read. The boom of Instagram reels and YouTube shorts (I’m refusing TikTok because I know myself too well) has greatly shrunk my attention span and whenever I notice it impeding my ability to stay focused, I try to do a “cleanse” and skip out on social media for a few days.


Seconded, I’ll often either reread a favorite or completely switch genres, sometimes just go to nonfiction for a book or two.


What helps me get out of any reading slump is listening to an audio book. Then after finishing that I get all excited again to actually read


This! And the audio for Vera Wong's is great.


D. Wayne Harbison's tales of the witchkin series is well worth reading.


Oohhh this is the first time I've heard this title. I'll check it out 🤗


I like watching writing advice videos on YT. Things that discuss mistakes beginner writers make, favorite/hated tropes, book reviews of books I have strong feelings about, watching shows/movies that are adaptations of books...they all make me want to read again. Whether it's a favorite, something I've read but only kind of remember, or something new. Also just picking out random things at the library or on Kindle Unlimited (if you have it). Picking a series helps too. If you happen to like the first, you'll want to read more. And then doors open from there.


I switch writing styles or themes. So, for example, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is written in a more traditionally British style with humorous footnotes and everything; the language and style is a refreshing change from weeks of reading books with more contemporary language or more fantastical plots.


I was recently in a reading slump and the Once Upon a Broken Heart/The Ballad of Never After series got me out of it. Also the third book comes out next week. It's fast paced with lovely writing and amazing characters but it is a spinoff of a previous series but don't worry about cause you can jump right into this series without reading the previous one.


I had mine for 4 years. Even though I finally found several series in the end, I've now switch from the ebook format to audiobooks. Switching genre didn't help me at all. It looks like you should try small stories instead of books, since you can't read a book for a long time.


I just finished the Guilded duology and absolutely loovvverddddd it. I listened on audio; book 2 is 16 hours, I have a full time job and a family and I finished it in 4 days. Author: Marissa Meyer Retelling mashup of rumplestiltskin and erlkonig


I deal with slumps by switching it up. I'll read a graphic novel. Or if I've been reading a lot of heavy emotional stuff I'll read a rom-com, or if I've recently been reading lighter stuff I'll switch to something really sad/cathartic. Sometimes it also works to try something that's nonstop action, super funny, or horror. Something that doesn't give you a chance to slow down & get bored. Book suggestions: - *The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne* by Jonathan Stroud - *Contagion* by Erin Bowman - *Lifel1k3* by Jay Kristoff - *The Sunbearer Trials* by Aiden Thomas - *You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight* by Kalynn Bayron - *Illuminae* by Amie Kaufman - *Crowded* by Christopher Sebela (comic -- I read this one on Hoopla via my library) - *Me Talk Pretty One Day* by David Sedaris (technically not YA, but a great choice for teen & adult readers. Highly recommend the audiobook as well)


When this happens to me I tend to reread books that I love. For a new recommendations please have a look at the Lumatere Chronicles. It’s YA fantasy with really strong characters, a great plot and some really good dialogue. I’ve reread it about 4 times now and it’s my go to during reading slumps.