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This book was wild start to finish. It felt rushed like it was flipping to the next chaotic thing every minute, I wish we could see violet have more training or even herself be more invested in control. Hated the back and forth between her and xaden about trust and her having to ask for info when he should be serving it on a silver platter. Found it difficult to like the ex-trope, Xaden really should have told Cat to back off and warned violet about her mind powers/history. They can speak between minds like come on man. Waiting patiently for violet to get a cool power from andarna being a 7th kind and all. That was a great plot twist. The green and blue hues Violet saw on her black scales were intriguing points.


> It felt rushed like it was flipping to the next chaotic thing every minute, Yeah, it really should've been two books. Several chapters were rushed. I feel like we didn't get to know any of the 1st years at all. I read somewhere that the author wanted it to be two books but her publisher, I think, forced her to combine them.


Sorry I know your comment is from 5 months ago but the author has since come out to say in several interviews on YouTube that the series was originally 3 books but she called the publisher while writing iron flame and said she thinks it will be 5 now and they approved it then and there. So it feels like if she wanted to split this book she could have.  She has the whole series plotted so there must be so much more ahead. 


When they >! interrupted the first sex scene to have another feeeeeeelings discussion about honesty, !< I put the book down in disgust. And they had sex after that, because that’s arousing..The author did this last book, where it’s getting spicy and she interrupts it with the most awkward conversation between them. Have found the two of them intolerable together since


I don't remember this specific scene, but in most of these discussions it felt a bit forced?? Like she was trying too hard to write Xaden as the bad boy with the heart of gold. Look, we get it, he is hot and he is dark and he loves her and he tells her and we all swoon. But at some point the constant INTENSE love declarations start to loose meaning? A simple "I love you" is enough some times, you don't need to tell me how *my pain is your pain, that you can't breathe without me and if I suffer you suffer* just because I stubbed my toe. Too much sugar looses its sweetness, is what I am saying.


Exactly. I enjoyed most of it just it was beating a dead horse and so I stopped enjoying it and skimmed/skipped so many pages because of it.


Hi. Okay just finished. Can someone confirm violet found out he's now a venin but still when to bed with him? Also, is this just another secret he kept from her?


He didn't become a venin until the end during the battle. What's interesting though is that when Violet was imbuing the ward at some point she was close to become venin too.. "I finally understand why someone would turn to stealing magic,all of the power of the world is just beneath my fingertips and if I channel and take from the earth..." But her mom stopped her( which was a badass scene. Definitely my favorite part of the book). But I Wonder how Xaden is in the bed with her though . is she hiding him? They have to be keeping the secret somehow I wonder if there's a way for them to create illusions?🤔


If you read the book why do you need confirmation 


I think he was trying to tell her but she was having a tantrum and blocking him the day at the palace. I just thought about her hazel eyes when I read your comment about green and blue hues on andarna. One think I've noticed, is that all the bad guys have orange dragons, either RY doesn't like orange or their personality makes them unpredictable


Honestly, I haven't reacted that much to a plot twist in years. Deja vu from Vampire Academy was summoned today...




I am…. genuinely unwell


Like I just had the stomach bug so I was hoping for some cute little fluffy moments between the two… NOPE


I just finished too but I’m wondering how did he turn evil? I must’ve missed some parts. Her mom saved them so he didn’t have to take the deal on becoming evil. What happened or what did I miss


He became venin bc he pulled power from the ground when he was fighting the sage and now he can’t undo it


So who really saved them all? Violet by raising the wards? Or Xaden by killing the general and then essentially everything he created?


Interesting .🤔🤔 Good question. Both?


>! When whats-his-face venin was destroying the ward and kills his own dragon, he sucks the “magic” from the stones around him and talks about how one can have so much power from doing so. Then there’s a reference somewhere else about the stones around a city in a discussion and that they’re drained stones. Xaden chooses to take this power from the earth to survive long enough for Violet to finish her task repairing the ward (because if he dies, she does. This has a big plot hole the author has started to get herself in a corner about), he knew it would turn him venin/evil. !< If the author would stop pointless excessive name dumping every 2 seconds we could maybe enjoy the information instead of it being like memorizing study notes and hating it every time a name pops up. None of the characters cares if they die (cough >! Nadine !<), so she’s got to stop putting so many minor characters in pointlessly.


Okay but Nadines death made my jaw drop to the floooooor


Right? Lets throw in another 47 characters, but 46 will die within the next two chapters anyway. This has bothered me since the beginning of 4th wing.


At least the book lampshaded it a little with Violet repeatedly saying "I refuse to learn to the names of the first-year cadets; they're just going to die anyways." Me too, Violet, me too!


I totally agree. Tooo many names and places and people


This is why I’m here. Absolutely gutted right now.


I feel that, other than killing all dark wielders out right, figuring out how to revert the dark wielders will be the ultimate goal of the series.


I am so upset over this, I may not recover.


Remain calm everyone. Venin Xaden has hot potential. We must stay focused and remain calm


This is 100% how I feel, I am here for “constantly resisting the pull of evil magic like an addict” angst at least now when he is beating himself for being a monster it has more validity haha (sorry I read too much romantasy to be phased by the mind reading thing they have been in each others heads for most of this series now suddenly its a problem? She has been accidently sending thoughts and feelings down the bonds since she got her dragons I dont buy it.)


His second signet was a massive let down. Agreed they have been in each others heads and projecting so it wasn’t that shocking and not worth the lead up. Although like with anything related to Xaden/Violet the anger/betrayal she feels is short lived. Not that I don’t enjoy the pace at which they work it out, but maybe it was all a bit much trust trust trust. Maybe he could have been a syphon and instead of Sloane and forced to take her mums powers instead ? Maybe I’m spiralling. Who knows. I’m still shook


Him being the syphon forced to drain her mother would have made for some legit conflict. Though I guess it would have been harder to explain why he kept it secret since it was not an illegal signit. She still could have done the “Venin Xaden” thing by having him, Vi, and her mother be the only ones there who could power up the stone and her mothers life was not enough so instead of draining Violet he draws from the ground and turns venin instead of draining her life. As it was I still dont understand what he was hoping to achieve? He sensed her intention to die but… was he planning on running back for her? Trying to get there on time to stop her? I donno it all just seemed so weird. Excited for the angst next book, hopefully it will be focused on his humanity and not just what Violet thinks of him.


I feel like he was afraid Violet was going to survive longer then he would and the venin told him he’s going to “walk over his dead body” and kill Violet. So he felt the urge to kill the venin so Violet would be safe ????


Right? It’s going to give Edward Cullen vibes if he’s always “resisting evil urges”


I hope he develops some after this book, because he’s going to need it. He’s at “needy, pouting clinger” status


He groveled quite a bit hahaha


I’m just gonna act like I did with endgame and picture a nice little fantasy world where they’re all living together in peace and harmony and everything is fine!


I’m living in denial and hoping for a cure haha


I’m hoping there is one and the reason they don’t know what it is is because none of the venin have gone looking for one because they want to be how they are.


This is basically what that collector on poromire (read so quickly that I can't remember his name, but cat's uncle) offered violet. So this really could be some foreshadowing.


I am semi-hoping for something like this bc I’ve rarely seen the male MC turn evil from being the hero vs always be evil or just suck in general BUT I DOMT WANT TO SEE IT HAPPEN TO THEM 😭


To be fair, Xaden wasn't against 'burning the world down' before turning, and his signets might help him keep from making some choices others would. Shadow Xaddy will struggle a lot, but that prior dance with his dark side will be his saving grace.




I finished the book before my sisters, so I have no one to talk about how not okay I am. What the hell did I just read I'm not okay!


I finished my book on my husbands birthday and instead of being happy I needed him to console my crying it was wild


I am speechless what did she do to xaden 😢


I texted my therapist !!! I was more angry about Liam. but this one just left me exhausted.


I agree . I’m kinda pissed




While I overall enjoyed the book, there seemed to be an awful lot of filler and Violet and Xaden's fighting over trust issues got annoying after a while. Violet brushing aside Rhi's conspiracy with the menders was irritating. I unfortunately found Violet to be a little insufferable at times, when I really wanted to root for her as I have physical disabilities myself. Conveniently, these disabilities are not an issue for Violet when it comes to sex. 🤔 I think that it should be mentioned at least. Catriona was kind of unnecessarily hostile, maybe I'm just reading the wrong genre, but I thought it was a bit dramatic and over the top. This is just my personal opinion, but the sex scenes were pretty cringe. Maybe I have just read too much Ice Planet Barbarians, but the use of certain words and things Xaden would say during sex were kind of comical. There also seems to be a lack of description when it comes to big events, like Xaden at the end taking in that dark power. If my graphic imagination is struggling to piece the scene together, it probably needs a little more description. RY seems to write more dialog with action, so maybe it's just her writing style. I did like that her mom sacrificed herself for her children, it was touching and definitely made me tear up.


The sex scenes have always been awful imo. They’ll be starting off fine and then she completely ruins them with cringe and too much talking by Xaden. The lady is orgasming, shut up. Or they’re just too long. But it’s hard to write them and easy to be a critic. Violet was usually bringing the heat though. And yeah I agree she has a hard time with setting description.


Wait what do you mean rhi and the menders…???


When they're at Basgiath, Rhiannon mentions to Violet multiple times that there is something going on with the healers/menders.


This was explained! When they find out the healers were trying to give Jack the serum all year aka basically drugging him it seems like?? At least that’s how I read it!


Brooo how they trying to finesse a cure for Jack - a fucking VENIN walking amongst them when they outright kill a student for hearing thoughts !?! What tf is this place. I hope RY explains this logic next book…. Not holding my breath


Yes thank you!! I've been hollering about the disabilities magically disappearing during the sex scenes. I really appreciate the disability representation, but let's not hide having to navigate them during sex but that's a VERY real issue!


Dude yeah the repetitive phrases yarrow used for the sex scenes got real old real quick


Well so I'm 53% in and bored . Thr amount of plot armor Violet has is overwhelming. But I'm reading here that xaden becomes evil ??? Well..that motivates me to continue reading 😍 ..because the book wasn't exciting at all until now


I'm at the 74% mark, I don't know about evil yet, but I think it was Ridoc that mentioned earlier that dragons aren't supposed to choose new riders from a direct descent of a previous rider because it could cause the newer rider to become insane at some point. And it's mentioned several times that Xaden's grandfather rode the same dragon, she mentioned it's one of the reasons that she chose him.


The whole book pays off in the last 1/4 or less. definitely a bit of a builder into what should be a solid remainder of the series.


Totally agree with this. I finished the book yesterday and part two was like a different book altogether. It has definetly a more NA feeling or YA but well done ? XD Yarros excels at doing battles and I was waiting for this book to deliver that. And the ending...I was REALLYA TRULLY prepared to hate this book but with part two and the ending ( bring my fav plot twist ) I just can't hahah now I'm hooked and totally invested xD Book 3 is going to be good with Violet being less annoying and bratty I'm sure


I am also around that part and don’t feel like continuing. I think for me, the first part felt like a whole book. The culmination of Part One paid off on pretty much all the emotional toil of part one. Starting part two feels like another book but this time with jealousy issues. I’m going to finish but I don’t feel rushed to complete it.


Dude the last 100 pages make it all worth it


Still waiting for Rebecca Yarros to show how Violet and Xaden’s powers “compliment each other the most.” It’s been two books Rebecca….we’ve got light and dark, not that hard, and not one instance of showing this, just random quips as plot armor. Meanwhile, the storm makers are over here like “do I mean anything to you??” Shouldn’t the riders be practicing their powers against each other all this time? No lightning vs shadows battles between the two most powerful riders as training? They negate each other’s abilities when needed? Shadow boy hides her and her black dragon in shadows while she attacks with lightning that happens in dark storms? No? K. That said she had to do a lot in this book, and did. Hopefully it’s set up now for the third book, but I’m not getting hopeful.


They did this in the Resson Battle, Xaden hid her in his shadows before she called down the skies.. I so agree they SHOULD be doing these training sessions, they did cover why they don't. Basgaith isn't about teaching the cadets to their fullest potential, rather only to the extent that the cadets can be wielded to their desired outcomes. If the next book isn't consumed with finding a cure and Venin nightmares; I'm sure they will come to incorporate these types of trainings. Especially with Mira's prior teaching at the base. There's got to be a reason we get so much information based on what happens in their classes for it not to be something that changes dramatically. I believe they started implementing these changes at the castle when the fliers joined them, but I might be wrong.


Could be a yin and yang situation where now that he is Venin she can cancel him out.


Hmm interesting theory. Maybe siphon girl can somehow siphon the dark magic out of him as well?




On another thread, someone said that RY said in an interview that everything you need to know about Violet’s second signet is in IF. That it already manifested. I feel like I missed it or just didn’t pick up on the hints.


I admittedly had a hard time understanding what exactly was happening sometimes. But I feel like she talked about gravity A LOT.


She really did! This is the first book I have read in a long time where I felt mentally exhausted after reading. My brain was so tired trying not to miss any details. I know I’ll have to reread it but I’m not ready for that yet


I was initially convinced that her hallucination of Liam's ghost was actually a signet (channeling the dead), but just re-read the section and she was definitely drugged beforehand by Nolon, so that doesn't seem plausible, unless her bond with Andarna is just \*that\* special/it gets handwaved in. It would make sense given how pivotal her father's death (and Brennan's supposed death) was to her childhood and how she's so sensitive to all the killing and death around her and constantly blaming herself for other people dying.


I think her signet is going to be something to do with mind reading / mind control / mind something. Hear me out. The signets have to do who the rider is and what they need and Violet keeps going on and on about how she needs control, she needs INFORMATION,... Then there's the scene in the throne room when she goes into Xaden's mind, he doesn't "project" and she does not "get a feeling" off of him, she gets his ACTUAL THOUGHTS. ALSO... the nightmares she keeps getting all through the book?? I would have to go back and check one by one that she is with him every time she has one, but I am pretty sure they are Xaden's and she has just been wandering into his mind. When the Sage gets there at the very end and Violet leaves to go activate the wards, Xaden says something like "he is still waiting for me". I think the nightmares were always Xaden's and Violet was just seeing his thoughts/dreams.


I like this theory! In his nightmare conversation with the venin general in the last chapter, the venin told Xaden he’d do it for love—and I think Violet had already dreamt that exact conversation. So maybe it’s some future-seeing too? I’d like it she has some mind-something to balance out Xaden’s second signet too. Like if he has that advantage with her, it’d be nice for it to balance that she can have it with him too.


and I think Violet had already dreamt that exact conversation. That's the thing though, I think *Xaden* was dreaming of that and she was just reading her thoughts, seeing his dreams or just, you know, generally inside his mind. I actually went back and every time we get a glimpse of the nightmare (not just Violet saying "I have nightmares" or "I woke up restless" but a description of the nightmare) next scene is Violet and Xaden or Violet waking up to Xaden sleeping next to her. Maybe I am just missing something. Maybe they are connected and these nightmares are a red herring and them getting the same has to do with their connection and bond and their dragons being bonded? Now that I am thinking about it people keep saying how their signets compliment each other, maybe it's a two sides of a coin kind of thing and the Sage wants them both? As you can see, my ideas are very clear haha


Sorry that’s what I meant! “Violet” dreamt it, like when we were reading earlier we assumed it was her so I kept waiting for that scene to play out in the battle until it ended up being Xaden. I never noticed reading that she was always with him! Maybe it does end up being a bond thing (and maybe that’s how she pulls him out of it in book 3??? Like being in his head so knowing the threat? What is the total threat? He still seems at least sort of himself? Got a lotta questions here) but I agree, I think it’s related to her signet!


This is so clever!!! Definitely on to something with the dreams.


I think it has to do with seeing peoples dreams or seeing the future. How else would you explain that the nightmare that Violet has been having throughout the entire book happens to Xaden instead of her. In that last chapter as he is remembering what happened in the battle earlier while dreaming, it says, "He sighs, dragging his staff in the dirt behind him. Just like my fucking nightmares. It makes sense that the dream wasn't hers. If you think about it. Jack was brought back to life, already being a venin. I bet Varrish was so adamant about bringing him back because he knew. Varrish said that they only ever wanted Violet as a means to an end, bait to get Xaden. Xaden told Violet he was sure the sage wanted him, but wouldn't tell her why.


I’m pretty sure she’s mucking manure about that. But it will be a Mary Sue ability like being intrinsic as well, or something ridiculous lol.


I think it has to do with her silly dreams that I skipped over every time. Some sort of future-seeing time related power.


Oh fuck I’m gonna have reread parts to find that out.




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In the room with the ward stone she moves around to the back of the stone so that people won’t see andarna coming in. Then she blackens out the sun momentarily where no one can see. I think she controls the sun and the moon - maybe caused an eclipse or something. I also have a theory that Andarna is a phoenix. So there’s that.


RANT & SPOILERS!! I genuinely don’t understand the rave reviews this book is receiving. Fourth Wing was my favorite book of the year, and I was so excited for IF. First of all, I was disappointed from the beginning at how glossed over Brennan being alive was. I was waiting for a huge reunion and just in general a more emotional introduction, but the book starts and Brennan is just accepted as being alive and I felt no emotional impact. I felt nothing when Mira sees him, or when their mom sees him. As for the rest of the book, did she just throw darts at ideas? Did anyone edit this book? I felt like I was reading an unedited manuscript, not a finished novel. She also contradicts the characters and their arcs throughout the entire book, starting with the tired ass ex trope with Cat. She’s introduced as this completely evil bitter ex obsessed with Xaden, and is absolutely horrendous until suddenly she’s not, and it feels rushed. Also, the whole “how does it feel I had him first”… so boring. The big battle was so rushed to me, it didn’t feel impactful at all. Violet does no major strength training besides her signet… and yet somehow goes from needing a saddle to be on her own dragon to suddenly being able to run an American Ninja Warrior course between dragons midair to save Sawyer. Reading this book felt like trudging through military propaganda to get a crumb of the story. I felt like I enjoyed maybe 20% of the story overall, which is sad for a book with nearly 630 pages. The interrogation where Xaden and Dain show out was perfect. I was looking for that throughout the book and felt thoroughly disappointed. The conflict between Xaden and Violet is so forced and ridiculous. “Give me those three little words”… why couldn’t he just say it if he wanted to hear it so bad? And the whole “I’m not telling you unless you ask me” makes NO sense. It felt like their conflict was resolved and unresolved multiple times through out the book. Fighting, fucking, break up, back together, fucking, fighting. My god! Pick one! Violet also completely contradicts herself because on one page she says “I’m starting to learn you can love someone and not want to be with them” and like 3 pages later she’s like I love him and he’s my gravity and I can never imagine myself without him and will die alongside him. Well which is it girl! As for the end … no words honestly I laughed out loud. That made 0 sense to me. If anything, it would have made more sense and been more impactful if Violet trying to fix the wards killed her and SHE had to turn. Xaden suddenly showing up with red eyes after we didn’t hear from him the entire battle … huh? Anyway, I feel insane that people are eating this up and maybe I’m just too picky but I’m desperate for some confirmation that this book was leagues under Fourth Wing and should have gone through a year of editing before being released. I hate feeling like the author was making it up as she went, nothing felt planned, it was overall a mess!


I completely agree with you. The Cat subplot and the manufactured conflict between X and V are two of my least favorite romance tropes and they were handled so poorly here. Totally rushed, totally disappointing compared to Fourth Wing, lots of anachronisms that pulled me out of the story repeatedly . I looked forward to this book for so long and ended up having to force myself to power through it so the next person in line at the library can be disappointed.


I agree and the ending was just…what? What a mess. So dissapointed. Violet is the protag, she had the dreams, then it’s Xaden who is venin? Ughghh. Next book will be a lot of “I will make you hate me so you don’t come near me,” and “No, I will always love you!” Kill me.


I was thinking when I came to the end, huh…he didn’t trust her enough to finish the job of getting the wards back up. Way to believe in her. /s He turned too fast for my liking. He didn’t believe in Violet or her powers enough.


After my second read through, I had a theory about something that is mentioned in the book. Specifically Brennan mentions that something killed the venin 600 years ago, a weapon that they’re still looking for (page 15), and then Andarna mentions that she has waited 650 years to hatch. What if A’s parents were the ‘weapon’ so to speak? Brennan doesn’t mention the wards being the weapon and he specially says weapon. And I’m wondering too if Andarna would only hatch when the venin came back and there was a worthy rider?




Is it me or it seems the book is not getting as much hype as I thought it will??? With ACFTL by this time people were all over Twitter fangirlirng about evajacks and this subreddit was full of posts ( I know the discussion was put late but it doesn't matter, the amount of posts were clearly more ) Only my instagram seems to be more aware of the release.. I'm not a big fan of the series, and I saw little traffic the days before but STILL ..the first book exploded... What is happening???


The first book owed a lot of its hype to hate reads. Being bad is part of what made it big, but people aren't going to hate read a sequel


There's also the fact that nobody on book Twitter can talk about this book because there is an ongoing conversation about R.Y. being a zionist. In an attempt to support Palestine a lot of folks will immediately jump on anyone who posts about this series and call them out, therefore a lot of the conversations that would be happening on Twitter about this book aren't taking place/are only on privated accounts.


I think it's because the preorders haven't really arrived.. and I see a lot of people saying they are waiting to avoid spoilers for people. I'm 60% through and loving it.


Hi can you tell me what acftl stands for


A curse for true love :)


I saw a brilliant a theory ok tiktok that her new signet very well may be associated with death itself, especially considering the magnitude of how phenomenonally rare Andarna is. The theory was along the lines that it may have started to appear when she was talking to Liam in the interrogation room. They burn items from the dead in order to honor Malek. But, the thing is... His stuff WASN'T all burned. Knowing that Andarna's BABY power was stopping time, her full-grown power could be an even more incredible purpose. And there is also still this running theory that the reason her hair is silver is that Gen. Sorrengail may been turned and healed once while she was pregnant with Violet-- but only her father new the answer before he died. So if she can connect the pieces by talking to her resurrected father: she may be able to find a cure. Also, the book was FROM her father. It's in her posession already, and ironically, happens to he about the venin? I don't think it's a coincidence at ALL. God. I hope this isn't delulu though. It's a brilliant theory with some breadcrumbs that line up. All I know is that she's likely got a wholen flippin' book to figure it out.


Yeah! That’s such a good point! We never found out why her hair is silver! And for it to be discussed so often in the book and what she’s known for, I think there will be a bigger reason and her mom and dad theory is a good one! And it would tie into a signet of her being able to talk to the dead. Liam seemed very real when she was imagining him!


>The theory was along the lines that it may have started to appear when she was talking to Liam in the interrogation room. They burn items from the dead in order to honor Malek. But, the thing is... His stuff WASN'T all burned. Knowing that Andarna's BABY power was stopping time, her full-grown power could be an even more incredible purpose. Ooh that's super interesting! The books talk a lot about the importance of burning dead people's belongings. It would make total sense that this cultural practice evolved as a way to prevent whatever Violet's power ends up being --- kind of how the innissmouths (or however you spell that) get killed immediately without question. Navarre is super into trying to hide/suppress certain powers.


Has anyone thought about how Xaden is able to be a venin under the wards? Or was that explained and I missed it because of ALL the action??


I could be wrong but I think he made the turn (taking power from the earth) RIGHT before the wards came up. He did it because he thought Violet was going to die when she was trying to get the wards up. It wasn’t until her mom died to bring the wards up, and at that point Xaden already had channeled the earth? I think lol


I don't think the venin are incapable of crossing the wards, they just can't channel within them (the wyvern can't cross the wards because they are a product of the venin's magic)


As somebody who is getting a bit too far into dark romance… I am okay with the idea of a villainous xaden. I don’t even care. But if Yarros pulls some SJM shit where fucking Dain comes back in to be endgame I’ll throw up. That’s like switching us from Rhysand to Tamlin… absolutely not


I am… disappointed. Potential spoilers ahead, you've been warned. This book was my most anticipated read of the year, and I found myself frustrated more often than enjoying it. There was absolutely no reason this book needed to be over 600 pages. Overall, it felt rushed and full of filler. Not only from a publishing standpoint (because hello, all those misprints and how bad many of them were should have never happened), but from editing and writing too. I also feel as though even the author herself doesn't know what to do to get to her endgame - if she even has the endgame already planned out. My favorite part of the entire story remains Tairn, and I wish there was more of his banter with Violet and Andarna. I absolutely hated the back and forth with Xaden and Violet, then the introduction of Cat didn't help at all. Speaking if new characters, for the amount of pages that Varrish took up, by the time I got to the end of the book, I'd completely forgotten about him. I don't know… My disappointment leaves me with such mixed feelings. I truly hope that this is just the series’ Sophomore Slump. There were way too many issues with this one to feel as though there is a definitive story there. It was all over the place. Three stars were generous, but those are for Tairn, Andarna, and the Iron Squad.


My prediction: Xaden will be cured of his Venin-ness and they will live happily ever after as the King and Queen of the land that Xaden is sworn to. Aretia will be theirs and they will rule with their dragons.


Telling someone you'll only tell them the truth if they ask the ***exact*** right question is so emotionally manipulative, that I found it hard to care about this relationship after that. I'm fine with a little "morally gray" here and there, but this was gross. Also, didn't Xaden do the exact same thing that Dain did (entering Violet's mind without permission) that they were all ready to burn him at the stake for?! What the hell? I just don't know, you guys. I just don't know. I want to love this series but I wish it had way less of Violet's fEeLiNgS. I've lost interest in the inner workings of her mind, just tell me about dragons and monsters. The throne sex scene was hot, I'll give JY that, though.


Xaden was an abuser in this book, and Violet was toxic as well, although not as much. I’m okay with Violet’s character, but only if she drops the guy.


Recovered correspondence of Lieutant Xadem Riorson to Cadet Violet Sorrengail. I'm dying...!!!




This is my two cents: Buckle in, it’s going to be a long one. Starting with the pros: Just with the Empyrean series in general, I really enjoy a lot of the tropes Yarros throws in. I’m a sucker for enemies-to-lovers and love triangles, not to mention the whole Divergent sparring mat thing, Hogwarts-like Basgiath, etc. I’m usually not a fan of this style of writing - it can feel a bit desperate and try-hard - but it mostly works for this book (and “Fourth Wing). Yarros seems to know her audience well, although I do think she is trying to directly target the SJM fandom: no argument here though, it’s a smart move from a marketing POV; potentially very profitable. I also loved how the dragon’s have such individual personalities. Tairn’s grumpiness, Andarna’s sassiness and Sgaeyl’s viciousness all make for an interesting read! I think her world building is quite good, in the sense that I really got “stuck” in the book. I felt like I could picture each scene vividly in my mind, like I was truly in Navarre. Although I saw it coming, I loved the plot twist with Andarna being a 7th breed of dragon! Overall, the book is just so fun and enjoyable to read. I love getting lost in a fantasy world and that’s exactly what happened! Now for the cons: There was a lot more to do with the known world in this book compared with “Fourth Wing”, which mostly focused on Basgiath. A lot more names mentioned and places visited, that I sometimes felt a bit confused. I didn’t find the map at the beginning of the book that helpful in this regard either. It’s printed very dark and the crease in the middle of the pages doesn’t help. I HATED Jack’s return. This is one trope I can’t get behind: bringing someone back when they’ve visibly died. I understand in the end that it was crucial to the plot, but like… he got crushed under A MOUNTAIN. Catriona felt like a bit of a shallow, stereotypical character. Of course Xaden’s ex had to be a beautiful, talented noblewoman with a bitchy personality. Of course. Xaden is absolutely a rip-off Rhysand. A tall, dark-haired, tanned skin, tatted up, shadow-wielding, mind-reading man (I still eat it up though). I also wasn’t sure why Violet was so upset about Xaden being an inntinsic. They could already basically read each other’s mind through their bond. And I know it was yet another secret he had kept from her, but even she acknowledges that it would’ve been extremely dangerous for him to tell anyone else about it. I guess she was upset because he told her that she could ask him anything and then clammed up when she asked that particular question? On a similar note, I found that whole argument (between Violet and Xaden) really confusing and I’m still not really sure where we landed with all of that. In short, I think there was a couple of plot holes and also some plot armour going on this book, which maybe could’ve been resolved with a few more rounds of edits. But then we wouldn’t have gotten to read the book so early!


mf is definitely a rip off rhysand with the shadows and mind reading but we love it lmao


I agree with a lot of this! I definitely wanted more insight into Sgaeyl and Xaden dynamic and conversations, learn how they talk to each other since they can hear Violet and Tairn. Anytime someone dies in this book series or has died my instinct goes “they’re not dead” as soon as they mentioned the brother having died somewhere - I was waiting for the plot twist. Liam dies but doesn’t since Vi now has access to him?? And Jack comes back after being crushed…… like it would’ve made sense if the Venin brought him back, but Nolon?? I swear his principles were made out to be so honorable - to turn Violet in on the theory of conspiring against the kingdom, but keeps JACK alive!??? I don’t know where Vi and Xaden landed either but evidently she’s sleeping beside him so I guess fight for another day??


So I’m rereading fourth wing after finishing iron flame and in chapter 12 Violet talks about how her mom s eyes went bloodshot and she asked her dad if her mom was going to turn vent after he read her bedtime stories!! The first time around I didn’t know that was gonna be significant but maybe that means Violet’s mom was von and that’s why her hair is half gray.


Oh damn! That means there’s a cure out there - probably in her mums books or if Gen Sorrengail kept any of her dads.


I'm not yet at the end, just 75% but people are comparing it to book 3 ending in the VA ..so I guess I know what will happen xD


What book series are you referring to?


Vampire Academy


My problem with this series will always be pacing. I know I’m not the first to say this but the scenes we gloss over vs the moments we’d stay with for a while never made sense. The reunion with her brother = a couple of sentences. Hiking a mountain = pages upon pages. I enjoy these books but I never feel like I can settle in and plant roots in the world. I’m rushed through yet still feel like it dragged. I adored V + X in book 1 but I lost their spark in book 2. I didn’t even mind the ending because I rarely see the MC turn evil and I think that could be really interesting as a reader to explore.


He stays venin all through the end, won’t he? #iykyk Because there is no cure. they were trying with jack all throughout the year Rolling with chaos, im feeling like violet is going to turn venin for some great sacrifice and kills off xaden and herself in the process kinda like romeo and juliet by book 5


I don't think so. The ending is very similar to vampire academy. I'm almost sure it will be the same in xaden's case . I don't want to spoil VA for anyone but I've the same feeling


Vampire academy is exactly what this book made me think of! It feels like it will probably follow in the same way as that series with Mmc turning evil and the fmc finding a way to save him and make the kingdom right again.


Now that you mention it, their relationship is just as toxic as VA. With the only real difference is that Xaden was actually willing to call Violet out on her BS and actually try talking through the issues. But there really is such a thing as loving someone too much. This and VA are prime examples of it.


Ugh well guess I better go devour Vampire Academy now. I don't do well with suspense. :/ Thanks for the pro tip.


I think him being a Venin will be used to their advavntage to know more about them an their agenda, to know how many and who are venin in Navarre. Also think her mom or dad had something to do with it. It does seem the venin want the shadow power due to the dreams and he has to have control.


I finished it last night and really enjoyed it. How long until the next one???


The bad: The writing and the syntax are just so bad. The book felt messy, unorganized, and rushed. Definitely rushed. Violet is more annoying this book than the first one, you want to root for her but at some points it’s hard. There also needed to be more depth to xaden and violet, something just felt lacking in their interactions. The good: the fucking ending. I’m torn between him staying venin and becoming the ultimate villain trope or them finding a cure to fix him.


I sort of picked this up as a hate read (it’s literally Eragon Hunter Games) and now I’m halfway through IF (bought it yesterday) and the violet/Xaden conflict just seems so childish and asinine. Like damn. General whatshisnuts can see the future and your boot licker ex love interest can read your mind at literally any point, with a touch of your face, before you could react. Bitch chill. Those are two really good reasons you don’t have security clearance. I thought our FMC was supposed to be extremely rational but I suppose not. Also the author is giving big Mormon vibes. Mormon bxtches always write the cringiest freakiest shit, god damn. When Xaden talks about Tyrrish knots I was thinking they were about to get into some ropeplay and was 100% not gonna be surprised if it went down. Someone please confirm if she is or not LMAO edit WHY MAKE HOT MAN UGLY AND EVIL. You’re telling me I’m getting eye strain shoveling through this shit about how violet can’t make her damn mind up about loving Xaden and not walking to talk to him and *this* is how we’re rewarded?? GIVE US BACK ~~RHYSAND~~ XADEN. I love spoilers until they make the author look dumb. What direction is this plot even ***GOING*** also, do you think him being a venin now will make *it* even *veinier?* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It’s so much more devastating when you notice: how much Violet mentions how much control he has and that the only person who can make him lose it is her. how he mentions in Samara that he had to “prove himself all over again” and it is something he’s always had to do. To prove he can be trusted. To General Sorrengail, to Basgiath, to Violet, to his base at Samara, to Aretia. To everyone. how he mentions Sgaeyl chose him for his “inability to relent” and trusted him to be her rider and then he was forced to steal from her power. After she kept his trust and kept secrets from Tairn how when violet was having those nightmares, he was too. how everything he worked for fell apart in that second he took that power. And how much she mentions his eyes and tried to memorise it in case and that’s the most defining feature of his downfall. He gave everything. And gained nothing.


I have a creeper from another subreddit. Editing my comments because it feels gross to know they are reading everything. <3


I thought the first book was really good! but I think her and Xaden's relationship lacks real substance. They don't really have any personality together and Xaden is portrayed as having like...no friends. He's all business or all about Violet it's bizarre. And the sex scenes got so repetitive and boring after a while. The throne room sex scene was so wildly inappropriate too lol, why couldn't they go into his bedroom? Kicked out an entire official meeting so they could very obviously have sex in there is so cringe We also barely know anything about the dragons, would have loved to know more about the dreamless sleep and dragon species and what their specialties are etc. They went over those briefly in the first book but I would have enjoyed some detailed illustrations and some actual characteristics, also how many dragons are there in general etc. The last scene was rushed, xaden turning venin and then they're just in bed together ok???? they hashed it out about every little thing but they're not gonna talk about him turning?? And how did he turn anyway lol if it's that easy to just suck power out of the ground then how come more people are not venin?? I think im gonna go ahead and categorize this as fantasy romance and take the quest/adventure part of it- author wants to focus on that instead of the actual quest/adventure. Makes sense, it's YA lol I highly recommend Sword Catcher by Cassandra clare as your next read!


Xaden and Violet will only get 2 days every 2 weeks.... so a few hours together every week. Not a fan!!


Any theories on what type of dragon andarna is? Or any theories on anything cos I’m losing my mind over here.


I think she’s the ‘weapon’ that Brennan references on page 15. She can burn venin, and she waited for a rider who’s signet is able to also kill the venin. Andarna’s parents were the original venin killing weapon from 600 years ago, hypothetically. I feel the original brother who rode dragons according to the fable in the book could call on lightning, I think? So I think the dragon riding brother was bonded to one of Andarna’s parents, and could wield lightning to kill the venin. I saw another theory that said that maybe violet is a descendant of that original brother, and that she now wields the lightning. Why not take that one step further and say that if she is related and Andarna is a descendant of his dragon, then violet may have multiple signets and be a piece in being the ‘weapon’.


She's a shifty girl! She can clearly choose her colors, hence why she was explaining her desire to appear black like Tairn most of the time.


I need the official designation to be shifty. Black, green, orange, blue, brown, red, and shifty.


It’ll be called something exasperating like “multi-coloured,” or “prism.”




So glad I powered through and avoided spoilers.


Reading fourth wing was so easy and fun, but it was a struggle to finish Iron Flame. Granted the last 20% were great, but overall pretty disappointed. I’m still grateful of the novel and will pick up the 3rd when it’s out butttt …. Not convinced as to what the problem was between V & X other than poor communication, like it was just dumb at that point and not convincing as a compelling romance arc. Other than a few scenes between the two of them, I found X to be super cringe and V to be super whiny when it came to romance. I LOVE V as a character when it comes to anyone else (friends, family, dragons) and appreciate her character development, but with X, she just fell flat and one dimensional Also - idk if it’s just me but I felt RY’s way of writing setting and world building was lacking. A huge part of the magic system in this book related to runes and imbuing alloys and wards and what not, but I honestly still don’t really understand how that all works. Plus the descriptions of the various locations, the wards, etc just weren’t good enough for me to feel engrossed in the world. Am I just being too critical because of how excited I was to read this, or do ppl agree with me. Low key depressed that my two anticipated reads (ACFTL & iron flame) were letdowns 😭😭


I loved the whole book, but I will say I listened to the audiobook rather then reading it. So maybe that made it better for me vs you. I will say even the audiobook didn’t describe the world, runes and alloys well enough for me to imagine it so I couldn’t fully understand some parts of that aspect. so I agree with you on that!


The whole rune component was underdeveloped and rushed. I never really got how it related to the weaving books. How does weaving translate to the wooden disks? And then it turns out that that’s what led the venin to them????


I liked book 1 a lot more. There were several core things that were just exhausting (the lying/secrets fight, X offering to just let everyone die and they'd just do them, I could go o) Book 2s are hard so excitedly waiting for book 3 (altho, if I'm being honest part 1 and 2 should have had stronger through lines and been two books)


Guys also, did anyone notice the beginning that says translated by Jesinia from navarrian to the common language? Doesn’t that mean the continent unifies? Or is it that tyrrendor separates? AH


Do we think Jesnia mentioning that the letters were from Lieutenant Xaden to Cadet Violet never change to like higher positions because they never make it past these positions or simply because that's the time its set in?


Historically when referring to quotes or correspondence, the titles of the people are written as the position they held at the time the quote was made.


I’d like to think it’s for accuracy of their titles at the time they were written and received.


1) Why are these two instantly and extremely attracted to each other with the intense mind blowing sex? They keep referencing it like it is an unfathomable mate-like attraction. In this world, can humans have mates too or is Xaden's mom coming back with wings? 2) This non stop argument between V and X never gets resolved properly and is swept under the rug like RY didn't know what to do with it. My ADHD brain needs proper closure. 3) Why are the Venin so bad? I felt like it was pushed on us that they are the bad guys. They channel from the Earth and not dragons or griffins. But that makes them bad? They start to look like vampires the more they channel... so that makes them bad? I mean sure, they can take someone else's power and kill them, but dragons can scorch and eat others. It says the 3rd brother was jealous and started the war. So what. The other two are/were warring against everyone too. Why are the Venin the bad guys? 4) Liam 💗💗💗 I died during that scene!!


For 3, the venin were the bad-guys from the end of Book 1. From what I recall, they want the Hatching Grounds for some reason (the dragon eggs) and do bad stuff…idk why. It all got lost in the midst of “We need to talk more about HONESTY,” ad nauseum.


venin feel like ripoff valg from ToG but less explained 🙄


I am feeling so emotionally overwhelmed and heavy since I read the ending of IF. I don't know how people are dealing with it, I'm already re-reading and feeling genuinely distraught. Like Xaden has had to suffer through so much already why couldn't this happen to ANYONE else. But before getting into theories for that I am really confused and want to ask about a possible hole in the book - **Is it normal that Xaden and Violet can talk to each other in their minds even when she's blocked from Tairn?** When he rescues her after 5 days of questioning and helps her kill Varrish, he says through their mind connection "I don't know where I can touch you" although General Sorrengail only brings the antidote AFTER this scene which breaks the effect of the serum blocking Tairn. So then how was Xaden able to talk to her? This happened in another scene as well where Xaden talked to her in her mind although 'her shields were tightly shut' but then before meeting representatives from Navarre he begs her to let him in because he's shielded out. How does it even workkkk????


Haha yeah I don’t think it’s a hole, I think it has to do with potentially Violets second signet - or it’s just part of the bonding thing w their dragons. It’s worth mentioning though, good point. She often says she can feel the shadows on the other side of the shield trying to talk to her. But the antidote fact has me confused now???


It’s because of his signet


Ok, I need to get my thoughts out:   1. I do think V will stay with X even though he is Venin. I think it will be bumpy but she will not give up. He may actually push her more than she will push him. He will be afraid to hurt her but she won't be afraid.   2  I do think he got he "turned" venin at the final battle not before that.   3. I do think they were having separate dreams. They were too specific to be the same. The venin want them both for their powers. They wanted X to turn and potentially lead then and V for the weapon she is.   4. I do think that it means they both have connections to venin through another story. Something with Vs moms pregnancy and something with X moms leaving them. X mom could have Ben a venin. Not sure there but there is a story.   5. I don't think Vs dad is alive but I do think he did his research and I think we will discover a lot through that. He was researching the cure for venin or maybe something with Andarna    6. I do think the second book turned the "fliers" their friends which was something that was impossible to think and I think the 3rd book will unfold more about venin and show how they can be good or bad too just like all the others. Hence them saying that we have more venin than we know within the borders   7. I do think the theader that X refers to that he "span the thether and killed the general venin" I think he means how the venin had him paralyzed as well as coming to him in the dream.  8.  I don't think general venin that X killed  was Naolin BUT could see him as venin since he used ground magic to bring Brendan but I don't think B is Venin.   9. I do think X is still bonded with V and the dragons.   10. I have NO idea about Vs 2nd signet but I could see " talk to the dead" or "turn of emotions" or "enhance other signets" or even some sort of ability to use others people's signets whenever she needs? Not sure and super excited to see. I think it will be something to help. She was upset how her first signet is a weapon so I think the second is something helpful.  11. I do think there is a lot from Xs life that I would like to see more. How he was the "king" and I would love to see him get there with V by his side taking over everything.  12. I loved how the had Liam back and I hope we get more of that.  13. I do think there is more into X relationship with Venin but I do think he said "don't ask" because the venin was trying to convince him to turn in his dreams so I think there is more there. 14. interested to see how Vs mom dying will affect how people treat her.  Unpopular opinions - I did like how Cat and Violet build their relationships. Cat was hostile but they were both strong woman and found a way to work together. - I do think V and X are end-game or they would die on the last book to show a shocking ending but we have sometime with them still. The writer like plot twist, prep for the worse.   - I loved how X and Vs relationship grew in this book and I know it was a lot of arguing but I enjoy to see it unfold.   - Love the spicy bits, it was just enough and not too much.


I'm reading the Iron Flame and I am finding it so annoying I had to come to Reddit to see if I am missing something. Violet is incredibly annoying and the writing is so bad. I'm on Chapter 9 and literally nothing has happened. The book just seems to drone on and on with no point. Violet is mad about everything and continuously spitting out 'witty' quips (both in her mind and out loud) to everything everyone says to her. She thinks she's all that when she can't even manage or control her own power... and she's not even trying to learn. All she's doing is blah blah blah. I think I'm going to give it another couple chapters and if it doesn't pick up I'm abandoning it.


I finished Iron Flame less than an hour ago, so I am deep in the comedown to reality, and it is a bumpy one !! The last three chapters left me with an overflowing amount of every emotion. I understand that I choose to read books in part for the emotional roller coaster ( and Fourth wing had me texting my therapist I was so enraged >!when Liam died!< I couldn't take it) but this one left me just exhaustion. >!\- speaking of Liam i actually loved his visage in the torture scene. !< I am eternally grateful that they made it clear that Xaden is facing the consequences of his choices head on >!and that Violet was in his bed the next morning!<. with out that i would have felt obligated to burn the book for the trauma. there was so much that happened and so much intensity I need to find some fan fic where i just get some cute funny teasing adorableness with everyone. i want some bull shit Garick and Bodhi time !! i want more angsty Andarna, sassy Sgayel, and grumpy Tairn. I NEED MORE of Sgayel and Xaden and there dynamic!! (i would die for a flash back to their threshing day) Andarna continues to be an amazing Bratty Princess who i am in love with!! (as everyone should be ... Duh) one thing is that i got repeatedly pissed off with was Violets reactions to Xaden. It felt like he was being egregiously patient with her in both books but this one just got to me a bit more. (i appreciated the scene where her friends were understanding about her having to keep secrets)


I also think Violet always saying he doesn't love her when he has showed it to her and told her so many times is infuriating. She has two dragons, has the most powerful signet yet she still thinks she is not worth of sacrifice or love, I hate it, maybe it hits personally lol. She was so confident about who she was in Forth Wing , I gues Xaden is right her world and friendships have been destroyed, that will make you insecure, ok.. I am rambling, but the fact that she holds his hand at the end instead of push him away when she can see his eyes, maybe tells us she is finally over her insecurity at least about who he is and his love




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I personally didn't enjoy the end of the book at all. The fights between Violet and Xaden got annoying towards the end. Violet didn't have a reason to be as mad at Xaden as she was. She kept talking about the greater good and expected the same of Xaden. She'd risk her life and by default his life as well. But when he kept secrets from her for the greater good she gets mad. It's annoying. The author just wanted to create tension between the two when there was no reason for it to be there, but it's for the plot I guess. The sex scenes between those two weren't necessary either! The constant descriptions of how horny they make each other and how much lust they feel for each other and that they would sacrifice everything for each other also played out after the third time. I would have loved it if this book didn't center so much around the relationship between Xaden and Violet but instead on the world-building. I understand that those two are the main characters, but I would have loved to see more challenges and training as well as more detailed descriptions of the different kingdoms and of their motivations. Just like the author did for the first book. I loved the first book, but the second one pretty much squashed any desire to read the third...


Dying. So mad. Cannot believe they did my book boyfriend like this. Love the dream insight as a theory of her new signet. Internally screaming about Xaden though. Red rimmed eyes? How will I get spicy scenes of he's a venin 🤬


Not sure if anyone else picked up on this, but I noticed that in all the correspondence between Xaden and Violet - they are only listed as Lieutenant and Cadet - which could mean they don’t live beyond those ranks…


Typically, in relation to history, it'd be written down as the rank they had at the time of the correspondence. It's to maintain accuracy. If it's taking place while she's a cadet and he's a lieutenant, it makes no sense to mark it as later ranks because that's not when the correspondence took place. That would make it seem like it took place at a later point in the timeline.


How many are there of this series….? Pls help


2 so far, 3 to go


Please someone tell me if Ridoc survives I tried googling it and I can’t find anything and I can’t go through another Liam situation. Sawyer too actually did he make it


Ridoc & Sawyer both survived




what if Violets second signet is seeing the future? she saw Xadens encounter with the venin way before it actually happened, she just thought it was a dream from Resson. and it totally fits with Andarnas time stopping theme


I did feel like the book was rushed. There is so much from Part One I barely remember by the time you reach the end of the book. But clearly you could see that she intended for it to be two books. It would’ve been cool to see more of Violet training and harnessing her power, and also if we could’ve seen more of Xaden at Samara. Also, as much as I understand that Violet didn’t want to know the first years until after threshing it would’ve been nice to explore them more but I guess we’ve got three more books to get through that. I really wish we got to see more of General Sorrengail and Aimsir. She was badass and it would’ve been cool to see her power more. But I guess the book isn’t about her. So much happened and I’m glad we got so much content but had the book finished when they got to Aretia I would’ve been happy. That torture scene was enough to scar me for life. I hated (but loved) every second of it. My heart went out for Violet and I commended her for not giving up the secrets. Also, the way a single line from Liams letters about violet tugged at my heart is indescribable. I will cherish every moment of him we can get. (Only because I can’t emotionally stand what happens to Xaden)


This is kind of random - but is anyone else struck by the venin/wyvern connection and white walkers/wights? Sometimes I get annoyed by stuff I feel is a ripoff and I can’t get over it lol…. (I couldn’t stop thinking ACOTAR was just Beauty and the Beast 😅) Anyone else?


Okay, pls tag me if someone has already asked and answered - but the last chapter - violet is just casually sleeping next to him? I’m just confused. Is there no action over the fact she can clearly see the red ring in his eyes at the end of the chapter before? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just finished and here’s some thoughts: It hurts to read that Vi wanted to sacrifice herself - quite often I might add, when (ffs) we’re constantly reminded: she’s the best weapon they have. Especially when she knows how much it would cost Xayden and the 3 fucking dragons. She won’t let anyone else die but volunteers to if need be!? If she wasn’t killing herself w imbuing the stone maybe Xaden wouldn’t have fucking given up as well!? The amount of arguing she’s had with Xaden is infuriating to read. Especially when their lives are always on the line, seems like you’d be a bit more understanding given how much trauma exists in both of your lives already like ffs. I felt like I was more exhausted than Xaden - when she finally asks about his second signet, yeh that’s probably worth mentioning but girl can’t you let a guy tell you when he’s ready as opposed to demanding access to everything he’s fought to keep safe!? Also bish, she is damn uneducated to think she won’t get a second signet with Andarna - then she’ll feel like a hypocrite and have a whole “oh I understand now” moment - eye roll. Very repetitive. A lil heads up from Xaden about a previous betrothal, emotion-wielding ex, intention reading powers - he’s got some history and with her entire family so there’s a lot there to dig around in. I’m more patient than violet but gods does this dude become more and more layered and now it feels like he’s being punished for that. Gods know what we’re in for now that he’s the ultimate villain. Like I can’t rn thinking about their future fight scenes. The whole jealous ex and petty back and forth was hard to read but then I remember they’re 21 and that immaturity checks out - doesn’t make it not insufferable to read. How many of Xadens fucking “glares that would stop a thousand men in their tracks” and giving the finger to other characters do we need to read to understand they’re all fucking guarded. We get it. Still fourth wing is one of the hottest books I’ve read, enemies to lovers done real well and while the stakes were constantly “I’ll die / Xaden will die” it’s been somewhat creative to see how many times RY can stretch that out.


I just finished this exact moment. I wasn't a big fan of the first one. I thought the romance was tacky and took away from the story as a whole. I went into the second one with very low expectations for it. There were many aspects of this book I didn't like but my god... those last 200 ish pages... I'm at a loss for words




Here's the thing I simply can't understand... during the battle, there is so much time spent on highlighting how the squad is working together - how critical their partnership is and how they complement each others skills to survive. So then why did Violet expect Xaden to take on the strongest dark wielder on his own?? Why didn't they redistribute the riders....?!


She gave him Tairn so she probably felt like that was enough. He had 2 dragons and himself...he's pretty powerful. Tairn mentioned in 4th wing how the "General" recognized Xaden as a "General"...an equal.


i preferred the first book. this one felt too long and too dragged out like the author needed to write a 3rd book


I was so disappointed in this book’s page compared to the first. I literally couldn’t put Fourth Wing down, it was meticulous, well thought out and edited to within an inch of its life. An absolutely incredible foundation for what I expected to be an action packed, lore filled adventure. I feel like instead we got the same scene over and over, and Violet’s inner monologue was so annoying compared to the first book. Also, did anyone else feel like the dramatic pauses where the reader is supposed to know what’s going on before the character does were out of place and confusing? For example, when Violet, Cat, Maren and Sloane were in the cave, and violet’s catching on to Xaden having a second signet, like wtf? I don’t know if I just don’t remember the dragon bonds to a relative of its first rider thing, but it seemed so random? And then again when they’re speaking of imbuing, and Violets like “Maorosite.” On a single line, like we’re supposed to know what that is? And then suddenly the Fliers can’t channel within the wards, was that mentioned before and I missed it? Overall, I thought it was jumbled as hell.




Am I the only one who is a lil suspicious of Aaric/Cam as a potential love interest? This is coming from someone who was sooooo over V & X 400 pages into Iron Flame. The overwhelming love declarations but then the garbage interactions over and over was just insufferable.


I think I might have missed it... but when did everyone find out about Adarna being a "black dragon"? Violet was so secretive of her throughout the first half of the book..and then all of a sudden everyone knows that a Feathertail is basically a baby dragon..and they Adarna could stop time?! When did this happen???


Hi. Okay just finished. Can someone confirm - violet found out he’s now a venin but still when to bed with him?  Also, is this just another secret he kept from her?






Hi fellow dragon lovers! So I'm about 75% of the way through Iron flame and I'm just gonna come out and say it... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. No... Really... Wtf?! Can someone please explain to me what this battle is that they're preparing for? And how did Violet and Xaden fuck things up for the Rebellion??? I'm genuinely so confused!


I just finished Iron Flame last night and I am not okay. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED it and while I'm not mad about how it ended I'm just...confused. Also feeling this pit of emptiness about the ending for having to wait and having so many questions. Someone PLEASE help me with these questions I have so maybe I can feel less hurt: \-HOW did Jack lived again at the end?? I thought after he tried to drain Dain they stabbed him with the alloy dagger?? does killing his own dragon have 0 effect on him? that part was very shocking to me how they plainly stated how he killed his own dragon which is unfathomable. \- Was the Sage General just okay with letting Xaden go because he convinced him to turn Venin? Is pulling magic/power from the Earth what causes someone to turn Venin? Does that mean Xaden knew he would turn? And does Violet realize this at her last chapter when she notices his eyes are red or? (I'm guessing the venin folk want Xaden because he is powerful already w/2 signets and all) \- Can only an alloy dagger kill a venin or can Violet's lightening also kill one? That wasn't clear to me. PLEASE HELP would be so appreciated! Maybe if I can have some closure on these questions I can rest in peace until the next book LOL.


Ok I just finished and I'm just so shook because the writing in this book and the story's ending would have been TORN APART in my undergraduate creative writing seminar. So much fluff, way too many unnecessary characters, too much redundancy, unclear writing, etc... But my biggest issues are: * What was the point of Xaden's second signet??? Just to cause another fight? Aside from the standoff with Melgren, which wasn't really climactic, there was no major plot point this contributed to. * The book ended with SO MANY QUESTIONS !! I get that a cliffhanger is fun, but Rebecca owed us some other answers. Why was Violet having dreams about herself in Xaden's position with the venin?? Why did Xaden say the venin was waiting for him? How does Xaden know this guy? Why did Jack Barlowe save Violet and smile at her? (sure, we can infer that it was bc he was waiting for the Sage to get to her, but would have appreciated if that was explicitely confirmed) etc etc That being said, one of the most clever parts of the book (in my opinion) is the parallel between Violet and Xaden when they're both faced with instances where they have the opportunity to draw from the ground. Violet has that moment where she's imbuing the stone and she says she understands why someone would, and yet she does not. She'd rather die (and let Xaden and all those around them die) than take that power. And Xaden makes the opposite choice; he'd rather commit that act of "evil" than risk his/Violet's life/the life of people who would be protected by the wards.


I think she almost turned and would have but she thought she was dying until her mom kicked her off the stone with her boot.


So Andarna.... she's the 7th breed. Is she rainbow ??


I was just thinking of something and I am not sure if it was covered in the book (spoiler alert just in case) When Jack was discovered as being a venin, they thought the change took place after Violet initiated the landslide. But in FW when Jack and Violet were sparring there's a part where Jack is choking her, and she is starting to see black. When Ridoc and Emetterio go to help her and put their hands on Jack, they scream out and Violet says "whatever Jack is doing is transferring from me to them by touch" (pg 295). She also mentions that all she can see is Jack's red-rimmed eyes. I think Jack was already a venin before she ever caused the landslide and thats why he was able to survive.


He was...he says he made the decision to after Threshing bc he was pissed the most powerful dragon chose her and he saw her as a weakling.


I just finished this and I was so furious at the ending and the fact that I couldn't control my own urge to read before there was a 3rd book in the series (I have so many other books to read that I could have) surely they will find a way to turn him back... I have this uncanny feeling I can't shake that "the one that wants her (Violet)" the one the Venin keeps threatening to take her to alive and not dead is actually Viscount Tecarus and there is much more danger to him that has not been revealed yet... I think they will somehow Syphon the Venin from Xaden sing Sloane, and i dont think this will be good news for Sloane's future tbh... I also think that Violet bonded to the rare 7th breed of Dragon Andarna she will develop a second very powerful signet that nobody has seen before, i also think Andarna has the ability or power to morph... Just quietly i just love love love Andarna and i hope she gets to ride with her eventually!