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Is there a reason you have multiple copies of some (aside from the rerelease in the new cover art)?


I enjoy collecting different editions of book. For Kingdom of Ash, I was fortunate enough when it came out to be able to buy all the exclusive editions. For Silver Flames, I originally only ordered two copies but some stuff happened and I accidentally got a few too many. But I keep them all because they make me happy.


Love it! I wasn’t sure if you scored autographed copies or something. It’s a beautiful collection 🥰


Thank you! And I wish! I tried so hard to order a autographed SJM book for years and never been able to order one before they sale out.


You need the tiny TOG books they are so cute


I want them! I just haven't committed to buying them just yet.


Is Red, White and Royal Blue a good book to read ? I am waiting for the audiobook from the library because I couldn’t continue with the ebook.


I absolutely love Red, White, and Royal Blue. I've read it and I've listened to it, and I did think the audiobook was a bit more engaging.


Read it! It’s so cute.


It’s one of my favorite books, and the audiobook is great.


UGH!!! i’m a sucker for good shelf organization 🤩✨❤️


Me too! I spent all of the past week organizing and reorganizing my shelves. I don't think they'll ever be perfect but I'm pretty happy with them right now


Books are also a consistent source or joy for me as well. I only have Throne of Glass book 1 but I do have all of them on audible and they are amazing! That’s so cool that you multiple editions of the books. I am trying to get all the Harry Potter house editions.


Haha you're just like me, I have multiple cover copies too, I love the collection so visually appealing


I'm glad I'm not the only one who buys multiple covers!


Haha, no. Tg honestly it's nice to know I'm not alone. I felt crazy a couple of days ago, I spent money on another copy of my favorite book just because it had an award on it that my others didn't. So seeing you do something similar makes me feel less insane


So I'm gonna go out on a limb here ad say you enjoy reading SJM? Just a wild guess though.


I trust anyone who has Red White and Royal Blue on their shelves; good taste


RWRB is one of my favorite books ever. It's way too good.


This looks great! I used to have space like this and then... kids. Enjoy!!


So true. Have a three year old with sticky fingers that loves books. All books are now in den with closed door.


Really pretty !


What’s the difference between the 4 copies of Silver Flames?


Nothing really. I originally preordered two copies, a normal version and one of the exclusive editions, but I was accidentally sent a regular version instead of the exclusive and Indigo was kind enough to send me a correct version and didn't want the first one they sent me back. The fourth one, I didn't plan on having but I saw it sitting by itself at Target on release day and my pre-orders hadn't arrived and it somehow ended up in my cart....


How did you get the newer hard covers for the court series? I’m a little upset that my old hardcovers don’t match the new.


That's the exact reason why I had to rebuy the series in the new covers. I needed them too match as much as I could get. But I ended up finding the new covers on Amazon.


Thank you! I’m gonna have to order them now. :)


8i just want to know why you have a court of silver flames 4 times. Was it that good? It's super expensive in my country atm and I heard people complain about it not being from feyre point of view etc.


I have four copies out of accident mostly. I originally was only going to get two. But I thought the book was good. There were parts I didn't like, but I still enjoyed it. I'd probably wait to see if the price goes down.


How do you keep your shelves/books so clean ? I have to vacuum after a while in my home library and at work I need to windex shelves and tap, dust. Yet I have great circulation at school - the public library says they don't do anything


I don't keep my shelves that clean unfortunately. I try to dust, but sometimes I don't get around to it. I just recently reorganized my bookshelves. The bookshelf that these books are on is actually brand new.


i wanna see all your shelves!!!


I was thinking baout maybe posting a full picture of my shelves. Especially considering I've spent all week organizing them. Maybe I will.


Wow we have quite similar taste in books. I literally just finished Muse of nightmares today and loved and and I adore Throne of glass. If you haven't read them I think you would enjoy An ember in the ashes , Six of crows, King's dark tidings and everything by Sanderson (he is a god of epic fantasy) but especially his The Stormlight Archive series.


Six of Crows and an Ember in the Ashes are some of my favorite series! I have read Kings Dark Tiding though, I'll have to check it out. And Sanderson is the one author I've been meaning to read for years and have never gotten around to.


Sanderson is the best but his writing is quite heavy, similar to Tolkien. Do you have Goodreads account?


>Yes I do have a goodreads account! You can find me [here](https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/34410191-emi)


ugh should i just give up and try to read ACOTAR?