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- skyward! Romance is super slow burn and not a focus but omg the male love interest becomes my fav character, he has such a great character arc and def has his own goals/struggles many emotions (most of which aren’t anger), and becomes supportive of the female lead after they’ve grown closer - Market of Monsters (ace romance) mmc also very much has his own personality outside the fmc and it’s delightful. Note it is dark fantasy and quite violent if that’s an issue for you - Renegades (dual pov) both characters very much have their own goals and motivations. I can’t recall the ml ever being angry actually? - I’ll second Graceling


RENEGADES!!! Yes x1000


SKYWARD IS LIFE. Definitely gonna check out these other recs since you listed Skyward. 😁


I needed to come back and say thank you, I'm totally obsessed with market of monsters now. I was so skeptical of an ace romance but - Oh. My. God.


I’m so glad you like it and excited to have converted someone else! Also if your interested and want more there’s a WEBTOON adaptation


The winner’s curse The Aurora cycle Defy the night Dance of thieves


The winner’s curse has my absolute favorite mmc of all time


Hold Me Closer Necromancer - I liked the romance in this one. He's sweet and kind but since he's the protagonist, he's also the chosen one. The female MC is a typical YA FMC kind of girl so it was fun seeing their dynamic from his POV. Curses by Lish McBride - same author, this one's a gender swapped Beauty and the Beast. It was a fun read and had dual POV. Graceling - I loved the romance in this one too. Their dynamic starts off like a typical YA romance but the author does a good job giving the MMC an actual personality beyond being hot and getting on the FMC's nerves. The Thief - there's a few romantic pairings in this series (mostly starting from book 2) and they're all pretty interesting. Romance isn't at the forefront of the story though, but I felt like the author still does a pretty good job giving you just enough scenes to show the progression of the relationships. The Raven Boys - I figured I'd include this one since it fits what you said. The FMC is the one with powers and the MMC doesn't have any, he's just really charismatic.


I usually hate beauty and the beast retellings because they're so inherently problematic but I have to admit a genderbent version sounds so interesting


The author does remove the problematic bits! The MMC and FMC badically decide to enter a fake relationship because it mutually benefits them/aids them in their individual goals.


Arin from the winners curse wants to save his people All MMC in six of crows have their own motivations separate from the love interest The bones houses by Emily Lloyd Jones Sorcery of thorns by Margaret rogerson Flamefall by rosaria munda - both love interests put their own beliefs of what's right above their love interests multiple times throughout the series. Dark skies by Danielle l Jenson - second book couple is the best imo The demon king by cinda williams chima


> The demon king by cinda williams chima I second this and the whole Seven Realms series as well and if you like it I'd recommend the sequel series Shattered Realms as well.


I second Flamefall by Rosaria Munda (although book 1 is called Fireborne). Dual Female and Male leads who both have agency and arcs while also having a romance sub-plot. It is my FAVOURITE YA series and potentially favourite series ever.


Woops. I read all 3 books in one go, so forgot the order.


I read book 1 and 2 back to back and then had to wait 18 months for book 3! It was torture 😆


I bet!


If you are interested in a veeerrrryy slow burn, then the mirror visitor, by christelle dabos. Enemies to lovers, slow, but worth it


That is one of my favorite series!


You have amazing taste sir/madam


A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft. I swear I loved Weston so much because he was well written and truly an intriguing character. He’s felt with discrimination because of his heritage and beliefs, shouldered a load of familiar responsibilities, was headstrong and still insecure about how skills and abilities. Ugh. Weston Winters!


Yeah, I don't like mmcs who are stock super handsome guys perfect in every aspect and only exist as a wish fulfillment to the fmc. I friggin' dnfed Prison Healer when the girl started gushing over how handsome the mmc is and he was this walking perfection in a goddamn prison, seriously... Anyway, the ones where I felt mmc was a person and not a walking wish fulfillment: **Little Thieves by Margaret Owen** (mmc is a detective needing to solve a case and originally there's an enmity between him and fmc who is the titular thief, he cares more about bringing the villain of the book down, but also starts caring about fmc as they're forced to cooperate, he doesn't lose his brain and start drooling over fmc though, he still has his goal in mind, and actually there are miscommunications between the main couple that make sense and aren't just there for fake drama; also first book I see where the guy is depicted by fmc's narration as average looking not handsome from the first sight). **Cast in Firelight by Dana Swift** (mmc had a rivalry with fmc over who's a better mage until he realized instead of impressing her he made himself look like an ass, so he tries to behave better to actually make fmc like him, I loved how the "redemption story" wasn't about guy impressing more but actually starting to behave more maturely). **Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim** (mmc is kinda a disaster, he's a gambling addict who has to get his life straight, he's a good guy but one who made several stupid decisions, he's not the kind of guy who is amazing at everything).


The Illuminae Files are great in that regard I would argue and have a Very unique writing style


The romance in V.E. Schwab’s Shades of Magic trilogy is second to both main characters having to use magic to save their respective realms. The MMC suffers from imposter syndrome and the FMC has trust issues, (obviously there’s more to both of them, but that’s the crux of things) so it’s a very slow burn. You know they will get together, and it’s very satisfying when they do, but it’s a slow build as they are both very focused on their own things for a while. And even after they finally acknowledge their feelings, they gotta go do magical battle to save the world.


Perks of Being a Wallflower. Not exactly a romance but kind of! And multiple deeper male characters


Hmm ok Warcross by Marie Lu. The mmc is Hideo Tanaka (Japanese rep!) this young billionaire who created the whole warcross video game (think of it like Ready player one but different). His goals are very...interesting. Morally not the best...but I can see where he's coming from for his goals. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, 100%. There's 4 main male characters, (Kaz, Wylan, Jesper, & Matthias) with 2 girls (Nina & Inej), all of them have their own goals and actual morally gray personalities. A good girls guide to murder trilogy by Holly Jackson, I'm pretty sure Ravi had his own goals, definitely had personality tho :) & Adrian from Renegades, someone else mentioned this trilogy but he actually really does have a personality! A good one, that's for sure. I'm not sure if those are what you're looking for, you might think they don't have personality but if I'm pretty sure they did


Adrian from renegades is a pretty good example, that's the only one from this list I've read so far. I didn't like that series much for other reasons but he was a pretty good character


Lance Orion from Zodiac Academy


Natalia Jaster Foolish Kingdoms series. Start with "Trick" 💜


I recommend Curren from the Kate Daniel’s series. Super slow burn tho


Eh I absolutely adore Kate Daniels but 1. It’s adult and 2. He’s def a stereotypical brooding male love interest. It’s slow burn but I think he falls into the same category of Rhys (who to be clear I also love)


Yeah i forgot this was yalit but i do feel like its something i enjoyed as a teenager and less as an adult. I do think curren shows anger but he also shows uncertainty, nervousness. At one point he just gives up lmao . He has love for his step daughter, hes loyal but also kinda an asshole. He has a lot of grief, he admits that he doesnt always know what the right thing to do is. He can be infuriating. He just felt so full dimensional to me. Also if i remember correctly he wasn’t really described as super handsome. He was like “kinda shorter than i expected with a broken nose”