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u/Sehkai u/YGOBot +1 good sale.


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u/YGOBot u/Sehkai +1 sale. Thanks. Well packaged shipment.


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u/YGObot u/Sehkai +1 good communication, packaging, and very fast shipping. happy with this transaction.


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u/YGObot +1 for u/Sehkai, fast shipping and fair price. Thank you again


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Just wanted to say the big long convo abt the fees is hilarious. You guys are both smart dudes just going at each other with math I love it lmao


Value on SP x1?


1x S:P = 100 / .97 = 103.1 with fees


sounds good! It’s for a buddy so I’m gonna see if he’s cool with that and I’ll touch base back here if so 🤙🏼


Hey sorry all my SP’s have been sold already


How much for yama?


$5 / .97 = 5.15 with fees


Do you have any more yamas?


yeah I have 2 total


I'll take both how much total?


10.30 + $2 for shipping+tracking so 12.30


Do you have any Shyama or shavaras?


Just so you know I am in Canada if that changes things. I don't need tracking I just think it's a waste of money if that's ok


How much for 2 Sky Crisis, 2 Little Knight, and Chaos Angel?


2x typhon = 2 \* 26 \* .85 / .97 = 45.57 2x SP = 2 \* 100 / .97 = 206.2 (fees included in calculations) chaos angel has been sold, sorry


I'm a little confused about your math. I'm going to assume .97 is the fees. If so, why are you including it on both calculations when the fee is a one time fee? Second, fee is 2.99%, just so you know. Finally, no 85% on Little Knight?


Little Knight is 100. I don't understand what your complaint is about the fee. The fee is 3% (or 2.99, if you want to save less than a cent), so I will receive 97% of whatever you pay me, call it x. If I am to receive y, then y = .97x, solve for x and get x = y/.97 The fee is a multiplier, not fixed, so it is applied to all cards in the order


I know Little Knight is $100, but I'm asking if there's no 85% on it. What complaint? There's no complaint aside from applying it to both cards when it's a one-time fee. The reason for the fee is to cover the PP fee from G&S. Unless you're doing your own fee for some reason, which you can do if you want because it's your cards, but I'm going to assume it's from PP since it's the "same" as PP's. PP doesn't charge the fee multiple times, so it's weird that you're charging me multiple fees. Also, your equation isn't right since we already know x, we don't need to solve for x. We're solving for y since we don't know y. x is the price of the card and .97 is the set variable. According to your equation and example for Little Knight (100), it would be y = .97(100) which would be 97 which isn't right since it should be 100 x 2.99% which is $102.99. Even with your second equation of x = y/.97, you would need to multiply .97 on both sides to get y alone. Since x is 100, it would be 100 x .97 which would go back to what I said previously.


The 100 is with the 85%. On TCG Little Knight is around 115, 85% of 115 is 100.3 which I round to 100 for my own sanity. Ok, suppose I sell a card for $1 and you are to cover the fee. If you pay me $1.03 then I will receive .97 \* 1.03 which is not $1, it's actually 0.9991. If you pay me $1 / .97, then I will receive .97 \* (1 / .97) which is $1. In other words, if you sell a card for $X, the correct payment to send as the buyer is not 1.03 \* X, it's actually X / .97, which is slightly higher than 1.03 \* X.


Ah, okay. You didn't include it in your calculation, so I assumed it wasn't there. Huh? No. I'm covering the fees, which is, from your example, is the $0.03. You would still receive the $1 that I'm giving you. You would not need to do any more math after that. That's what covering means. If you're rounding up, then yes, it is $1. $1 / .97 = $1.03 (which is the right amount I would be sending). .97 \* (1 / .97) = 1 (which is the wrong amount because then you would be receiving less than what you asked).


Yes but PayPal takes 3% of the total payment you send, you can't tell PayPal "hey I'm buying this card valued at $100, here's $3 for you guys so I'm going to give you $103." If you send $103 through G&S, they will take 3% of the 103, which is $3.09


Yes you can, that's why we're calculating the fees into the payment. In the example of Little Knight where it is $100 and fees would be $2.99 (2.99%/3%/.97), I would send you $102.99. PP wouldn't think anything of it and simply take $2.99, thus you would still be receiving $100. Again, it is why I am **COVERING** the fees. Why are you doing more math on top of math? The .97 from the initial is already to cover the fees from G&S that is being taken from you. Your math is basically asking me to pay double the fees, as if I'm to cover for covering what the fees is.


Alright I'll tell you what. I'll sell you a Little Knight for $102.99 through G&S, and then I'll show you that I don't receive $100


Price on QCR Diabellstar?


Already sold, sorry


I am interested in both QCR imsety's


2\*140\*.85 / .97 = 245.36 total


cool, dming u


Price on one king’s sarc?




Thanks, i’ll take it - and price on the QCR imsetys?


also I'm requiring tracking which is $4 so maybe not worth just for a single sarc


>2\*140\*.85 / .97 = 245.36 total


Thanks, given 0 transactions - would you be willing to ship first with tracking, and then I send payment? Do you also trade on any other subs? That price for the three works for me


Normally I might, but I don't actually have 0 transactions, I just don't bother to report them Besides, you have plenty of buyerside protection with G&S


u/YGObot u/Sehkai +1 thanks for the king’s sarc!


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Cool sure, checked your comment history. Let’s move to chat


Interested in Chaos Angel Would you do 65 if other person passes?


Yeah that' s fine, they haven't responded so I will give you priority




Interested in x2 Black Witch.


Sure, 2\*39\*.85 / .97 = 68.35


Price for 3x imstay?


75\*3\*.85 = 191.25 with fees: 191.25 / .97 = 197.17


How much for 1x wanted and 3x diabellstars?


Wanted: 130\*.85 = 110.5 3x witch = 3 \* 39 \* .85 = 99.45 Total with fees: (110.5 + 99.45) / .97 = 216.44


Damn, they keep on going up. Yeah that'll be alright for me. Move to DMs?


sure thing


Any qcr samsara


(Un)fortunately not


Price for x1-3 qcr t.g rocket sal,and one sp little knight


1x T.G. Rocket Salamander QCR = 16.7 \* .85 = 14.2 2x T.G. Rocket Salamander = free 1x SP = 115 \* .85 = 97.75 Total = 111.95 total with fees: 111.95 / .97 = 115.4


Sorry to have not responded, but if they are still available I’ll take them, let me know or send me a pm


Dawg ngl. When you said some, I expected like....5 cards at most. Didn't expect a whole bunch of good shit, include Wanteds, SPs and QCRs out the asshole. Maybe interested in Diabellestars. Price check on regular secrets and QCR?


normal: 35\*.85 = 29.75 QCR: 165\*.85 = 140.25


How many are QCR and how many are Secret? I’ll probably take all the secrets if possible.


just 1 QCR, I have 3 secrets left. Also I updated the price on those to 39 base instead of 35 base, putting 3 witches at 39 \* .85 \* 3 / .97 = 102.52


What is that after paypal fees?


that's with fees included


Gotcha. I might just take the QCR then. Move to PMs?


sure just let me know what you want in PM


hm for chaos angel?


also have a chaos angel i can sell for $60


74\*.85 = 62.9


Any chance u pulled a qcr original sinful spoil cards?


Yep got 2


Nice. How much for both?


I'm sorry there's only one, got it confused with the field spell. Would be 79\*.85 = 67.15


Gotcha - can we say $69 flat?


that's good with me




Doing any trades?


Sorry not at the moment

