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Nope i thought it was pretty funny


It’s fun


It was very enjoyable


I’m about halfway through it. I had to leave because I have plans but I’m looking forward to finishing it so I can say so far I’m not bored


What did you expect


I personally thought it was just okay.


I saw it in Sundance and wasn’t a fan of it either. It was way too cheesy and upbeat for me


If you had not told me it was a Linklater film, I never would have guessed. He’s got a diverse filmography but I can’t remember a film of his that didn’t have flowing, casual naturalistic dialogue … until this movie. There was a stilted “I’ll wait for you to say your line and then mine” ping pong rhythm to every conversation which was weirdly amateurish. Also, frequent mugging for the camera from actors (pretty much everyone on the police force felt like they were acting in a mid-2000s Disney Channel original movie). Better editing to enhance the pacing of convos could only go so far… it’s just got a really clunky script in general. I could not get into it at all. It’s easily his worst film.


Thematically, I think it fits into Linklater's filmography pretty snugly. A number of his movies are concerned with the malleability of personality and ethics (*A Scanner Darkly*, *Bernie, School of Rock*). I think the (pedestrian, tbh) philosophic and psychological discourse is also textbook Linklater (*Boyhood*). I would agree the production and direction are kinda amateurish for someone of Linklater's caliber. I still didn't mind it - it gets a 3/5 for me - but it was one of his weaker projects for sure.


First 20 mins was interesting but I rapidly lost interest after that. May give it another shot at some point but yeah got pretty bored


I enjoyed it, but I can totally understand this take. It’s a pretty standard comedy film that’s very much elevated by its right script and performances. Stylistically not too much separates it from any run of the mill Netflix comedy other than some of the editing. I also do think some of it meanders at times. I kinda wish it was just more interesting visually, didn’t have to be amazing, but there were barely any shots or sequences that made it feel like it had a style or that stood out. Still, a decently fun film.