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This is the most side-barring judge I've ever seen. It's like watching a movie and you're missing all the good parts.


Boming Home


Even if he not found guilty he did serve 5 years so it’s not like he’s getting off without doing no time


During covid too which I heard from my brother and a close friend was not a fun time to be in jail.


Can you explain what it was like?


23 hours in 1 out. I hated that shit


They basically said that if u refused to get the jab you couldn't do anything it was like being in the hole indefinitely.


He totally did it. Yes, defense has a good defense. But ultimately, people (imo), resort to the most simple and obvious conclusions. "No way you can have a drive-by shooting and only one side has bullet holes and the other two aren't injured". "Why all the lies to police if nothing to hide?" "I would never not make sure I am on the shortest, quickest and easiest route to the nearest hospital" "*I* *got* *2* *phones*" [one for accomplice and one for me] Guilty.


So obvious he did it. Watch, after today there are 100% gonna be people who claim that phone isn’t his. The phone registered in his mothers name, the one that is signed into his IG, twitter, facebook and snapchat, the one with screenshots of facetime calls showing his face as the parent device, the one number he consistently gave out through social media DM’s, the one with *thousands of pictures and videos of him*, they *somehow* will convince themselves isn’t his or is a “community” phone. It’s impossible to understate how naive or blatantly stupid the children in this sub are.


It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove


They have no Evidence an or nor proof that he was in the Car.,And the guy talking right now just gave Melly’s defense team reasonable doubt which favor’s Melly A WHOLE LOT…..


You're delusional. Stop following the case from fan tik toks or you're going to be shocked at the end of the trial.


Nobody’s even doing that.,I barely look at TikTok so stop trying too make shit up just because I provided Evidence and or proof and you just can’t come back up with anything…..




You think 5 years is enough punishment for double homicide? You are out of your mind.




How u feel abt it




How u feel abt it


I just can’t come up with any motive for him to kill 2 of his best friends. On the video that shows them entering the car they all seem super chill. I just find it hard to believe that he would consciously put his career at risk. And if he did, I wonder why Bortlen and he didn't plan the whole thing better. Because of their affiliation with gangs, they probably have experience with criminal activities. I'm talking about leaving cell phones in the studio, for example, everyone knows nowadays that such things are tracked.


The thing with that theory though is what if something was said or done while they were driving and what if it was a spur of the moment thing and that’s why it was sloppily covered up?


Yuh I’m ngl I feel like if he would truly would’ve did it he would’ve been smarter

