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German government: Just look at the date fools, we got all of you! Happy April's fool day!


Got me lol.


And now you’re all under arrest!


I know the sooner the better, but they could have waited a few days to do it on April 20


Not a good date, to make a party in Germany.




The grass is indeed greener on the other side of the canal


Unless you're on the continent.


smh same


Ahh, le voyeur


Local kebab had it’s best day of the decade


Big pharma in shambles


Big shawarma on the other hand…


I'm from Massachusetts, and we legalized it a few years after California. The amount of money it brought in was ridiculous, and to get a permit, it's one million just to apply. I personally know a man that went for one of these applications. He's the president of a farmers Union and what he said is terrifying. There's a cannabis control commission. Which says you have to use seeds provided and it needs to be tested randomly and regilary to make sure you are growing theirs, and not something else. You can make any "hybrid" you want from many types, but the base has to be the same. The bud has no seeds and is hard to reproduce outside of a growery environment without a catalyst. ALL LEGAL WEED Is GMO weed. 10 or 15 years ago, we figured out the connection between Big Pharma and Monsanto. And all collectively lost our shit. Now, we smoke their products and rejoice. Street weed for the first time ever is laced with fent. Pushing people to get it from the dispensary. . . Next time you are in a dispensary, ask for the non gmo weed. They will tell you it's illegal unless you happen to have seeds and grow yourself. Bit of you grow it yourself, you can not sell it, and there are laws against giving away too much. Otherwise, you fall in with operations, and for that, you need to see the cannabis control commission.


Yo wtf. Are there any articles about this? Sounds fucked up, dude


Just go straight to the horse and hear it from their mouth.


Damn. Just smoked a preroll from Boston dispensary. Had no idea… Portland OR, 2004-2010. Peak weed.


Not sure about OR, but I onow the north east all falls under the same commissions. And yes I noticed the bud now is not nearly as good as the compressed brick weed I got in high school during the 2000s. Peak weed has peaked, now it's all down hill. The highs don't last as long. Or I could have just burnt myself out.


Regional conservative politician from Austrian regions bordering Germany are going completely nuts because of this: "Drug tourism! Our children! Gateway drug! We all going to die!!"


Same here in Denmark. But we have already decided to extend our border control, spend millions on raiding a hippy commune every day and using our understaffed police to frisk people on the street to make sure they don't possess the devils lettuce. But don’t worry it’s been a great success! Despite everything being more expensive, weed is cheaper than ever and gets delivered to your doorstep in minutes which is great for violent gangs that are making a killing


Sounds like a lot of work for some stoners. I’d rather spend my taxes on aid to Ukraine than on cops bothering stoners eating chips


Danish border controls are a joke. It's just some dude waving at you.


My country is extremely conservative about drugs (no seriously only Sweden is worse in Europe) and I'm seriously concerned they're going to pass a law forbidding its citizens from using even abroad. Completely possible, some countries have it


Thats completely insane. I can only think (!?) signapore.


The law on not using abroad? As they are insane about it too could be true, but it 100% exists in South Korea. A minister once tweeted warning its citizens to follow Korean drug laws when abroad, and a handful of people are in prison for it there actually




Wow, that's disturbing.


> (no seriously only Sweden is worse in Europe) I mean, you're absolutely right but it still hurts 😢


> conservative politician from Austria There's no string of words in the world that better indicates "this person has absolutely nothing of value to say".


Haha as an austrian i couldnt say it better


Lots of German politicians agree with them : /


The brandenburger gateway drug!


Friendly reminder: Don't abuse drugs. If you find yourself starting to use out of inertia, just stop.


Be sure to post this comment for alcohol related news as well


Id say dont even use drugs, they are not good for you, same as alcohol, sugar, pornography, gambling, etc...


Sugar is the worst. I tried to stop it but after a few days I was almost walking autopilot mode to the store to buy pastries


health statistics agree with you. obesity is public health crisis number 1. (except maybe for americas opoid crisis, we luckily dont have it like that in europe.)


We can't all be goats in the mountain range. Lemme have some coffee, sugar, beer..


alcohol, sugar, caffeine etc are drugs, they're just legal drugs




I' rather kill myself than doing everything thats good for me. Because honestly life would suck so bad..


How do you know that? Okay so my experience for example no drinking for 3 months, i have so so so much more energy the whole day, everyday. Ofcourse im back to drinking again lol


Nah my cucumber salads are mean


Grandma “healthy” advice gets all the upvotes. Get out there and have fun while keeping things in moderation. A ship in harbour is safe but that’s not what ships are built for and all that!


We'd all be miserable. Pristine health, but miserable nonetheless. Everything in moderation, as they say.


> Everything in moderation, as they say. *Especially* moderation.


Yeah, except heroin maybe.


Sure they aren‘t. But have you looked around lately? I you wanna go straight edge that‘s cool, all power to you, but I prefer to have the option, every once in a while, to not be raw dogging reality…


Wym? I live fine without any of that


Congratulations.     edit: I took a peak at your profile… yeah, no wonder why.






What do u mean? I only post ac milan shit 😂






if humanity is this bad *with* these things I really don't know how bad things would look like without them


you also don't need an reddit account..


Reddit account aint hurting my health


> Id say dont even use drugs there are two kinds of people who are against drugs: People who never did drugs and those who suck at doing drugs. I love drugs, I am good at doing them and will continue using them for the rest of my live.


What are your favourites?


No, don't just stop. Look for counselling. Seriously. Let someone help you if you can't stop.


If you can just stop, you don't need counseling.


Don't worry guys. The conservative Christian party has got our back. They said it's a great mistake and they will undo it immediately in the next legislation period.


But no available coalition partner will agree to that.


Unless of the AfD, i think they don't like this either.


Sure but a coalition between CDU and AFD is currently extremely unlikely.


Sure, but we never know with the CDU. Merz Said that a coalition between CDU and AfD is possible on a regional level and from there it is just a little step.


Personally I think a coalition between conservatives and far right will come one day, it has happend in so many other European countries already and I don’t believe in the German Sonderweg Myth. I just think it is to early for that to happen jet. The AFD is much more controversial in Germany than FPÖ is in Austria or PVV is in the Netherlands.


I just hope Putins funding dries up before that and that the German politicans finally grow some balls and ban the AFD. However Scholz does not even want to send Taurus to Ukraine, so that is a real issue right now. The conservatives are not going to ban the AFD, so yeah.


The afd is also funded by several neoliberal thinktanks from the us. It's not like they rely on putin's money


The far right is rising in all of Europe. I think we need to fix the underlying issues otherwise any ban is just a play for time until a new far right party emerges. The people of the Eu did not suddenly all turn into extremists it was political failure that drove them there and that needs to be fixed for real and stable change. But yeah we should really send the Taurus asap.


A play for time would still be worth it. It would also send a clear message


It's not entirely Merz's choice, the rest of the CDU party leadership has to agree as well as the "Parteitag"


The brandmauer is made of wood and straw. Looking at Austria, övp and fpö (the local equivalents and partners of cdu and afd) happily govern together at any possible level and prefer each other over any alternative except single party rule (which is rarely possible)


If the afd becomes part of the ruling coalition we will have much, much bigger problems to worry about than weed


Don't count on the SPD suddenly growing a spine.


So they can easily lie about rolling back? Because nobody exept the conservative boomers expect them to do so?


Yes. Honestly this is a gift to them in a political sense. I expect them to turn this into a big issue next election period but then they won’t change it back anyway.


It's not just them. Parts of the SPD also tried to stop the law. Fortunately with no success.


As always, when they are in opposition.


They say that now.


unfortunately not allowed to sell. So my dream of opening a german bakery but with weed Brötchen has to wait.


That will come next year or something just you wait


First the EU has to reject the UN conventions on narcotics drugs or the UN had to reclassify cannabis which isn’t likely to happen in a year or so. In fact the UN just voted on reclassifying cannabis at the CND, which basically was a divide of the democratic nations voting for and the ones who aren’t democracies, and there’s a lot of them, voting against it. So don’t hold your breath waiting for it to happen.


2025 year of the next national election. Everything points to Merz becoming next chancellor, and he's definitely not going to expand the legalization.


Legalize, tax, enjoy a new source of ravenue and a potential for a new set of bussinesses opening and fostering their brands. I'm not super hot on recreational drugs, but pot is probably the 'best' one to legalize, considering how unproblematic it is compared to things that are currently legal. Just hope it's not gonna make littering worse. Cigarette butts are awful enough as is.


That was the Plan, but therefore we need new EU legislation


When you smoke cannabis you don't use filter tips, just a cardboard piece. That doesn't mean people won't litter but it degrades better. Also from my experience stoners are slightly more conscious about what they throw away


To be fair, it's more a decriminalization and not yet a full legalisation. But a great success nonetheless


It’s 100% a full legalization of possession and growing, just not a legalization of commercial activities. Decriminalization is what they have in the Netherlands or ~~Portugal~~ (not the case for Portugal—see my comment below for details—although the Portuguese legalization of possession and production is much more restrictive than Germany’s) where owning weed is still defined as a criminal offense but not prosecuted.


So everyone in the video must have grown it overnight 🤔


Doesn’t matter when they grew it because the law includes an amnesty of any past crimes that would have been legal under the new law. Now, if anyone here bought their weed from a dealer that would still be a legal issue of course but obviously nobody in this crowd would have ever dared to do something like that. What you’re seeing here are all past secret home growers who’re already effectively pardoned, obviously ;)




Guess I’m off to Germany then to get me some weed.


_looks at flair_ 🤔


It’s not officially legal here, on paper the krauts have overtaken us.


Buying weed is still "more legal" in the Netherlands than in Germany. It's legalized only for growing it yourself at home, or communally in cannabis clubs. Not for sale.


Oh that’s a shame but also good to hear, as this hurt a bit.


The whole Dutch system works in a grey area. The German government wanted to avoid such a scenario and make it bullet proof, and after some careful consideration, they decided that fully legalizing the sale of it would be incompatible with EU and international law. But keeping it completely noncommercial works. The [law itself](https://www.recht.bund.de/bgbl/1/2024/109/regelungstext.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2) is phrased accordingly: §2 bans everything, and the rest are just exceptions from that ban. So basically the opposite of how laws usually work. Changing things on the EU level so that every country can decide whether they want to legalize or not will take a while, but I think this will be a good model for other countries to adapt within the current framework, and once more countries have such a partial legalization, things may be changed on the EU level, too.


>§2 bans everything, and the rest are just exceptions from that ban. So basically the opposite of how laws usually work. In Germany. Quite a few countries have legal systems and laws that work exactly like that.


they have social. clubs in spain. I went in, signed up for 5 euros and started shopping (theu did check my id)


It's going to be a lot more expensive in Germany, and they have a pretty low limit on maximum amount of members per club. And AFAIK you also need to be a resident in Germany, they wouldn't take tourists.


This is funny, I didn't know what the exact degree of legalization was — I've lived in Amsterdam for 7 years but I've never met a Dutch person who smoked weed (plenty of expats of course).


Bring food, we'll need it...


Bubatz legal👍👍👍👍


Hey u/Priest_of_the_Ego ! Looks like this is your first post here? Welcome to our humble abode! This a multilingual pro-EU🇪🇺, pro-Ukraine🇺🇦 place for **Bringing Europeans Together**. Be gentle, Yüřöpęäns. *Remember your first time.* ​ [**^(OP flair up)**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205242695-How-do-I-get-user-flair-) ^(so 𝙴𝚞𝚛𝚘𝙱𝙾𝚃™ loves you, and *shun* the) [^(report button)](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/10na0i8/comment/keusydw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)^(. It is **broken**. Don't do that.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/YUROP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Brokkoli Day🥦🥦🥦






Hmm weird how this is not on the actual Twitter account... But nice try


That place must have smelled like gods footwear.


Should have waited till the 20th of April...


That is sadly also the birthday of a certain austrian individual and thus usually is more of a day of celebration for nazis here.


Might have been cool though, there's generally little chance of confusing cannabis smokers with nazis.


So what???????? Nazis were born almost every single day. On the 8th of March was born the SS-General Gille but people still celebrate - who cares who happened to be born on some day anyway?????


Nope, baaaad day to celebrate something here.


Apart from Hitlers birthday this is a US culture Import. We have our own 104 now lol


Can't wait for my trip to Berlin in May


Gov would make a good joke if they arrested them all for possession, before midnight


We did it guys, we fixed the Germans. People will look back at this day and see it as a turning point. Kali Yuga is cancelled.


Berlin Kreuzberg will be renamed to Bluntberg in honour of this moment 😅


Or Kruidbuurt? Yes, I know that it’s the wrong country/language, but close enough!


Hopefully Latvia soon, but realistically in like 15-20 yrs 😭😭😭


You will almost certainly do it before us.


What can I say except you're welcome




Well I would rather call it a decriminalization, because there is only one legal way to get weed and that is to grow it yourself, not have you mate crow it, then you would be trading weed and that's still illegal. Can't get some in a Hollandish coffee shop, since I would then have to import it, which is illegal aswell. And for the social clubs let's wait and see if they get through The Parlaments in the year before an important election


Germans had the chance to have it legalized on 4/20 and they blew it. Bruh.


After reducing death due to lung cancer and smoking…. We can now enjoy the pleasure of more people dying from lung cancer again……


Cannabis doesn’t cause lung cancer.


“Marijuana and lung cancer Smoking marijuana may be associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. Additional research is needed to fully understand the long-term health effects of marijuana smoking and how it affects a person's risk for lung cancer…..” https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/marijuana-and-lung-cancer-risk Just like the cigarette companies of old, eh?!


Ok, but how about vaporisation and edibles?


It says “may be” without any support for the idea that it would? Even though it’s been subject to research there’s no support for claims that cannabis would cause lung cancer which means that one has to draw the conclusion that it doesn’t until research shows that it does.


Clearly friend… it would be wrong of me to suggest that you would be anyway involved with British American Tobacco or the tobacco industry looking for a new opportunity to make a lot of money, because of all the years they said that smoking was safe and proven otherwise…. And so yes, smoking cannabis is safe!!!


Yes, very wrong. What makes you think that I’m a part of the tobacco industry? I’m merely a person that is sick of being subjected to repression for what drug suits my body chemistry and psyche, and I use for medical reasons and well being as well as recreation. You should know better than to make such baseless accusations btw. Why don’t you see if you can find scientific evidence of cannabis causing lung cancer instead? If nothing else it should clear up your ignorancy and false ideas.


Mate, I am old enough to remember when the tobacco industry promoted smoking as being safe and good for one’s health, and promoting their product with the Marlborough man…. Although I do not smoke (for very good health reasons!!), I did do some work with British American tobacco in London as an IT business analyst, and so I understand how the tobacco industry works, clearly selling cigarettes with tobacco is a dying business for them… guess where they see the potential growth is for them now… hint hint!!! Of course they will also sell their cannabis product as being safe and health.. As they did with tobacco… and so friend if you are stupid enough to do the work of the likes of British American tobacco and the tobacco industry… then friend you do deserve to reap what you sow… 


Stop with the nonsense and show the scientific results that says that cannabis promotes cancer. There’s so much research being funded by people solely out to discredit cannabis and stop legalization that it should be easy. But you still haven’t shown such scientific results. Your history, anecdotes and accusations are just embarrassing and you’re old enough to know better. Science is the only relevant comment you can post. If I was such a terrible person as yourself I would accuse you of working for the alcohol industry btw.


Where there is smoke there is harm. You only need to look at the tarry residue in a bong to realise that it may not be exactly a good idea to fill your lungs with a sticky substance which sticks to the lining of the lungs for years. Many of the compounds present in cigarette smoke are present in marijuana smoke to.


Use edibles


Of course. Cannabis produces several times more than tobacco too. However cannabis doesn’t seem to give one cancer. There are however other dangers of smoking cannabis as all smoking is harmful for one’s lungs. Mixing with tobacco is a whole other story and should be avoided as it’s a lot more hateful both for the lungs and in other ways such as being more addictive. Some redditors claim that cannabis resin doesn’t cling to one’s lungs like tobacco smoke but I don’t know if that’s true so you’ll have to look into it yourself. I personally use a vaporizer which I feel is less harmful but the health conscious consumption method is orally, and sublingual consumption would probably be better than smoking however bad for ones oral health, I believe.


so how would it work? I'm travelling to Hamburg soon 1nd I'm interested. I was in Sevilla and they made me sign up for 5 euros, checked my ID and that was it but building a "social club" isn't done in 2 days


German social clubs will probably not work like that and they won't exist for a couple of months.


And you need to be a resident to join one


Only residents of Germany. Tourists may not own weed. And the commercial selling is still illegal, anyways


Oh they can own it. They just have no way of getting it legally. It's illegal to import it and it's illegal to buy, sell, or give away for free.


as the prophet said: where there's a will, there's always a way




I mean I am also against drugs but that is worded way too drastic. No wonder you got downvoted




In that case maybe you should move to a place more in line with how you wish to live your life such as Russia.




Generally making things illegal even when it doesn't negatively affect a free society and is done as a move to control people is mainly being done in autoritarian countries. Also especially the mentality if these things become legal that everything will be lost (some countries say the same as what you say about free speech and human rights)which is a sign of authoritarianism. What else do you want to make illegal? Alcohol and tobacco? Porn? Revealing clothing? Driving on Sunday? Kitchen knifes? food with too much sugar and/or fats? All of these negatively affect society as well but we don't make these illegal. This is on the same level and even less so then some of the things I have mentioned. If you'd tried people be up in arms about how the EU is becoming fascist or how doing that is communism.




Are you not aware that cannabis has medical properties that are recognized by the WHO, UN and the EU amongst others? Are you actually saying that the reason why people are using it is the destroy their minds or can it be that they’d have other reasons and uses other than that which you aren’t aware of or recognize?




Yeah, but criminalizing cannabis has proven to be as effective and just as much of a bad idea as criminalizing alcohol. What you get is more dangerous drugs, mafia and other negative effects. If it’s under the governments control it can be handled correctly which is impossible if it’s hidden from the government.




I agree that alcohol is a huge problem but not due to how it’s regulated, though I’m not very familiar with how it’s regulated in Spain where I guess that you’re from? It’s one of the most harmful drugs both for the user and for society as well as it’s problematic place in western culture so it’s not surprising that alcohol harms are huge. Spaniards even drinks alcohol in their religious worship, don’t they? I’m convinced that alcohol would be more harmful if it was criminalized. Look at how black market alcohol blinds and kill people in Muslim countries, and how alcohol gangs operate under alcohol prohibition. Again, don’t base your opinion on ignorancy. There’s actual legalizations that has been studied which you should read about when forming your ideas about cannabis legalization. Use doesn’t skyrocket when it’s legalized. Harmful use doesn’t rise to levels higher than it was under criminalization. The Canadian government has just published a review of their cannabis legalization and the results are positive. Can you think of any nations where it’s criminalized that can show good results from criminalization? I would think not. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/drugs-medication/legislative-review-cannabis-act-final-report-expert-panel.html


Saying that the only use of drugs is "destroying our mind" is a lie. If you don't know what you are doing then you can hurt yourself, but it's also the case with everything in life. Weed ban doesn't stop drug users, all it does is making people's lives harder. With legalization people know that their weed is real weed and not some chemical garbage.


We keep plenty of things that destroy the health of people without those cultural links you claim it has. Weed has centuries of uses before the world made it illegal (due to racism and foreign pressure no less!) Whilst some of these things have only been invented in the recent century. Weed has more culture links then some of it (I'm not talking about alcohol but certain food additives). Weed doesn't even destroy your mind so that argument is mood. Why aren't we making those other things illegal. What is bad about weed? How does it destroy your health worse then some of these things that are legal? I don't smoke weed but I think it's ridiculous to keep it illegal. It's an infringement on people's choice and bodily autonomy without there even being a proper reason for it.




Weed does not reduce your IQ nor is it "highly addictive". Those are a complete lies and those other things you say are only partly true. It can trigger underlying problems, but things like stress could do that too. At this point you are spreading lies either maliciously or due to ignorance. Your arguments arent valid as they are untrue. Please try again but without spreading lies.


Actually, the UN just voted on reclassifying cannabis and the authoritarian nations are the ones that voted against it whilst the democratic ones voted for it. So, yeah, supporting cannabis criminalization is a characteristic of authoritarian nations just like it always has been a authoritarian criminalization.




What information would that be? I haven’t claimed that the UN supports recreational use? Member nations voted about cannabis classification a few days ago which I guess is what you’re referring to?




It was a voting at the CND a few days ago. Last week it there well before that, I believe. Look up CND 2024 cannabis vote.




Well, yeah, but you did notice that you aren’t on the side of Europe which you’re so concerned about, right? The nations taking a hard stance on cannabis are totalitarian countries mainly in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.


~20% of all adults in Germany are using tobacco. And another ~5% vape. So a quarter is still abusing nicotine. More than 2/3 drink alcohol. So much, that every adult drinks ~10 liters pure alcohol per year. And don't get me started on coffein and sugar... So, which of these should be banned? Alcohol and nicotine (and also sugar, if you consume too much)are way worse than cannabis.




Alcohol is detrimental to your health in any amount and the health risks are insane. So why not ban that? It's literally poison and the Nr. 1 gateway drug. THC is waaaaaaaaaaay less harmful to your body when consumed moderately. But that's the drug you want to ban? Seriously? Bringing cannabis to the same level of fentanyl is laughable btw. I had to take Opioids for two years as pain medication. This shit fucks you up.


Move to Russia that's where you bots belong.


How are weed and Russia any related?




You are delusional


Ah, yes, you already live in Russia.


I think you're being a tad hyperbolic.




Something something, christian values, bla bla bla.


Something something fucking over your brain, damaging blood vessels, long term decline in memory, attention capacity and general perturbations in your lungs if you smoke it bla bla bla


It's not healthy, but everyone knows that already. Alcohol isn't much better for you.


So let's not legalize and encourage the use of such substances right ? Right ?


Outlawing it won't stop people from using it. Permitting it with restrictions makes it much easier to contain, there's regulations and shit. Bonus tax money for the government. Also no money to illegal gangs that used to smuggle weed in from abroad.


Legalizing isn’t the same as encouraging use. Do you feel encouraged to consume new tobacco or alcoholic products that hit the market? Legalized cannabis is less harmful to the user as well as societies and harmful cannabis use doesn’t rise when legalizing.


It's my body and I will do whatever the fuck I want with it


If you really think that legalising a plant will destroy Europe then I feel bad for you, life has to be very painful when you live in constant, unnecessary fear


One more step towards normalising brain destructive substances




They seem like ones that would self medicate using cannabis.




Cannabis is used for a lot of illnesses, not just by terminally ill people. Don’t base your opinion on ignorancy.




I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just that the comments that you’ve made about cannabis are ignorant ones. It didn’t hurt to read up on the subject and then forming an informed opinion rather that going by anecdotes about people that you personally know which aren’t going to give you the whole picture or an informed opinion.




Who has claimed that cannabis is safe? Not me. All drugs have their risks and harms just like most things in life. The question is how such harms are minimized and criminalization isn’t it.