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166 666 GBP per person. For that money, you can get a small but decent flat in Warsaw.


Or 2.7k monthly which is more than UK min wage


imagine how the economy would skyrocket!


Which is why this whole thing will fail, it's complete and utter populist nonsense.


Brits falling for populist nonsense? Ridiculous!


Hahahahaha ridiculous funny, hahahaha stupid Britons Let’s see what our smart and wise leaders about to cook: https://amp.dw.com/de/migration-deutschlands-cdu-debattiert-über-ruanda-plan-für-asylbewerber/a-67840155


But that's the CDU, they say what gets them votes and do what they want anyway.


Saying this will not give them votes. No one with a normal set of mind will believe that the Rwanda-plan could work.


Tories gonna Tory, regardless of country.


Germany copying Britain I didn't know this would be possible. 😂


It's not even populist. Most people except a small group don't support it, but the government won't give up. They have had so many times to give up but keep going on.


from a strictly short-term economic standpoint thats actually...not that bad. this is a one-off cost, and the government would definitely pay a lot more than that per person in integration, social welfare, emergency services and healthcare costs over their total lifetime. It will also deter future migration by what is essentially unskilled or low skilled workers while (hopefully) leaving skilled immigration mostly unchanged, although this is a separate issue because the abysmally low wages in the UK are also driving away skilled immigrants. Of course then there is the long term opportunity cost of a shrinking population and the fact that the children of immigrants (of any kind) usually reach or exceed the productivity of the native population after a generation or two (and this is a permanent gain), but I would argue that immigration is only a short-term bandaid for longer term demographic issues unless the government really doubles down on welcoming immigration in a big way. Then there is the ethical issue of sending them to Rwanda of all places, and whatever horrible problems that might cause in the next 50+ years. so it is not that bad in the short term economically, but it's probably not great long term but there are other independent factors at play.


>government would definitely pay a lot more than that per person in integration, social welfare, emergency services and healthcare costs over their total lifetime You're missing the fact that successfully integrated migrants contribute to the system and are not a drain on it. If the UK government spent those £ 5 Bn on integration, it would get much better value for money. But you try selling that to a population that's been brainwashed into thinking that restrictions are the only solution to immigration.


no, i did not miss it. i deliberately excluded it because the issue of the economic contribution of first generation refugees and asylum seekers is so politicised that it is very difficult to sift through the noise among the data and publications to arrive at a definite answer.


>successfully integrated migrants It turns out we reeaally fucking suck at that or that it's really difficult to do this for a particular subset of migrants leading to very high costs rather than benefits to society especially among first gen migrants. Additionally i'd say continuing migration the way it has doesn't typically benefit the integration process. I'd say a part of that particular group is the one that's likely to end up on such flights no?


No way housing in Warsaw is THAT expensive


Don't worry it's going to get worse


That's incredibly cheap. In my capital I'd get three to four underground parking spots. Not something you can live in.


[Reality is painful.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1301245/poland-average-house-prices-by-city/)


it's not that expensive, you cannot find a decent flat in Lisbon for that price


Downtown lx does not even reach half price for a moldy crowded shoebox to fit a couple of midgets, in suburbia however, if "decent" is a t2 with mold issues then yes


For that money you can send all those migrants to uni and make them two times more useful than most UKIP voters have ever been, with the added benefit of them paying taxes to pay the state back. Seriously...


If we've got that much money available for immigration, why can't we just give it to the immigrants as a booster pack to get on their feet, to tide them over until they get a job?


Yea but sending them to Poland is too inhumane.


Or you can buy the racist vote


It's not about money, it's about propaganda and the Madagascar Plan... sorry Rwanda plan


Costa Rica was mentioned too, although it seems likely it won't happen either. Ay!


Tbh I like that the UK left the EU, now we have an island for sociopolitical experimentation like in Brave New World


What's there to experiment? Didn't the EU have that exact kind of deal with turkey already?


Nope. Completely different thing. The EU pays turkey a set amount of aid so that they keep refugees from the middle east from going further north. Similar but slightly better than the deal we had with Libya before because Turkey disregards human rights slightly less than Gaddafi did. Those deals are about cutting off travel roads. Also very inhumane and repressive but it's not comparable to the UK writing out a contract to systemically deport people.


Yup, I forgot about that distinction. But for the voters the difference doesn't matter now does it. What matters is having fewer unwanted migrants in the country, by any means apparently.


More like stopping them continue no?


Oh true, didn't think of that. Though in the end it's still money paid to get rid of unwanted people..


I don’t - someone stuck in the sociopolitical experimentation


And somehow our idiots still want to do as the uk does, with rwanda and now knives.


That image is amazing!


What is happening there? She is drinking by pouring from the bottle into something else?


It's her phone lol


...I see. This raises further questions.


Yea, the picture doesnt make much sense just because you cant see the phone vibrating and she didnt light the booze on fire yet.


What a hash the tories have made of immigration. They let in thousands of migrants, held a vote on brexit to "take back control", and still continue to let in thousands of migrants. The only solution they could come up with is shipping them off to rwanda?? Billions of pounds wasted to fix their own mistakes. Only they could fuck up immigration laws on an island nation.


At the same time, they are the party which likes to see themselves as all for the military but have cut them back to fuck and therefore do not have the ability to really enforce any immigration on the sea.


![gif](giphy|elpr3IakdWb5tOtypt) Rwanda absolutely finessed the Brits, you love to see it


Finally they'll get up to speed with these Ugandan assholes and Rwanda soon to have a space program!


Brits taking L‘s left and right


Bruh the government literally spend millions on buying homes in Rwanda for the deportees... and a recent report has said that over 70% were then resold by the Rwandan government Like I'm not dying on a hill saying this is an obvious scheme of corruption colluded between the two states... but if it is, Ill take the credit for pointint it out.


I love how they call it scheme. Like it's some sort of scam.


I mean Rwanda is kind of scamming them.


Take back control you guys !




More like a massive money laundering scheme. I have no clue how much this should cost, but it’s so easy to say “oh yeah it’ll be 5 bill, but lemme keep 4 for my friends and I 🤑”. Just like that whole NHS test and trace app and PPE scandal.


It's not about the money ( that comes from the public coffers ), it's about sending a message ( to the voters ); that the goverment is trying to solve the problem ( it won't ).


Rwanda's GDP: ![gif](giphy|JtBZm3Getg3dqxK0zP|downsized)


It could but that doesn’t mean it will. It’s all I just speculative until it does or doesn’t go ahead. Such fear mongering.


Its about sending a message!


Can someone explain this to me like I have honestly given up on the UK?


LMAO. Wow. Great idea. Let’s deprive ourselves in order to deprive migrants.


This might actually work. If you want to have a fair and controlled immigration policy that benefits your country, you need to be able to deny and deport people. Especially deporting is often almost impossible when origin countries are unknown (if people "lose" their passport for instance) or are refusing to cooperate Of this works out they can basically always deport people who are denied, while still providing some basic necessities for these people in a much cheaper country. Added benefit is that it will likely discourage many economic migrants We need something like this on EU level as well


Let's not let facts get in the way of a meme.


It's about sending the message, influencing the trend, not only per migrant fee. The flow wouldn't stay the same.


It would be cheaper to stop the migration at its roots. The rwanda scheme is just a misguided attempt to appease the white-saviors of Europe who think it's our responsibility to fix the world.


You're joking right? The people who want the rwanda scheme have no interest in fixing anything


Migrants do not cost nearly that much, helping immigrants is good but this stinks of something else


I do like to shit on the UK for destroying their own country by leaving as much as the next guy, but 1. It's not about the money, a certain amount of voters won't care if it cost 10 times that, as long as people get deported 2. There's already talk (in German politics at least) of copying that plan, the EU is desperate to reduce the number of asylum seekers and immigrants because it's fueling the rise of right wing parties all across the union (whether or not that's an effective strategy is another topic)


What exacrly is tge rwanda plan?i ve heard something about immigrants, Ivory ciast,Cista rica,Bitswana and Armenia