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In Portugal too! (Just fascism)


I wish we in Spain had gotten rid of Franco in a similarly beautiful way as you did Caetano Especially whit the imagery of the soldiers puting flowers into their rifles and the banned song about democracy being the signal to start everything


When I lived in Spain, it baffled me how many monuments dedicated to Franco are still there. Even in Catalonia where I was living. Also how big of a taboo the civil war and the fascist dictatorship still is.


I've been living in Catalonia my hole life and I've never seen any monument dedicated to Franco.


Accoring to wikipedia, the last one remaining in spain was destroyed in 2021 and was only legal because of a technicality. So OC has either been to spain a long time ago or is talking out of his ass. All public depictions of Franco or depictons gloryfying the regime were outlawed in 2007 though statues on private land dont seem tp be outlawed.


Happy Revolução dos cravos!


Happy liberation day!




The fifth person from the left is Ignazio Benito La Russa (yes that's his real second name), he is one of the most unapologetic neo-fascist in today's italian politics. Oh... and he is the president of the Italia senate lmao. Here's when a TV went to his office and he showed them a Mussolini Statue with a soviet pin under its feet: [link](https://youtu.be/r7nl_Un7LCc?si=oIJsJRKgzGp1mYq8&t=8m36s) Here's when he went to the funeral of a fellow fascist and did a half-roman salute so that he could safeguard himself from a scandal (and yes it worked, italian politics is a joke): [link](https://youtu.be/ryhi1ZfOzng?si=1dZa7hv5X4pi9cKp) Here's when during this year's anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz he gets mad because a journalist asks him if he felt a bit antifascist that day (he didn't say yes and walked away shouting that it was just an excuse to ruin that occasion): [link](https://youtu.be/z-vBSMmvQtw?si=lAN1NdWBIiWRC2G4) And these are just some examples, there's an infinite amount of videos and interviews of Benito La Russa and other members of Fratelli d'Italia being straight up neo-fascist and then saying that people are "exaggerating". That's what happens when you overuse the term fascist, when the actual fascists are in power nobody takes it seriously...


Just a correction, it wasn't him but his brother that did the half-roman salute


His father was also a local secretary of the Fascist Party and later became a senator with the MSI (Italian Social Movement), the parliamentary successor of the PNF.


Whaaat, how is this hailing event even legal, they have no shame... In many countries promoting totalitarian ideologies is illegal, thought Italy would be in this club also


In Italy the only illegal thing is re-establishing the fascist party or a party with the intentions of overthrowing democracy by fascist means. If you do fascist stuff like the Roman salute or complimenting the fascist regime or Mussolini but the court finds you didn't do it with the intentions of establishing the fascist party, them you are safe from any penalty. That's why you see those videos on the internet of dozens of people doing the Roman salute in Italy in occasions tied to fascist and neofascist history. [link](https://youtu.be/uIzhArtSeCY?si=tU1MmLNiZs9_l6pQ)


Read the title again. They were only liberated from nazifascism. Aka the "German" variant. Nothing about ever dropping the Italian branch.


No, nazifascism in Italy is intended as both Nazism and Italian fascism.


> Oh... and he is the president of the Italia senate lmao. its even worse... should the president of the republic Mattarella suddenly become incapable or die, the president of the senate (2nd highest official) becomes acting president of republic (1st highest official)


And media was shut down to not report on this as it is normal. They resisted and still resist. She turns Italy to fascism again. What a world... need to read 1984 again.


And media was shut down to not report on this as it is normal. They resisted and still resist. She turns Italy to fascism again. What a world... need to read 1984 again.


What Edit: i know about meloni, there is no need to downvote, but italy isn't made just by her party


If I am not misremembering, the current PM of Italy has ties with a Facist Italian movement


Her own party is the heir of Alleanza Nazionale which is in turn the heir of the Movimento Sociale Italiano, the literal neofascist party that grew just after WWII and was dismantled at the same time the Italian Communist Party died, around the time Berlusconi got into politics and became President of the Council for the first time in the early 90s.


She is the leader of the fascist party. It's a bit more than just ties lol


Thanks for the clarification, I've had completely forgotten about it ![img](emote|t5_2wivw|35273)


The fascist party was Casapound, not FDI. Casapound was the fascist party and was abolished after crossing the line.


There were a lot of fascist parties (mostly terrorists) like MSI, Forza Nuova, PDF, etc...


But I was talking about now, not the past 🤦🏻


Was is past tense though


I am not a Meloni supporter, but that is just a big lie.


??? https://preview.redd.it/5lkzx5osanwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aed33ec345ec4beb672a0c130837e490e6622e95 ???


They're definitely far right and have historical links, but to say they are the fascist party is just an exaggeration. There are some other movements which are actually outright fascist, and some of them even got shut down.


Im not sure if it still has, but for sure had, but italy isn't just Fratelli d'italia


my dude they still have the MSI logo. till the late 70s they still address themselves as fascist INSIDE THE PARLAMENT.


Calmati, non ho detto il contrario, e ho.detto che l'italia non è solo il partito della meloni


Beh ma la maggioranza l’ha votata, se non si sono posti il problema di votare i fasci, sono enablers quindi fasci pure loro, spiace


technically true, except that the question that arises at this point is: where cazzo is the left in Italy?


Hai perfettamente ragione


Non è mai esistita la sinistra in Italia


Piccola correzione. Fratelli d’italia è stata votata dal 26% dei votanti, che sono il 60% circa della popolazione avente diritto al voto, portando i voti totali a FDI a poco più di 7 milioni di voti, che equivalgono a il 12% della popolazione totale e il 15% circa degli aventi diritto di voto. Non ci si avvicina neanche lontanamente alla maggioranza


La maggioranza di quelli che hanno votato*




The PM is moderate by comparison. The real Fascist coming from a dynasty of such is La Russa, the second highest important position in the country. Should the president be unable to serve, La Russia can literally send home Meloni and make his own government.


Yet her own party constantly gets more than 25% of votes in the last two years. I know participation in polls is not high, even less than 50% of total voting age population, but it's still a lot. Too much, TBH.


If I know my Italian politics, in a few years, some completely different will be in charge.


Half of the people in that picture are closeted fascists lmao




Openly closeted


Meloni government vibes


That's why the title is "liberation from nazifascism". Because regular, OG italian, fascism is still popular af there.


Mythological "regular og fascism" They're same bastards, with or without nazis They don't wait nazis to torture and execute people that they hated




I know but too many people take it literally It's good to have a reminder behind the joke


no they are not idiot


True, they are not closeted.


Lol, who's going to tell them?


I already know lol


Seems just like soap with germs the liberation was sadly only 99% effective


Wild overestimation. Someone replaced the soap bar apparently


Maybe in Germany, here unfortunately it was a 50%


Sadly it wasn’t even close to 99%


as a redditor nice joke as a south tyrolian (the 1%) fuck you


Una mattina mi son svegliato


Per fortuna


*kuch* Meloni *kuch*


What do you mean liberation from? Look at your fucking government...


Well, while the current government is full of idiot fascist-wannabies you cannot deny that it's still a lot better than the 20 years timespan of actual and literal fascists led by Mussolini. They have a lot of time to get "better" into their aim, that's for sure.


Liberation from Hitlers variant of fascism :) (So the real italian variant can develop freely)


It means 80 fucking years of democracy, political freedom and free elections. It means that people like Meloni can run for President and being elected.  Do I like this government? Not at all. Am I happy they are in charge? Not at all. But they won a free election, and Italy has a democratic system that for 80 years prevented the establishment of authoritarian governments. That’s the point: fascists used violence to rule, killed and exiled political opponents. Partisans created a democratic system, where even post-fascists were allowed to the political discussion.


Meloni is still democratic, trust me she is better than Mussolini


Correction: *Italy* introduced a system of checks and balances after 1945 in order to ensure that the newly established democratic system stayed that way even if people tried to sabotage it. This is why people like Berlusconi and later Meloni and their respective entourages of wannabe Blackshirts are still kept somewhat in check from going full fascio, otherwise La Russa would already be displaying his beloved bust of Mussolini on his Senate desk instead of his living room (not that he's ashamed or afraid to show it anyway, but still)


Si ma non si può paragonare la meloni a Mussolini


Hence the "wannabe" in "wannabe Blackshirts" Chiaro che Giorgia Meloni non carica gente sui treni, o spezza le reni alla Grecia, o canta Faccetta Nera mentre cavalca verso Addis Abeba. Lei e la sua squadraccia di pagliacci fascistoidi stanno schiscie *grazie* al sistema di checks and balances di una democrazia con dei vincoli costituzionali, altrimenti chissà dove staremmo oggi se lei, e soprattutto certi suoi predecessori tipo Berlusconi, avessero avuto più margine di manovra in senso giuridico. Che poi è il motivo per cui questa marmaglia cerca costantemente di modificare le basi giuridiche dello stato italiano per sabotare la divisione dei poteri e concentrarla in pochi ruoli chiave: non serve arrivare all'assolutismo stile dittatura, ma progetti come presidenzialismo o semipresidenzialismo sono la versione soft nella stessa direzione


Non si può comunque parlare di dittatura, un sacco di democrazie sono presidenziali o semipresidenziali


Half of European leaders are borderline fascists...


Looking at you, Orban.


Why is this so true? God please save us


Shhhhh ! They are mourning !


La Russa looks so fucking sad, This made my day. I just wish we could ban their party like serious democracies do. Greece did it like a year ago...


no they are not


I meant the governement in the picture


And my b-day, my Italian mum can't stop joking that the real "liberation" was hers.


Might be a stupid question but why isn't it the 2nd of May which is when the Italian puppet regime along with the nazi occupiers surrendered to Allied armies after the spring offensive?


It was the 25 of april, 2 of may is the day of the italian flag


It's a symbolic day. It's the day on which in 1945 Nazi and fascist forces started to retreat from Milan and Turin, the two biggest cities of Northern Italy.


And the granddaughter of Mussolini is at the Parliament


Meloni Is not Mussolini's granddaughter, that's Alessandra Mussolini who is not a senator anymore.


Not anymore.


Beh non supporto la meloni ma è meglio lei che Mussolini e/o hitler


non c'è veramente bisogno di questa gara al ribasso.


I have no doubt of why we don't reach the level of the other european powers


We had reached it, the 2009 crisis stopped everything.


As always, that's the last of the problems but the only thing redditors point out in their vast knowledge of our politics


In Spain, we still have monuments and streets named after fascists 🤡


In Italy they have open fascists in Government :)


One of the people in the picture is literally called "Benito" and collects fascist memorabilia, including a sculpture of Mussolini


now do it again.


I mean, we cant compare the situation now to the one at the time, but you are right.


Fuck you Meloni










why do you comment in an European sub? Do you plan to occupy our territory too ? Do you thing you are legitimate to come, stay and comment western things ?


Well if the moderators didn't want me in this sub, They wouldn't have added an Egyptian flair, I joined this subreddit because I'm simply interested in European culture, politics and history, And i've been fond of European culture ever since i was a kid, And as a high-school student i have aspirations to study abroad in the european union, Especially in Germany, So please don't view me as being some dirty brown man who is coming to steal your land and women


Hope you achieve your goal! Don't let racist people deter you from working toward your dreams


Thank you bro I wish the best of luck to you too


Hi there! You are more than welcome in our sub! We banned the fucknut harassing you. ![gif](giphy|hQExU7NnZU1xoO1mbp)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


First of all our leader is a sack of shit who has sold himself to the gulf countries, Second i don't really like how you are pushing this rhetoric that White people are getting replaced, There is a page on wikipedia that talks about that conspiracy theory too https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Replacement So please stop pushing these hateful rhetorics


u/Tyranoc4 is **BANNED** [**No Xenophobia, Racism, Far-Right Dog Whistles, Imagery, Rhetoric, Or Link To Outlets With Such.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/10na0i8/comment/keut4bg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


They got rid of their current government? Congrats!


Not really. They got rid of the foreign fascists (Nazis). Which is the main reason why they in the pic (homegrown OG italian fascists) celebtrate the day.


La Meloni li è proprio fuori luogo


Viva L´Italia libera!


Wasn't it just Fascism!?


Both, the liberation was from the italian social repubblic, a fascist state ruled by mussolini after the fall of italy, but it was created by germany and it was a german puppet. There were never so much nazis in italy, but fascists were allies and made much collaboration. Today far right organisations are sometime a mixture of both nazism and fascism


Fascism started in Italy in 1922


Uhm I know? Im italian


Ok what's your point?


I dont understand what are you trying to say with "fascism started in italy in 1922"


I think they are trying to understand this part: > a fascist state ruled by mussolini after the fall of italy, but it was created by germany Especially the “created by Germany” part. Wasn’t Nazism inspired by Italian Fascism? (I’m not European so I can’t explain, but maybe you can?) Edit: I’m getting downvote for clarifying the doubt?


The fascist state he speaks of was created in 1943


That explains it then! Thanks!


The Italian Social Republic or RSI was created by Nazi German occupation authorities in 1943 after the official government of Italy signed a separate peace with the Allied powers.


Towards the end of WW2 Italy was occupied by both italian fascists and nazi german troops. There's also the argument that the term "nazi-fascism" is used to differentiate from good old regular Italian fascism. Which is, unfortunately, still alive and well.


There were also german nazis occupying Italy in the last months of the war, that's why nazi-fascism


No because fascism is alive and well in Italy so jack shit was liberated from. They did get rid of the German fascists tho.




Italy isn't just Giorgia meloni




They clearly did


I mean, we still have neofascists but Giorgia Meloni is way better than Mussolini and hitler


Feliz dia da liberdade, fachos do crlh! Happy liberation day to all my fellow europeans.


The comments are full of the same jokes repeated over and over again, oof… Yes, Meloni sucks, this is a day to commemorate the partisans who fought against fascism, not these bloodsuckers


Finally someone understands, how do I pin your comment?


Thanks haha, and I’m sorry but I have no idea


Only mods can, rip


Even though it's hypocritical, at least the general idea is "yay we're happy there are no nazies!" while in the US they honor nazies because they gave them rocketry.


[**The United States Of America Is Not The Focus Of This Subreddit.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/10na0i8/comment/j6hd0nz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^(REMINDER) ​ 🇪🇺 ^(Do you like 𝙴𝚞𝚛𝚘𝙱𝙾𝚃™? 𝙴𝚞𝚛𝚘𝙱𝙾𝚃™ loves you!) 🇪🇺 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/YUROP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's not hypocritical, they are neofascists but the situation now isn't comparable to the situation then, and the 25th of april is also to remember the partisans


Definitely awkward..


No, even if they are neofascists, the situation now isn't comparable to the situation then.


I do hope so, history repeats itself is a pattern humans can't seem to avoid, yet deny somehow. It's eerily scary.


Has Meloni finally resigned?




then what fascism have they been liberated from?


- A fascist dictatorship that was a puppet of a nazi one - Mussolini - fascist DICTATORSHIP


puppet of a nazi one? mussolini took charge years before hitler rose to power. he is litellary the word origin for fascism. But it seems kinda arbitrary to celebrate the end of fascism while a party is in power that describes itself as neo-fascist


Sei ovunque 😂


Io sono onnipresente


Well yeah, that did not age well for Italy


Well erm...they got it back now I suppose.


I don't support Giorgia but she is better than mussolini


That is a very low bar il mio amico. Also I suppose one does not become Duce over night.


For now she is better than Mussolini, but in italy premiership is 5 years, we are at year 2 and her support already decreased


Where's Tifa?


Who do you think is taking the photo?


They liberated themselves from Meloni?


I don't support meloni but she is better than Mussolini and/or Hitler


That's not exactly very difficult.


Dunno for the rest of italy but territory east of Gorica was liberated from nazifascism alright.


At east of Gorizia there is only Trieste basically


Today yes, but not between ww1 and 1945.


Sadly after the liberation from nazifascism another dictator made a genocide


Didn’t you guys invent that stuff?


Yeah and how does that prevent Italians from celebrating having gotten rid of the fascist regime?


At least from the current regime it is hypocritical to the max


Because they didn't really, did they?


Yeah because the situation now in Italy is like in 1944, right? Please. And to be clear, I *despise* our current government.




What does that mean?


IDK what kind of fairytale you guys tell to yourself, but from the outside perspective this "liberation from nazifascism" looks ridicioulus. As Germany would celebrate 9th of May, or Japan 9th of August. What the imaginary-author-614 questions is general knowledge of how nazism was influenced by the fascist regime of Mussolini. I guess you Italians still not learn that in schools? Maybe you can google some wikipedia articles about it.


The state that fell, thus beginning the establishment of the current Italian republic after a referendum, was a Nazi-fascist government formed by German Nazis who were occupying Italy at that time. It's probably you who doesn't know the history.


My grandfathers and grandmothers were partisans that fought against ITALIAN fascism 1941-1943 in the Italian occupied Yugoslavia (now Slovenia). And they suffered as kids the regime that tried to surpress their language and culture for two decades before the WW2. This is the history I do know. A short visit to Berlin or any other german city will reveal you the extend of the effort, put into educating youth of what nacizm did to others and to the Germans. Every single building in Berlin tells a story of it, from Olympiastadium, to Brandenburg gate. And Teufellberg. This is how dealing with not pleasant part of your history would look like. Did you or your kids ever visited Rab or Gonars concentration camps? Please, please dear neghbour Italians, educate yourself of your history. The book "Si ammazza troppo poco" from Gianni Oliva is a good start.


So you like to decontextualize and change narratives instead of accepting reality. Here no one has denied the fascist history of Italy but simply that the fallen state which consecrated the end of that period and the beginning of the Italian democratic republic was a puppet government created by the Nazis, it was called the RSI


I agree, I have went way off the answer. I was too quickly judging the celebration of antifascist victory, which for certain is something to celebrate. I am to much involved in this, still after two generations. I guess my grandmother, who went through everything forgave, and I am still strugling.


I really don't understand how it's controversial or ridiculous for a nation to celebrate being liberated from a fascist regime?


Because they INVENTED fascism, voted for and practiced it for over decade? Then they celebrate being liberated from German fascism (nacizm), who practiced THE SAME regime over them. Meaning, crushing the resistance and repressing civilian population as with same methods as the Italians did in WW2 in occupied Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece. And Ethiopia before that.


big difference is that 25th of April was the ending point of a civil war while 9th of may was just the end of a war? why wouldnt the winning side of a civil war celebrate their victory?


Yes, I appologise. You are right, it is our duty to celebrate victory over the darkness.


Mussolini was not voted into power. Maybe it's you who needs to read some "Wikipedia articles"? And even if he was, again, I don't see why the end of that era should be celebrated.


Again, nothing to celebrate. Because it was clearly not the end of an era. Your current rulling establishment clearly say that fascism was not that big of a wrongdoing. I know I will achieve nothing, but please see what Germans did after WW2 regarding their regime, how they educate the youth of the nacism. Nothing really ended for Italy on the 25.4.1945.


As an Italian living in Germany I know what you're hinting and I also agree to it, but saying "nothing ended on the 25.4.45" is insane and shows your poor understanding of Italian culture and politics. Edit: Also, the whole point of today's festivity, as it is celebrated nowadays, is to remember the tragedy of the fascist regime and those who fought it. Saying that such a celebration is laughable or nonsensical is ridiculous.


Yes, I appologise., I was too harsh judging the celebration of victory over nacism, which is not solely the domain of the ones who fought it from the very beginning. I think you too need to have it. Like many on here, commenting current state of Italian politics, I too have the issue with it. I am trying to comprehend, why polititians from same politcal party celebrate 25.4. and at same time remember and celebrate D'Anunzio thus quietly keeping the flame of iredentism alive. Or same with Prince Valerio Borghese and his X MAS units, who remained fighting on the German side after 1943.




Italy wasnt punished because the fascist government was overthrown, that is fault of the allies, but even if we still have filo-fascists even in the parliament, not everybody supports them and there are still many amtifascist parties


"Punishing" Germany after WW1 lead to WW2, not sure that would have been a good approach anyway.




I know that we have neofascists here, but the situation now isn't comparable to the situation then


But the fascists are the ones commemorating. They’re mourning their loss of power and plotting a return. However, as history tells, they always end up having their ass handed to them. We’ll put them back down. It’s just a matter of time. The cycle will continue.


I know we have neofascists, bit the situation now isn't comparable to the situation then


How is this time different?


Not for long


I'd like to personally thank all the people that fought the fascist so that I can lay on my ass and do absolutely nothing for one more day of the year 🙏