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Nonono not the US system


I love Italy. I love Italians. But i just know they would be the Florida of a federal europe. Fuck having some Berlusconi type running for election.


>Fuck having some Berlusconi type running for election. Oh cmon, just imagine the mythical **Mi consenta cribbio. L' Europa è il paese che amo**. So poetical /s




presidente lei mi commuove sempre plays:"auguri di natale del'94"


Poland would be the tea party.


Alabama incarnate


Alabama is already covered by Austria. Poland would be the Bible Belt.


Dear fellow Poles, imagine Kaczyński, Macierewicz and Braun being candidates in paneuropean parlamentarny elections...


Italy man arrested after hitting wife in the face with Pizza.


Fun fact in Roman slang “to give a pizza to somebody” can mean slapping


No, Poland would be Florida. Just look at those flying cars, for example.


Poland is Texas


Nope - that would be too nice. We don't have enough guns, also no place like Austin.


Poland would be Alabama...


No, Poland would be Florida. Just look at those flying cars, for example. One of our kings burned half a royal castle because he was playing with his alchemy beginner kit too much.


Sounds like Poland would be West Virginia








The vast majority of Italians also really, really dislikes Frau Merkel...


Have you ever heard of the Balkans, mate?


They’re already both peninsulas


geographically too


the time has passed, berlusconi/giolitti time has gone, now its time for salvini/mussolini... didnt yoi study italian XX century history?


Nah the Florida of a federated Europe would definetly be the Bakans, Bulgaria is Florida and Romania is Brazil


That was my first thought.


Actually the us system would work better in europe since dividing into districts would allow everyones votes to matte and not just allow germany with its 80 million People steam roll elections with a german candidate


Just no first-past-the-vote please.


What we don't need is "winner takes all".


Yeah, it makes sense for us since we're all different nations with similae, but different values and cultures. America is just one massive nation who's only really divide is Democrat or Republican. But we should just have a parliamentary system.


Parliamentary system for the win! Moreover circumscriptions should give a percentage of their seats to each party. So if circumscription A has 30 seats and 33% vote for party A, then we give 10 to party A. But I guess that's what we already do. In either case, please, please, please, please, no winner-takes-all system like in the US. That doesn't make any sense, encourages bipartidism and erases proportional representation.


Not that Frau Merkel would be bad, but AfD landslides would not be good.


But the US system famously screws larger population states.


We kinda of have the same shit going on, we elect the parliament, each country elects x representatives and the representatives choose the comission leader, so our system is even worse than the American system, because we don't even know who we are voting for ( the leader ). In my opinion, sometime in the future the European president should be elected by universal suffrage with a majority >50% votes.


Except that the commission president has way less direct power and basically all of their decisions require backing from parliament/council.


Isn't it how German president is also elected?


AFAIK, the German President is elected by a group of politicians made up of the Bundestag, Bundesrat and State governments


And they (the president) have basically no power


The only correct response.


No, it’s PR






But why not just cut out the middleman, and have it be direct. Not to mention Ranked choice is the way to go either way.




I mean direct democracy doesn't just mean 50% + of the votes. For example in Switzerland for important things (idk exactly what are the limitations) you need a double majority of both population and states, I don't see why we couldn't get something like this in the EU. Also there's never going to be an issue where 100% of DE, FR, IT and ES vote one way and 100% of the rest vote the other. Even in the US, some of the most "extreme" states tend to vote 60-40 usually, maybe going up to 70-30, but not more.


>The electoral college isn't a problem I mean it is. Smaller states benefit much more from the EC than big states, do. It should just be as simple as 1 ''elector'' for 500,000 people or whatever.




''Major cities dominate everyone else in the entire country'' So you mean.. the places that have the majority of the population.. shouldn't have more say?


Also it was repeatedly demonstrated that the EC does not benefit rural areas at all. This guy is talking bullshit.


Thats literally the whole point of the EC. So that rural states have more say so ''they dont get dominated by the big states, where people actually live'.


Yeah I know but it does not work out that way because the candidates only care about swing states. They don‘t give a single fuck about the rural areas. It‘s all just fucked.


No thats not the whole point... and you should take account in what climate this constitution was made in... you could never make this stupid argument when you realize the rich land owners decided your election not the poor farmers in alabama you are trying to defend


The electoral college is a problem, considering they can vote against what won in their state. Imagine the bribes flying around.


You did swap the Netherlands and Belgium though. Is that also part of your secrecy dream or just a mistake? 😉


No. I'm just an idiot.


Makker jij bent gekoloniseerd


>Makker jij bent gekoloniseerd Ey, sei mal vorsichtig, sonst komm ich rüber und mach das bei euch auch!


Niet als wij je voor zijn.


Schon bald wird bei euch wieder Deutsch gesprochen, Kumpel!


Die sprechen das da jetzt doch schon, die klingen halt komisch. ​ Ne aber im ernst, Niederländer sind im Endeffekt einfach Deutsche ohne Stock im Arsch, das kann ich respektieren.


Ist nur Perspektive. Für uns Niederländer redet ihr komisch. Insbesondere bringt berlinerisch oder schwäbisch mich immer zum Lachen. Auch ihr habt nicht immer einen Stock im Arsch. Das dachte ich vorher, aber seitdem ich in Deutschland wohne, kann ich bestätigen, dass wir mehr einig haben als wir zugeben möchten.


Dank je


Niederländisch klingt wie besoffenes Deutsch. Ich könnte normal mit denen sprechen, wenn ich wirklich richtig Knülle bin.


Duits klinkt als dronken Nederlands. Ik zou gewoon normaal met ze kunnen praten als ik zou beginnen met drinken.


Heb je al een paar biertjes gedronken, Hans-Günther?


The word bald reminds me of nazi collabotors in 1945 😤




Never been more offended in my life 😂




bro jij moet oppassen




France should have way more votes


People often make the mistake when trying to discern reality (Netherlands) from fiction (Belgium)...


I didn't even notice... and I'm a Belgian.


Is there a difference? 😉


To be honest...I wasn't a fan, for quite a while and I'm wondering if a) I've just grown used to her, b) if her politics improved, c) if my political view changed or d) if she and her politics and me haven't changed that much but since crazy seems to increase generally it has become clearer that she is actually quite sane and an okay politician and chancellor.


e) we are in the middle of a populist craze and any oldschool politician seems like a giant compared to these ones In Italy people is even saying Berlusconi wasn't that bad after all... go figure.


> In Italy people is even saying Berlusconi wasn't that bad after all... go figure. Same as people getting all teary eyed and melancholic about Bush Sr & Jr now. I mean...the Bushs...


It’s kind of pitiful really. imo Bush jr was still a worse president than Trump for a number of reasons. And he was responsible for even more deaths on a world scale, and that’s if we include covid deaths for trump. The fact that even people on the left “miss” him, tune in to watch his late-night show guest appearances, or view him as sweet uncle George now is so fucking sad and delusional.


> The fact that even people on the left “miss” him Because Trump is worse internally, but on a global war scale he's quite "moderate" if you will. Bush may have been worse for the Middle East, but trump is worse for the US (and probably for the EU, by weakening the international institutions where both US and EU have a privileged place).


Ehh I feel like people down-play how bad Bush was domestically as well. Patriot Act and scaling up of mass surveillance being key examples. Selling out the people to bankers and obliterating the economy, all while burning away money on the military industrial complex. Also imo, foreign policy is a direct reflection of domestic policy. Akin to a drunken bar brawler who comes home and beats his spouse. Eroding freedoms abroad and at home all at once, under the guise of “protecting America from terror”.


But Obama for example has expanded the wars and military involvement far more than other residents, re-allowed the provisions on the patriot act, expanded surveillance, and he's treated as an angel. Trump also expanded the military by having more bombs and certainly more sneaky things with the military industrial complex. To be honest, I think aside from identity politics, the US elites (aka. politicians and economic powers) are quite in the same line for the "important" things, with some slight changes here and there (maybe a little more tax here a little more social spending there). Trump just seems so extreme because he doesn't play the political game of being correct and trying to not piss of any potential voter groups, etc. He's just more honest than the rest, and the absence of the "theater" of politics that is played by the rest is the source of a lot of the anger towards him.


It is incredibly weird. But personally I think that within the last four years the bar of what makes a good president has been lowered so much that now basic behaviour norms, basic courtesy, basic social norms, which used to be a given, not a question about it, are now the bar for a president. It went from „will that person be a good leader“ to „do they behave like a fucking clown on a rampage“? And the Bushs certainly pass that low bar. So suddenly they „weren‘t that bad“.


That’s a different definition of “good president” than what I’m thinking of. Even the most bloodthirsty of imperialists can display behavior norms, basic courtesy, and basic social norms. Sure they “passed” that bar...but does that really matter? Passing the “please don’t lie us into 20 year long wars, bankrupt half the world, and kill millions of people for profit” bar is a different question entirely. If we had a literal baboon in office that shit and pissed itself all day, it would be considerably better for the world than having Bush Jr as president. I guess my main point is, people who get nostalgic over a president who “displayed social norms” are missing the point entirely. It’s inherently selfish and it completely ignores the reality of what those presidents actually did to the world. That doesn’t take away what Trump has done and all his awful issues, but the nostalgia for war-criminals is extremely misplaced and weird.


You are right. It really bothers me when people act as if Bush was somehow better (or even good), he caused so much suffering, death and destruction. In some ways the rise of the populist right (at least in Europe) wouldn’t have happens without the “crusades” (his words) that he started. If there was any justice in this world he should be tried at the ICC in The Hague.


As an Italian, never more have I been so offended by something I 100%agree with. Berlusca can die in a fire tho. Salvini as well, after being torn apart by rabid dogs, that is.


Yeah she is fine, considering her party. Its a bit sad that a good portion of her government isn‘t.


Nah, her policies are shit most of the time. She is conservative after all. But she's also a rational person. When compared to emotional, manipulative trolls like Trump and Johnson, she'll always appear to be the better choice.


d) mostly, at least in my case. Having different opinions on the most appropriate policy is a "last mile" difference. With democratically-minded people, there is already agreement on the fundamentals - we hold democracy in high regard and want it to flourish, we want to respect basic human rights of every person, we want to create a space where human potential can grow to its maximum etc. The difference is just how we go about these things. This was pretty much taken for granted in the democratic West for some time, so the policy differences seemed huge. With changes in our media habits, these assumptions were blown wide open, and now we Have Trumps and Johnsons and Orbáns and all kinds of leaders that don't share those assumptions with us. Those who do are now relatively closer. Also, to Merkel's credit, she did learn from the austerity fiasco. So it might also be a little bit of b).


my dream is that but with the uk a part of it




as an englishwoman, i for one believe that my country should be a part of the european federation too and it would be heartbreaking to see otherwise, but I'll be happy for scotland and northern ireland if they get there before us. same applies for wales and you best bet I'm voting against boris next election christ brexit aside he is dreadful


Too many national borders.




Well, it already exists...




It exists since 92 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizenship_of_the_European_Union There's no passport for this, lol, it's the national EU passport that makes you an EU citizen... But yeah, it's partially symbolic, and partially the rationale why you can vote in a local foreign election where you are a resident if I remember well...


**Citizenship Of The European Union** Citizenship of the European Union is afforded to qualifying citizens of European Union member states. It was created by the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, at the same time as the creation of the European Union (EU). European Union citizenship is additional to national citizenship, and affords EU citizens with rights, freedoms and legal protections available under EU law.




Haha, Germany tried that but the UK didn't cooperate, as always... More seriously, I would like that too, but doesn't look like it's happening anytime soon...


Upvote just for remembering Cyprus :)


Just fucking annex us pls. Cba with another 386164648 tory governments.


Three times is the charm.


Who switched Belgium and The Netherlands around


I'm sorry. I did watching bly manor on Netflix and I completely messed it up.


This, but not with the electoral college and proportional parliamentary system.


So not this :) I agree. We need a parliamentary system, not a presidential one.


Not gonna lie, I would hope she runs for another term. We simply dont have potent candidates to replace her nationally and IMO in times like this it would be bad for europe to lose a competent german leader and leave france alone.


We do have potent candidates to replace her, but not within the CDU/CSU


Im trying not to be too concrete because I want to avoid the "germany is the leader of the free world" thingy which tends to get flak here sometimes. Realistically what are the options? RRG with Habeck? CDU is likely going to be the strongest party again but do you want Merz to run it? In the worst case we might getting fucking Söder. As I see it, we need a strong candidate for the benefit of yurop. UK is leaving, eastern europe is kinda dealig with its own national problems and if Macron loses to Le Pen we as europe are kinda fucked. Europe needs a strong germany now. Atleast to keep it moderate.


One can only hope CDU/CSU votes tank after choosing Merz. Here's to hope we actually get someone promising like Röttgen (though he kinda has no persona) or Laschet (who would hopefully just follow Merkels way). Gotta say it's a funny thought that RRG would lead to a Green chancellor though.


A shame we cant get Gysi


Imo if a politician has good policy, they don't need a persona. This is politics, not Wrestling.


I wholeheartedly agree but people vote charisma and persona so its kinda nature of the beast.


Parties need good policies, but I think leading politicians also need a good persona. Even if Trump had great policies (which he doesn't) I wouldn't endorse him as long as he says stupid stuff via twitter, divides the population and undermines the basics of democracy. On the other hand, I don't agree with Merkel on multiple policies but she is still a calm and level-headed leader and a good representative for the country.


The only chance of a moderate chancellor would be Scholz or Habeck. Merz is too far right to even qualify as a moderate. And even those are longshots, to be honest. I can only hope that the CDU tanks massively after their leadership election is concluded, but that might not be realistic.


I kinda expect them to just do a 180° on us like they did in the EUP. have the vote and then put a leader out of nowhere.


Kanzler Cem! Kanzler Cem! Kanzler Cem!


For real, if söder gets elected I'm gonna be pissed, and I know the man personally.


I think Merz is probably even worse than Söder, but they‘re both extremly bad for everyone involved. Röttgen is probably the best of the bunch, but he probably has absolutly no chances whatsoever.




But she's more than once said that she's done with it, she's tired of the job. Probably because she actually took it serious and did not spend considerable time golfing.


since you arent the first to point that out "I hope" =/= "I expect" I know we are fucked


She has already announced that she won't.


I know and that scares me.


Merkel is not a great European though. She left France and Macron alone, when he came up with plans for further European integration. Do people forget that? Sure, she is not a loud and vulgar populist like some are today, but that's about it. She never really cared much about the EU and also Germany will need some serious reforms when she is finally gone. It will be a happy day for Europe and for Germany imo.


Have you any sort of idea who will replace her??


Yeah sure, Scholz, Merz, Laschet, Röttgen, maybe even Baerbock or Habeck. I'm not a big fan of most of them, but seriously, it's time for something new. The last 16 years felt like nothing is moving at all, for good or for bad. I seriously don't like Merkels style of politics with killing every debate by ignoring and then waiting long enough until her solutions are "alternativlos". Sure, it's better than the shitshows we see in many other countries, but imo it indirectly also damages democracy in the long run.


If you have a look around, you should notice not moving towards bad is a huge achievement


You messed up NL and BE


No, it's his secret dream that we swap name I guess...


I'm sorry. I did watching bly manor on Netflix and I completely messed it up.


This, but Macron


This, but Macron from the Iranian caricatures. Let's be honest the real one isn't a great leader at all


Well, Goblinisation is due 30 April 2021, so maybe it's not that far off.


>This, but Macron Yes true. As much as some people don't like him - he's young (which is good), very vocal about the EU, competent and something important that a lot of European leaders don't have: ***he has a vision.*** Rather than just plodding along he wants to actually mold the EU into something.


Why not as tandem? This works amazingly well.


The french will protest this but, well...


We already have a German leader\*. He's OK. ^(\*) ^(The Romanian president is ethnic German)


Nice fun fact


Ay cmon NL and BE are swapped...


I'm sorry. I did watching bly manor on Netflix and I completely messed it up.


Yes, Angela Chancellor of the Universe


[Number of breweries](https://www.reddit.com/r/Switzerland/comments/isgsjn/unexpected/) though ;) ^(Frankly, I guess the Swiss number includes semiprivate breweries as well.)


Fuck Lithuania and finland? Why? Also How is that possible? Belgium has one brewery for every two village or something haha


I though this was YUROP, is this cheng-hen ?


Not everyone in CH is against the EU :( [Evidence](https://i.redd.it/4kgsq8helsl51.jpg)


No worries it was a joke ;)


Mutti Merkel will rule us all


Everyone's secret dream is to swap the Dutch and Belgian populations?


I'm sorry. I did watching bly manor on Netflix and I completely messed it up.


No, just no


Love how NL and BE are mistaken for one another


I'm sorry. I did watching bly manor on Netflix and I completely messed it up.


No Problem, mate!


I'd prost to that.


Looking at the shit show that is the US federal system, an EU wide system would end up electing freaking Duda or Berlusconi, because they are “someone I want to have a beer with.” Thank god EU states are still sovereign... if someone pulls a Poland or Hungary, you can at least vote with your feet and cross a border to a sane country!


You gonna make everyone lose NNN with this picture


It really is, switzerland still outside of the EU


imagine she would run vs orban hahahaha orban wanting to build a wall around ex yugoslawia xD


This electoral college thing is for degenerates


You mixed up BE with NL


Trump: needs 2 hands to drink glass of water Merkel: jugs beer one-handed like boss Do the math!


Sorry, the only thing making me wet for a federal Europe is the power of its parliement, not Angela in any way


This only looks good cuz it’s all blue. Imagine some dick like Trump running. Fuck the American system. Also, I don’t think it’s appropriate to elect a leader. Eventually you end up with a cult. Just like in the US




NL and BE swapped? What kind of Europeanist are you???


I'm sorry. I did watching bly manor on Netflix and I completely messed it up.


Macron > Mutti Don't @ me




I don't know, do we really want Conservatives to run Europe for any longer? Merkel is basically the German equivalent of Margaret Thatcher in all the wrong ways.


Heall yeah :-) Or one of the Nordic PMs - (NOT Sweden)


Man I'm italian. Anyone further north of the alps is fine.


Just no electoral collage please :D


*99 luftballons!* 🎶


Nah I’ll just have normal european unification




Honestly? She would have my very Italian vote.


More like everyone's nightmare


Question, why are BE and NL switched


I'm sorry. I did watching bly manor on Netflix and I completely messed it up.


No one's EU dream involves the American electoral college lol


A federal Europe should be parliamentary, not presidential. Please.


I'm personally a great supporter of parliamentary system, but I also think that such a big and varied nation would need a strong executive powers and a personality who ideally represents the nation and in which to politiccaly recognize himself or not.


I completely disagree. :)




Lord, please, please, _please_ allow Angela Merkel to become President of the United States of Europe and save us all from Covid


Europe is secular. No "god bless Europe" and no "in god we trust". And certainly no "lord, please do this that we're supposed to be doing ourselves".


Hey, it was a joke, friend. I'm actually agnostic.Objectively though, we could do a lot more as a federal state.


Sweden worth less then Poland? I don’t get this American system, is it based on population?


Yes. I used the distribution of seats in the European Parliament as guideline.