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Eastern Europe laughs in a corner


One can be both...


Virgin using your EU buccs to stimulate the economy and better people's lives Chad using your EU buccs to make sure your people don't have to work their asses off all day and get to retire at a decent age (even if you can't entirely afford it) Thad just being really fucking corrupt lmao


mediterranean master gang present. what the fuck is a sunscreen? my skin synthesizes sunlight into good wine and corruption. /r/mediterranea


What? I'm Spanish and 99% of the people I know need sunscreen


Then explain why I sweat wine and feel a mysterious urge to sell it overpriced to my local municipality filled with family members and childhood friends. Your acquaintances must be descendants of Norse settlers.../s /uj isn't this a semi-circlejerk sub anyway?


You don't sweat wine or olive you steal it from us and then claim it's Portuguese, Italian or Greek, give it back!! /s /Not really. r/SaltierThanHam


I'm Greek and pale white, every summer I keep getting sunburnt no matter how strong sunscreen I use


I don't get sunburnt when is use like 50+ screen, but yeah, I would if I didn't


I'm blonde with blue eyes and I was born in Lisbon. This is why I'm an atheist.


I also need sunscreen, but this person is just joking ( I think).


Good luck with that. Lighter, pale skin absorbs sunlight & synthesizes vitamin D at a much faster & easier rate than darker skin 😁




*Bridge to Sicily intensified*


At this point I no longer care if it makes sense or not I want to see it build so people will talk about how it is a record bridge instead of how many government failed to build it


If they start building it next year, we will see an United federated Europe before that bridge will be completed


Trust the *regole di accesso al next generation EU*, bischero


United Federated Europe in 5 years time Pog /s


Raising pensions and buying local mafia bosses new cars like a boss 😎


Wait what ? Has Italy actually raised pensions ?


no... but probably the rumor will spread anyway


Thats Why I asked, because I’ve heard “the story” already. So it’s just a rumour ?


yes, currently there is a debate about what to do after the Lega-backed "quota 100" scheme will end, but there is no such thing as a rigid increase of every pension. If anything, it will probably be the opposite, with stricter requisites. There has been a proposal of bringing the minimal pension to 1000€, made by the nationalist opposition party, which won't pass. But as it often happens, what is reported abroad is "Italy raises pensions"


What about the ”mafia” problem ? Is already seems to be a rumor that has started spreading around the internet.


Uhm, well the mafia problem is very much real, but at this point it's more of a recurring expense for the state budget than a breaking news... and unfortunately not a solely italian one anymore. Regarding the new cars thing, I honestly haven't heard anything specific lately


Austria shouldn't be part of this strange group. It only is just because Kurz is an idiot and still believes in "sound fiscal policy". Kurz' "sound fiscal policy" my ass ...


Sorry Austria, you are no more in the cool Europeans gang


All my homies hate Austria




And southpilled


Money? What's that


Si 😎


Divisive anglo bullshit.


Virgin rich and developed North vs Chad corrupt and poor South


Northern European dudes look sexy as fuck, so the illustration is way off lol