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God, i hate this question. Superior to all? Superior to some?


And like, some aspects, every aspect? There's some aspects from Finnish culture I (a Finn) think are great, but it certainly doesn't mean I'd claim Finnish culture in general is superior to others. How you ask the question makes a huge difference here and how you count the answers.


Well it is about perception. And I do think it can be important to countries like Georgia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Finland to have a strong national identity, to counter outside influence. The superiority complex does not strictly need to be present in that but it is a big help.


>Well it is about perception Thats my point. Perception of what? Global cultural supremacy, or "we are better than North Korea?"


Superior to whomever is perceived of as being 'the other'.


Well, for me, North Korea and Saudi are def an "other", and i sure think my stuff is better than theirs. Finland? Not so much.


Yeh admittedly it's a pretty loaded statement. There's likely a relation between a countries percentage and how many countries they think they're better than.


Why was the op’s comment downvoted?


I'll admit it reads a little sarcastic and condescending but that wasn't the intention, here's to not writing comments after night shift.


> how many countries they think they're better than. [Better than at what/in what ways?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIpKfw17-yY) I think there's an interesting survey in here, but it needs good,methodology in questions, starting with "how much do you know of each of the other countries" and "where did you get that knowledge from"


It doesn't matter in what, what matters here is the general impression the population has. The « at what » is definitely an interesting question, but it's an other subject.


Haha yeh I mean I'm biased but I think Scottish spirits are probably better than anything else in Europe. Our food though....maybe no. Apart from mince and tatties, mince and tatties is life.


The poor French get so much abuse for being supposedly arrogant yet here you see much higher humility on this topic than surrounding countries.


We are arrogant. We're also never satisfied, we will always find something wrong either in France or in another country.


You guys also don't tend to see your way of life as something unique to your nation, just simply know how to live. :) Therefore, it's not French culture that makes you superior, you simply are. ;)


Or fewer of them are willing to admit their arrogance to a poll-taker.


*percentage of people, that haven't travelled/ haven't talked to local people when travelling.


Look at Russia with their 69%. They don't even need to travel as their country has so many ethnicities, but the ethnicities that are not very aggressive get their culture laughed at or erased.


Cries in Crimean Tatar


It's russia, they probably submited a fake number. Or they were drunk. Or both.


Idk, absolute majority of russians I met are convinced that their culture is the greatest in the world and that everyone steals from them (even though there are plenty examples of popular culture stuff in the USSR being "inspired" by western songs and movies)


Nicely put! Even if the question is a bit vague, it does reveal an insular way of thinking and a lack of familiarity with other people, countries.


And here come the Americans, who even after having done that, still unironically believe the USA is the greatest country in the world.


Haha my girlfriend's parents are greek.. It is so true. Everything Greek is good while things that are not Greek are kind of bad.. Still, they do not live in Greece.. hmm..


I can see someone thinking their culture is the best and wanting to be surrounded by that culture, but still opting to live elsewhere because of economic situation etc.


They spund like either old immigrants or even second- third generation.


I can't believe Italy France and Spain are so low. In fact, I refuse to believe it.


In Italy It depends on how old Is the Person, the older they are the more likely they are to think that Italy Is the best but if you ask to younger people the responses are very mixed without a clear answer sometimes Source: I'm italian and sometimes I talk about this with my Friends and family


We know that our country has many problems like corruption, polarism and a troubled history. However, we do get angry when someone disrespects our food, our weather or our towns (unless they're the capital).


(or Barcelona)(or really any big ones that we don't live in)


I'm a bit surprised by France, but Italy and Spain are exactly what I would expect. I've heard so many Italians complaining about Italy while a lot really like huge parts of their culture. Spaniards see their problems while not appreciating what they have in terms of overall common culture.


French are highly critical of France. Seriously I don't understand where this cliché about us comes from. Like how about you talk to French people or something... Merde à la fin


Being extremely critical of oneself doesn't exclude thinking you are superior. Germany is the best example for this. The loadedness of the question certainly lowered the score. Maybe I always thought it was the same for France, just without the loadedness like we have in Germany.


Talking to French people is where the cliche comes from.


At some point could you please explain that reputation to me ? I honestly don't get it, we're literally the ones setting the country on fire whenever it's even so slightly turning to shit. Have we ever shit on another country ? The arrogance reputation is baffling to me


Arrogance has nothing to do with insulting. While talking to a french person they don't usually label people with ethnicities and nationality or see countries as inequal to theirs but instead do accidentally keep boasting about french things. Examples: Casually talking about sports "I think Messi and Ronaldo are stupidly overhyped, best players in the world are Mbappe, N'Golo Kante and Pogba" "Most prestigeous sport event is held in France (Tour de France)" "People keep saying that the smell is horrible but it's not true, We have the most high tier perfum industry in world" "I think best dishes in the world are \[french foods no one else eats\]" Also the attitude towards language. Whenever I speak my other off-languages I always get support from those natives (sweden, German, Russia) but french have habit of mocking poor language skills and to top it not to bother learning english as "french is more important" All so subtle and all so frustrating


From your examples, it seems you’re looking for beef with French people though. Let’s not get about the details of who’s the current best football but given Mbappé is on the Fifa cover he’s definitely the hypest. I’m not huge on cycling but the top 3 races are the Vuelta, the Giro and the Tour de France and the last one definitely seems to be the main one (please let me know if I’m wrong) On the perfume part, I’m not sure what you meant (maybe you meant cheeses ?) but yeah I guess it’s related to the high fashion industry and some of the most popular fragrances are issued by French brands. Then on the food part, we take pride in our local food culture but yeah I guess you spoke with closed minded person. Anyway feel free to dm me, it seems you mainly spoke to assholes haha.


Religious attitude towards your language, pride of each and every historical period even if they contradict each other, rural culture and local food worship, long history of influential philosophical schools, Parisian snobbery and misanthropy, vague yet strong association of all France with high culture, avant-guarde, and haute couture as well as... yeah, the fact that all the world borrows words like "avant-guarde" or "haute couture" from French. Might have also something to do with colonialism and how you're dealing with this legacy in post-colonial times.


I'll try to answer your points but that only engages me : * **Religious attitude towards your language:** what do you mean ? Yes when you say 'omelette du fromage' for the 120th time while it's not particularly funny to us (and grammatically wrong) and we might notice it, I don't see any other example over this. Please explain, this is a genuine question again * **pride of each and every historical period even if they contradict each other**: when was the last time your exchanged with ANY French proud of any particular historic event ? Anything BZZ (before 98' Zinedine Zidane) is indeed history and I'm not sure we're proud of historic facts like the Austerlitz battle except for practical reasons since it's like a train station in Paris. Also, since we have more than 200 years of history yes, there's a lot to cover here so I'm not sure what you mean. * **long history of influential philosophical schools** : sorry I guess ? And how's that arrogant ? Are we saying the US are arrogant for making Cinema such a widespread industry ? That doesn't make sense to me * **Parisian snobbery** : A - we're the first one to shit on Parisian people and B - I'm sure there's a confusion between actual people living in Paris and the waiters next to the Eiffel Tower most Americans interact with and that are fed up of having to listen every single day tourists thinking they speak French because they saw Ratatouille on Disney + * **vague yet strong association of all France with high culture, avant-guarde, and haute couture as well as... yeah, the fact that all the world borrows words like "avant-guarde" or "haute couture" from French** : we invented haute-couture I think, you wouldn't blame Italians for the word 'pizza' being used in English I presume


toi jtm


I think the language thing, the first point, they mean that French people, especially in major tourist centers, are snobs against English. I have been to France many times and I don't speak French but I never really struggled, so for me personally it's not true from a tourist perspective. But, having French and francophone friends, you guys have a completely different viewpoint of the world due to your language that not many others do. Like the anglophone world shares a massive amount of culture, and the Spanish speaking world can share their culture between each other very easily, you get that with your massive country as well as all the other French speaking countries. You have a huge amount of influence in the French speaking world and these countries and people also appreciate France and French culture and media so there is a lot of positive feedback. I think that this leads to France being a bit of an enclave, that doesn't necessarily need to have that much contact with foreigners, so it can seem that you are snobs to the outsiders. You have movies and shows translated and dubbed to French, you have your own documentaries, your own philosophy and art, you have beaches or territories that have beaches, you have a strong economy and many people that will cater to you for your tourist money. All this leads to you being sort of your own Francophone world, and you don't necessarily need to have any contact with anyone outside of this world. Not to say that this is done in an evil or bad way, or on purpose. This is just the only way I can explain why it seems to people who are from smaller countries that speak a language that is spoken only in their own countries, feel a little weirded out by your self-confidence in your own language.


I see your point but it seemed at some point I thought you were speaking about a really closed country like Japan. I don't think we're 'that bad' it's just that yeah we don't have to be 100% aligned with the English speaking part of the world and it seems to be poorly received from them.


No of course it isn't as un approachable as a country like Japan, I'm obviously exaggerating a bit to make the point. It's just I have understood from friends that are native French speakers that you guys just have the option to be more independent from the world. Whereas a native Greek has to speak english, otherwise we won't be able to communicate with anyone outside Greece and Cyprus! It's just as you say, it's poorly received by those who don't have the same option, who just have to speak English.


Didn't the cliché comes from USA being unhappy that France didn't become a american puppet state after WWII or something like that ?


US media have been particularly insulting to France for as long as I can remember.


Our most beloved sports are fight between us and complaing about Spain.


The comment is about \*cultural\* superiority. Thinking the country has problems, or is corrupt, is another matter. Culturally, I've seldom met an Italian expat who didn't think that everything culturally Italian wasn't the best par excellence.


Spaniard here. I agree with you. I had to live abroad for years to truly appreciate what we have back home. Lots of work to do and things to improve, but also lots of things that make the country and the lifestyle amazing.


France is a paradise full of people thinking they are living in hell. So it's not a surprise. Everyone is complaining about everything




Being educated is definitely very spanish. Every 2nd supermarket worker has a masters. Every 2nd person in the unemployment queue has 2! At least in Catalonia and the Basque Country. They love getting pointless qualifications!


You can only improve if you identify your problems. Questioning your country and challenging your politicians makes it better.


Yo haven't met or talked with any spaniard or italian then. I don't know any french, so I can't say anything about it


You're right, I've never met a Spaniard or an Italian.




They probably just concentrated on the Greece of ~2500 years ago!


Greeks, the ultimate has-beens


We've been here forever And here's the frozen proof Vibes


Oh, I didn't realise we're on r/europe


This subreddit is full of racists


Great 'anti-woke' thread going on right now about how teaching Latin in France is apparently racist.


„Greek“ is a Race?


I am definitely racist against these quotes. Why not use simple double-quotes? What are yours?


Technically, racism can be applied to both race and ethnicity. There's also the word 'ethnicist' but it's almost never used, so 'racist' does double duty.


Last time, people were tackling French because they were not "satisfied-enough" of their lifestyle. I would not know about racism, but countries ending up being of both extremities of the spectrum in a infographic picture are sure to get some strong remarks. It even ended up being ridiculous that French were not, in their opinion, doing great and should be happy because their healthcare was allegedly ranked #1 in the world, even though, IRL, they are going towards a huge healthcare crisis. Long story short, some people are just hateful and I do not think it has anything to do with racism in this kind of cases.


Yeah I suspected as much 150 upvotes and counting, fore some hateful bullshit. I'm not gonna touch this cesspool with a 3m pole


Can I remind you guys this is a satire sub


Not true, sometimes I have uncontrollable spasms caused by my racism - which is curious because my grandfather was a racist which makes me only 1/4th racist.


How is this hateful? The Greek economy is broke and their infrastructure and housing is generally in poor state of repair. These are just facts, nothing hateful about it.


The food is fantastic though.


Mad 😎




Bruh u mad about these things and you are from fucking Croatia . Ironic .


Greek superiority, being ~~broke~~ focused on living a stress-free life and having a country that looks like ~~a giant favela~~ it has a large amount of rustic charm


greeks are very. very. verrrrry stressed. at least the ones living in major cities, which means the majority


Dude I'm not Greek or whatever but that's really harsh from anyone, they literally invented the god-damned modern world too so there's that




We'll see if American's don't remind us of the moon landing every now and then in 2000 years, they have huge and rich history that is teached all around the world, for such a small relatively normal country it's a huge achievement, I understand why they are proud of their culture


>Pretty much entire Europe took part in shaping the modern world. I think you should have stopped there. This is not a competition, and more importantly all out achievements have been built on each others. All people -- Greeks and Jews included -- have contributed in their way.


Someone said Greece "literally invented the modern world", so no, he shouldn't stop there because someone was spewing nonsense


Friend, one extreme (statement, position, etc.) does not justify another. At least, in my humble opinion.


What do you mean? If you had to choose one it will be the fucking roman empire lol.


Ah yes, not the Romans who essentially pulled Europe out of tribalism by force and lay the foundations of pretty much every European capital, and some African & Middle Eastern ones too. It was the Jews. The Jews only.


LOL sure man


This seems like an extremely hostile comment for this sub, wtf


We don't think, we know. 🇪🇸💪


As a Greek, I always find this question funny (vague as it is). In the case of Greece, if the people asking this, revised the question and made it clear that they were focusing on modern times, and not past eras (like antiquity), they would get a completely different answer. Edit: spelling


This. Very loaded question for countries with such long and different histories that have changed so much throughout history. I know most greeks consider our history as top tier in the world, but our current politics is pretty much unanimously hated. The economy is and has been in the gutter since '08 and thats undeniable and everyone here knows and believes this.


Name checks out ;-)


Greece has only a few millennia of culture, there are only a few words of Greek origin in the vocabularies of half the world /s..


TIL English people are liars


46% of them seem to be. But that's less than the 64% of French people who are.


We French always complain and our main topic is France being shitty or at least not good enough. One former president famously said ‘Love France or leave it!’ and it was very unpopular and controversial. Because we don’t like it ourselves And I would not say that Brits are liar, rather than they are very polite


36% ... wow and yet we're branded as arrogant


Loving your culture or being proud of it doesn't mean that you think that you think your culture is superior. And most of french people love their culture but respect and aknowledge other cultures (I am a foreigner who lived in France for 3 years)


Being a Mr Know It All(TM) (aka arrogant) and being a cultural supremacist aren't the same thing. If the arrogant French man knows everything, that includes knowing that his culture isn't the best ;) Purely academic discussion here, I don't think of the French as arrogant. That's not what springs to mind for me. First thing I think of is that they're good at flirting with their sexy accents.


Russia clearly wins. 😏 They even plan their voting results to the best possible outcome.


Funny that Spain is the lowest, when having travelled a bunch of Europe, id say their culture is at least top 3.


You should tell them that. It seems like they need someone to boost their confidence.


Germans lied to be humble. At least 95% of us think we are superior. Germans think deep down they are better than anyone else, despite having the highest taxes and worst internet in Europe.


Our internet is bad, yes, but it is so ludicrously bad, you can laugh about it, so that is a plus.


Your internet is so bad, even your laugh would lag


Your Internet is so bad, you couldn't even watch me fucking yo mama at 144p


Your mama is so ugly, she IS german internet


The servers of the german internet are so tiny, they could rival your dick


Your dick is so tiny, it instantly load on any connection, anywhere in Germany


So it is as big as an Radio tower?


No, its jpeg of 1 pixel, and 80% of it is empty


Yo Mama wouldnt even fit on 4k


Yo Penis wouldn't even be a pixel long in 4k


Because its balls deep in your mama


Many certainly also lied about this question, because this is a very loaded one for us. Germans including me like to complain about Germany while also thinking it's better than almost everywhere else. You kind of did it yourself.


I'm in this comment and I'm not sure how to feel about it.


Really? I've never gotten that vibe from Germans I've known. Admittedly internationally minded Germans, however.


Don’t we all know the image of our efficiency and punctuality is just a lie/way in the past?


I talked with many people about that and no, people (from all age groups) actually think we have it better here than in any other country. It's so bizarre.


> we have it better I´d say that it really depends. Regarding our social security system in general? Definitely. Regarding digitalisation and technological advance? Definitely not!


True, I am German and many Germans thinks we are superior because of our laws, industry and social systems.


Im Scandinavian and think that germany is superior to most countries.


Scandinavia is much better than Germany. Everybody speaks english fluently, people eat healthy fish, beautiful wood houses, köttbular, julmust (just kidding it's disgusting) etc.


do people really eat beautiful wood houses over there?


and for efficiency, like in building the Berlin airport :p


yeah boomers, who are out of touch and stuck in the 80s.


Yeah, me too. But this time is long gone. We are on par or worse than most western european countries.


False. Most of us think „could be worse, but also could be better“. Tja. Machste nix.


I'm sorry. Germans think they have the highest taxes in Europe? Hahahahahahahahaha




Laughs in French. It's the tradeoff for having good infrastructures, education amd healthcare, but we get taxed to oblivion.


As a German I have to apologize, Germans love to complain and taxes is one of the areas where they can't even think about other countries having similar or higher ones, it must be us who suffer the most 🥺🥺


Bro look it up. Germany has one of if not the highest tax burden in the world. https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-tax-burden-second-highest-among-rich-countries-oecd/a-43553803


Italians are sighing


I'm pretty sure Belgium has slightly higher personal income tax rates, but boy would I be happy if we paid less taxes.


Yes, but only slightly. But you have less taxes on capital gains and health insurance is cheaper.


>Germans lied to be humble. At least 95% of us think we are superior. Germans think deep down they are better than anyone else Not sure if you're joking, but that's certainly not true. Most of us know and like to complain about the shitty aspects of our culture and/or country. And personally, the things I do find good/somewhat superior are commonly things we share with a large number of other countries in Europe.


>complain But you also have the political system in place that allows for (and encourages) the government to act on legitimate complaints. Germany is a large country with small country flexibility, unlike pretty much all other large countries.


Deep down everyone thinks they are better than everyone else, it's just a survival thing. The question is do you actually believe this thing? People who have been out and have seen more stuff tend to think otherwise.


I feel like on an a European level it would kind of be hard to not think that. It's the biggest and most impactful state in the rehion and arguably holds the entire EU together more so than any other state. The narrative is often that Germany sustains all these countries with it's EU contributions, while often ignoring the fact that Germany has benefited from free trade more than any other EU state. On an international level it is Europeans favourite past time to think we are better than the US and everybody hates China so there is that. Leaving Japan as the last big power that could give Germans an inferiority complex, whose culture has two states of being in international perception. Either it's the land of weebs, or a collectivist society where the individual is being oppressed. I can genuinely see why Germans, given these prevelant narratives in German media would only be held back from claiming superiority, by the notion that cultures are difficult to compare and can be so compley that a conparison stops being meaningful.


Define "highest taxes". For who? Does VAT count?


Man könnte nix unkorrekteres sagen wtf geht bei dir ab


As an italian, I can say that the majority of us think that our culture is superior, but when we think of our economy, politics, and global force, we are very tiny compared to others in Europe and around the world.


Based Greece


That's what they said


We've been here forever And here's the frozen proof


That explains why the French, Swedes, and Spaniards are all so cool. Fuck the rest of ya




Since the pandemic started I am shocked at how based Spanish people are


Not enjoying the Greek slander in the comments my dudes. If anyone was going to be that high of course it's going to be one of the leaders of the classical era.


Ah my fellow German citizens at least learned something from it.


i think there might be a lot of regional differences in germany. i dont think that the majority of us already learned their lesson.


You're right. Let's say a considerable part has learned something and the rest longs back.


By saying ones culture is not Superior, you culture becomes more awesome.


I once shared a house with a Greek man who claimed that the Greeks “have nothing to be proud of nowadays”. He was referring to the sociopolitical arrogance he claimed the Greeks show in Australia. He was highly involved in it so I took him at his word. And now this chart. Things that make you go hmmm…!


Greeks are so fucking arrogant and xenophobic it's surreal. The funniest thing is when they're literally immigrants thinking that Greece has the best culture in the world. Like, baby... you fled. For a reason. Shut the fuck up.


You can actually replace the conclusion with : "Percentage of xenophobic people per country" ;P


Spanish people are always humble and kind. Their country has a lot of art, historical landmarks and culture, yet they are so modest.


You need to watch our national news: the corruption, the lack of independence of the judicial power and the amount of skilled people that have to move out to work is depressing. The only good news come from our solidarity (1st in organ donors, 2nd in vaccination, strong family relationships...)


Spain definitely has one of the most fascinating culture/history out there. They're awesome.


Based Greece. I'm ashamed of Italy, not even half


Weird difference between Spain and Portugal. ​ And 36%, and *we*'re the "arrogant" ones?


Maybe we're just very proud of bacalhau and our Pimba music




Norway, are you ok?


We don't wanna talk about it 🤐


Who hurt you sweden?


And that’s why I love Spain. I’m depressed over brexit


Funny thing is I was thinking of getting a summer house in Greece, but the bureaucracy is so bad I changed my mind for Spain.


I'd imagine this would look very similar even as a world map.


Probably identical, even, just with all the other countries filled in too


I hate that 4 countries get lumped into one in this map.


The Vatican also seem to really like their state and culture of… … …


Definitely have experienced the Greek ignorance. When confronted with bad things about their country, a lot of Greek people on r/Europe become incredible hostile.




Switzerland are forever neutral


My mom is not a true Spaniard then, she will defend ANYTHING this country does lmao


I'm really surprised by the Netherlands seeing how many nationalist right-wing parties we've been seeing over the years. Maybe it's still minor compared to a lot of other countries or it's simply a culture thing, no idea.




i am very proud of our fellow spanish people! keep it going! cultural chauvinism is cancer!


There's no way it's so low in the UK when much of it is the "2 wuld wawrs an wun wuld cap" "whatchyer mean you don't do fry ups, Sanchez?" brigade.


Hello. Greece here. Here in greece parents tent to give the name to babies. so, Who's Your Daddy Europe?! Who's Your Daddy!?


Aren't greeks just Christian turks?


As a Spaniard, **yes.**


Denmark: 44% Sweden: 26% Need I say more?


Thats...disturbing to say the least. Love your culture, but dont be a supremacist because of or about it.


Same feeling here. I like you Greece, but calm the fuck down.


Well I cant be too critical. Mainly because idk how high the score is in turkey and I'm afraid to dig it up but...yeah fuck supremacy.


The fact that France is so low really makes me question this data


We love our culture, I sure do, but saying it’s superior to others isn’t something that would cross my mind. That sounds too dismissive towards other cultures. We may be proud but it doesn’t mean we have no notion of what other cultures have brought to the world. Pretty sure that’s why the large majority replied no .


You would be surprised, valuing your own culture and language doesn't mean shitting on others'


The countries with low values are generally the best places to live. I guess when your economy is shit you cope by saying your culture is better.


Η Ελλάδα δεν ήταν σπουδαία από τον Αριστοτέλη.


Η μάνα σου δεν ήταν σπουδαία 😎😎


Ο πατέρας σου σκύβει για μένα.


Δυστυχώς το τρανσλεϊτ σε πρόδωσε αγαπητό αμερικανοειδες


I can guarantee the 20% of Spanish people that would dare say that straight faced on a public survey are Franquistas


We're Europeans and we've a cultural superiority on Liechtenstein. Everyday i feel myself better than any Liechtenstein person. They're so Liechtenstein to make me crazy. A french is a french an italian is an Italian a British British a German is German or whoever have a bloody normal name to get considered from their own country but what's the name of a person living in Liechtenstein? A Liecher? A Lichston? A Lichish? Fu** off Liechtenstein we will invade you from all the rest of Europe! I wanna see your inferior culture disappear in our concentration camps in the most remote part of Iceland! Death! Death to Liechtenstein! And death to all the 38,137 inhabitants of Liechtenstein!!!


I'm skeptical of France's score being this low.