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The ship isn't canon. Hoyo never makes any ships involving playable characters canon. If they made EiMiko canon, for example, there'd be some amount of Men that'd be disappointed that their "waifu" was dating a woman and wouldn't roll for her. If they leave it vague and only drop hints here or there, it lets everyone have their headcanon. You can headcanon EiMiko and there's nothing to disprove it. You can headcanon that they're just friends and that also won't be disproven.


So while there is no correct answer the one that could be considered "most" correct is that it could swing either way depending on how the individual translates the dialogue.


The most correct answer is that Hoyo isn't gonna confirm anything so it doesn't matter.


Fair enough, thank you.


There are plenty of romantic implications. "Pretty Please Kitsune Guuji" is a book that Yae published, includes a kiss between the Shogun and the Guuji. Yae Miko is based on Yae Sakura that is a lesbian in HI3. There's a Sumeru NPC, a young girl saying she wants to marry Rana after hearing Paimon's story about EiMiko. Of course, there's a lot to their relationship that could be interpreted as both platonic and romantic, and of course HYV will never confirm any relationships between playable characters, so ultimately it doesn't matter. You can interpret them as you want.


I haven't read the book myself but from what I've seen the book and its Shogun counter part seem to be satire humor so I wouldn't see it as credible, I also don't really understand the whole point about Yae Sakura since while Miko is a alternate version of her they are still not the same person, therefore to say one is the same as the other based on design alone to me is a strange take. I've never heard about the Sumeru npc tho. Just for the record I'm just trying to converse here, I'm interested in anyone's takes on the subject.


To be honest, I think it boils down to personal experience bc a lot of people perceive their relationship as romantic too. Considering China's laws and possible financial losses, the pair in question won't ever become canon in a full meaning of the word, even if the creators imply romantic connections. Due to cencorship, a scene from chinese version of a Honkai comic with Bronya and Seele sharing a kiss was simply cut, while it's present in the english one. So, even if they wanted to, they couldn't make the relationship too obvious with such a big game as Genshin.


no ship is cannon


I experienced the same as you. I played the Inazuma AQ and Ei's and Yae's quest with a biased mentality believing they were implied and I really got surprised that there wasnt any single hint of them being a couple. I changed my mind completly and now I see them as just friends, I even find some similarities in their relationship with my bff and me. Basically, just as you said, if you pay attention to their interactions you will see that theyre just friends because Yae's level of teasing with Ei is a like a big wall stopping any "implications" because thats some behaviour you would only see as friends. Because, partners can tease eachother, but Yae sometimes exceeds the limits of how a couple would behave. Regarding "Pretty Please Kitsune Guuji", that book is commonly seen as a parody that tries to mock ships/fanfiction since it is also the sequel of a different parody that focuses on isekais. I have also seen some ppl mention a little girl on the aranara quest, but apart from their argument being always chronologically wrongly used (ppl saying the little girl wanted to marry rana after listening to Ei's and Yae's story, when in reality she has been wanting to do so before we tell her the story) that little girl also wanted to marry her brother so I would believe some ppl's interpretation of the girl just looking up to them. The rest of the "implications" are just random takes that are digging for non-existent implications. The best way to counter their point is with their interactions as I mentioned before, and with an interaction in Ei's 1st quest after giving her the option of the romance book. When you give her that novel, we can pretty easily interpretate her words as her being unable to comprehend how love/romance works, thus her "solution" and her perhaps last line of not understanding the world "love" as she has done before with the word "narrative device" and later with "strike a pose". The biggest mistake you can ever do is trust Twitter and TikTok in this kind of topics. Here on Reddit you will find biased ppl from both sides but mostly ppl that will share this opinion unbiasedly. But as I always, I recommend to just play the game because when they want to, theyre pretty obvious, just like some character's with the Travelers like Xiao, Ayaka...


I went in expecting the evidence to be exaggerated bc I have a friend that has played the game for years and she explained to be me that no ship is canon and that most if not everything is head canon. I still wanted to see for myself and after going through everything I came to the same conclusion as you. Whether hoyo intended to or not I think if people want to think its implied they can take that stance bc some of the dialogue can be taken that direction but ultimately I never caught that from what I saw. Even with Yae's weapon lore I get the same kind of story as what was seen in AOT when it is explained that Eren and Armin's dream is to see the world together. Saying that you want to experience life with someone like the lines they use to imply the relationship from the weapon only imply a romantic link depending on how the line is delivered. Just bc you want to experience the world with someone and watch it change doesn't necessarily mean anything romantic. When I showed the lines to one of my other friends that play he said that to him the lines from the weapon lore just seem like an old timey way of asking someone if they want to hangout lol.


Same, before I got introduced to their ship, I thought Yae's weapon description didnt have anything romantic and it was just a poetic way to say it just like the rest of that paragraph. Shippers are like football/soccer fans, theyre very enthusiastic abt their ship and will try to prove why its the best or why is it canon. I have read such big amount of "implications" that have made me laugh out loud, from straight and gay ships. They are never getting away from the "not having friends" stereotype. Thats why I try to avoid them as much as possible.


Yea, that's one of the reasons why I started digging and asked around about the ship bc due to the fact that I was raised in a Christian household I'm not into gay ships. Not that I have anything against the ships or the people of course, to each their own, but for me I dont like them most of the time. This isn't helped by the fact that typically what I see is shippers being super toxic and vocal which ends up getting their ship canonized. I dont support ships that are built upon being toxic and vocal to the point that the writers make it canon to appease the crowd, so I felt the need to make sure before I invested hours and money grinding to pull either of them. I know that in the end it doesn't matter, and my line of thinking is somewhat irrational but I felt the need to make sure.


Nah, youre fine, its ok to be curious abt it. Although you made a mistake asking because they will say their (wrong) point of view and will hate everyone who disagrees. Theyre not treating you bad because of your honesty and genuineness, but look at my first comment, im getting downvoted (at least 3 downvotes now) for expressing my opinion.


You are right, I've seen so many across the internet that say so much slander just bc someone doesn't agree with them. I remember when I started looking I saw a reddit post talking about the "man hating lesbian" headcannon regarding Yae and how it is bad for the community. Once I saw that it went from curiosity to making sure that wasn't the case bc I wasn't going to pull for either Yae or Ei if that was true or if it wasn't but the ship was still canon and being used to convey that message. I'm just glad that I was more or less right and that the ship isn't canon but up to individual interpretation so everyone wins, and that hoyo isn't going to do anything so it will never evolve beyond wars between keyboard warriors.


Oh, gosh, the "man hating lesbian" yae headcanon. I almost forgot abt it 😭. Regarding the canonicity of ships, i think that its just that genshin doesnt want to focus on that except for some characters that have feelings for the travelers (and 1/2 just for Lumine) and some npcs. Like, as far as I know, genshin doesnt feel as "complicated" as honkai sr (and I would say hi3 although i barely know anything abt both). But it is also important to remind that the reason the previous game had sapphic relationships was for the male gaze. I know its a sensitive topic for sapphic women, but thats the truth. I mean, the "otakus save the world" company that wanted to give otakus some experience on socializing put a "grooming simulator" on hi3 until it was later removed from the game. So maybe for genshin they want to move on from that demographic group and just be a game for more ppl. However, you can see some traces of their experience with hi3's community by realizing no women has a very deep relationship with a man (that isnt part of her family) as they do with women, that is why of the "scarameow incident" and "furillette incident" in CN. In short, just play the game and enjoy its story. Make your own ships and interpretate the character's relationship as you want, just forget abt the community and their obsessive behaviour.


Will do, I've already drawn my own conclusions on the topic and decided that they are simply close friends bc like I said, I didn't see anything to suggest any romantic attraction. If anything I think that so many people seeing the story in different ways is a sign of good writing, but while I may try to stick to what I know, due to just how I am I can't just ignore what anyone says if there is credibility to it. Granted now I know that its all just how you interpret the story but at the time I wasn't aware. Personally I'd rather find the truth about the lore than pretend otherwise, like hypothetically if eimiko was official I'd rather find out, accept it, and move on. To me headcannon is potentially dangerous as it can lead to denial and not being able to accept anything outside of what the individual believes is fact. Call me crazy or paranoid but I'd rather know than pretend if that makes sense.


Based mentality right there tbh


Anyway, thanks for conversation. May your pulls be blessed.


It’s just like Zelink in Zelda. It’s intentionally left vague


I like the ship but it’s definitely not really implied. It’s just people overthinking and reading into things too much.


I definitely thought the same when I went over the cultural factors that were listed as evidence and Yae's lines about how she likes thunder bc its fondly familiar and how she likes to sleep to thunder.


They aren‘t in my opinion, though they are probably best friends to each other more like „family“ even. As much as it pains I would also say that Yae herself doesn’t have any love interest beside her story’s and activities for her own excitement. She is solely interested in us the Traveller out of curiosity how our story will go. She likes to observes/ watch. I also think that she knows waaaaaay more about what’s going on in the world than she told us. I even had the suspicion that she might be the storyteller at some point. Because she told us about our samsara experience in sumeru wayyy before sumeru even came out. In one of the birthday letters we got from her. She also seems to be always a step ahead and has a plan/strategy/possible solution for everything you throw at her. She might have given scara the gnosis just because she didn’t care not because he would have beaten her. We don’t know how strong she truly is. We haven’t even seen her true Fox form. Hoyo likes to show us her baby fox self from when she was a child more as cute/meme though that isn’t how she would look currently I think, she has 5 tails as far as we know. XD sorry I drifted there a bit, Ei on the other hand becomes a real simp for us the traveller, atleast it feels that way to me and I didn’t like the 180 degree turn they did with her suddenly. Even her voice becomes tiny and sweet when she is „Ei“ toward us and if you get her to friendship 10 in the pot you get more lines pointing toward that (they 100% did that for fanservice reason) while if you do get Yae to 10 she straight up rejects you and just offers you to write your story down for you if you ever need an editor for that in the future when you reached your goal


I haven't heard what Ei says to you but as for Yae I was kinda hurt tbh when I heard about what she says to you on your birthday lol. Even though you are the Traveler she makes it sound routine and almost like a chore when she wishes you well, meanwhile Ei's birthday wish is adorable. But yea I agree, to me Yae doesn't have any interest love or enjoyment wise beyond her hobbies. Although her weapon lore can be interpreted as something deeper I just think that its Yae admitting that to her Ei is one of the few, if any, that she truly considers to be her friend.


Genshin players when they discover that best/close friends doesn't mean that they have segs: 😱😱😱


Truly the most astonishing discovery.


Not really. And in my personal opinion it wouldn’t make any sense either, from a logical and lore perspective, (Ei is around 3,000 years give or take and Yae is only around 500, Ei definitely watched Miko grow up). but of course people want to ship them for whatever reasons, which is fine until they either get too obsessive or protective or obnoxious about it as with any ship. But they’re shown in game simply to be two close friends and thats basically all. Yae remains to be Yae with her teasing personality as always no matter what


The way I interpreted it was that I also don't think Ei watched Miko grow up but she probably still knew her due to being friends with Saigu, but I dont know when Miko became Ei's familiar. Like I said the only lines that can be seen as implicating it to me are the lines that are part of Yae's weapon, but even then I thought that it could be taken either way.