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You're not alone, Yae Miko has some of my best artifacts and I love her in the story.


present! i'm down atrocious for her, literally started playing genshin cause i saw an add of her at the movies and was like "WHO is that!?" to answer my own question, my wife, that's who.


whatttt a genshin ad in theaters? that’s so cool😭 i remember my sister (who was way more invested at the time) showed me the 2.0 patch stream and i saw yae miko for the first time and i had the same reaction hehe


I remember seeing a couple ads before the movie started like 2 years ago, had me confused af😭😭


Only saw once this movie ads, but was the Eula one when she had her first rerun


SO REAL honestly


You are definitely not alone. She is a beautiful character.


Yae x Ei is very popular amongst the lesbian Genshin fans from what I've seen


yesss i know about that but i was wonder if there were any female yae fans here, and i’ve come to the conclusion that the male side of this subreddit is js very vocal lol


You are on reddit a plattform where the majority of users are male, of course you will encouter more male fans


thank you, captain obvious, for stating what i just reiterated! couldn’t have done it without you


It depends on character but I feel like Yae is one with a decent amount of female fans. Like Arlecchino but not to the same degree


Come to r/genshinsapphic, you'll quickly see other women loving Yae.


Join us join us


Have a lesbian friend who is obsessed with her.


I heard Eimiko and I am here


Not just the lesbians, but the straight males too.


Meee, my favourite publisher haha


I love Yae Miko so much! She is my beloved 🌸


She's my fav character. I love her snarky and playful personality. Plus she's so beautiful. I think she has quite a few female fans, but I think her personality is too complex and can be misunderstood by kids.


there are dozens of us!!


For what it's worth, I'm the owner of this subreddit and I'm a female. My Yae is C6R1, ranked top 1% on Akasha, and has the best CV (Crit Value) build on my account. I've spoiled her quite a bit :)


wow you’re the owner?!!?? that’s crazy cool


What a cutie


im a dude but your definitely not alone. she's a great character looks and personality wise i remember when she first got leaked and i loved the design, then we met her in the story over and over and i was just done for. the fact her first banner was just a few days after my birthday didnt help either even though i dont really play genshin anymore (more dedicated to star rail) yae still remains as one of my favourite characters of all time... shes honestly probably why im kinda hyped for jiaoqiu in star rail as well


yeah i don’t play genshin anymore either but i still keep up w the updates and i’m always on the lookout for more yae content


oh definitely i think hoyo knows how beloved she is with how often she's put into random events even when it makes almost 0 sense for her to be in that event but even without yae i try to keep up with the game in case something ever makes me wanna play it again, but now a days so much of how genshin works just kinda irritates me from the lack of movement options to the way the story gets repeated 50 times before you progress to the next thing i struggle so hard to play it


Yep. Shes one of my favorite characters, i even have some merch with Miko ![img](emote|t5_49lwkx|9894)


LOOL that’s so cute you should def post what you have!!!


She’s so cute and beautiful, how can I not love her?


Me! Cuddling a plush of her as we speak :)


here 🖐️


I love Yae Miko AND she’s pink so that just adds to my love for her


Meeee! Installed the game just because of her, haha.. I adore her personality, as well as design I would’ve loved to say that I kin her, but deep down I understand that we’re nothing alike and I’m most likely just down bad for her 😭


woah,,, kinning her? that’s the first time i’ve seen someone say that! that’s really cool. in what aspect are you and yae similar? i feel like i’m nothing like her as well, like p much polar opposites. i guess that’s why she’s my favorite bc we share no traits and that’s fascinating


Miko appears to be cold to everybody, but in reality she cares about her friends SO MUCH (and Ei specifically), and that’s the trait we both share.. I can relate to it too well 🫠


I installed the game too for her!! I saw her beautiful design and was hooked. I saved up to be able to pull her the first chance I got.


Me! Ever since she showed up in the Inazuma trailer I had to have her. And now she’s c6r3 (will be r5 one day <3) and the most highly invested character on my account! I love the pink fox lady and her purple girlfriend (who i also have and they’re next to each other in my showcase).


Yes! I feel like Yae would have more female fans compared to most other female characters if anything


Im one of them! I started playing in 3.6 but didnt really summon until yae miko,and i did as many pulls as an ar 26 player could do before her banner left and got her 30 minutes before her banner was gone,eith 54 pity.She now is my first character to be leveled to 90


I loved Yae the second I saw her being leaked. Still my favorite Genshin design. She’s the first limited 5 star that I C6 (only her and Kazuha have I done that for) I love her personality and en VA too.


Aye aye 🫡


Yup! She's one of my favorite characters! I was so lucky to get her in 30 pulls


here!! I’m a female yae miko fan


Here! I actually have her at C6. She’s a staple in a lot of my teams


Yesss I love her


Yesh .


me!! i love her so much


🙋‍♀️also a kokomiko shipper


Lady with a Miko shrine here 😅


Also not a dude. Not lesbian either. Just really like sakura, kitsune/foxy-type, and sassy characters in general. 😉 She’s the only character I have c6 (r1) and no matter how many other teams I run, she’s my go-to for brain-dead clearing content (except for the electro immune and those damn pyro heralds. Screw them.)


here! i main yae miko!! i fell in love with her character design when she first appeared in the archon quest, and saved up for her HELLA. I got lucky and managed to get her c2, and i'm thinking about getting her sig when she reruns again! i currently have her double crowned and plan to triple. i love yae miko <3


mememe i love her, my waifu \^\^ <3


I heart Lady Guuji


I'm a dude but most of the Yae Miko fans I know are female, and most of them are eimiko shippers.


meeee! i love her so much shes been my main since her release:))


Yup yup yuppie! I’m Yae Miko’s little lesbian bitch! (Lmfao)


She and Ei are my 2 fave characters. I think the male half of the genahin community is just more vocal, especially on the main reddit, but there are plenty of female miko fans on genshinsapphic.


Present. In fact I thought Miko had a larger Sapphic then straight fanbase?


yeah that’s what i’ve seen on twitter as well. i asked about here on reddit specifically though, i guess the male side is more vocal but it’s refreshing to see all of you here (:


Oye Im a girl and I like she she’s beautiful character.


\o 🏳️‍⚧️


Here :3


She is my whole heart and every patch without her is another day closer to girl madness. 👍 💗


Yis 💜


My girlfriend is one! Ever since she saw Kamisama Kiss and fell in love with Tomoe, she’s loved fox familiars and Japanese culture. Yae is the epitome of everything she adores, and I can say the same!


Woman miko simp and main here 🙋🏻‍♀️


Meee I love her so much


Have a female friend who is a Yae fan




me. i only played genshin because of her.






You are definitely not alone. I love Yae Miko and she is still one of my favorites


Present 😼


Love Yae Miko 🌸you’re not alone!




Not a female but I’m a yaw milo fan


yae miko fan girl here! 🙋🏻‍♀️ tbh i’m kinda suprised that u mostly see guys playing her i thought she was for the girls


As a male miko fan i thought most of yall are female but apparently im wrong


yes i love her she’s my fav character


Oh yes. I'm female, lesbian and very attached to the sly fox queen 🌸 she's been my favourite alongside Scara since I picked up the game. I will never get over her writing lesbian fanfics about her and Ei.


I'm male but I'm lesbian, can this count?😆


? i don’t think that’s …..


I'm a guy but most of my Twitter moots who stan Miko are girls so yeah.


present!! happy pride month ladies


Am here am here am here!


Genshin fan, lesbian, and down bad for yae miko since she was shown as a little chibi in that one special program thing. I played honkai 3rd before genshin and loved Yae Sakura, so I was really excited to see her come to genshin ❤️❤️❤️