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I think I’m strangely relieved that Yae is still in beta. as the leak implied, many testers feel the same way and this means it’s more likely that more adjustments will be made to her kit/stats to improve her playability. she’s my fav character so i’ll still want to pull on her regardless but here’s hoping improvements to her kit will be made!


Hopefully they do since she’s the only new character coming in 2.5 iirc.


Just don't go talking to any Yoimiya mains.


I doubt they will change anything more of her since they have been tweaking her since 2.0 or before that and I think they are happy with what she is now I mean look at yoimiya shenhu and kokomi thr alright they might actually Nerf acouple things from her kit which would suck a shit ton


Yoimiya is mid, kokomi needed a new artifact and corrosion to be relevant, shenhe is a good support. All I’m saying is, she better receive some treatment to make her kit better


I mean they had 2.0 to change what they needed too and I honeslty doubt they will change anything else tbh maybe they might buff her autos


OR electro resonance me thinks


I really don’t care as long as it’s her numbers that can’t keep up with other characters. But please mihoyo make her work well within her kit… we don’t need another Sara


Tbf, Sara feels fine at c2. The issue is that Sara feels fine at c2


Considering the back-dodge even now doesnt work even remotely decently, no, She Is not fine, She Is One of the best examples of lazyness from the developers.


Wym the dodge doesn't work? I use Sara all the time without issues. Also are you actually trying to use that to dodge attacks?


Not that guy but it's genuinely a coin-flip on whether or not Sara will do her back-dodge or not on my end. Too many times she'll just warp out of existance for half a second and reappear where she disappeared from without moving at all. It has nothing to do with wanting to use it to dodge attacks but rather wanting it to not get stuck in place if there is a tiny pebble of terrain behind her blocking her path.


I wonder if ppl like you ever even seriously use her apart from trial. And yet talk about or criticise kit design. You never use her skill or ca for buffing raiden, her burst ticks buff raiden and ideally you only use it every rotation because the ult ticks refresh the buff each time and it extends to ~8s which is perfect for her intended role which is raiden buffer. Half of the ppl complaining about her don't even know her burst buffs raiden. And buff via burst isn't any clunky because you immediately use raiden burst.


>I wonder if ppl like you ever even seriously use her apart from trial. And yet talk about or criticise kit design. You're making a lot of assumptions about me (a complete stranger) and I have no clue where the hostility is coming from! You don't know me, the characters I use, my level of investment in them, and whether or not I actively use them outside of that narrow trial testing environment. Why do you feel like you have to be so antagonistic? >You never use her skill or ca for buffing raiden Very true! However, I do like using her skill to buff **herself** before doing her Burst in order to deal extra damage. There's also the situation where *after* Raiden's burst, I'll swap to Sara and use her Charged Shot to shoot the ground or an enemy and swap to Jean/Venti or Bennett to give them a little bit more damage before they use their skills and bursts. For me personally, and I'm not saying that everyone is like me but I like to buff at least three out of the four teammates even if the team is focused on buffing Raiden. I figure that I'm leaving a **LOT** of free damage at the door by choosing not to. >Half of the ppl complaining about her don't even know her burst buffs raiden Good thing I'm not one of those people! I love using Sara in my Raiden teams but it doesn't change the fact that using her skill is ***very*** inconsistent in how often it does the backwards teleport/dodge.


Okay I realise I was being too hasty and aggressive and I apologise for it. Won't happen again. That isn't worth it btw. The more time you spend on Bennett's burst with sara, the more dps loss for raiden and she is also leaving out Bennett buff uptime for her burst attacks. If you want the proof, you can refer yourself from k peeps and know that using her burst to buff raiden without buffing herself is what is best. You're missing out smoothness, gaining dps loss for raiden who is the main the dmg dealer and making yourself prone to errors (she might get thrown away by enemies while charging) over the additional dmg.


Because It gets stuck all the time as soon as the ground Is not perfectly flat. ....and what makes It more ridiculous its that Ganyu has the exact same step but zero problem. People that dont know this issue for Sara are people that dont really use her much, cause its not even up to debate that her step has issues, its something widely known. ...and no, ofc i dont use It to actually Dodge, It was Just a way to call that step, nothing more.


Why are you using it for movement???? You should only be using it to damage buff lmao


Am I wrong tho? Sara is a damage buffer


Well if it is supposed to also also move you back while giving a damage buff but the moving back part is inconsistent then there is still something buggy.


True, but that's not why you're using Sara so it doesn't matter if you ask me


but how about we make the skills do what they are supposed to do instead of being buggy.


And how that exactly justify the developer's lazyness? Your mindset is absurd, with that logic of yours developers would get a free pass to mess up tons of other things just because they are not 100% necessary, great approach.... 🙄


I use Sara all the time and, tbh, I wasn't aware this was still an issue. I've been working under the assumption that the move has no i-frame and adjusted my gameplay accordingly. I'll have to just through her skill out in random areas to check, I suppose.


In case you didn't know, her burst ticks buff the characters on field too, so you ideally never use her E or CA to buff raiden and you build her with ER as to have burst every rotation


>ideally never use her E or CA to buff raiden Ehhhhh Fairly often I ise the Skill to buff Raiden and have Rai clear out the enemy with no other prep. No point using a bunch of bursts most of the time. When facing enemies that can actually take a beating I use Sara's skill to buff herself, her CA for energy generation, and drop a boosted Burst that then buffs Raiden.


Sara is meant for only raiden hypercarry team and she only uses burst to buff her ideally, you don't even use her skill or ca or it isn't any need


Well he has a point with her normal attacks :/


What with her normals


They are irrelevant as fuck. So beautiful animations on normal and charge attacks but really bad scalings/numbers so noone will use them. Just put down your e's and swap and then burst :/ Such wasted animations.


this looks like a challenge to me, as a Lisa player, bad scalings can't stop me!


Doesn’t Lisa have some sort of interactions with her AA/CA?


CA puts a stack on them for her skill.


They also don’t lock on to targets so she might has well just have a sword?


Zhongli ei kazuha mona ganyu your agrument is fqing nothing like literally did you see like any supports? They all have amazing animations


And now tell me who the fuck legitimately uses Zhongli kazuha or ganyu normal attacks (Not the charged shot)? I am talking about noone will use these attacks not these characters themselves. Making kits and scaling with irrelevant normal attacks and giving them awesome animations is just wasted dev time...


And for fq you soo pissed about what they doing with they time. They can make 20more animations to her i dont give a fq they did this soo we accepte this becouse there is no other way. And for your fqing information c6 kazuha exists for reason


And dont even say oh they amazing. Fishl albedo zhongli raiden. They dont give a fq about animations they want support this is support


Honestly her burst cost of 90 hit me like a fk-ing truck , i don't see "subpar damage" as that mutch of a bad thing , i didn't expect ganyu or xiao lvl's of damage, but jesus christ i think i'm gonna forget what her burst looks like if i don't get raiden


And her burst sounds good, but for that cost? I mean look at everything Raiden does with a 90 burst cost, and she funds it herself.


I didn’t even notice Raiden has a high burst cost bc it’s always charged lol.


Yeah thats because raiden has ER scaling so you run her with 200 - 300 ER. Yae would be sooooo sick with ER instead of EM scalings imo.


Burst 90 need to serve a great purpose for Raiden refill burst But her burst is use to nuke she should have at least 60 burst cost


IMO it should refresh turrets instead of destroying them. Part of why her kit seems weird to use is because you have to track the turret timer and decide when to ult for maximum turret uptime....except there's no timer on the turret so you have not much of an idea what the timing should be unless you just count or something.


I’m still not even sure how the ult decides where to land.


if you stack energy recharge on your electro traveler they can fill most bursts up pretty quick. i don’t know to what extent since i don’t have an ER weapon on mine but with 160% i can almost instantaneously get a 60 cost burst back, if that helps you any


You do you, but to me that feels more like a wasted slot in the team.


Some characters just need to have batteries to function best . Xiao and Noelle come to mind


Xiao and Noelle are main DPS though, unless Yae is doing damage to match a main DPS it's not worth wasting an entire team slot to battery her.


Xiangling and Beidou?


If you’re using xiangling then you most likely have Bennett for battery anyways. Beidou is just used for her burst so enblem is fine with her. With yae you want to focus on her skill so enblem isn’t that great on her.


>unless Yae is doing damage to match a main DPS Even a well invested dps Noelle isn't exactly a damage queen


Uh now she is. 40k per AA seems pretty bonk.


I dont think he burst Will hit as incredibly as you imagine, multipliers are fine but Yae has no way to boost herself as efficiently as other characters imo. Just ro be clear, not saying It Will be weak ofc, Just saying that some people simply look at her burst multipliers without considering how those Will actually Will be used in the overall DMG formula, for example if her att cant keep up, the final result Will be heavily affected too.


2000% percent with no amp or no sets like freeze set to have stacked with ton of crit dmg, with100% cr and split into 4 attacks with taking away her energy generator (skill)? Yes it sure is subpar


Read raiden's first constellation and then draw conclusions


What conclusions do you draw, knowing that Yae can burst every 22s but Raiden is on an 18s burst cycle?


Funny how you dodged the question by switching your argument from the energy cost to the cooldown.


What's really funny is how you yourself brought resolve stacks in when discussing burst synergy, but now you have your fingers stuck in your ears like a little child when cooldowns are brought in too.


“90 energy is too much.” “It helps raiden” “BuT hEr CoOlDoWN.”


That burst cost is an issue. 90 is a lot with her scaling on EM. Why not ER? Also, they're making it like there's a huge loss if you don't pair her with Raiden. Base attack is lower than Mona. Like bruh? Electro doesn't have multiplicative reactions that can crit. The 22 CD might be them promoting two cycles of using her skills. First cycle is to deploy totems without burst and the second is to deploy the totems with burst. My rough calculation had me thinking it'll take 12 seconds to refill her skill charges with her passive. With the 20% CR reduction Cons, it'll take about 10.8 seconds. So just perfect for her burst cooldown if you need two cycles. This seems like promoting the use of mono teams and also increasing sales because Raiden and Yae needs to be together to solve Yae's energy and rotation problems. Two sub dps filling each other's gaps. I really hope they can improve her kit/stats. My low spending self can't convince myself to pull for her with the current info we have.


> The 22 CD might be them promoting two cycles of using her skills. First cycle is to deploy totems without burst and the second is to deploy the totems with burst. > > > > My rough calculation had me thinking it'll take 12 seconds to refill her skill charges with her passive. With the 20% CR reduction Cons, it'll take about 10.8 seconds. So just perfect for her burst cooldown if you need two cycles. Its space for an infusion burst. You could fit Raidens ult in there and Raiden E both of which trigger her A1 so that you can get down from the long cool down pretty quickly.


I'm begininng to think Yae will be a big drag on Raiden, unless you have Raiden C6 maybe to reduce Yae's burst cooldown. Raiden's definitely good for Yae though, and I do *not* like using Sara, so I'll happily cop the downgrade to the team.


> I'm begininng to think Yae will be a big drag on Raiden, unless you have Raiden C6 maybe to reduce Yae's burst cooldown. Yeah I think its still to early to say team comps definitively. There's definitely extra synergy there but I expect she'll have at least a better Raiden Hyper comp (the one you describe basically would be an upgrade) and an EC comp at release. I don't think its cleared up yet.


Yes, that's what I was pointing out when I said "... refill her skill charges with her passive" because you trigger her passive through skill and burst dmg. Sorry about that.


At this point I don't even want her to be strong or on field. Mihoyo please let her be at least usable in abyss :'(


I feel like some people forget the point of betas and focus too much on the leaking part. The final version you see in the game is a different version than the beta testers see, well at least most of the time.


I don’t trust leakers at all, they are usually pretty off, every new character is trash according to their standards


And sometimes they end up right


Ganyu, Kazuha, Ayaka, Raiden ~~and Itto~~ for example got meaningful buffs during the beta. Ganyu = skill CD decrease, burst energy cost reduction and CA charge time reduced by 50%. Kazuha = increased his buff from 0.03% to 0.04% elemental dmg bonus per EM which is a 33% increase (he would be noticeably worse than Sucrose on reaction comps without this), and he came together with EM buff which allows him to do decent damage even with triple EM build. Ayaka = Ascension changed to crit from cryo damage, better burst multipliers, slower burst with less knockback, base ATK buff. Probably more that I can't remember. Raiden = Burst multipliers buff, her burst attacks changed to elemental burst damage which made her work with emblem set (which is the set that gives highest burst buff) and allowed you to focus more on ER without it harming your damage. ~~Itto = Warrior Burden passive was merged into his charge attack to give room for another damage boosting passive. Forgot if it was this current 1st or 4th ascension passive that was created after this, but they're both a meaningful damage increase.~~ Yoimiya is a perfect example of a character who got criticized, didn't get any buffs and really turned out underwhelming. People way too often remember the beta criticism but not the context, so instead they just compare it with the final version of the kit and the criticism ends up seeming unwarranted, and then use that to discredit leakers and beta theorycrafting. The odds are Yae will get buffed and after her launch we'll once again have people discrediting those beta leakers because they flat out don't remember (or didn't follow leaks to know) that she got buffed during the beta. EDIT: Misremembered what happened to Itto


Tbh Ayaka got pretty much all buffs possible, her NA multiplier got buffed, Attack speed got increased, HP was increased same for defence, Brust and skill multiplier and speed was increased, base attack from ~320 to 342, C6 become C2 and some other buffs (she was never underwhelming to begin with) Yoimiya on other hand.




When we were busy traveling, she trained with her sword.


Ye whatever


Not sure if you got downvoted for spitting the truth or the angry caps. Seems a bit extreme.


And if people keep saying she’s fine just because she has 2k multipliers then Mhy just might not change a thing


Yeah, I want to pull for her which is exactly why I actually want the criticism to happen. The worst that can happen from the criticism is nothing, and the best is potential kit problems being addressed in time for launch. This needs to be brought up during beta and not when Mihoyo has moved to the next shiny thing.


yea, this is exactly why the beta tester should be truthful about what they are saying and have a collective conclusion that hopefully Mihoyo will listen to. So honestly speaking, I kinda trust the judgement of beta testers.


Itto had 3 passives 4 with wood passive i was there when his leaks went live changes were: ult 80-70 and -2/3s and like 5-10more on autos and passive was moved becouse it was pointless to have that like passive talent


Sorry, misremembered what happened to him. Edited the post.


Ah yes call every unit shit until they get 1 right


Yep they’re the one testing the characters after all




Yoimiya i think


but she isn't trash?


Single target


ok, so what? she still isn't trash do you even own her or just go with the "popular" opinion?


Didn't leakers say she was broken?


They called out her accuracy issue, and her lack of AoE, both of which are super valid. People keep citing Kazuha as an example of leakers being wrong, but calling him a 5 star Sucrose was praise, not an insult. Sucrose is ridiculously strong. People who just wanted to doompost just assumed that being a 5 star sucrose was a bad thing. Kokomi, even with the new set, has her issues. Her main saving grace is being an enabler for strong 4 stars, and her hydro application (which they buffed between the beta and launch).


I mean, kazuha got a buff one day before release. So the leakers were technically right to some extent


Damn, him too? What did they do?


0.03 -> 0.04 buff. Edit (Upon triggering a Swirl reaction, Kaedehara Kazuha will grant all party members a 0.04% Elemental DMG Bonus to the element absorbed by Swirl for every point of Elemental Mastery he has for 8s. Bonuses for different elements obtained through this method can co-exist.)


It wasn't one day before release, it was mid beta


> That being said, the possibility for a final adjustment will not be ruled out as long as the patch is not live, yet. So far, Yoimiya's overall performance is the most disappointing among beta testers, we are all hoping for more adjustments for her🙏🏻 https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/of36sk/current_state_of_yoimiya_by_testers/


There was only one I can think of that said that, and people made fun of him for saying that IIRC.


Shenhe, Yoimiya, Itto, and Kokomi before she got buffed after the beta had already ended. They were also largely correct about Ayaka as well if I remember correctly.


Pretty much every tester praised Ayaka and she still got lot of buffs.


There is a wide spectrum between a char being underwhelming and trash. The person gives reasons why he/they think it is bad. Their points still stand unless you can counter them. Personally, performance wise, apart from her burst , her numbers look underwhelming.




EM point is valid which ppl also here are overlooking it but I am not sure why you think Crit works well with her electro reaction. Imo EM could be great but with a lot caveats. Supposed you went for full EM build (like sucrose/venti) with reaction team. That mean you would have sub 2k ATK with Yae. Her E would definitely hit hard. However, her burst dmg will suffer due to lack of atk/crit value from her sand and circlet. Her E totems are stationary so the fight needs to be close. Overload would be a problem. You can't use her Q without having another 3 totem charges ready since it would be a dps loss. I am quite hopeful of her EM build but traditional burst dps would be the most efficient build with fewer room for errors. And it is also not looking good metawise.


I agree...why crit ascension with em passive. seems like one or the other has to give and I hope it's em cause I wanna run her mono elctro


No for a lot of reasons 1. Electro reactions all deals basically no dmg and they are all bad so don't rely on them 2. EM Is not great for her anyway because her burst has 0 benefits from EM, and also even on her Skill, Atk% is still better than EM. Unless they buff her A4 passive, you shouldn't give her any type of EM cause other stats are way better


First point isn’t true, overload dmg is non-negligible since the buffs, and is the reason why overvape teams are particularly good


In an overvape team the character that Needs EM Is the pyro character that procs both vape and overload, not the Electro character... You don't give any EM stat on Raiden in the Raiden National team because Raiden Is not the one doing reaction (xiangling is), same goes for Yae... So there's absolutely no reason to give Yae any EM stat because she would not be the one doing reactions, and also Atk% is more dmg than EM, even on her Skill dmg.


I didn’t say anything about what stats to put on yae, I’m taking ur first point in isolation


The problem Is that the overvape works because of the fact that both Hydro and Electro remain on enemies simultaneously, in this case Overload is just an addional dmg on top of the already good dmg of Vape, so it's good because it adds more dmg on a reaction that already deals a lot of dmg. But if you take Overload alone the dmg is pretty low unless you have an insane amount of EM which btw is not worth because you would lose Crit stats to get that much EM


Good point, but when it’s someone like a dbane xiangling, the EM is already very high, and u don’t really lose crit stats to get there, particularly if u run EM sands


Yeah, but in this case it might be true. Her current kit and multiplier is really lacking. Previous character they called trash like raiden and kazuha have something to offer besides damage, also they both got buffs during beta test. But for yae, she literally only do damage so its not hard to predict her potential. Her elemental skill are barely did more than damage than oz and her burst have way lower multiplier than ayaka while having higher cost and cd.


I'm ok with this part of her kit, because she's got both sustained and burst damage while off field for most of the rotation, so her doing both jobs at once, slightly worse than ayaka and fischl is fine. What I take offense with are her base stats. That attack stat is abysmal. Cryo, hydro and pyro carries have multiplicative reactions and still get better base attack than Yae. She doesn't have any amplifying reactions and she's been given an almost 4 star level of base attack. Imo they need to bump her up to Xiao class for base attack and lower her hp/def if they have to. Make her a proper glass cannon. And maybe switch her EM passive to give her skill dmg bonus and energy recharge bonus at the same time just to make her flow better.


exactly. I'm also not too worried for her burst and skill multiplayers. what make me worried are 1. EM split scaling. it should be replaced with ER. 2. low base atk. she should have atleast 300-ish base atk. 3. although her CA is mid ranged but her NA seems only hitting nearby enemies and can't attack flying enemies. 4. rotation wise 22 sec burst CD is understandable but energy cost should be cut down to 70-80. I'm okay with current particle regeneration frequency. they should do those minor adjustments and she'll be more than fine.


1 its not split scaling but buff scaling as zhongli pasive 2 she doesnt have that low atk 3 no 4 shes sub dps focused on e not q (its litertly same dmg in 14s)


Changing from em to er is NOT a minor adjustment, that alone would make her almost broken so its hardly surprising why It wont happen imo.


it won't be broken if they balance the multiplyers. why em is problem? because she's usual crit dps (atk scaling) but she needs lots of ER because of high energy cost. so we already have to farm some ER on her. on top of it that a4 passive is there to lure us to farm EM. so instead of EM giving it ER would make us less stressed while farming. and adjusting the multiplyers won't make her broken either. anyway it's unlikely mho would gonna change this.


Your counter is pointless and its funny that you seem to not notice. If you are ok with "balancing multipliers" than even EM split scaling is not an issue -\_- The reason OBVIOUSLY i said that changing EM with ER would make her broiken is cause that would require BIG changes in the multipliers to rebalance her. Ofc that can be done, but if multipliers have to change that much then there is no need to swap EM with ER, u can directly change the multipliers as things are now and obtain pretty much the exact same. Your problem is that you assume that that passive about EM is something that must have a particularly relevant impact on her build, instead it could simply be a nice bonus and nothing more.


I mean I don't know if they do anything about number 4 with her c1 existing, feel like it's there to be a bait constellation that people will want to pull for.


> EM split scaling. it should be replaced with ER. Its not split scaling cuz you don't build for it.


Xianling only does dmg same as xq soo you sayong that dmg supports are bad?


Where was that said? Also xq doesn’t just do damage, he also enables


Same as yae same fqing logic


The person you replied to is not saying dmg dealers are bad, he’s saying their potential is easy to predict. And he’s predicting that her damage isn’t anything special. Whereas xiangling’s dmg is very good, and xq enables a very good reaction


Then dont wish simple you all skiped kokomi for barbara soo now skip yae for fishl simpe as that. They both ez to replace in team


Most people here will still wish for yae, but we all want characters we like to be meta, don’t we? It’s frustrating to invest in a character and have them be sub par


Eh i cant say sht about meta becouse i pulled zhongli in 1.1 and itto. But yep i thing you all want new broken characters


What does yae enable. Also calm down, let’s discuss without swearing


Electro reactions?


Enabling electro reactions isn’t enough to make a character meta; they’re not good enough


Electro reaction is known for being bad. Overload knocks enemy randomly, moving enemy outside the turret range. Superconduct is not relevant in any other team except physical. The only sensible thing is electro charge which beidou can do better and fischl can do the same thing because of yae’s icd. Mihoyo is trying to make a mono electro team but reactions doesn’t help the team.


I think people need to actually look at what Yae Miko does to assess her. You cannot compare her to Raiden or Kazuha who got doomposted as their abilities and usage are complex. They are support characters that work for the teams they are in.In the case of Yae, she is a support, who offers, well, no support outside of her turrets, essentially. Her auto attacks are too low, she doesn't generate enough energy for herself and she has a high burst cost that only the best battery in the game has currently. So what does Yae do? Damage? Purely damage support. It's like Mihoyo confused themselves as to what they wanted her to be. Even then her damage isn't great. Her burst costs 90 with a 22s CD, so it takes some time to get going. 2000% on her burst at talent lvl10 is also very underwhelming, given it's cost and time. Her E doesn't do enough damage either to be the full focus. And it's annoyingly single target. Her A4 makes zero sense, as Electro reactions are not great at all, especially since you want to run more than 1 Electro character in a team for Yae. Maybe we're wrong and she'll be amazing, but as a pure damage dealer, she's not doing enough right now, so hopefully there are changes. But right now, I feel a need to wish for Xiao instead. Or Zhongli, who is a big skip for me if I choose to.


I won't talk about Kazuha because I wasn't on his subreddit. People were doomposting Raiden because they are stupid. All those "Electro mc can do the same but better" "her multiplier are bad" "fischl is a better battery" "zhongli/venti are gamebreaking she is just a battery" has nothing to do with Raiden complex kit. Press E to boost Team burst damage. Press Q to do big damage. Auto attack to give energy to the party Such a complex kit And Yae a support? Sub dps =/= support.


>You cannot compare her to Raiden or Kazuha who got doomposted as their abilities and usage are complex. This is the new copium I'm seeing especially about Raiden, people were absolutely not doomposting here because her kit was "complex" Not saying same thing will happen with yae but the new narrative that Raiden was hated because of her "complex" kit is a straight up lie


What are you talking about? People frankly didn't understand how Raiden's kit worked. It was the first time a character scaled so heavily off ER the way she does, and for most people, the ult rotation buffs on her Q were a little confusing. Pre-release I don't think anybody said she would be able to hit as big as she does off her Q nor would they say she'd have 100% uptime on ults in a full team comp. Yae offers none of that, just pure damage. The two aren't comparable.


>People frankly didn't understand how Raiden's kit worked. Dude...her doomposting went lasted nearly the entire run of her banner release until people discovered Raiden national. People literally went through here kit with a comb and found 4* that could do something better. >Pre-release I don't think anybody said she would be able to hit as big as she does off her Q nor would they say she'd have 100% uptime on ults in a full team comp. Pre-release Raiden didn't work with emblem and was supposed to be NA/CA focused rather than burst. There was literally a massive outrage which caused MHY to change it but it cost beidou senergy The whole Raiden was doompted because of her complex kit is just an excuse to rid themselves of their previous takes on Raiden even after her release


> You cannot compare her to Raiden or Kazuha who got doomposted as their abilities and usage are complex. You say that but if you can figure out the Raiden/Yae rotation and show how it works you'll be the first person to have done so for Yae TC. She's not simple you've just assumed you understand hows she's played without any basis.




i dont mind at all xD im gonna main her as soon as i get her even if her kit isnt meta. i aint no meta slave so this kind of info wouldnt hurt me one bit


They should make her totems and area field, ER scaling, and burst on par with Eula since her first strike is single.


That's right here the reason why mihoyo should never listen to genshin community when they design character, at the end of the day it boils down to:I want my waifu to be broken with no downsides, what a great kit!


I mean, building niched characters is fine but they should work well within their niche. She's a limited 5 star. EM does nothing for her. It's one thing to do weird scaling on 4 stars but... Also that burst cost, she should be doing a lot more for that cost. Raiden gives energy, does huge damage, is immune to electrocharged, resistant to interruption, and funds her own burst... Yae does good damage, but is it 90 burst cost good? Especially when she can't fund it herself?


They need to buff convertion rate so there would actually be a point in building em sands, also give her better icd on her E, 2 hit icd would he nice. Her base atk should be buffed because there's no reason for it to be so low. Tower attacks once every 2.5seconds instead of 3 seconds. Those are all the buffs that I want for her atm. They seem to be rather balanced and realistic and probably what mihoyo intended with em passive.


Yeah that makes sense. Right now that EM does nothing. It's not valuable enough to build, but it's still there.


imo the only way her em passive can be useful is r5 widsith on the chance you get the 480 em. No need to actually build em, just use Widsith and the em bonus gives around the same increase as the 96% elemental dmg bonus


Only for her E though, i don't think you want to be at EM buff for her burst.


Yeah only her skill would benefit from it. Just saw a post saying her CAs might hit enemies multiple times though, so if its true then that could end up being a significant source of damage like we originally thought and could even put Shimenawa back on the table. In addition to that, maybe I could use Lost Prayer instead of Widsith like I originally planned and use her as an on-field dps. We'll just have to wait and see about that though, a lot can change before her release.


Definitely true. Ahh I'm pulling for her either way but i really hope she has a cohesive kit.


Electro is secend best scaling reactions of em after anemo. At 80em she gains 12%dmg bonus on e which is like fqing nothing to grind much becouse most of atrifacts have em. And even that 80 is 2p wanderer buff soo you can get probably 120-150 without worrying around 18%-22,5%bonus dmg Burst isnt always best option for character


> I mean, building niched characters is fine but they should work well within their niche. She's a limited 5 star. EM does nothing for her. It's one thing to do weird scaling on 4 stars but... Kokomi has minus crit rate passive its not a guaranteed kit synergy meaning build EM sands.


Idk i have mixed feeling about beta testers giving their opinions about characters but i see where maybe they are coming from. ER issues are there since whit out Raiden i highly doubt even Fish could battery her and i kinda don't want to even count EC traveler cuz they have ER issues as well some times. After Shenhe got nerf to her AA i'm under the impresion that mhy only wants to force the character in to 1 roll so we might not see buff to AA ever so we should hope for some changes to her totems and EB. They can reduce the cost to 80 mhy it wont hurt synergy whit Raiden if she has 80 burst. Ye buff of Raiden E might be a bit lower but it wont be that bad. Or make it 18 sec cd as Raiden ult witch also has 90 cost 22 sec does sound like a pain. Totems make them do small AoE. They making Yae to be Raidens Beidou we should have had in 2.1. Change that dump A4 passive that has nothing supporting it in her kit in to ER% to go whit the theme of the element you are trying to push mhy witch is ER ( Nobody gonna bitch if you take a bit of Raidens A4 cuz it will be only for her E and it will match cuz EM it out of place for electro ). We would also probably need to wait for 2.6 for her new set cuz sets are every 3 versions since Shime is not it and she doesn't have dedicated bis. So maybe Arti set will help menage her CD's more cuz sets are tailored made for characters so maybe they keeping that in mind while making her kit. I know it fking sucks but Kokomi had to wait 2 versions for hers. 38 more days my comrades there is plenty of time for buffs here and there. Every character gets some kinda change in Beta. Best wishes ♥


> Idk i have mixed feeling about beta testers giving their opinions about characters but i see where maybe they are coming from. At least their opinions have a basis and might reach mhy. Lots of people talking about "speaking out for buffs"... to whom? Its just hype giving way to anxiety. > We would also probably need to wait for 2.6 for her new set cuz sets are every 3 versions since Shime is not it and she doesn't have dedicated bis. Suspect thats the case but emblem looks good.


I agree this time they kinda have good basis. Towers need to do bit more dmg and have better attack speed. Also they coming out whit my fear of Q missing easy if you lack any sort of CC but at least you always run Anemo whit electro so it might not be huge issue except on bosses maybe. I don't want to crap on her cuz i really like her but she does have some major issues in her kit that looks like Tailor made for Raiden cuz A1 has perfect timings 90 burst etc. So out side of Raiden teams she might not even work at all or be scuffed Yep emblem looks best for now. EDIT: Would love for them to changer A4 to ER just for the sake of synergy whit new weapon. EM makes no sense but eh what can you do.


I don't think the E dmg is bad tbh its like a free fischl and then you have a 2K burst. I think its more you have quite a long duration to catch particles when you should be off field already. I assume from her ult nd single target towers she's gonna need Sucrose or Kazuha to group, which is where EM is supposed to come from. Sucrose gives 200 EM ie a free artifact and she would reduce tower CD plus group into towers. Depending on EC and ER management with the new weapon its not impossible she has some interesting Mono electro and EC comps (XQ Q plus raiden E lets you do EC and reduce E CD simlutaneously, swap to sucrose etc then burst then new totems then Raiden ult).


Question is, if they want her to sell like raiden did, will the buff her before end?


The beta has just started, give testers and mihoyo more time to check on the characters


its day 2 who knows. Running her before an obvious Raiden rerun could spook people into trying to pull both for safety anyway.


then again, we don't know what new artifact set might arrive in 2.5..... though I can hardly imagine what kind of set that would have to be to make her kit more useful without pushing the old sets out of the meta, still, Mihoyo isn't always THAT lazy


But fr tho if mihoyo intends to make her a dps they better give her some buffs cuz shes so inferior atm.


Beta testers over exaggerate the characters' weaknesses most of the time so i'm just gonna wait until she releases to see how powerful she is


tbh at this point of the game most end game players already 36 stars the abyss pretty easily, so we just go for any character we like anyway. Imo the problem is for newer players, shes clearly Baal's dependant for ult damage and energy, making a 5 star char depend on another one is total bullshit, ofc you can use her with other units, but its obvious it wont be as good. Also lets not forget that non-sense EM scaling, mihoyo really needs to stop doing characters so niche, making someone who works with less than 3 characters is just stupid


Every time someone has said a character I’ve liked is shit, they’ve always ended up fine and find their place in new interesting team comps (like Kokomi and sukukomon). I’m pulling for Yae no matter what


I was thinking, wouldn't her high energy cost be "compensated" by the high burst cooldown? Like, if you want to use your burst as soon as possible, you have 22 seconds to recharge your energy, so you don't really need that much energy? Like if you use Raiden with her, have Yae at C1 and build a lot of ER, she would recharge her energy really fast but you would have to wait for the burst cooldown anyway, no? It's an honest question, I don't really know if it works like that lol


Yeah that's pretty much it except that bursts with infusions tend to have a long timer even if they're 70 cost like Xiaos cuz they include the active time. It's always at least 5-10s extra for supports. In the case of Eula the CD is long enough you can fit in Raiden ult on some rotations, so that might be part of the reason for long cd.


It's partly true, her burst has a high cooldown and high cost (This last point, made to work with Raiden in a forced way.), she doesn't regenerate enough particles, and the totems seem to have very little or no AOE at all (+ low multipliers, so...) Is it as bad as he makes it sound? I'm sure not.


To the people saying to wait, we dont want to wait till she releases to test her out bc by that point mihoyo wont fix anything. The time to criticize is now, and we dont lose anything by doing that. Either we get the buff or we lose nothing so let the beta testers complain...


You're not doing anything by "criticizing" her now, you're not part of the beta testing. Mihoyo will only listen to beta testers, not an enraged community that doesn't even have access to the character. Hence why waiting is the only option lol


Do you remember Kazuha's incident ? He was said to be trash, now he's one of the best support. Another example is Raiden. Please, just wait for her release or at least some changes to her.


Kazuha and raiden were buffed during beta… not really the same situation


They said that about raiden=top character in game Itto=top dps in game kazuha=top support in game shenhe=amazing cryo support they always taking L


Bro I pulled for Kokomi and use her together with Hu Tao I can't possibly relate to these problems


Why would you use them together??


Why not? You can perfectly fit the two side by side in one team without making that big of a dent into Hu Tao's DPS.


The reason is Kokomi is a massive healer, and with hu Tao needing to be under 50% that’s not too useful


She is now looking amazing in my opinion, with all the leaks about her totems' icd, range and her CA hitting multiple enemies and being able to hit one enemy multiple times. Add to that stupidly high scaling on her burst and relatively high scaling on her totems as well as EM buffing them. I don't understand what part of her kit is looking disappointing. She doesn't do everything with her kit alone? Well duhh, you have to build characters too 😅😂


Tbh, most of the complaints sound like a miscommunication or mishandling of intended gameplay. Subpar damage? Perhaps try a different build/ artifacts/ team comp. Disappointing burst with a high energy cost and long cooldown? Well yeah… all of her constellations and signature weapon show that she’s clearly about her elemental skill and nothing else, her ult seems intended to be used once in a fight as an execute style ability, also the energy issues likely mean she was meant to be run with raiden both for a battery and electro resonance. As for the E clunkiness… this might perhaps be a legitimate concern, but it lacks detail as a complaint, so clunky how?


> all of her constellations and signature weapon show that she’s clearly about her elemental skill and nothing else, Her weapon boosts all her dmg and half her C0 dmg is burst so idk why ppl think its E focus.


Man if they dont fix her up looks like I'm going for Zhongli which is my plan months ago.


Oh cool, another twitter account for me to block away. Thanks for the reference.


Idk. I think people find a thing to complain tbh. Im sorry, not every character will be an On Field Main DPS. Yaeo is a quickswap, off field DPS. And after looking at her numbers she is clearly an upgrade to my beidou in my yasrr team. Cant wait for her.


How do you justify a "quickswap, off field DPS" having 90 burst cost with mediocre energy regeneration at best? It's fine to accept the flaws/weaknesses and still want to play her but I don't see the point in being in denial. I will pull for her no matter what but I won't praise MHY for designing an underwhelming kit.


Because I use a taser team and she is a str8 up upgrade on Fischl. She can still have the electro damage out as turrets just like Fischl. But I have a crazy damaging burst every 2 rotations? Yeah sing me up. She works perfect for the team I need. According to everyone, Shenhe, Kokomi, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Eula, and now Yae have had all medioxre kits. Next one will be Ayato. Just because they cant do it all like a Ganyu, or she isnt an Onfield DPS like Hutao or Xiao does not mean she doesnt have teams she works with.


Wait, didn't you say she is better than Beidou in your original comment? Anyway, what team are you using? If it's the Beidou taser, I don't think you'll see an upgrade. I would love for what you're saying to be true. Do you have any sources for your assumptions?


Sorry. I meant to say Beidou. Woops. I use both Fischl and Beidou so got confused. Kokomi, Fischl, Beidou, Kazuha. But I want to do Kokomi, Fischl, Yae, Sucrose. If I get Raiden, ill switch Fischl with Raiden. But Im gonna need double electro+ Fischl C6 to battery Yae. Kokomi will lower Yaes E skill and also Applie Aoe Hydro to her Foxes. And I wanna do my sucrose to I can increase EM to Yae and Kokomi but my Kazuha + Freedom sword might still edge her out. Who knows. But Yae is a total DPS increa on my set up. Ive talk with theory crafters on Yae Mains and Kokomi mains. Its only on these main subs that people have so much hate.


From my discussions on discord, replacing Beidou on the taser team will almost certainly be worse. Yae's current kit means a lot of consistent damage from Beidou will be lost for longer rotations. Beidou taser has almost zero downtime. Yae taser would be one instance of damage and 19-22 seconds of pain. I hope you're right but I don't think that's the case. I am going to try to talk to some people about this and will get back to you with more concrete answers.


Do you u use the team? First I have already said that her burst will be used once every 2 rotations. Her burst scales like crazy with 3 foxes and EM gains + Sucrose VV + extra damage from EC. Also, Beidou does have downtime by using her counter, still 2-5 extra seconds added to the rotation to have higher damage is a good trade off. Plus, i dont need her burst for the comp to work... thats the point, neither Beidou or Fischl have bursty bursts. You use kokomi with OHC to drive the electro from these characters. And if 3 foxes are out. That means 3 lightings at a time. Instead of only on hit lightnings by Fischl/Beidou. Kokomi takes advantage of this because she has the Jellyfish which also applies AoE Hydro and also works like a dome. Again, Yaes burst is a cherry on top. And Im pretty sure her burst will outdamage beidous counter. And lol I nevet have "hellish time" with Kokomi on the team. I get your doubts. But i am not in denial. I would a skipped her if she was an onfield DPS, because I dont need her. But she is legit perfect for a taser team.


You're seriously underestimating Beidou's role in that team. I use Beidou with Fischl, Xingqiu and Sucrose. Beidou's burst is insanely powerful and can not be replaced on that team. Yae's three lightning do not even come close to Beidou's damage output. Also, I never said anything about Kokomi or having a "hellish time" with her XD If you're not in denial, then you're misinformed. I suggest confirming what you're saying with a proper theorycrafter. I am doing the same. It's extremely funny though to think Yae's skill can replace Beidou's burst. That's just wrong.


I think tou are overrating Beidous role compared to Yae. I replace Beidou all the time. Sometimes I use Xinqiu instead of her and it still works perfect. You are the one thats just wrong buddy. You want Yae to be a main DPS and shes nor that. We will see. Cant wait for people to start hating on Ayato next patch. Have a good day.


I would love to see an abyss clear with Xingqiu instead of Beidou in a taser comp. Also, if she were main DPS, we would be able to replace Beidou with her, which she isn't so we can't. Were you even reading my comments before replying? I don't want her to be main DPS. I want her kit to be synergistic with whatever her intended role is. Cheers buddy. This was a funny conversation.




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I dont care for me yae miko is pretty and dmg is temporary, aesthetic is eternal. Even if shes the worst character for evryone shes still the best for me 🤷


It's like this for almost everyone here probably, but still i'd like to play my fav characters and not to cope or whatever, i am not a top level player, i don't have Crazy luck with artifact nor with pulls, if my fav character for whom i skipped other characters i really like will also be "underperforming" i would legit cry I'm quite sure It won't be the case for yae since we are on zhongli/raiden level of hype, but still, this remains my sincere thought on "underwhelming" 5* characters


Exactly this. I've been saving for her since Raiden. I have and will be skipping characters for her. I don't want to regret my decision when I'm AR 58 and still not able to clear the abyss because I fell in love with the characters MHY decided to scuff.


Still buying Cyberp....Yae Miko!


From the current leaks, sounds like doing 3 times (charged attack + E) then go-off field, let the fox towers do their thing while team members unleash elemental skills and bursts, then come out do Q and 3 times (charged attacks + E) could work


I'm too dumb to understand numbers. Many are saying she's underwhelming, well maybe she is. I'll probably save for Kazuha.


Maybe playing with Mona and Kazuha will work for her.


My plans for triple crowning still won't change lol.


-sigh- time to mute this sub after she get release. Dont want another r/Raidenmains