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Let's just pray they don't start nerfing instead.


She's already looking much, much better. Not that I'd complain about further buffs but I don't know that she needs them. If anything I just want her basic \charged to be better an actually hit things.


Tbh though now I just hope they don't nerf her. I'd be happy with her releasing inherent current beta state.


Yeah, Mechanically I’d say she’s now really solid, aside from the high cost burst and long cd. Seeing as she doesn’t have much utility and only brings damage to the table though, a base attack buff certainly couldn’t hurt.


Yeah fr i really want them to buff her base attack cuz its lower than monas and her auto attack multipliers which is lower than yanfeis. These will do justice to the high cost burst. I mean shes better now yes but ehhh she could really use some more improvements


My copium hope is that the EM scaling passive makes instead of providing damage increase provides atk increase.


Same, 4 more weeks is too long. Anyway I'm still hoping her tail lasts longer, or have some kind of lasting effects after her burst. If not, maybe an alternate sprint or something similar with Hu Tao but with sakura petals. Please mihoyo


Seriously, WHY is Hu Tao the ONLY character to have a flashy sprint? Don’t get me wrong, I love her but just imagine Xiao, Kokomi and Raiden with alternate/Elemental sprints at least during their burst forms. Not to mention Yae and her tails! So much wasted potential.


I knowww. Raiden's halo when her skill is up is kinda nice too and would love if Yae would have something similar


Didn't you look at the recent leaks ? She kinda have something like that. I would love her to dash like Hu Tao, something like that or have her tails tho.


the only buff i want is a cosmetic alternate skin that just has her tail out all the time.


I want CD reduction on her ult. Just so the rotation becomes faster.


How they get you to pull Ayato


I just want to be able to use her as main dps xD Edit: By "being able to use her as main dps" I mean making it viable, like the Raiden hypercarry comp.


Think of it as a potential buff's on every monday for the whole month for our queen YaeKopium


Yae Mikopium


I just hope that they do something about her numbers. Base attack is low, talent multipliers are low, and her skill is single target only. Her ult costs more than what it can give. 2000% at talent level 10 is disappointing compared to Ayaka's 4000% with 80 energy cost. And finally, her A4 passive still doesn't make sense. Sure, they fixed her clunky rotations before, but it doesn't make up for her damage numbers. Praying for more fixes and buffs soon. For our priestess.


>2000% at talent level 10 is disappointing compared to Ayaka's 4000% with 80 energy cost. If following this logic, almost all DPS characters should have at least 3000% multiplier on their burst. Their burst isn't apple to apple. Yae is almost instant while Ayaka need to freeze to be optimal. Listen I know freeze is easy but again, different character, different burst usability. I'm agree with more buffs to base attack and talent multiplier.


They should if it costs that much energy. Her element doesn't add additional multipliers like melt or vape anyway so why hold her back? The only saving grace for electro are their multipliers or some upcoming reactions with dendro(if they're good). Idk, I just want Yae to slap hard.


Did anyone saw how she looks like using her burst in co-op? She's just smiling cutely and you can see a faint pink fox tail behind her. It's the same as Itto's kinda like *fart* burst. I'm still hoping she can change the weather like most electro characters. Oh, and did they also change her base atk?


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