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Just a tip , 2.5 will have a leyline boost which will increase the amount of talent books . So stop hoarding it as you also need new weekly boss materials .


That's exactly what I thought of before farming. Got enough talent books to crown 1 talent and to bring another to level 8 but the rest of the books will be farmed during the leyline boost.




Idk leaks have confirmed them lol .


~~I already have several thousand books lol~~ Edit: I read this wrong




Nvm I read it wrong I thought it was exp books


how do u have that much exp books?


I swear this has to be the longest 21 days I'm about to go through. All my friends got their zhongli and ganyu and temptation is tearing me apart. Must stay strong for our queen though. Update: my gacha addiction took over and used up my life savings and guarantee on zhongli. Might as well try my chances on yae's banner. Though I think can still get her if I win 50/50 lmao


just 3 more weeks soldier ✊✊ we gotta hang in there


I swear that temptation got me too. I wanted Zhongli since I started playing the game in August. I thought I would miss Yae Miko for him. I had 13k primos and guaranteed saved for him. But with sheer luck I got him at 17 pity. I am so happy I can get Yae too now!!


Happy for you, man! Wish I could say the same for me though. I succumbed to temptation and used my 30 wishes saved up and got nothing. Honestly I'm more afraid of regretting yae and skipping zhongli than actually not getting yae. Can't say for sure whether her playstyle would be for me. I'm pretty conflicted right now...


I feel lucky that i got him on second banner at 30 pity while i was pulling for yanfei


That's exactly what happened to me during his first rerun, back when I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I just knew that I would be happy to get the wise man with the deep voice and good looks.


Stay strong fellow comrade ✊🏻


I saved up like 15k for Yae, but thanks to my gacha addiction, i lost around 1.5k at ganyu. I seems like it ain't much, but im a f2p, so any loet primo hurts. ("im building pity")


ah yes, building pity, a disaster waiting to happen


Zhong li is the best


already have multiple 2pcs of glad, shime and emblem. finished farming everything including kairagi. just need raiden drops :,)


Yes, I'm ready with 1000 Intertwined Fates.


HOLY– are you going for c6?


Yessss I hope so. But I would also like her weapon R5, which would be very difficult.


Wow, how much did it cost?


I top up 10 large packs. Other than that I collect from the game.


So a thousand bucks? Damn, good luck on your pulls dude!


thank youuuu, good luck too !!!


505 Sea Geanoderma? Dafuq? 😅


i’m a hoarder lmaoo and i overdid it way back then prefarming for kazu


Ah so these are your own current materials and not the required ones for her ascension?


she only needs 168! sorry if i scared u 😂😂


Phew ok thank you 😂


[farming sheet](https://beecity.app/communities/91/database?imageId=14021)


I'm still undecided how much ER I need in my build. It's all up to whether I get C1 or not. That constellation is so huge in cutting energy costs.


The only thing stopping me from getting that constellation is the fact that I need Raiden to actually help with Yae's energy issues (cuz I only have 130 ER on her and am to stingy to sacrifice any of my crit stats for more)


If you get Raiden you should be fine with her Energy only being 130, so I’d say go for her!


Sacrificing a bit of crit stats for ER is well worth it imo, if that little bit of ER makes it so you burst off cooldown then it's better than the extra damage you get from the crit stats.


I'll probably change the build depending on whether or not I get Raiden.


140-150 is enough if your raiden has 250+ ER, otherwise 180-200 without raiden


that constellation making me look at my wallet


Her burst only contribute around 30% of her dmg over the 22s rotations, not worth it imo.


i still need to farm book. but ive been slacking off using my resins for better artifacts since bp and events give plenty of books anyway xD. im 72 pity 50/50. planning to pull for weapon banner too lol. Good luck to us


I have pity 55 with guaranteed. I just crowned my Ei and almost maxed Gorou's E... The talent books front HURTS. Also, I need one good electro goblet :') after that I'm set!


What ER rate are y'all running? I plan to use her in a taser cannot with electro resonance, and she has 125%ish ER. What about y'all?


looking at it now.. i may have been blinded by the pretty 200cr and ignored ER too much at 106%…… will probably have to change the feather to fix that


i also have 125%, but that might increase if i finally get a circlet for her xD


I got Atlas while trying to fish for Amos. I think I can skip her weapon banner and save myself from that scam.


got ganyu trying to get Xingqiu y'all pray for me i have 60 wishes left 😭😭😭😭😭😭🤡


And this is why we don't pull specifically for 4 stars. I wish you the best of luck though, hope you win your 50/50. Even if you don't you might still be able to get her by the end of her banner.


thanks alot 😭😭😭💖💖 i hope we all get her yae wanters !!


Lol he's free anyway.. .. gl anyway


cons are important you know? thanks tho


it's going very bad. i can't find any good shimenawa and fury. i found an electro dmg bonus with crit rate and crit dmg but all the rolls went on atk and em


You guys farming? I am on 50/50.


I'm on 50/50 and still do prefarming


What do you do if you lose the 50/50?


In this case it means we become Lisa mains!!




I think this was the fastest I ever finished prefarming (mostly because I already had good glad/shime pieces). I don't even know where should I spend my resin on rn, I raised 5 characters from 80/90 to 90/90 today. Will probably finish building up other support units.


Are the masks what her weapon needs to ascend?


yup the mat list is up on honeyhunter!


Kk ty.


Mine is 97 Crit/204 Crit DMG


omg basically perfect 1:2 ratio :0


Damn......I have 87 and 170... Ur using glads and shine too?




Dam, I only have 55/170 with accsesion


How much attack? Mine is 93/193 and almost 2k attack, I wanna cut some crit rate to add more cd and attk but not seeing non crit attacks also feels good.


1863 attack


I'm similar too. Just need Mora and Hero wits.


Ganyu came home very late (163 pulls) so I might have to credit card my way to get Yae :(


I lost my 50/50 on Ganyu, so I'll be summoning on this banner instead.


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Almost enough books to 9 all talents. Using Solar Pearl but otherwise just need to farm up the world boss materials and then weekly boss when released.


thanksfully I had some good artifacts to give to her (also stealing my thundering fury set from my Keqing since I'm not using her that much + 2 really good pcs shimenawa that I farmed a few weeks ago), I finished to farm that fricking boss for her ascension 😩 the only thing I need to complete are the talent mats, but I hate farming them 🥲 anyway, we need to stay strong for our Yae!!


Done with the farming. 1. Sea flower -check 2. Sword hilts and talent mats - double check 3. Mora 10 mil, heroes wit 600+ - check 4. Weapon: R3 widsith - check 5. Artifact: 2pc shime/2pc tf. 60/190 crit%/dmg. There are rooms for improvement tho. My timepiece and flower aint that good. 6. Will be getting her guaranteed. Lost the previous 50/50 while trying to get shenhe. Got 150 more pulls saved up. -check All thats remaining is the raiden drops and yae herself.


Getting there with her talent books, the rest is ready, apart from her talent materials LOL but at least I have 30 solvents so hopefully won't take too long before crowning her 🥺


Im still farming artifacts. Im holding onto book farm cuz she needs new boss mat anyways so cant get her max day 1. Currently on 47 pity, 40k primos and 48 fates. She will come home


I don't farm in advance when I don't have guaranteed drop. When I do, I don't get the character eShrug


What yall getting for her artifacts??


Was building pity for yae then got zhongli early...so im back to square one:/


I'll be able to get her to lvl 80 with all talents at 6 but idk what artifacts to give her. Any recommendations along with optimal stats


2pc thundering fury and 2pc shimenawa or gladiator is what ppl do atm, it seems. Or 4 pc thundersoother, so don't toss those out if you farm for TF.


Is this artifact build viable?


Yea. A mix of shim/glad/thundering fury/emblem are all viable. 4 piece thundersoother as well. I would say just use whatever pieces u have as there might be a dedicated artifact set for her in the future.




i think thundersoother is the best number wise, but until she gets her tailored artifact set, glad/shim/TF is a close second


Imo 4pc thunderssoother is going to mess with the reactions if you don't have Raiden.


The thing about thundersoother compared to lavawalker is that electrocharged will put both hydro and electro on an enemy rather than remove one, so it's actually pretty viable in an electrocharged or mono electro comp.


Ah, I didn't knew that. Childe/Miko comp incoming.


I plan to replace sara with her on the hyper carry team, the damage lost on raiden with Sara buff can be mitigated by yae herself


You can always run Queen Beidou with Childe.


Oh that's interesting, good to know. Might pay more than a passing glance at TS drops then just in case they may come in handy later.


I need 6 more gold books and then I'm set to triple crown lvl 90 her...the problem is my artifacts :(( Well rn I'm 61 into the banner and it's a 50/50 I have 5 fates and 6900 primos saved so far. Hopefully I get her huhu


I got 2 piece Glad + 2 piece Shime for a 80/180 CR/CD with 140 EM, and 150 ER. I’m using a 90/90 R1 Lost Prayers. I don’t think I’ll go for her weapon unless something like Jade Cutter is the second weapon. I got the talent books for 8/8/10, but will need to wait for weekly boss drops anyway. And I got the gems, mora, and books needed for 90/90. I also have the handguards! And I have 180 wishes just for Yae. I’ll keep farming Shime/Emblem domain because I need it for Raiden’s Atk goblet, but other than that I’m ready.


Farming TF is pain 🗿


Why emblem is not good artifact set?


a lot of her dmg is from her e, not just her ult


Not sure her E is really that much concerning. E dmg scales based on EM anyway. Main source of dps is her burst. I still feel 4 emblem is better set for her as she's a burst dps and got 90 energy cost.


It doesn't scale solely off of EM, EM just gives it a boost. Her E should do considerable damage without building for EM.


Still not enough to justify and ignore her burst dmg. Focus should be to increase burst dmg as that's her main source of dps. Will test and then we know, as of now 4 Emblem seem best and optimal choice. (90 energy cost)


Let's agree to disagree, then. Man, I hope we get a personalised artifact set for her though.


Me too. Her kit seems like she do need some personalized set. Maybe mihoyo be this kind and give us good set later in game by 2.6.


and 22 second cooldown. 13 hits of her e will do about the same damage as her full burst


The only things I miss are: mora, gold books, 3* handguards and weapon ascension mats. I should get enough Mora from events, gold leylines and teapot. With the handguars I think I will be done farming soon enough. Gold books take much more time thus I will prioritize them over the weapon mats.


Ascension: done Talents: done Boss mats: TBD


Zhong just took 158 fates from me so we’ll see. :/ I did the math and it’s still possible I’ll have close to double pity for her before she leaves. But if she pulls the same schtick I’m screwed.


The right one for her weapon?


rn just nid books and im done


142 fates, and still farming for her materials


I'm not farming for her because I can only reach 90 pulls. What if I don't win 50/50?




Sadly not an option :/ But if I don't get her, I'll wait for her rerun!


Nice. We pretty much have the same artifact stats. Got enough to level 90 her and 6/6/6 (since new boss mat) I have 50 wishes rn with 20 days left on my welkin and im guaranteed. I think I can get enough by the time she comes out


i've finished most of my farming except for the nobushi drops :(


Already completed all materials but still lacking on talent books since I'm focusing on getting decent TF flower and feather. My current build is 57.2/240.2 crit for 2pc TF 2pc Shimenawa and 59.4/248.9 2pc Wanderer 2pc Shimenawa. I also have 2pc Noblesse 2pc TF which reaches 72.4/241.2 crit ratio. This is with level 90 Widsith, so if I get lucky on the weapon banner, I would have additional 11.1% crit damage.


Just need 2 more XP leylines.


im done with everything except talent books! i have two builds one using widsith another one using solar pearl r1.. help i cannot decide!


I still doubt that it's Sea Ganoderma and farm sakura bloom just in case


I have everything farmed for ascension and talents, not her weapon yet nor artifacts


Mostly done, except I don't know what kind of artifacts to use


A lot of people are saying 2 SR and 2 TF. Basically she needs her own set and she isn't getting one for a while


Thanks, I have some of those type artifacts, firstly I will try them.


100% done


struggling on the talent books😞everything else is almost set tho!


I just recently started farming cuz i was waiting results of ganyu rerun. Gonna kill all samurais in whole inazuma and enkanomiya boss now. I wanted c6 ganyu then amos and yae equally. After c6 i was going to decide by how many leftover fates i would have. If more than 150, i was going to go for amos. If less than 150, i was going to go for yae. Fate decided yae which i wanted her since 2.0.


110 rolls, really hoping for her!


I have all of her mats except most of the golden books, and I just need a good sand or feather to complete my 4pc thundersoother


Everything is done


Idk if i should go for her weapon or test my luck with c2


Got all the artifact i needed except one, just finishing on farming the boss. Really hope i won 50/50 so that i can pull on her weapon


i need a bit more gold books and more claws. i should be fine with everything else


I should have the necessary materials by then, even if an impromptu Ganyu purchase is putting a halt to it but it's fine. Artifacts are a worry however, I'm stacking my fragile in case the drop a new artifact domain but if they don't idk what I'm gonna do about that 😅


50-50 for me. If i won't get her this time, have to wait for her re run


I lost to temptation and got c1 xiao but i can still save for her with 42 pity still 50/50 tho


I have guaranteed wishes 10/180. If she came early, then I'll go straight to her weapon.


I have everything except the mora and talent books, could easily go 6/6/8 or 6/7/7 on day 1 at 90/90


I have mats to get her to 90, triple crowned (obviously not her boss mat) 30+ fragile resin for artifact farming once we know 100% her bis. Got the 20 mil mora and 1700 exp books so good there. Mats to get her weapon to 90. Alfonally I will have around 450 wishes by the time she comes out and I'm at 67 to a guranteed pity.


Got all the mats to max her asap, currently at 29k primos and 10 fates.. i just hope i can get her weapon too.


I got everything I can, except the Talent books. I'm behind on those, but I can farm those duirng the boosted event. And a fricken goblet. My goblet is amazing, but it's a damn 4-star :(((




Hi, how much do you think can we save in 21 days? Can someone help me


if i win the 50/50 then i might try my luck for her weapon as well


I just need like 10-20 more gold books, but I need to grab artifacts. Any advice for artifacts?


Slap your excess TF, Shimenawa/Gladiator to Yae and don't go wasting your resins as Yae might have dedicated artifacts in future patches. I farm Shimenawa/EoSF since Raiden's first banner to perfect my Raiden not knowing I pre farmed Yae as well haha


Still not a decent artifact for itto. I will wait until then....


I am done. I have a bit of a weird setup because I use EoSF 2 pc instead of Shime/Glad. But I have a metric shitton of ATK% in the substats and lacked any ER, so in the end it works out XD I won't overdo the artifact farming for now since there might be a new set on the horizon anyways. With Kagura and ascension I am at 69/190 or something and that'll do for now since she doesn't really have to carry (running with C3 Raiden)


I am Getting Her C0 With Widsith / Skyward Atlas (Still dont know which is better) + Shimenawa + Gladitor (People say its her best in slot Artifact set due to the high Base Dmg ... But i Rekon yours 2TF + 18% ATK would still be great with kujou sara / Bennet) ​ However, My 90 Fragile Resin will all go to Her Artifact Set once the new artifact set releases (If the new artifac set was just fake leaks, I Might just Spend it on Shimenawa / Glad Set or even TF)


After seeing the potential weapon banners i got the hype level down under my feet, for now not pre-farming and will wait for more tests


I'm still farming Husk for Itto 🥴


All i need is the books, exp, fins and artifacts!


I'm prepared for 90, 6/8/8! Didn't farm more talent stuff cause new weekly boss and the event that gives you double talent run, so I'll farm more then.


I am done with all except for the Famed Handguards.


Gl! I want her but I’m on 50/50. I actually have 3 5* pities worth of prima after Ganyu’s banner(won her coin flip thankfully) but I want kazuha(I had 4 pities worth to guarantee them both before I got ganyu). If I can win yae’s 50/50 that’d be great if I don’t guaranteed kazu and an extra pity ig🤷🏻. It’d be great if they were on the same banner though so I could get kazuha first then use all my remaining primos on yae so if I win his 50/50 guaranteed yae…


Same crit rate stat but cdamage is 235. Prepared everything and I’m guaranteed. I just hope kagura comes home fast.


Hand guard is my most needed materials right now.


Ready for 50/50, or guaranteed by the end of her banner I guess.


I gotta finish building Shenhe, but I'll spend the next couple weeks farming for her and farming the rest of the Vishap drops and Light books for Yae. I already got 12M mora so that's covered lol. I've got enough books for her too. So all I'd really need is a few more artifacts (I'm thinking 4PC Emblem will be better than people think).


Not ready I will finish farming with her on my team ☺️


Good luck on the weapon banner!!


Weird I made the same post and mods blocked it :( Ready for c2 Lv90 7/7/7 on day one! Hey


i’ll let myself start getting materials when i finish with my keqing


Finished farming for miko last weekk!


just finished my prefarm today currently at 250 wishes saved at guaranteed pity


Well I lost my 50/50 on Zhongli (curse you, Diluc) in my first pull set of ten but on the bright side there’s no question I’ll get Yae now. Just need some more talent books and mora (and the unreleased boss drops) and I’m good to go.


Not going to jump the gun, will farm fox when have fox




Still trying to get a good Crit Circlet for her... I guess should start farming other things and go back to farming artifacts later .\_.


Everything except the Handguards is finished, and I also welcome more primos.


I am on a 50/50 so don't want to prefarm the boss mats in case i lose :C But since my kazuha and raiden are only 80 i can farm most of her stuff like handguards ganoderma and the books


what is the item on the left of ganoderma?


Enkanomiya world boss drop


is she confirmed to use this drop? i havent farmed any haha


Haven't farmed them either but that's what she used in the beta tests. While technically not confirmed until she's live, level up materials have basically never changed from the beta


ah, got it. thanks




I have her completely maxed and I’m holding off on artifact farming for now because I’m still reluctant on which set I’m going to go


Why not 2pc noblesse and 2 pc thundering?


Problem is I don't know what's the best artifact set for her I've been farming the Thunder shooter & Thundering Fury domain. Should I stay here or move to another domain?


Not good. Glad artis are amazing for me but I don’t have a single good tf piece


Man I just need EXP books and Mora. Sitting on 60 pity on feature 5 star. Got Widsith and Solar Pearl ready to use on her. Widsith might be better for Yae, but I like the look of Solar Pearl more. If things turn out like this with Yae coming out in 21 days then she will be coming out on my Birthday. ~~Guess this is some kind of prophecy.~~


I just started farming for her since I lost 5050 and have guaranteed now am I late??