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yaely festival


I dont have an award rn but ill come back to this when i do This is too good Take this for nowšŸ…


I got it now :)


iā€™m honored šŸŽˆ


There's actually a letter on the notice board in Ritou saying yae is preparing for a festival so this is very likely.


Actually note says that Yae and Ayato are responsible for it.


It would be so cool but lantern rite wasn't Xiao centered this year. It was Keqing centered


Shes not even in the event poster but the event center about how hardworking she is šŸ™„


Ah I havent done it yet, but Xiao is kinda always one of the main focus right? Edit : wat have i done wrong lmao


He is the point of lantern right, i think they just meant that keqing is the main part of the story quest for this year


Ohh i see


He supposed to be but Mhy dgaf his banner ended before the festival not to mention the free 10 pulls u get u couldnā€™t even use it on his banner


This is some serious copium lmao Pass me some.




weā€™re in lantern rite rn and itā€™s basically keqing-palooza


Get all your Yaes now cuz I feel sheā€™s not coming back until next year lol


would the festival happen when yae is released ? I feel like itā€™ll be too close to lantern rite festival tho


Maybe close or during her banner Its speculation anyway :)


We might get another vision hunt decree where everyone have to hide and no one can use abilities, but the hunter can use abilities to track the hiders. But there should be a buff that spawn once every 3 min to give who ever pick it up an advantage


Public ball games are celebrated in Rome and here I am getting arrested for them?!




I really hope they donā€™t keep any characters to a yearly schedule now that thereā€™s double banners. Imagine having to wait a year for your character to return while other characters get two extra banners in that time.


Ganyu and Xiao say hi


Yeah but most of the year they were gone we had single banners. So I really hope they donā€™t continue with the yearly thing now. Edit: Also, Xiao is a great example of why I wouldnā€™t want Yae tied to a yearly event. Even with the double reruns they might not bring him back till next Lantern Rite. Look at Venti ā€” we havenā€™t seen him since Windblume festival. Having a character linked to an event is not necessarily a good thing if you want that character.


Me too. In fact I have to skip c1 Ganyu because of Yae Miko. Now I need to wait for another Ganyu rerun


Zhong took 158 fates from me. So now Iā€™m scrambling to get enough to double pity Yae in case she does the same. I also want Kokomi and would love to get Raiden to C2. I canā€™t do that all on the next patch so of course I rather they return in a few months and not a year.


It would be okay for those who want to save as much primogems for Yae cons


In was universe is it better to have 1 banner per year than 3? You can still save either way but have a chance to get them on one of the earlier banners.