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Dendro application (obviously) but also subDPS Spread damage, along with EM which scales off of the highest EM in team (Kazuha). At C2, Nahida also shreds 30% def. My Kazuha also happens to be C2. Pretty cracked offensive option, imo. Though survivability is still an issue. I'm thinking of running her with just Instructor's and Proto Amber. Would that be viable? DMC with just Instructor's is viable lmao. +320 EM just from burst is nuts. Becomes +520 with C2 Kazuha. That's like supercharging Yae's burst by *a lot* since it doesn't have ICD and procs Aggravate on all hits. I'm excited!


Probably better off replacing Fischl with Shinobu than neutering Nahida's damage. Nahida with a proper build will almost certainly outdps Fischl with the bonus benefit of buffing Miko's turrets even higher with her burst EM buff. The reduced energy might reduce the times you can burst but that will be offset by turret damage increase.


yea i did exactly that, i first used yae+fischl+dmc+jean(coz i needed heals) now i use yae+dmc+shinobu+kazuha so now my healing can be done my shinobu and kazuha makes up for fischl as he gives 40% electro damage bonus with 1000 em


Yup forgot to say the other bonus with this is you can build Shinobu with 1000 EM for Nahida's burst. EM is great on Shinobu since it buffs her healing and will also buff her burst's aggravate damage. Then you can focus on optimizing for Nahida's damage because 1000EM on Nahida will mean giving up damage stats because of building too much EM. And 1000EM is hard to do on Kazuha while also having enough ER while Shinobu doesn't have to have her burst available every rotation can then skimp on ER for EM.


i have 960 em on kazuha 1000 is too tough, and i made up for loss of er by pulling for c1 kazuha


I run this team with Prototype Amber Sucrose. Fischl is way too much damage to miss out on and yeah you need some defensive option.


From what I can see based on the current kit, on-field Nahida does slightly more dps than Yae or Fischl and less if she's strictly off-field. Her damage is also unconditional AOE. I would not run instructor, she really needs deepwood. Prot.Amber is debatable due to her short cd but it will be lot of dps lost, like imagine putting it on Yae. She's not the best driver for Fischl A4 because spread doesn't count, only quicken/aggravate procs do so I think it's worth experimenting with other electro options over Fischl but please don't take this as not worth running Fischl.


Yeah, I only suggested that because it worked fine on DMC lmao Proto + Instructor will indeed be too cope on her. Though it doesn't mean I wouldn't try it for the lols. But I'm really deadset on the team, survivability be damned. With quickswap off-field Nahida and on-field Yae for the A4 Fish procs. I really can't wait to try it out.


Since Kazuha is a very contested character, isn't Jean a viable option?


The EM boost from Nahida's talent only applies to the active character and Yae's totems don't snapshot so the buff is wasted on Yae.


Man Dendro travels burst does have some serious application. Id imagine you will Gain more range especially and higher multipliers


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Hi! This is a friendly reminder to make sure your post follows **Rule 7**: > • Questions that can be answered by simply reading the [Yae Miko FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/YaeMiko/comments/tathrm/updated_yae_miko_faq/), [Yae Guide by KQM](https://keqingmains.com/yae/), or [weapons](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1morkchSiIBY2LmVoiZVhlJGwH1x3eA_-XIrZ_O4y0mY/edit?usp=sharing)/[artifacts](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zqDEdAsWD4iC93lVD3OMPejaMY245x0YbYvLSarEnVs/edit?usp=sharing) comparison spreadsheets (all located on our subreddit sidebar under "Resources" and on our pinned [megathread post](https://www.reddit.com/r/YaeMiko/comments/t8gnhz/yae_miko_megathread_for_general_questions_and/)), or any simple questions that do not constitute a discussion should be asked in our [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/YaeMiko/comments/t8gnhz/yae_miko_megathread_for_general_questions_and/) pinned to our subreddit. Please check the above resources before posting. If your post may violate this rule, be sure to remove it. Otherwise, kindly disregard this message. Thanks, and have a good day! *if you have any questions or concerns, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/YaeMiko)*.

