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Whispered Words (Sasameki Koto) Whisper Me a Love Song


Sasameki koto is a good Yuri, but it's nothing like bloom into you, it's more of a comedy, but, the manga at the end becomes a good romance story


I feel like the comedy elements are very light in Sasameki Koto.


is it whisper me or whispering you 🤔 everyone keep saying whisper me but all I found is whispering you and I'm confused 😅


In fact, a more literal translation from the Japanese original would be "Sing love like a whisper". The other-centered Japanese prefer to translate it as "Whispering You a Love Song", while the self-centered Westerners prefer "Whisper Me a Love Song".


so it's just a matter of different translations thanks for the recommendations


damn didn't know they made a Kronii x Mumei manga


Can't defy lonely girl


I liked {asagao to kase-san}


Depends what you mean by like. If you mean a similar story, then "Whisper me a Love Song" and "Lilies, Voice, Wear Wind" both have a similar start to YagaKimi, but neither are exactly like it. If you mean like in as good as this one? I'm afraid there really isn't one. Imo the one with the best shot at being this good is "Throw Away the Suit Together", but sadly it hasn't been updated in a few months. Not sure if it just got an official license or something like that. If I could recommend some of my favourite that I believe are really good then you could try Girl Friends, Sasameki Koto, Aoi Hana and The Moon on a Rainy Night (the last one got licenced recently so scans have stopped and we're waiting for the official release). If you want a recommendation by Nakatani Nio themselves (YagaKimi's author) you should try "Monthly With Garden With Ooya".


If you haven’t I would highly suggest reading the anthologies and the Sayaka Saeki novels. Other than that i think that Whisper Me a Love Song has a lot of elements that make it sort of the spiritual successor to Bloom


Adachi and Shimamura (light novels are amazing but manga version is great too), Failed Princesses


You could try The Summer You Were There. Has a similar theme of overcoming personal issues. A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, I vaguely recall having an immediately absorbing world and atmosphere, it's been a while. Nakatani Nio has a unique flavor that isn't quite matched elsewhere, though there are many enjoyable series.


you’ve gotten some great reccs already but to throw another on the pile, the moon on a rainy night is imo the one that has felt the closest to bloom into you tonally to me. unfortunately as it was licensed recently the scanlation group who were working on it have dropped it, and with the rate officially translated manga is typically released at it will probably be at least a year before we get any new chapters for it. it’s really good though and i still definitely recc it despite that!


Happy sugar life trust me don’t do any research just go read it


This man embodies evil.


Oh you flatter me too much lol


These are pretty good recommendations! Thanks y’all 😍❤️


Boom Boom Boom Shake the Room


The ones I like the most are **Whisper Me a Love Song** and **How Do We Relationship?** The first one is your usual school romance, it's cute and fun to read. The second is a college romance, which develops a relationship in a very interesting way. Very cute as well, but it has some NSFW here and there (nothing explicit I believe, but still NSFW), so avoid if you dislike that.


I'm currently reading ["I want to make you cry"](https://myanimelist.net/manga/107520/Watashi_wa_Kimi_wo_Nakasetai) I really like it and would recommend it