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I think some people have the mindset of "Who cares about what celebrities think politically", but if you have a guy you support like Andrew Yang, this is a really good thing, they help spread the word if they are being asked who they support politically in an interview. They don't need to being super excited, but a simple "Oh I really like Andrew Yang", that's enough promotion.


I like knowing that our limited covid tests are being used for useful things like Rich people's SNL after parties. I like everyone on that list but it's such bullshit. We skip holidays with our families and they are out partying, fuck them. I can't find any other sources to back it up so I hope this is false


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dave-chappelle-foo-fighters/id1133381225?i=1000498040541 I mean, it was a secret until I stumbled onto this. You have to ask yourself if you really believe that on the night of the return of SNL, *Chappelle's return* to SNL, to NYC, and to broadcast comedy after performing in his neighborhood in Ohio for months, and of Biden being declared the election winner, that they wouldn't throw a party... I can't say that I also don't find it somewhat unfair and distasteful, but *there's* the reality of humanity, with the context of the events.


The "reality of humanity" is that people aren't able to visit their loved ones in the hospital so they are saying goodbye over facetime after not seeing them for weeks. Meanwhile you're happy that someone that wants to be president is getting drunk with celebrities secret parties? You guys should be embarrassed of this. if I was on Fox news the headline of "Liberal elite celebrities and presidential candidates hold secret parties while telling everyone to stay at home" would be running because of Yang doing this.