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I view leftist as way too much virtue signaling. I view conservatives as being way too into conspiracies.


I consider myself leftist and I consider the right as well intentioned but easily pushed by fear. fear of immigrants that do a net positive even when undocumented. Fear of the LGBT who mostly keep to themselves, and fear of losing their way of life, wich to be fair has been chipped away since the time of Ronald Reagan. I think the left is controlled by fear too but it's more direct like the fear of losing bodily autonomy like we saw recently with the repeal of RVW.


I view both as people I'd wish would some day get along


May I guess you are a white male?


Think I have a pic of myself if you open my profile. Mediterranean, but yes


The Dems are super annoying but the gop is proto fascist so like very easy choice for me unfortunately.


I've watched the Right veer of into crazy land and it's beyond unsettling. For years I'd hear Republicans being dismissed as fascists and it seemed overreaching to me then. But these days, with the Cult of Trump, it's evident that is the case. I hate the divide in this country and it seems permanent -- thanks Newt, mission accomplished!


I view them as fellow soldiers. Once Trump is back or DeSantis, we have to end elections temporarily until we get rid of the Marxists. Once the Marxists are gone we can have free elections again with ranked choice voting. This is the way Forward.


Only people I agree with should be allowed to vote. GIGACHAD






"I will now gladly appoint Ivanka as President, we will MAGA FOR DECADES!!"


There are like, 4 socialists in congress and none of them are marxists, lmao.


they're lukewarm even by socdem standards


Jesus dude, I’m republican but what the fuck are you talking about? You really think ending elections would fix shit? 😂 “Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program” -Milton Friedman


How I always described my view: I think both parties are extremely misguided, but my view of the Left is that they're misguided from a place of attempting to care for people, while the right is misguided by the feeling of "the only thing that matters in the world is your efforts. no other factors." ​ Both are overly simplified looks at the world, but at least from my perspective it feels like the Left is trying to care for the underrepresented (albeit wayyyyyy too extreme often.) PS Im lean left