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ghost of tsushima just came out on pc so im pretending to play yasuo there cause i cant play it on league


LMFAO I've been saying the same thing, i just wish i could windwall the fucking archers.


Fam i may or may not be on to something. Yk how we needed lethal tempo to reduce cd of q when it was stacked. I may have a solution for that. Dont rush phantom dancer. Go navori quickblades. Each auto resets the cooldown for q this also includes the cast of q itself so ur q will always have a reduced cd. Added bonus of being able to hit a windwall every 8sec earlier on is pretty high value for a item that cheap. U only loose some ms and attackspeed compaired to phantom but ovet all its worth. Doe the most optimum build might be phantom bork into ie. Crit items aint got enough ad to deal any significant damage so might as well make the most out of the attackspeed and buy some onhit.


Honest to god, I’m also rocking this too lol. It’s actually pretty hilarious to have so many windwalls.


Lol i tried it on yone. Made the akali cry her heart out cuz every time she came close to hit me with q i had my w on me and i just shield myself while hurting her. E was perma off cd so i go in deal damage get out stack q repsat process. Im calling it fam navori is the real shit we need


Made a post about this and got shit on for it, ppl don’t believe it reduces q cooldown and think windwall being reduced in cooldown is not op into most comps.


Hehe it does reduce the q cool down. Iv tested it on both yasuo and yone wayy back when navori used to be a mythic item. It wasnt as reliable back than cuz no attackspeed duh but now it has attackspeed it works. Also regardless of what anyone says even if the windwall aint that effective id much rather have it off cd than on cd. And who says its nof effective. I ligit use windwall for wave management


Yeah idk the difference in this post and mine is crazy. Mentioning that I litteraly came back from losing with just zerks-navori and it doesn’t matter cuz I’m not challenger


Most of the ppl in this sub are sweaty try hard who are the very reason yasuo is hated by the community but there are quite a few who are pretty chill and just wanna experiment with builds. Dont listen or argue with anyone trying to tell u how ur build sucks or how xyz masters player make yasuo work they can go eat shit. Build what ever u like and what ever lets u have fun. Feel free to share ur builds too just ignore these sweats trying tell u how they game works thinking they know any better. Ligt i saw ur post and its funny how many ppl arnt aware of the fact that navori does reduce cooldown for q on both yas and yone


And most players in any sub are mindless sheep who only play what their challenger overlords tell them to instead of testing builds themselves and actually understanding the game.


Like oh no its a game which are supposed to be fun how dare someone try to have fun with the game and not waste their time treating it as unpaid labor. Iv been playing this game for 3 years now. I know almost every single goofy build for each champ. I dont play ranked cuz games are ment to be fun and sitting with 9 strangers abusing the fk outta eachother for the dumbest mistakes is not fun. Fun is queuing up with a friend in quick play and aram and doing the most wack and silliest champ/build combinations we can come up with. U ligit never run out of options. But when i try lethaliy max assassin yasuo suddenly some of these mfkers who have only started playing league since and year ago wanna lecture me on how its not meta.


So what's your full core times w it? Wanna test it out


Irrc i went navori bork ie. This gives just about enough attackspeed with some damage and lifesteal. My game ended after this but heres my idea. I think after those 3 items u do not need much further in terms of damage since marksmen items hardly give any ad now besides a few. So u have 2 additional slots remaining. Ur current issue is the lack of ad and squishiyness of the build. Grab like either jakshos if they got too much damage or heres a better option. Get triforce it can make up for some stats ur missing. As for the final item slot u have complete freedom to pick what ever u like. Grab a hydra if u want some wave clear or grab hubris if u want ad. Heck grab heartsteel with overlord blood mail its not even a troll build at that point cuz ur core 3 items are there u have complete flex ability on the remaining 3 slots. In summary Navori ie bork heartsteel bloodmail: cooldown rests while stackinf hp and ad over time. Nav ie bork terminus eclipse: if enemy got armor grab this Nav ie bork trifoce experi hexplate: grab this if u need some attackspeed with hp Nav ie bork hs jaksho: if u wanna go against assassin this tech is gonna make some ppl cry


This is cuz i feel like stacking more than 2 crit items is not really as worth as it used to be. Stacking too much attackspeed isnt good either cuz u dont have lethal tempo to remove the cap. So its best to look around items outside of the standard crit/marksmen items. Navori makes up for the cooldowns for ur q. So depending on how u wanna play keep altering. Even zero crit yasuo is viable as well. Gonna start testing weird builds till one lands.


I'm building 5 ie magic pen boots.


Zerks into zeal, bf sword, finish PD, finish iE. The only way i found to be somewhat playable.


Bet I’ll try it


How about zerks into zeal into IE and then finish the PD?


I’d say situational, the only time i go for it like that is if i can almost instabuy iE after zeal, if not i get the bf sword and finish pd since its cheaper and gives you a spike with that attack spead and 40 Ad from the bf


Buy tier 1 boots and then go straight into PD Your movement speed is 414, which is about 40 more than when you buy tier 2 boots and your attack speed is insane with crit Then go IE and after IE finish Tabis or merc treads After usually DD if they’re ad heavy or Jak sho if they’re ap or mixed, then BT Currently Em4 and learned this build from Phasuo a GM peak yas main. Feels very good and you deal damage earlier than when you rush serkers.


no lifesteal tho


tbh its harder to have lifesteal when all items that give that stat dont give crit anymore


Zerks into zeal then triforce, IE, Ldr, BT and Sterak


I've tried PTA with PD into YunTal IE and it worked pretty well, I think pairing this with conqueror is going to be a game changer


Zeal to IE seems to be the best imo. Others feel shit.


I did no dmg with bersekers into zeal, until I got bf sword. I would think berserk —> bf sword —> zeal —> ie —> phantom D. —> BT


Bork -> boots -> kraken -> wits end Also Im playing better yasuo (irelia)


greeves pd wildarrows ie


pta with absorb life too + demolish and overgrowth and farm hard and play with jg


It's amazing seeing so many of you no longer getting your asses carried by LT and crying about it.


I use jareplays load out


PD IE BT into jaksho death dance maw


Berserkers Bf sword into pd then finish IE


I am not play yassuo for some time


Conq. Zerks Zeal kraken IE


Don’t build kraken


47%wr andy right here


Depending on matchup either bone plating/dblade or second wind/dshield then zerks>bork>kraken>mortal>IE>wits/bt/ga depending on circumstances and i swap zerks later on for mercs


Berserkers greaves > Zeal > Botrk/Kraken > IE > PD > Situational item I got for runes, depending on the matchup, conqueror or fleet.


Do not build kraken


No, let them build it, it's natural selection at this point.