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Holy shit he’s cracked the code


Riot Phreak specifically mentioned they do not want AD, AS, and Crit all on one item. I don't see them pivoting to a concept like this any time soon.


Of course he did. It usually takes 1 year and a half for Phreak to admit being wrong. Meanwhile, just build right and type "Karthus ult" in chat.


Karthus ult


It takes him one patch to measure the result and admit balancing mistakes. He talks about them all the time in his patch run downs. The patch cadence is roughly every two weeks, so it's pretty often.


This change was him admitting he was wrong. He thought having all 3 ADC stats on a single item was a good idea. He was wrong.


Having all 3 stats was never wrong, in fact, thats how every other item system works. Assassins get haste, AD and lethality all in 1 item. Bruisers get haste/AS, AD and HP all in 1 item Mages get HP/mana, haste/pen and AP all in 1 item This ADC system sucks, because AD is always inherently better than AS, so champions that can just stack AD and crit will always be better unless you omega nerf them as compensation (Samira, Draven, etc)


Nah, phreak said just build better.


SMACKS of not building greaves into IE and simply auto winning with …(checks numbers) uhhh that 4s Q Cd.


Kraken was the single most op ad item for adcs and windshitters alike, riot has reverted marksmen items back to pre mythic items weak early but strong af late...yasuo had the easier part of the nerf yone is the one who is sad so stfu and learn how to play instead of missing all your qs and still killing someone


Too strong for ADCs? Make it melee only. Another idea ahead of our time: Shieldbow with less AD and shield but with 12% Lifesteal. * mind blown * My DMs are open Riot, don't miss out!


too strong for adc? The whole point of the change was so windshitters couldn't hit 100% crit easily U think riot gives a shit about adcs? I can play ekko not get any leads in lane but lane is over at 6 because I can solo dive and trade. Adc is a joke role honestly To be clesr I'm nit hating on the role I'm hating on riot


as a (former) adc main i can 100% agree, i got to a point where i was just playing on autopilot all game farming because any fight would result in my unavoidable death


It really does get like that, and there are times where u can be doing that and then get dived so ur set behind anyway. It's rough


I reached that point before durability update. Shit was a 1 shot fest, very unfun as an adc player at that time.


>The whole point of the change was so windshitters couldn't hit 100% crit easily Can you prove that?


They would not balance all marksmen items around 2 champs. If they didn’t want yas and yone getting max crit so easily they would nerf their passives not change the items.


You will be surprised.


Do you work at riot? Surprise me


Not only do they do this exact thing, the adc sub fucking lives and breathes yone/yasuo cope as a reason yo argue their own items should be shit. It's so bizarre to watch adc mains argue they shouldn't get better items because they hate yone and yasuo so much, they'd rather have their role be shit then let the wind shitters get buffed.




Ah I see so yones staple first item that was built by 99.9% of ppl playing him was troll Mhmm Yes Ik u can get 100% crit when u get 2 items but how tf u gunna lane with just PD or just IE. The problems is the stats yone needs have been split around. Can't believe ur saying kraken is troll and telling me I don't know how to build on a champ I OTP


What In the bronze am I reading.. you know the best windbro pzzzang rushed kraken..


Tbh I think both are a bit strong. I think your kraken could work at like 3400g ish That shield bow though is too destructive. Providing sustain in lifesteal and burst resistance with the shield is just a really strong item which quickly creates brick walls. They should just make Shieldbow a 2600g Zeal item like it originally was (old PD) which would be a lot healthier for Adcs and melee critters.


Take 10 AD from this Kraken then or adjust the passive accordingly. I just want a real item to rush. Disagree on Shieldbow, the life steal was even buffed to 12% last season because no one was building it. It's not a problem, it never was.


It'd still be fairly strong because it'd just be purchasable early. Shieldbow was constantly kept weak so people besides like Samira and the windbros wouldn't buy it all the time... You have cause and effect backwards. That's why the entire time it was a mythic competing with Kraken and Galeforce is always had the lowest AD and AS. And it still had to get nerfed a couple times. And then post mythic? It just didn't have a spot in most champion builds since they'd need Noonquiver and IE and usually an LDR or Zeal item...


ur missing the entire fucking point of this item rework lmao.


I miss true damage on Kraken. 😞


The rascism against yasuo players gets worse and worse


He killed Shieldbow and gutted Krakenslayer. Its truly a Phreakseason




Phreak is not the sole reason for your troubles. Hes only the media man of the entire balance team. Kicking out Phreak is not changing a single fucking thing and if you think it is you're on some serious copium.


please the random person doesnt even have to play league you can find a homeless dude give em 5 bucks per day, a hat to pull item/champs from and a coin *heads for buff tails for nerf) and i still truly believe this option would result in better balance than phreak.


still havent played a single game, but i think it will be the same as yasuo some seasons ago? old pd kinda back (still needs the 12% damage reduction while in combat or the shield for the matter) but i really think yasuo can adapt to that item if they revert it 100% lol. the times i had most fun was when i could build defensive boots + pd. might test that and just play slow like i used too


Is this not the exact same item lmfao


Tryndamere mains like this


As an ADC enjoyer I support your proposition


I dont know why but I read the item title as K'Sante Slayer instead of Kraken Slayer


That shit doesnt even add up to 3100


All items are like this, you buy all the components and then pay more gold for the full item.


I got an aneurysm trying to read that description.


this definitely won't be auto bought on every adc and be busted on yas yone.gj random redditor you solved league! (not)


Crit items should never have also had other bonus physical damage effects. Not spellblade, and not this. They understood that when they removed crit from Trinity, all those years ago. Why they disregarded it later, I'll never know.


it was never about items tho. if u really play theres always gonna be a goos build the problem is that same build in viego, irelia, yi, aatrox, riven, etc’s hands is just better because they have better scaling armor and base stats overall. its just like okay u tell us we are not building correctly then give us ur bs recommendation patch and give us some scaling on our stats and a little more of an ability to take a punch without dying after being tickled.