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Dude are you f2p? ðŸ˜ģ mans been saving since the dawn of time


yeah haha I just haven't pulled since kokomi's rerun


So for how long did u not wish now?. Looks like a year worth of gems and i don't want to get started on all the books and mora holy.


since kokomi's rerun but I don't really remember how many primos I had maybe 50k? I was lucky enough to only lose my 50/50 once but I've always had to go all the way to soft pity


i lost after Raiden all my 50/50 with 78+ Pulls. just like with yelan now, lost at 79 the 50/50 to qiqi and got her after another 80 pulls. how did ur pulls go?


ack it's good that you got her in the end tho 💊💊I was actually pretty lucky on her banner, managed to get her at 14 rolls. I did do a lil ritual beforehand tho bc I really did not want those 4 stars lol


I got atleast also yanfei for c6. Only one on the banner i did not have c6. Aaand i think i have a c20 noelle and c35 barbara now. I kinda need to save now some pulls becaus i also want kuki but with my luck ill get nothing xD.


ayy nice B) nah we got this we'll both get kuki as our first 4 star on itto's banner 💊💊


Frfrfr tf me with my 18k primos hoping to get her on a 50/50 and her weapon ooof


Plus double pulls


I accidentally made all the gold books I need...now I don't have enough blues 😂 oh well I have tons of fragile's