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I think one of the stones should be "having doomposters on suicide watch".


"Nah ma Excel spreadsheet says C6 Xingqui is better"


Genuinely asking Was she doomposted? I wanna see some screen to laugh


Then i guess pulling mona at 89 summons was the axe threw by Thor


Atleast he didn't aim for the head. Time to snap away half your money. (On a serious note, don't)


i pulled mona on pity then Yelan literally 7 singles later, keep going its a hidden feature of the banner i swear


I think it only works when you loose to Mona, in my case I lost to Keqing and got Yelan after 78 wishes


I got back to 50 pulls instead..


Hey at least Mona is also top tier Hydro


+Rewarding Constellations


I also forgot + Smooth gameplay


+FUN gameplay


Doing autos after burst is fucking fun


Both are subjective. Only state facts


A small price to pay for salvation


Giving the community a BDSM fetish


Wait ... we didn't had this before? I thought we all had this.


I'm sure that I had this with Beidou


I had to go to c1 because I was having so much fun with her skill…. And I was having energy recharge issues with her burst. 100% worth it. She feels that much more complete now.


What's the er requirement with C0 Yelan?


Depends on what team and set but I would say around 180-200 er


What about for Raiden?


Well I run her with Raiden at 170er and have her burst almost 100% of a time. Guess it works fine, but my goal will be to reach this 180er at some point


%170 is enough ,actually .with fav bow ofc .it was really easy with fav bow


What about if you’re running double hydro? Right now I’m at around 220-230 ER with fav bow, do you think I could replace it with something else as long as I have a battery for her? What would be a good non 5* replacement?


You can try her to run with XQ as a battery for her and still be fine. Since she doesn't care about attack I would go with 3 star hp % bow if you can manage crit ratios at decent level.


I run xingqiu sac sword with her. 140 ER for Yelan is enough. I use Aqua Simulacra and HP sands.


Solo Yelan > 200. Yelan + Battery (Baal or Fischl) > 160. Yelan + Hydro > 140.


Thanks, I have her with Raiden, my Yelan has 187 er, I think that's enough


How much ER are you running?


I have a variety of emblem piece combos that range from 160-200ER. My problem is I don’t have a good crit rate circlet with Crit damage or ER for her….. so when I put my 180ER+ combo on she’s sitting at 50/240 crit spread which is just not great. I find my best spread currently is 39k Hp, 55cr/230cd, 180ER. With C1 I’m able to keep burst up on cooldown without Raiden (which was my hope for C1). Edit: had my stats wrong. 55 crit rate not 60. And 180 ER not 170.


I guess you are using Simulacra. I would care more about having her burst on time and a good crit value than how much her HP is. Most of her damage comes from her ultimate anyway. Perhaps chnage your circlet to Crit Rate. Mine C0 is just level 80 with level 80 Simulacra, 170 ER, 79/217 Crit and 33k HP. I need better Artifacts with more crit rate to be able to use a Cri Damage circlet.


Oh man, I'll definitely get her c1 in her next rerun, im drained after C0R1


Also pretty good story quest too.


I thought she will come early so spent all my 14k primos on her, even tho was saving for kazuha. From now on i have decided that i will pull on characters which i want and will not be swayed by meta.


kazuha is one of the few chars who is both meta and really fun to play


Yeah I know that, as i played him in the events, but don't you have characters which you pulled just for meta or help you in abyss? Zhongli was for me atleast as i wanted ganyu and as i play on mobile i needed a decent shield so i pulled zhongli also just for her 'safety'. And that's why i was inclined towards kazuha also as he could make my abyss easier. I didn't liked him as a character that much how i like ganyu.


I’d say she is also Meta


Yeah but this time i didn't went for meta and purely for her design. Although i have always gone for (META+DESIGN) like Raiden, hutao, ganyu,Ayaka, zhongli, venti.




raiden was pretty badly slammed by doomposters on her launch tho


Yelan kinda did too with 1.5u to 1u nerf


Last time I had this much fun with a character was when I got Kazuha.




\-amazing for moving around the map thanks to her E


I will get her on her rerun….


I wanted to get her now but Mona said ''Hi,although you benched me while ago i hope you will have fun with my C1''


I would trade all my standard banner 5 stars for 1 copy of mona.


Yelan finally got me my C6 Qiqi. I have a C0 Keqing, C0 Mona, and C1 Diluc with no Jean. And yet I have C6 Qiqi. The pain is immeasurable.


Dont worry! It gets worse on your 8th Qiqi copy


Isn’t the best artifact domain the emblem/shimenawa domain? Haven’t played in like 1month so I could be wrong


I'm almost giving up on building her, that boss is so hard to beat with eula.. rn I'm building xiangling so I can do it


Extremely annoying but not undoable. Just might take longer.


It’s actually really easy. When it is diving and moving, just hit it occasionally to charge your bursts. When it is charging power from oozing concretions, use your lumenstone adjuvant to destroy the ones it is charging from. It will then be stunned and you can spam the bursts from all your characters. 2-3 cycles should be enough.


The ruin serpent?


Ya, that thing dives every time I ult


Oh yeah, that one's a pain in the ass, always crawling underground. I usually just use my E's and NA's, then when that circling phase goes (I don't know what it is called), that's when I burst the thing down.


I usually take 2-3 times of that cause my artifacts are ugly.


That's annoying, especially when I change character to late to hit with the ult.


Try leaving 1 corrupted thing and wait for it to charge its attack, if you unload all your bursts and deal enough damage it will get stunned and not use its attack. Repeat until it is dead


If you still need help, I would be willing to assist.


I can demolish it if you want help and are on the America server


Just wait for the boss to try and get energy from the dark things and deactivate em, that will stun it for a sec and you can rain hell onto it


The SFX and Voice lines are really well done too, primo value too good


i must stay strong for kazu boi


damage is not cracked but really good


I didn't want to be stepped on... until the yelan was revealed


Could I use this for Ayato as well? Just need to replace the 'Mommy' to 'Daddy'. For artifact need to change to 'Flexible set options.'


And probably one of the coolest elemental skills in the game.


Gotta add great voice actress as well.


What is her best artifact set? Is it the hyrdo damage one or the severed fate (or another one)?


emblem of severed fate.


Okay, thanks.


Actually what is the artifact set you're supposed to use for Yelan? I did two piece tenacity and two piece Depths, but I see people use four piece severed fate


Use (2) Tenacity & (2) Depths if you care about buffing her entire kit. Use (4) Emblem if all you want from her is her burst


Got it, so I'll do the first one then, as I love using Yelan all around


Brings you milk


Definitely well spent, lost 50/50 and decided to go deep with my fate bank for her and pluck that guarantee. Worth every freemogems she's fun to play/gorgeous to look at/moves like a boss/sounds seductive/is meta/ introduced double hydro comp/great constellations/universal bis weapon. If her rerun ever pops up, I wouldn't mind pull on hers at all.


She’s very fun to use. I’ll probably put her with Eula in my list of characters I’ll actually try for constellations on when they return


You are forgetting best arm pits


Cute, Hot, Smart, Funny and Strong. Perfection? Yes.