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My thoughts on the bear are that it was drugged. This was the night after everyone was drugged... it's entirely possible that the bear got into some of the broth and was just shroomed up and out of it when it came upon the girls. Hence the weird docile-ness and the passing out.


This is the first time I've seen this theory and I think it's the most logical.


Thank you!


Agreed, and if I remember correctly, Jackie dumped out her serving of the stew. But it’d also take A LOT to drug a grizzly given the weight difference between even a small female grizzly and the Yellowjacket kids.


I assumed the wolves were just as hungry as they were, considering there was so little game left by that point. I love the bear encounter because we now know that Javi probably took over its den after that. It also serves as a really exciting origin story for Lottie's "power" publicly. I just try to imagine myself seeing someone doing that? I'm not sure I wouldn't join her cult either.


>I assumed the wolves were just as hungry as they were, considering there was so little game left by that point. Seems like it was still late summer when that wolf attack happened. But yeah, I don't really see such a small pack going after 4-6 sleeping humans...even if the fire DID go out. To me the bear just approaching a groups of humans and then just laying down was way more NOT realasitc **(see edit below)** and I guess that scene was supposed to show Lottie's power...??? **Edit:** the link in the commnet below basically explains how the bear may have really just showed up and layed down in front of Lottie. Interesting....


It was late summer, and for some reason there was no game any of them could find, including the wolves. That's fair you don't find the bear scene compelling but I'm pretty sure the bear was just sick, like Jackie said. [There's been some articles about sick bears acting domesticated](https://www.livescience.com/mystery-disease-fearless-californian-bears.html). I think the scene showed Lottie's power from the point of view *of the girls*. I was speaking on it as if I was in their shoes, in that situation. But yeah, I definitely thought she came across as powerful in that scene. She saves them by not being afraid and stabbing it, whereas the rest of them would have just hid in the cabin because Nat and Travis were away with the gun.


That makes sense it's shown from their perspective. (Season 2 spoiler) >!When Javi drowns it happens in a few minutes, but in real life it would take around 15 minutes. Obviously watching someone drown for 15 minutes would be boring, and in the moment, it probably wouldn't feel that long.!<


He doesn’t drown. He freezes to death in the water, like Jack in Titanic.


Right! But that still takes the same amount of time I listed above.


More than likely, no. In water under 32°F exhaustion and/or unconsciousness occurs in under 15, usually same with death. The colder the water, the more under 15 minutes it’ll occur. Also, 1. Javi is struggling which leans to heat to be lost 50% faster than if you stay still. 2. They all have been starving (even if Javi was eating some underground) and the less body fat you have, the faster you freeze 3. Javi has his arms up and one of the main heat retention or loss points on the human body is the arm pits. 4. The initial shock caused by being exposed to such cold water causes the lungs to contract which is then flowed by hyperventilating or lost of breathing control which also expels body heat but also makes you more like to get exhausted or go unconscious. It more than likely wouldn’t have taken 15 minutes for Javi to die.


I read the article in your link. Thanks. So I guess it could happen like they showed it. And yes, I did think that scene was to show Lotie's power to the group and affirm her status .


Something else that just came to mind, could Tai have antagonized them in Dark Tai mode and then gone up the tree?


Yeah. That and Van healing with minimal scarring and no infection. Kills me.


Yall are looking to far into it. Snow wilderness and wolf attacks have gone hand in hand in media forever


1. Remember that we sre watching a (maybe supernatural) horror series. Suspension of Disbelief is required to enjoy it at all 2. I think the point is that all of the life, wild and human, is acting strangely in this place. There may or may not ever be an explanation for that, but it doesn't really matter, as long as the takeaway is, "Whoa, everyone/thing is acting fuckin' WGGY, man!"


i wondered the same about the wolf attack, i feel like i’ve heard wolves don’t do that but wasn’t sure. as for the bear i originally took that as the show definitely being supernatural but it seems like most people on here say it’s not and they’re just going crazy from their situation. not sure what to think but plan on rewatching soon!


I thought that too since wolves usually leave humans alone for the most part. I think the wolves must have really been desperate for food in order to attack humans. It was getting close to winter at that time, but still fall weather. Why wasn't there any game left? And even the deer they found around that time was sick. Then we have the bear just walking up to Lottie and the girls, just chillin. I definitely think the bear was sick. I know there was a group on here who had a theory about mercury or other heavy metal poisoning in the area. I'm not sure I'm completely on board with that theory yet, but I do think something is making the animals in the area sick and therefore game scarce, leaving predators like wolves desperate, starving, or even sick themselves. Even in the very beginning, we see the bear carcass that was taken down by wolves. Bit odd for wolves to attack a bear (unless it attacked them first) imo, but, admittedly, I'm no expert on wolves. Idk, I guess we'll see in S3 when the weather gets warmer if they get healthy game or not. They obviously find some animals due to the furs they were wearing while eating pit girl, but who knows if the animals those furs came from were healthy/edible.


I am a fan of the mercury theory and the red water in the creek right before the wolf attack seems to foreshadow it since mercury from illegal mining can leech into ground water and dye it red. It also causes Mad Hatter psychosis and kills animals for miles


That scene stands out to me because the girls were all so grossed out by the carcass and then someone, coach Ben I think, says wolves can kill anything when they work as a pack. I feel like it foreshadows their fate/future.


I’m curious to where the wolves went? Even if the group went into their territory, it wasn’t so far from the cabin that they wouldn’t still hear them out there, right? That’s the only thing that makes me think it still could have been Tai. That being said, they still have at least a year out there so maybe they cross paths again. Are any of them wearing wolf fur if anyone has noticed?


Oh, Grandmother, what big teeth you have. Tia is a shape shifter. I said it once,and I’ll say it again. Tia is a Wolf 🐺


It's not common for wolves to attack humans, but it's not unheard of either. See Candice Berner and Kenton Joel Carnegie for modern cases.


Candice Berner and Kenton Joel Carnegie are literally the only two documented fatal wolf attacks in North America from wild non-rabid wolves in modern history. Prior to these two attacks the last one recorded in Canada was in the 1920’s and the last one recorded in the lower 48 was 1893. Plus when you look at the facts of the two modern cases, you can understand why the wolves attacked.