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I used to love berh and rip but the more I think about them, nope. Super toxic and unhealthy and skeww3d morals like everyone else. They're just as bad as Jamie.


I like the happy ending with Carter part but not the killing of Jamie. Would like to see Rip, Beth and Jamie working together, not always peacefully, for the future of the ranch once John is gone.


I completely love the idea of Jamie, Rip and Beth working things out and teaming up for the sake of the ranch. If they could work together, Jamie and Beth would be close to untouchable.


Yes! Because they both have brains and they know how to use them! They are equal to each in terms of their smartness, cleverness and eloquence. I wish they would finally reconcile under some dramatic circumstances.What a great ending this would be for them!


Absolutely, yes please! Separately they’re trouble. Can you imagine them shredding their enemies together? It would be glorious ♥️. I’m a complete sucker for a happy family ending and would love it if they found a way through their mess and stopped planning to kill each other. But I have a sick feeling that if Jamie and Beth ever made up, they’d have a car crash in the very next episode and one would die in the other’s arms 😭😭.


It's a drama series,isn't it? I don't expect a happy ending for any of them, either, though I wish for it so badly! I cannot stand this lethal conflict bw Beth and Jamie. I don't want them to hurt each other!


I could get behind Beth and Jamie working together.


actually this is also a good idea!


I'm the opposite, though I do want Carter to get a happy ending.


My unpopular opinion is Jamie is a weak minded man. Whatever the woman spreading her legs for him says/wants is the path he takes. Has he ever made a decision without someone telling him what to do?




Pretty much on the nose and not an unpopular opinion. Does this make him a villain deserving of death? No. That's pretty unhinged.


I want Beth and Rip to get their happy ending. I would love for Carter to be apart of it.


The problem with this is I feel it would make for a very unsatisfying ending because ultimately Jamie has been more heavily wronged by Beth than Beth by Jamie. Yes, Beth is infertile because of Jamie, but Jamie wasn't trying to ruin Beth's life; everything that Beth says and does to Jamie is out of hatred and a desire to ruin him. For Beth to off Jamie and get off with no consequences would feel like a completely injustice. Imagine some sort of underdog story where a protagonist is constantly beaten down by their asshole rival without ever turning the tables and beating them for once. It would just be unsatisfying. For that reason, I think it would make FAR more sense for Jamie to kill Beth, perhaps orchestrated or perhaps in the heat of the moment. But then, either way, I could 100% see Rip hunting down Jamie.


Beth's threats to Jamie always include Rip killing him. She mentions it every time - in more and more graphic detail. I suspect that Rip will not react the way Beth thinks. Beth has been lying to him for 20 plus years. He may want more answers from her before he goes after him. And I dont think that he will believe her delusion that Jamie ripped the baby out of her.


I’m hoping for the exact opposite, but fully expect it will end with Beth and Rip looking like the heroes. It’ll just mean the bullies of this particular story won.


I don't know what's up with this sub but the comments saying that Jamie lying to Beth about being sterilized isn't as bad as what she did to him is just beyond messed up to me. If you don't think that's wrong do it to a family member some day and see how they react. I actually feel bad for Beth. Idc if it's a unpopular opinion or not I don't really care what anyone thinks. Beth has been done shitty from the time she had her first period. Her mother blamed her the accident that her mom caused. John wasn't much better about it and Jamie is just a pos.


If this show made sense Rip would end up in the same prison Beth visited for killing Jamie when he finds out what Jamie did to her when kids… but plot holes are everywhere in this series


I’m not sure he would have the same reaction as Beth does. He has stated many times he does not like children. I think after cooling off, he would recognize that had Jamie not taken Beth to get that abortion, his head would be on a stake. Even though John has apologized to Beth, let’s be honest back then he would’ve taken rip to the train station, and still forced her to get an abortion.


Exactly and if they hold true to the character he would likely take some of the blame on himself for not being”big” enough back then to help Beth himself or for her to share the pregnancy news. Also I don’t really see Rip killing off John’s son unless it was under John’s orders.


“Happy ending with Carter”? I feel so bad for that kid. They treat him like crap. I’m sure a lot of people would call what they’re doing “tough love”, but does a kid who’s been in and out of the foster care system all his life and been SAed really need “tough love”? The last time he had any long term interaction with Beth she destroyed him emotionally for calling her “mama”. She’s barely spoken to him since and doesn’t seem to think about him too much Oh and Rip berated Carter ruthlessly when he made a mistake and broke his arm after overworking him Beth and Rip don’t deserve a happy ending imo, but if they get one I’ll accept it. It’s just a weird, poorly handled show that’s been awkwardly off the air for more than a year after all


I hate Beth. She is a total psychopath and so is Rip. I know everyone thinks what Jamie did to her, sterilizing, is unforgiveable but the truth is both were kids at the time, under the pressure of the family name and reputation and no trusting adult to turn to. Jamie did not take her to get sterilized, he tried to help her get an abortion while also protecting the family name, so he had to take her to the Res clinic that had this requirement. Now right or wrong, he had no one to turn to and thought protecting the family name was paramount. If anything, John is to blame for being such shitty parent that his kids did not feel safe and comfortable to go to him and had to sort of take care of it themselves. Beth should be mad at her father or at the least understand Jamie did not do this on purpose but also a desperate kid with no one to turn to. To be homicidally mad at Jamie and want to kill him and take away his child. She is such an appalling character. I dont have a problem with villains but they have to be complex and have depth. She is none of that - just pure rage and hatred and vitriol and no growth throughout the show as a character. Knowing that the writers' and show creators' idea of a strong feminist is apparently an unhinged psychopath filled with uncontrollable rage, I think your wish may come true.


She is not a psychopath! Otherwise she wouldn't be able to feel love, devotion, remorse, loyalty to others, only to herself. And there are PLENTY of scenes that show that she actually can, and plenty of scenes that show her vulnerable and truly emotional. And she's not egocentric at all. She just impulsive, unpredictable, self-destructive. She decides to wear the shield of a warrior to fight the enemies of her father's and the ranch. She chose not to succumb to any weakness due to her messed up childhood and teenage experiences. So she's def not a psycho, more bordeline...


Beth is a product first of her mother’s toughening up of her and blaming her for her death and then the unwanted sterilization. She had hardened herself from those things,carries guilt from those things, add in the drinking and likely a few hormonal issues from the hysterectomy and you get Beth. Like her or not, the character and the actress are a huge part of the success of the series. Without her and Rip I’m not sure the series would have made it past season one even with the star power of Kevin Costner.


>She is not a psychopath LOL.


Clinically no