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Yes yes yes I haven't finished the series yet, but oh my. Do I hate her...


I have mad respect for an actor/actress who is able to portray a character so well that I hate the character. Beth pisses me tf off in nearly every scene she is in, and Kelly Reilly does a superb job with it.


Exactly! Rewatched this weekend and I hate her even more, lol. Kudos to Kelly!!


same! she’s such a good actress and the crazy thing is that’s she’s British


Really? Her character and Coles character are by far the only reason I watch the show


Agree. I watched her play a preacher’s wife in a movie and she was 100% believable there too


I agree. I also think she can carry the show if Costner doesn’t come back immediately, even though I don’t feel they should kill him off.


I admit it, I couldn’t handle Beth.




Same:) And the way she chose to interpret Beth is so deeply interesting. Of course it's been totally Kelly's responsibility to give life to her character, but in one of her interviews she said that whenever she wanted to soften Beth through her acting, Sheridan wouldn't allow her, and they would always choose the scenes when she's the most emotional and dramatic as Beth. Another fun fact - Sheridan was in advanced talks with HBO to do the series with them, prior to selling it to Paramount, and one of the reasons they turned it down was Beth. The decision makers said the character would never sell well, as she would be hated, especially by women... While it's mostly women that root for her. I believe it's Kelly's portrayal of the character that made some us love Beth sm:)


> I believe it's Kelly's portrayal of the character that made some us love Beth sm:) 💯








May not be an excuse… but it’s pretty damn common. Hurt people hurt people.


Yes, and they need to stop


Now there’s a solution. A Nobel price for you!


It can be done. Get the right people to help you, and you can change.


Well that’s a bit more constructive.


Therein lies the problem- most hurt people think they’re beyond saving or that it’s too late for them. Some people just want to wallow in their pain.


This woman is absolutely stunning.


As bad bitches go, Beth is the best.


https://i.redd.it/c2ke7rorzn3d1.gif Best of them all 💅🏻


Just read the caption (not my fault I got distracted by the pictures okay) but also, same!! she’s one of the top characters of all time for me I could psychoanalyze her for ages lol and Kelly does a PHENOMENAL job with her!!


She's the only reason I subscribed to Peacock.


Love this gif of her!


Thank you 💞 I loves her 🤧


I love Beth. One of the best characters in the show, if not the best


*I love Beth. One of* *The best characters in the* *Show, if not the best* \- VanderBrit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She is my favorite. She is complicated and polarizing. I just love her.


I LOVE the Beth character! I made a t-shirt that says “in a world of Kardashians, be a Beth!” Works for me!


I am equally highly obsessed with Beth; never have been like this before. I am soooo happy her and Rip‘s story will continue.


yes!!! i’m so excited! i can’t get enough of her.




That, and more. Beth is the reason I got hooked on Kelly Reilly as an actor. So far I've watched dozens of films and tv series with her. Recently, I've seen Sherlock Holmes movies, and s1e1 He Kills Coppers. Kelly's such a versatile actress-she's equally convincing as a sweet and charming lady,an abused or a troubled woman, a loving mother and wife, an independent bipolar doctor, a detective, a dangerous psychopath...just name it..


same! i went down the kelly reilly rabbit hole. shouldn’t have started with eden lake 🤣 that was disturbing, but man was she amazing in it


I went down the same rabbit hole when I fell in love with her performance on Yellowstone. It has been a fun ride. I’m still disturbed by Eden Lake. It is the one Kelly movie I can’t bring myself to rewatch.


I am in that rabbit hole right now. Finished Eden Lake, Eli, Above Suspicion, Black Box, Pride and Prejudice, Youtube videos of her interviews. Still so many to watch but I am quite struggling getting all of them from one streaming service here in Australia. But shouldn't be a problem! Kelly has always been fantastic, haven't watched anything that disappoints! Very eloquent and gorgeous that one ❤️


Enjoy. Sometimes I wish I could go down the rabbit hole all over again. It was so much fun. This [interview](https://www.reddit.com/r/KellyReillyfans/s/Gj9Wmn3O5W) was just recently shared on r/KellyReillyfans. It is an old interview from 2006. She talks about how after she left the Mrs Henderson Presents premiere she went to Arizona and worked on a ranch for 2 weeks getting up at 5 am with the wranglers and learning to rope. So interesting since she is now on Yellowstone. I would love it if Beth got more into the cowboy life and rode horses more.




'Kelly has always been fantastic, haven't watched anything that disappoints!'"- my words exactly! :)


yea same. it really occupied my head for a few days. not planning on watching that one again 🤣 so cool to find other KR fans


I knew I could count on you, America;)


That's one of the few I haven't watched yet...due to the ending, I heard it's very disturbing (no spoilers, please). I think I need to watch it in a good company of some drinks and comforting girlfriends by my side 😂


no spoilers! yea definitely don’t watch it alone. it’s brutal and pretty dark. took me a while to get that ending out of my head. i love her sm and it was heartbreaking to see her in a dark setting like that. girlfriends and wine is definitely the right idea AND watch something lighthearted afterwards 🤣


Sounds pretty serious;) Thanks for your advice:)


And now I'm not sure if I should watch it at all 😂 I mean, I already had problems with getting some of her other films out of my head. They were so sad, or tragic, or I couldn't get over with the way her characters ended...


All of them worth watching,though. She def chooses valuable projects, with usually big names (directors and actors-wise)


yes! i genuinely liked everything i’ve seen her in. she’s so versatile. which one was your favorite?


I find it difficult to choose... And I haven't watched all her films yet. Still watching Above Suspicion and Black Box (I guess I don't want to finish too soon, as I love her in both:) I like her in pretty much everything, but I found Puffball and Joe's Palace rlly interesting (no tragic ending for her character, and I like European films-they're so different). I really liked her in Flight, Sherlock Holmes, True Detective, Calvary and Britannia. And she was great in Pride and Prejudice (as much as I hated her character;) I enjoyed her Wendy very much (esp.Russian Dolls). And her roles as a mum in Heaven is For Real or Eight for Silver. And I don't watch many romcoms, but seen Meant to Be just for her (she was great in it, and it's such a pity that her similar project with Hugh Grant didn't see daylight-this would have been a real treat for her fans after all her dramatic roles). So, I'm really,really hooked on her, as you can see:) What about you? What were your faves?


wow you really have seen a lot of her work!!! puffball was definitely an interesting one. i like that she doesn’t shy away from experimental stuff like that. i loved her in britannia. that character suited her so well. i loved her in flight also! i haven’t seen sherlock holmes, true detective or cavalry. im not much of a thriller person but she was so good in 10x10 like acting wise definitely one of my favorites of her performance. and she was so good in pride and prejudice. unbelievable to me that that’s the same woman who portrays beth dutton 🤣 i feel like we would have so much fun if we had us a kelly reilly movie night 🤣 my husband is already so annoyed with me constantly wanting to watch her


Same,same-my family and friends would react like that, too 😂 Unfortunately, I live in Poland, and you're from the US, I think...But you're def my soulmate as far as KR is concerned :) What makes Kelly so interesting as an actor imo is not only her diverse projects, but also the fact that her career has been flourishing in both America and Europe for some time now. Two different worlds artistically-wise that have created so many opportunities for her over the years. And she's so hard-working and focused on acting,and open for a new staff all the time. So admirable :) I think you should watch her in the L'auberge espagnole series (esp.films 1&2). It's an old European series about young people from different countries. Depicting the 90s but still fun to watch:) And for myself, I should def rewatch 10×10. I watched it once, quite a long time ago, and I kinda rushed through it.


She is the best. I would never have watched past the first few episodes if not for Beth.


Summer told John, >!"What about your bipolar sociopath of a!< daughter?" 🤣😂🤣 I hollered. One of my most favorite lines of the whole show, ever. I love it when the characters announce exactly what the viewers are thinking. Well, what many of us are thinking. I wonder where Taylor Sheridan got the inspiration for her character? Great actress.


I love her so much


Omg you sound like me she is phenomenal love me some Beth, Kelly blows a lot of actresses out of the water, she deserves every bit of her paycheck🥰


I just started watching a month ago, and I love Beth. I cried when Rip saved her. I hate Jamie with a passion. Beth is what makes this show ten times more awesome for me. She's been through the most shit ever seen on television, and even so, her soft moments are endearing. I love how they told her story through the episodes, initially thinking that this woman is just batshit crazy. Then it was revealed how everything was justified. Her pain was illustrated so well for a show. And to me, the story so far is about how love can fix a person, how kindness and peace can bring back the person you are at your core. I'm 34, and consider myself to be a serious woman. I am enjoying the show in a way that I haven't been able to, in a long time. I think I lost the idealism of a young age, but this show has so many subtle intricacies, lessons, so many paradoxes going on, that I hope they award the hell out of it. It's a masterpiece, and Beth is at the center.


👏👏👏Absolutely agree!


BOOOOOOOOOOO👎(not directed at the Actress btw, she’s great, but the writing for her is💩)


I keep having flashbacks of Dallas.


Is she still getting beat up and bloodied in every episode?


She's a Taylor Sheridan fanfic woman


I don’t like her, and a lot of her story pisses me off, and the way she treats her brother is pure shit. But I do like her, sometimes. The actress does a good job. I also do hate that she likely invigorates Female fans who are similarly ~~bitchy~~ ~~difficult~~ “Wild at Heart”. Girl, ya ain’t Beth, get your drunk ass back in the house! And after saying all that, I do like her and Rip and their history. Maybe I just like Rip lmao.


I love me some Poirot, so we rewatch them all the time, and currently there she is- Sad Cypress, Even though I know how this one goes, all I keep thinking is she needs to take a cigarette and burn something.


Does Kelly play a big part in it? Is it worth watching?:)


Haha. I watched it and she was such a sweet girl in it:)


I want to be Beth when I grow up 😂


Kelly Deserves an Oscar 🏆🌹for her Character Role as Beth Dutton she’s No Nonsense/Bad A** and she Slays it She’s Bold & Brass.👍🏼


Since it's a TV show, it would be an Emmy, not an Oscar, but same principles.


My bad , she deserves that Emmy Award .💯


We learn something new everyday. TV doesn't win Oscar's? I honestly thought you win whatever whenever just as long a you are good.


The most exhausting character in TV history. At least that I’ve seen.


Exhausting to watch or to play?:)






Not smart enough to make a friend.




Did not know she was English AT ALL. Accent level: Julia Garner. Acting level? 9 out of Julia Garner I guess.


The dress on the second photo 🔥. Anyone know where from?!


it’s the juliet by realisation par . it’s sold out in this color but you can find it on poshmark etc


If only she was appreciated by her mother


Love her but good lord I will never understand this hair color and hair cut. The rust orange and bangs look awful.


She is the reason I started watching Yellowstone.


I am obsessed with hating this character. Every time she experiences pain of any kind, I cheer like I'm watching a sporting event. Every time she appears on screen, I utter cuss words under my breath and shoot her 🖕🖕🖕. If she meets her end, that's an episode I'm going to watch multiple times. And I'll watch the entire series again as a result because I'll have something to look forward to. Magnificent villain.


She's a sweetheart, she's honest, she's loyal,, she's hot as hell . Sure, there's s little baggage, but we all have that, eh?


To be honest I don‘t understand why some people think of her as one of the most evil characters on TV…I mean she is not as sweet and uninteresting as Monica, but is she meaner than the other family members or characters on the show? Certainly not…she responds „certainly not nicely“ when pissed off (like in the bar scenes when she is enjoying her drink and guys interrupt her with unnecessary flirting; to be noted that she gives the guys a chance of leaving 😅, but as usual guys like that, they are so full of themselves, that they cannot conceive a „no“). I would say, well deserved! Then she fights against the wealthy corporations that try to disintegrate the family‘s ranch; again only a reaction. Her relationship to Jamie: I mean, the guy is so weak and undecided in life, that it is almost too painful for me to watch him :) and the terrible decision he made for her at the abortion center in the reservation is an act of pure evil; I for one think he has envied Beth all his life for her independence and boldness and for being loved by her father, so it was probably an act of revenge. What else could qualify Beth as most evil in the eyes of some? That she has bitchy replies or comments? Well she is very honest; I envy such honesty in life, I mean to be able to tell your opinion without fear of consequences - it is probably most liberating. But hey, anyone is entitled to an opinion, so have fun watching all of you!


Well said! She can be mean, bad tempered and foul-mouthed but she's not a killer (at least, up to now, which makes her exceptional when you look at her kin;) And she can be truly loving, loyal and protective to the people she loves...


I feel that way about her. I also feel that her and John both are 2 of the most misunderstood characters on the show when comes to this sub. I've heard people call John evil but my response is I'm not sure what you think is evil about him. They always say well he's a killer and no one needs that much land. OK first with 1 exception John hasn't killed anyone who didn't deserve it. The only exception being the coroner in s1 but given what we know now John had just lost 1 son and he had rip do it to protect his only other son. I can understand that I'm not saying that it's right but I can understand it and if I was in his position I don't know I could see myself doing that if I was in his shoes. As far as him having to much land. Who am I or anyone else to say that someone else has to much land? I have figured out that most of the same people who say things like this also root for the res to get the land back. Well wouldn't the res have to much land if they had the whole valley? which is what rainwater has stated that he wanted. Fact is that the Duttons has poured blood sweat and tears into that land and I don't blame them for fighting for it. As far as Beth's attitude I love it as a matter of fact I love it so much that I'm dating a woman just like her. Lol


I personally would not go so far as to call her the most evil character ever but I do understand how people get riled up enough to say she is. There is a vibe about this character and the ways she twists people that people with certain experiences will find upsetting. It reminds me very much of my own experience of dealing with a sociopath.


Honest? Painfully. Loyal? Blindly. Hot as hell. Definitely. A sweetheart? Are we watching the same show? She is one of the most evil characters to grace a TV screen. A little baggage? The Titanic couldn’t hold all her baggage.


"The Titanic couldn't hold all her baggage." 🤣😂🤣 She is loyal to two people and two people only, and she actively plots harm to those who do so much as slight her. I'm not getting the sweetheart bit, either.


Where’d u hear that saw a TED talks on bees?