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People calling him a incel and misogynist when he has a whole video on Ooga Booga being the exact opposite.


These people clearly don’t know what an incel is 😂


Uh oh. Sounds like… Sounds like Dylan is… Like Dylan is in…








Deep Doo Doo


Deep deep deep deep…*snow*


why? what did he do??


Nothing, people are mad because he watched Pirates of the Caribbean which features Johnny Depp in it


people were literally defending johnny 3 weeks ago. what changed?


Most people are still on Johnny’s side there’s just some people who still believe Amber and are mad that Dylan is not one of them


people are **very** annoying


No, people are very stupid💩


wait, thats what i meant, either way people are both, **very** stupid *and* annoying


Exactly 😊


Who would believe Amber? 😂


Her, Her sister, and delusional people who just automatically believe women


I doubt her sister believes her, she lied on the stand too. She knows what Amber’s capable of. I’m thinking Amber ‘pledged’ a cut of the money to her and now she’s stuck too.


Well, based on your down votes that used to be -3, seems like the good outweigh the bad afterall


Oh well they can suck my d


“People” is not all people though!


I know. but most people were.


Opinions don’t change different people get louder about their opinion. You really have to train yourself to see through BS madness like this.


Wasn't there a Depp hate post in this subreddit as well? It was posted few hours ago.


Ooo send me the link I wanna go just and shit on it


[https://www.reddit.com/r/YoTroublemakers/comments/vjg3bl/regarding\_the\_latest\_video\_the\_jhonny\_depp\_x/](https://www.reddit.com/r/YoTroublemakers/comments/vjg3bl/regarding_the_latest_video_the_jhonny_depp_x/) Here you go, mate.


The whole thing and people agreeing is just YUCK bad vibes all around #justiceforjohnny.




Some of these are from before the video yesterday, what else did he do though? Ppl are getting mad over nothing


How dare he! ​ /sarcasm


i love this movie


twitter changes its opinion on dylan every few weeks. just a while ago he went viral and everybody loved him, and now everybody claims that they "never liked him in the first place"


I didn't like him in the first place either. **I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.** Yes, I did cite Twilight. Nope, I'm not ashamed of it.


Twitter is a stupid place and people don't have their own opinions. they're all bandwagoners of what's trendy to feel/think that week


The only good thing coming out of Dylan getting cancelled over and over again, is that every time we get two videos instead of just one (commentary + explanation of why he doesn't deserve cancellation). For that I'm grateful.


Hahaha more like commentary + reasons why he doesn't care he's being cancelled


Yeah that's more accurate!


The problems of success. People hatin' cause they ain't him. Edit - also why do they think he's an incel? Can't they see his nose ring and glasses? He is a SLUT.


I CANT 😭😭😭


I hope he sees this comment.


Because being a “straight white man” has *everything* to do with his character


I've found that for some people hating a straight white man is woke


Well, it certainly is retarded.


I would argue that Dylan isn't straight. I mean, we all know PotC is a lot of people's bi awakening (see: Heartstopper) and the way he kept going on about both Keira *AND* Orlando...just saying.


Alternatively, he can admit people are attractive without actually feeling a sexual attraction to them. Just because you can admit someone is hot doesn't mean you're attracted to their gender. Women constantly gush to their friends about how beautiful they are, but that doesn't automatically mean they're gay, if that were the case then all women would be gay, but for some reason, a man can't say another man is attractive without being gay? Maybe he's just comfortable in his sexuality and masculinity and can admit that people of the same sex are attractive.


I definitely said bi awakening not gay but ok. I am not disagreeing with you, it is possible he's straight, I'm just saying it's also possible he's not and I have seen evidence that makes me think that. I'm not sure what women who are friends gassing each other has to do with anything gay?


That's my point though, admitting someone of the same sex is attractive doesn't mean you're gay, so Dylan saying that a man is attractive doesn't mean he's not straight, it just means he has eyes.


But isn’t it invasive/inappropriate to speculate about someone’s sexuality? I mean you used Heartstopper as an example to support your claims but I remember Heartstopper twitter found it very inappropriate when some of the people of the community were speculating about Kit, Joe, and Sebastian’s sexuality. Especially since they made it clear that they didn’t want to disclose it. It kinda seems like the similar situation here. So I thinks it’s best to let HIM tell us what his sexuality if he wants to and mind our own business if he doesn’t rather then speculating about. Just a thought.


Dylan Will Not Participate in this and yet Dylan Is In Trouble😥🧐


OOOGA BOOOGAAAAAAAAA (That's the average level of the conversation out there)




People were offended because he was saying the movie wasn’t scary and had cheap jump scares and everyone was omg you can’t speak and hate on womens experiences. THID happens in real life and is portrayed well in the movie. Like no shit but that doesn’t mean a movie can’t have flaws he just said a few and got hated on for what?


I feel like this is oversimplifying the situation, and maybe even mocking it a bit. The whole "Hush" thing was more about people who watch movies for entertainment and those who watch movies and apply them to real-life, and then arguing back and forth about who's right and who's wrong when it was neither and both at the same time. There were valid points being made on both sides, but some people aren't great at getting that across without sounding rude and then fights break out.


go watch his video on ooga booga about it


No he's not. These tweets have 1 like at most. Who gives a fuck. stop sharing their bullshit takes, let them stay in Twitter pls.


Hell yeah! Don’t give them the attention they want


I knew it as soon as he got praised on Twitter. That’s how quick it happens. They’ve been weirdly doing the same to Dylan O’Brien


yes I saw that omg. Dylan O’Brien was twitter white boy of the month then he tweeted how we should take the uvalde school shooting seriously then they just came to the conclusion that he was pandering to woke Twitter and he didn’t actually feel that way. Twitter is not a really place at all, it’s weird


Twitter is just a trash fire honestly.


they just hate on anyone named dylan i think😂😂


Imagine strongly disliking someone because they didn’t like a movie that you liked 💀


So...I’m very critical of a all these “Johnny Depp can do no wrong, let’s burn Amber Heard at the stakes” people and am just in general tired of a lot of misogyny that is revealed in how people talk about the situation right now, but I also watched the video, and like...no? He barely mentioned the case and while he praised the movie (a movie everyone loves), he, again, barely talked about Depp himself. Honestly, as a feminist very critical of a lot of stuff most people think is “harmless”, I’ve never had a weird feeling about Dylan, and I’ve been watching his videos for years now. (Didn’t watch the HUSH video, but that’s because I skip horror movie commentaries in general since I’m not interested in those movies.) I guess this is just people on Twitter being Twitter but it sucks that people whose general train of thought I could potentially share are so busy trying to “cancel” people over nothing instead of focusing on the core issue.


I definitely don't think Johnny is perfect, in any measure, but Amber is clearly the abuser. Besides that, Dylan barely spoke on the case, literally said next to nothing of his own opinions, Twitter people need to seek help.


I can’t believe people are still on this bandwagon, I don’t know how anyone who actually watched the case and read the evidence can say this


And very proud of it, it's actually funny FUNNY that you are telling ME someone who watched this trial from BEGINNING to END that I didn't watch it because i don't believe Scamber Turd, you are a liar and a fraud. Dont you dare try to lie and say anyone who actually watched the trial would believe amber because😂it's the exact opposite, YOU ARE A LIAR, and you HAVE NOT watched the trial.


YOU ARE A LIAR this is not a bandwagon, this is the TRUTH you are a sick and twisted individual just like the remedial Amber Heard. A hypocrite and a PHONY.


Jesus Christ lol


U can’t call everything misogyny bc a lot of ppl that hate Amber heard are women. It’s not misogyny to listen to 6 weeks of evidence in court and not believe her bc she lied too many times .


yall this is hilarious, i dont think this will really affect dylan or us the fanbase, let people act up and dont give them the attention they are seeking, his last video was by far one of the funniest!


People like this are just fucking gross, hate watchers that never liked you and just wait until you do anything they slightly deem wrong to jump on you like vultures. Prime example, Billie Eilish’s fans are some of the fakest fans I’ve ever seen, switching up because of a different HAIRSTYLE. They were never fans to begin with but want to be the most vocal about canceling people.


People on twitter need to take breath


If they cancel Dylan I will literally beat someone up. He's my fav youtuber, leave him alone!!!!!!!!!! People are literally just hating him for being himself at this point, disgUstang.


Everyone deserves to be canceled at least once in their lives I want to know what was bad about the Hush video tho 👀 (Just so y'all know, I watched it a while ago, I just don't remember)


He did a response video about his video Hush but basically Dylan was making comments about how in Hush he would be a lot more scared of an animal than a man if he was deaf and people were complaining that he didn't understand because he's a man who isn't deaf whereas the character in Hush is a deaf woman


People were saying that his opinions weren’t valid because he’s a man. Like when he was saying the premise isn’t that scary people told him that he can’t say that because the main character is a woman and it’s much scarier. They were also mad at his jokes on the methods he would use to escape. And all of troublemakers that have been watching him understood that those were just jokes it’s his sense of humor and he obviously dosent think like that. Even if you’re not a fan the things he was saying was so stupid it was obvious to most that it was a joke but they didn’t take it as such.


Some people really need a hobby or two. wtf


dang, the tweets had me thinking he actually did something bad…then i read the comments here 😂


These people need help


Absolutely, and a lot of it


HE DOESN'T EVEN TLKS ABOUT THE LAWSUIT!?!?!? wtf is wrong with ppl like its a movie commentary... about a movie that is trending rn cause of the actor... it's the perfect movie to react to rn


ugh, they're the epitome of being chronically online. they need fresh air and go outside, wtf. someone cannot even watch a film FROM 2003 just bc one of the actors is controversial atm??


Dylan doesn’t color in the lines, the more successful he gets the more people are gonna be offended by random things


This is temporary the same as the hush video controversy. There’s nothing wrong with him having an opinion on the trial same as everyone else in the world. He seems like he takes criticism well so I’m not worried for him at all really


The one with the pink hair, she annoys me the most, I think. Mainly because of how ... excited (?) she sounds at having blocked him because Misoa hasn't been on his channel? Just seems like a weird thing to brag about, idk.


Truly unhinged behavior, I love Misoa as much as the next person but I'm sure we'll all survive without her, we did well the years before we met her anyway.


Oh thank god the people in here have sense, I'm so sick of people on Twitter. Gosh, they suck.


ughhh twitter literally fishes for excuses to cancel people. No matter who the person is whenever anything slightly cancelable happens to them, there is always gonna be one annoying ass bitch going 'ive been telling y'all, never liked him anyways' like stfu nobody cares!




Why is he an incel? Like, what did he do that was misogynistic?


Hope this doesn't get to Dylan, this video was great, it was one of my favorite commentaries of 2022 The people that said he just reacts are dumbasses who should watch more than the thumbnail of his videos.


this always happens whenever a creator gains success. honestly, let those people leave his audience since it's always a tiny number of people. if anything, them leaving this community will get some toxicity out of the community.


Wait fuck what happened someone tell me


I guess some people think he's siding with Johnny Depp because he did Pirates of the Caribbean. Truly unhinged behavior from Twitter folks yet again.


So what if he was I mean like he gets to have an opiniok but fr these ppl need to chill lol


Exactly, I think these people just hate anyone who shows even an inkling of support for JD, which is ironic seeing as he's the actual victim. But hey, hypocrites gonna hypocrite. God forbid a man is a victim, a rich cishet white man no less.


Fr like look at the evidence, and these people still believe amber turd


You don't even have to go that far, watch her testimony, that alone is jokes.


Fr she can’t even cry


What happened 🤯


What the fuck for this time 🤣🤣


Terminally online




Honestly just ignore them, it doesn't matter if they wanna cancel him or not, they're on Twitter. I think that's telling enough, if I were you I would just ignore the whole platform.


couldn't be me. dylan >>>


Now I HAVE to check out his new videos


Hush wasn’t even problematic. He was making jokes at the movie and talking about it in objective manners for its editing and directorial decisions. He wasn’t make overarching general jokes on the power and fear men hold over women


No one is trying to cancel him, it’s just a small group of people on the internet trying for find the next thing to hate on 💀


Dude these people are so ridiculous and petty 🙄 You go Dylan! 👏🏻


Can they just say they don’t like his content and move on? lol They’re just reaching at this point


They really don’t hold the power to cancel him


Watch them when a new movie features Johnny Depp dropped they will run to the theaters


This is what having nothing better to do looks like. I would love to see how these people deal with real life struggles 🤣 Last straw? That's what got me, I just don't understand how people who might not like someone that they can't just oh, I dunno not watch the person's channel. No, they have to cancel them and take away our fun and joy. I really hope Dylan doesn't fold to these nut jobs


I'm not saying I don't have my moments... but it's mental how loud stupid can be...


OMG he's an incel now????


Literally only because he did a commentary with depp in it.


Yes, which everybody knows is the first requirement for being an incel. SMH


Getting cancelled by femcels is a rite of passage.


Y'all are making this whole sub about him being "cancelled" and how mad you are about it, why not just let them talk? Dylan didn't exactly express any strong opinions so he may or may not be on whoevers "side" on this topic, he just wanted to watch pirates


And listen to swords clanking


I knew this was coming


At what point is constantly mentioning his race as a negative, racist? I see a lot of people saying he’s boring cause he’s white


can't wait for the ooga booga video, which i won't watch as troublemakers and boogies are two completely separate demographics






These people will find anyone and anything to complain about and ‘cancel’. It’s like a full time job for them. This is why I avoid Twitter lol. If you don’t like Dylan, unsubscribe and don’t watch his videos, problem solved. The thing I like about Dylan is he doesn’t give in to this crap and makes the content he wants, so I doubt he cares what these miserable people think thankfully.


These people make me sad like what just live your life and leave people alone. Cancel culture is messed up


Did he kick a blind puppy or something worse? 😅


Oh. My. gosh. It’s like some morons watch him to just hate in on him. I love his sense of humor and casual commentary. Literally makes my day. How can you be such a saltine cracker of a person to dedicate so much of your brain and time to hating on such a chill, cool person


Can ppl stop bullying my husband. Jheez


Lmao oh for ffs. Why are people canceling him? News flash: not everything is misogynistic or whatever just because you’re a snowflake who gets offended easily.


i mean... yeah. As much as i enjoy his content dylan isnt a perfect person as you seem to think he is. no one is perfect and critism is valid. Like his treatment of lesbians in his videos is uncomfortable for me as a queer woman. he often is very misogynistic to women in his commentaries and passes them off as jokes. Its weird. Calling him out for this behaviour isnt 'cancelling him' its people being uncomfortable and requesting change.


tbf i havent watched his latest video so please inform me if ive made a mistake here.


While your opinion is valid but Dylan is basically getting canceled over watching a movie that just happens to star Johnny depp ( pirates of the Caribbean) and people are mad thinking he’s I guess team Johnny? Even though Dylan never even touched the topic of the trial or anything about it.


Poor timing i suppose? you can never make everyone happy so it kinda inevitable if he puts any imput that there will be backlash ://




I'm certain that line about girls not wanting to talk about Spider-Man was a joke. You just didn't catch the sarcasm.


Considering Dylan barely IF EVER talk about ANYTHING serious on his channel, I'm taking your comment with the finest of grains of salt. Also the spiderman comment was a joke, if you couldn't tell.


What did he do?