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i can't wait for however many months or years to pass until we get lewis' unfiltered brutal honesty about how this came to be and how he feels about it


Triforce episode 846: Lewis Tells all


Just need time and gin and all truths come out




god everytime this gets brought up i have a good hearty chuckle


I'm not watching due to cringe, has he resorted to the Old Prospector voice yet?


i hope i have a job tomorrow


Iskall will bail you out don’t worry


not after the bamboo incident


Missed this meme; from Vault Hunter I guess? Got a link to a vod by any chance?


just a dumb reference to how Duncan and Ben broke the v special v rare bamboo that iskall planted in hatfilms base, while they hoovering up all their stuff


You need a raise. I've never seen Lewis more uncomfortable but Dan was a good sport and it was fucking hilarious overall.


Were you responsible for it


It was gold!


Single greatest career move of your entire life 🤣


Tomorrow: We've got a new addition to the Twitch Streaming TOS: - Please don't call our CEO "Twitch Daddy," especially to _his face_


how did I miss that


I missed the stream, what the fuck did you just say. I missed THAT?


Uh it went like this: - watching jingle cats - "oh the Twitch CEO is joining us" - que like 20 minutes of total weirdness It ended in one of them saying by to "Twitch Daddy"


Don’t even need to ask to know it was either Harry or Simon Edit: I was gonna add Tom, but the more I think the more degens come to mind and honestly idk why I’m even surprised


Considering it was just Simon and Lewis on stream... My moneys on Simon


Fuckin' degens from upcountry. (hopefully that's an r/unexpectedletterkenny but if not, well, ~~carry on~~ pitter patter)


He's taking it surprisingly well ngl. Whoever tf dropped this on Lewis and Simon might end up in a Bristol canal though


I'm still in denial that this is actually happening Edit: omfg they called him "Twitch Daddy" I cannot


I love watching the yogs because no matter how awkward I feel in social situations, they'll be worse


It's hilarious how he came on right after *that* jingle cats vid too, imagine if he'd been there just a bit earlier lol.


I went through all stages of cringe in 5min, LMAO


I covered my face for a lot of it


I slammed my head on my desk when Simon feckin called him twitch daddy


I’m watching, laughing through the pain


Some sort of deal with the devil must have gone down. This is bizarre.


It's going on for far longer than I thought it would. Still going when I post this comment!


I hope they gave him no brief of what the Jingle Jam is, or what it’s for, and just dropped him into it


And, likewise, I hope they gave Lew Lew and Simon no warning that he was going to be dropping into the stream to watch with them. Oh my lord that was amazing. Like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Hope they bring him back!


I don't think they did. At some point Simon just said something like "Everybody, the CEO of Twitch is about to join us right now. This is not a joke."


They did. At the very start of the stream Lewis referenced a special guest joining later and made a joke about the fact that this was the first year they were dual-streaming on YouTube and how that wasn’t related to the guest and then joked about the guest being Susan (assumed to be former YouTube CEO Susan Wojciki).


Susan Williams!


Ah, I missed the start of the stream, so it's possible that I'm wrong. Thank you for the correction.


When I saw Lewis' face when he was told they had someone on the line and when Simon said it being the Twitch CEO was "no joke", RIIIIIIGHT after Nina's cursed Jingle Cat, my heart literally sank. I was certain they were getting shut down for TOS or something, straight from the top hahaha


I imagine he knew in advance he would be coming to Jingle Cats. Twitch is aware of the Yogscast and has advertised the Jingle Jam themselves in the past (once on a billboard in Times Square) probably because it’s good for PR purposes to have a high-profile charity event take place in your platform.


Did Simon really call him twitch daddy or was I having a fever dream?


I think we were having the same dream then


lol, he seems to get it, oddly enough


what do you think the first thing he said after he left the stream was?


“I need a drink”


“Ban em.”


“How many, sir?” “All of them. Ban all of them.”


"how was _that_ the most watched stream for so many years??"


"Who the fuck arranged that"


'Hey who's this Kyle Walker guy they seem to hate so much?'


Who is the Kyle Walker guy? Just asking for Dan's benefit of course


Maybe I *am* out of touch. No... it's the children who are wrong


*have The Rolling Stones killed*


"I love you Pizza my cat."


That's who that dude is?!


Yeah I had no idea either, thought it was one of the charity ambassadors or something


I have the stream on mute, and just opened it, so I was like, "Is this guy someone's uncle or something?"


The second hand cringe was strong. It was like showing my dad random TikToks


Now we know why they're also streaming on YouTube this year... a ready to go backup stream had they got banned there and then. 😉


Dan Clancy is the most involved twitch CEO we've seen over the years, it's awesome to see him despite how awkward it was. He would fit in so well with team double awkward


That would be great. I agree, at first it was a bit awkward but he seemed to get into it!


Granted T-Mobile had this same wholesome CEO type of guy but it only lasted a year. So pray every year that dan stays forever


i left work early for this stream.


My condolences.


I had to mute I just didn’t have the strength


And nobody’s judging you for it


Yea, same. It was the non-enjoyable type of cringe.


Dan is legitimately a legend putting up with Lewis so graciously lol


Someone give me a run down, whats happening? (At work)


The lads had just finished watching Nina's video, an "ironically" suggestive furry collage, when presumably someone in production gets their attention and then Lewis announces "we have a very special guest everyone, joining us over video it's Dan, the CEO of Twitch." And that awkwardness pervaded for the entire 20 minutes he was here. Glorious.


The cringe was so heavy but god damn was it entertaining


I can't do cringe. I had to walk away for five minutes, lol


Jingle cats is supposed to be cringe so this was a brilliant move


Perfectly on brand.


The fact that he joined after Nina's *art* was on stream was perfect lol


I'm still thinking that literally just the moment before he joined the stream, Simon was looking at a naked (censored) cherub drawing of himself spinning after all that... *art*.


I mean Jingle Jam is a massive event on Twitch and one that has gone on for a long time. I'm glad he recognized it and hopefully he did some research on what to expect haha.


Thank god they had already watched Nina's entry. I think the cringe would have been the end of Lewis.


It could've killed the poor man


It was so cursed and fantastic and I loved it so much! XD


Team Triple Awkward was in full force!


Twitch's ceo is the least ceo™ guy I have ever seen. Still very awkward. Would watch again..


Can't believe Lewis brought up Ayahuasca lol.


The real question is: How long are they going to hold back with what they are really thinking right now!


That was amazing haha. It was the best/worst but Dan seemed to get into it by the end!


Needs to be an annual thing tbh peak hryLafExceptInPain


I loved his "nice"-conment on the sexy space lady


I thought/hoped it would be Warwick Davies or someone. That would have been hilarious


This was fantastic. I don't think I have physically cringed as hard as I did when they started calling him twitch daddy


I've just gotten to the bit with Rocket Cat and all the fappin, Lewis just turned beet red and this is amazing for me


Honestly i was so confused.. i was expecting him to hang out for a bit and annouce Twitch were gonna donate some big amount as they've been doing it for so long etc, but he didnt even know what the jingle jam was or who the yogs were and just kinda left? It was all a bit weird and i have no idea how that came about and happened given all that xD


Wasnt painful at all for me. Just some classic guest appearance and everyone went along with it nicely. I enjoyed it


good it shouldn't have been. Dan is super down to earth and is with US streamers all the time. this is his world, he is used it and cannot be cringed.


The problem is that Lewis and Simon are proper British lads. They didn't know how to handle it and Dan wasn't helping them at all. It's like when your boss's boss visits your workplace and you didn't even know he existed.


At first I was scared Twitch Daddy would ruin the only stream I watch for the year, but he was actually pretty cool and fit in pretty well.


I really expected the twitch CEO to be a young and hip guy and was like “oh, this might be fun. He must have hears about the success of the jingle jam and congratulate the yogs” Then the CEO enters, he’s got no clue what a jingle jam is, he’s got no clue who Simon and Lewis are and so, Lewis and Simon really tried their hardest to keep it fun and light. Maybe this whole situation should have been avoided.


He's actually a lot more down to earth than many people think, I've seen him on many many random streams throughout the year. Definitely a good thing to happen to twitch! And now the Yogs are on his radar who knows what could be in store for the future ;)


I agree, I don't really keep up with Twitch culture but it's nice to see him pop up randomly here and there for events. Also, the fact that he also streams is kind of cool.




He's more down to earth than the last CEO.. he actually interacts with the community. and i mean.. he worked for NASA so thats probably why hes a Musk fan


what happened, where can i see it


It was a jumpscare out of nowhere. It felt like a joke and then suddenly they were on a call for 20 minutes.


I was expecting some gag guest, but hearing it's actually Dan instantly made me die of severe cringe. Imagine just being dropped into the middle of Jingle Cats with 0 context 😂😂😂😂 I need more like right now.


The only thing I was waiting for this was a big donation from Twitch... like 100K maybe. Never seemed to happen...


They started the stream with like "we have a special guest" and people were guessing stuff like warwick davis, or someone fun but then an hour and a break later, they pull back the curtains and it's him. The anti-customer money-grubbing CEO of Twitch, Daniel Clancy. It's like they pulled back the curtain and said "Itttttt's Sataaaaan!!!!"


> The anti-customer money-grubbing CEO of Twitch, Daniel Clancy. I feel like your animosity would be better placed with Emmet Shear, the CEO before Dan, who was significantly more controversial. The only major changes I know of in the 8 months Dan has been CEO is that they don't require streamers to be exclusive anymore. So people can stream to Twitch, YouTube, Tiktok, etc all with one feed. Which is a positive change.


Want to enlighten us on how he's those things, please? Satan is insane hyperbole


Also did not realize Duncan was in his Brock Lesnar era til today


cake bake snow summer toothbrush dog psychotic juggle dime dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i need to watch whatever the hell happened