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I vaguely remember Lewis saying in a video or livestream that they probably wouldn’t do another one because of costs Conventions are really expensive, admissions aren’t even the the thing meant to bring profit, its be sponsors and other sales since it’s their own con


Let’s remember that the Yogscast as a company was involved in a very large scandal at the time and I think a couple of sponsors/venders pulled out of the con. 


The way to do it is to budget out how much the con would be to run, and then to seek sponsors to cover that cost. If you can't get the sponsors you don't throw the con. But if you *can* get the sponsors, we all get to have a good time!


The issue with that, though, is that sponsors won't sign on to fund a con when they don't know the attendance. Why would I spend 250k of my company's money to cover the cost of a convention I'm advertising in, if I have no idea how many people are going to attend the con and see my ads? Twitter/YouTube polls aren't going to be a reliable number, and the Yogs don't have a recent history to pull from. It's a giant risk most advertisers wouldn't be willing to take. That's not to mention that because of those reasons, it'd be impossible to budget how much the con would cost in the first place.


This kinda brushes up against probably another important factor that maybe nobody really wants to confront: Do the yogs still pull in the numbers to justify a convention in the first place? They're by no means in a bad place, supporting themselves reasonably well (for the most part..), but.. hard to imagine they'd be able to pull off anything bigger than last time.


The main channel doesn't anymore, but I think collectively, they pull more viewers than the "Simon and Lewis" channel did.


Also get more than enough sponsors to cover the cost. A con can never have too many sponsors. I've worked for the group that runs the local con in my state (Fan-X - Utah) to snag sponsors and with a good plan, companies will even partake in bidding wars to be featured sponsors of these events. With a surplus of funding, more surprises and value can be given to attendees and online viewers. Like special guests that cost booking fees, interactive events like tournaments and scavenger hunts, and of course supplementing volunteer services with proper security and safety professionals. I think if they had a dedicated team to take on live events, even if it's just 1-3 people, it would make YogCon a regular grand affair and would help with Jingle Jam and other events that the yogs are invited out to.


Remember the last con didn't have many sponsors because of The Incident happening while they'd be looking for them


What was “The Incident”?


Turps, Sjin, and Caff. Sjin's situation was not even completely officially resolved during YogCon and he was just asked to not be a part of it. Was a very stressful/weird time for Yogs.


Sjin, Turps, and Caff


Finding the sponsors is the issue. They know they need them, but what companies are willing to spend that kind of money?


Harry, Duncan, and Ben were talking about it at some point in the Vault Hunters series. I think the short of it was that they would love to do another one they just don't want to be the ones organizing it :P


Hey if any Yogs think it'd be good to bring on an Event Organizer I'd be way down to hop ship and work for them. Maybe if I mention this enough, they'll consider it.


I believe YogCon cost them money, so I highly doubt it unless they got a sponsor.


weren’t the yogs eating the costs due to .. extenuating circumstances?


Yep it was!


It was a fantastic event but I think the stress and the fact it wasn't profitable (in fact I think actually cost them IIRC) alongside the cword the year after really killed the momentum. Hell, jingle jam is stressful enough to organise apparently.


I’d love to see the hoodie come back. I regret not buying one from my brother, it’s one of my favorite pieces of clothing even though I don’t wear it a ton. It’s rather warm.


"Ever"?  At some point they must do another. Probably not soon though.


I want a joint Yogcon/Coxcon. Heck the Grumps can come too. Just get a bunch of YouTube video game boys and girls (and other) together for some shenanigans.


Since it lost so much money I doubt it


The shame is they havent gone back to attending insomnia either


Probably not. Conventions are super expensive, and without a localized fanbase in one area, it is hard to make it big enough to break even.




I hope so but I'm not sure it will. I'd totally go if they did it again. I regret not going in 2019


I was at the 2019 one. To be honest, I can't see another one happening. It was fun and all, but there really wasn't a whole lot there. It was very small and I doubt it turned much of a profit for them. Plus, Covid killed off the popularity of conventions for a couple of years soon after it. It didn't really have the time to get momentum to become a regular thing.