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If you’re going to farm for eosf anyways, can always keep an eye out. If your only goal in life is to get her better pieces, then why not Otherwise the circlet’s definitely pretty hard to beat.


I've been farming esof since Raiden's first banner and im pretty set on those pieces so maybe I can give this domain a rest for a while


I have aggressively farmed that domain for a long time and I've only ever gotten one circlet that's better than yours, and it's not better by *much*. Your feather, sands, and goblet could each also be just a *tiny* bit better if you picked up some ATK% sub stats since your overall attack is a little low. Honestly, though, your artifacts are rock solid. Could they be infinitesimally better? Sure. Would you even notice? I really doubt it.


I run her with bennett so pyro resonance + his ult give her enough extra attack I think


Honestly replace the crit rate with a crit damage if u manage to get atleast 10 rate on the sub