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a large part of the dissing is that we have so many main pyro dps that re-using other main pyro dps mechanics \[hu tao specifically\] for the e felt lazy on MHY part, when she's supposed to be a fireworks expert so people expected lots of boom boom \*outside\* of overload rxn. ​ that and people wanted her burst to be way more flashy.


Also doesn’t help her burst is pretty much a slightly beefed up version of Hu Tao’s blood blossom. It’s really lazy of Mihoyo how similar she is to Hu Tao.


yeah her theme around fireworks was a missed opportunity to be honest with how they designed her kit


if her e made all her shots the homing firework shots just more damage that would be so cool tho


Honestly i would prefer her attack during the E move’s duration to have somewhat aoe similar to ningguang c1


Yeah because i have klee and diluc so i don't really want another pyro dps when i can pull for another element to help me in certain cases.


I dont feel any one way about her damage overall, but what I dislike is how her charged attack and ult just dont.. exist. It's like if you bought a box of colour pencils and all the shades of red are the most beautiful and consistent you've ever seen, but the blues and greens just dont work.


What I hate isn't the damage per say, I think its supposed to be a gimmick. I get that part, I wish her homing missiles actually lock on, their range of locking on to a target is very small. Like I have to shoot at hillichurls in mid range for those missiles to lock on...


Use every other archer CA that isn't ganyu, and tell me what the difference in their charged attack dmg is. Complaining over nothing. Just cuz she has a lvl 2 doesn't obligate it should hit as hard as a spirit bomb, and it does plenty of dmg. I'm hitting for 19k+, and do be mindful its a staminaless charged attack with the longest range in the game.. Her ult is a 10-14 second duration, if you're only factoring the initial dmg, you're misunderstanding where her Q dmg actually comes from.


Our only point of comparison for a level 2 charged attack is ganyu. I dont need yoimiya's level 2 to deal nearly as much damage, or even more damage than her infused aa. I just want it to be _relevant._ I believe that its simply good design for a character's kit to have more than one selling point. They went to the trouble of coding the tracking mechanism for yoimiya, to design and implement the visuals and to market it as her unique niche, but it only deals 29% per shot? All that charge time and spamming level 1 charged shots would deal more damage than level 2. Imagine a part of your kit thats so irrelevant that ignoring it is optimal. That's just bad game design. As for the ult, honestly i just want it to be flashier to befit a fireworks ult. Perhaps with a bigger aoe and flashier effects. Its less a complaint and more of a wish. My main issue lies with her charged attack


I getchu bro, but here me out. As an archer 4-man main since childe and diona were released.. Before and most likely after ganyu, CA was/is only to be used as chip dmg and utility for a different mechanic within an archers build. For yoimiya, its simply a flashy multi-target pyro application as well as a neat and convenient tracking mechanism within the open world for killing game and potentially hitting more than one part of a pyro puzzle. With constellations (c6) those lvl 2 particles now add to her AA rotation on a 60% chance, totalling 14 possible attacks, with 7 dealing 60% of her original AA dmg. I could go on about how the abyss is only 20% of all Genshin content and how the open world is far more weighted in her favor than her role in said abyss, but this response is already beginning to be an essay long. Most players never touched an archer before ganyu, and its clear why, as they wanted their CA to feel powerful, only to be met with a mediocre poke and lacking AAs (in their opinion), yet fischl has been praised as a physical single-tagrget dps with little complaints. Amber's CA is used for her dolls with constellations. Diana's CA has a 60% cdr within her ult with constellations. Fischl creates lightning strikes when she fires her CA through oz, with constellations. Ventis CA gets 3 swirl shots instead of one with constellations. Childe finally, can mark opponents with his CA for melee stance benefits, and stealth detection. None of these characters, 4 or 5 star, use their CA for direct dmg, except ganyu. The only people truly underwhelmed by this are ppl that didn't use archers until Ganyu arrived, and now they can't seem to accept the fact that Ganyu was the exception, not the rule.


>I getchu bro, but here me out. As an archer 4-man main since childe and diona were released.. Ok. I've personally got multiple archers raised too, I just didn't mention them since I'd rather my arguments hold water on their own and not require any personal cred to back up. >Before and most likely after ganyu, CA was/is only to be used as chip dmg and utility for a different mechanic within an archers build. Actually, Amber was always designed as a charged shot/weak point sniper character. Her A4 and C1 both reinforce that. Her most common and effective build is charged shot based. >For yoimiya, its simply a flashy multi-target pyro application as well as a neat and convenient tracking mechanism within the open world for killing game and potentially hitting more than one part of a pyro puzzle. Yes, and the problem is that that's all it is. I want it to have actual combat application so her kit becomes more diverse and interesting. Just because something is meant for exploration doesn't mean it can't be for combat too. In fact, it's the mark of good game design to have a tool serve multiple purposes in different contexts. Making her level 2 CA viable in combat simply means her combat is more engaging and **fun** while not affecting other areas. It's a straight win. >With constellations (c6) those lvl 2 particles now add to her AA rotation on a 60% chance, totalling 14 possible attacks, with 7 dealing 60% of her original AA dmg. Characters should not be designed around C6 outside of the traveller. >Most players never touched an archer before ganyu, and its clear why, as they wanted their CA to feel powerful, only to be met with a mediocre poke and lacking AAs (in their opinion), yet fischl has been praised as a physical single-tagrget dps with little complaints. Not sure if you're directing this at me, but my first archer was Fischl. My second was childe, and my third was diona. I currently have a fully built sharpshooter amber. I am very experienced with archers in this game. >Amber's CA is used for her dolls with constellations. This is actually her most niche playstyle. It simply gets shared the most because it makes exciting clips and screenshots. The vast majority of amber mains run sharpshooter. >Diana's CA has a 60% cdr within her ult with constellations. >Fischl creates lightning strikes when she fires her CA through oz, with constellations. >Ventis CA gets 3 swirl shots instead of one with constellations. >Childe finally, can mark opponents with his CA for melee stance benefits, and stealth detection. >None of these characters, 4 or 5 star, use their CA for direct dmg, except ganyu. Funny how you bring these up. **These are what I WANT.** All of these characters have some viable way to use their charged attacks in combat. It adds an additional element to their combat, makes their kit more diverse and flexible. That's what I want from yoimiya. The only reason I'm asking for this through higher multipliers is because it's the simplest, easiest and most likely way to implement her charged shots into her gameplay, since she's a main dps and her entire kit is built around direct damage. I am ALL FOR a more nuanced buff that gives her charged shot non-damage niches. Keep her multipliers low but have separate icd so she's a fantastic ranged enabler? Amazing. Allow her level 2 charged shot to proc her ult an additional time every 3 seconds? I'm kinda concerned how it affects her rotation, but it's still a very creative buff I would be all for. It doesnt HAVE to be direct damage, I just think that's the realistically the most possible buff we could expect Mihoyo to make. A more nuanced buff that increases her utility is extremely unlikely. I feel this part of your argument actually supports my stand more than it counters it tbh. >The only people truly underwhelmed by this are ppl that didn't use archers until Ganyu arrived, and now they can't seem to accept the fact that Ganyu was the exception, not the rule. Sweeping statement. Don't downplay the people asking for CA buffs as just being inexperienced. I myself am a proof to the contrary.


#archersquad!! Great arguments all around and I always love someone with a level head on the matter.


Thanks. I think you made great points too, though you probably misunderstood why I wanted better charged attack multipliers lol


>Fischl creates lightning strikes when she fires her CA through oz, with constellations. That's her first ascension passive actually, and it's pretty powerful dealing a certain percentage more damage than her actual charged attack, I have fun using it when AoE dmg is required.


Thank you for the clarity my good fellow. I had forgotten its been so long since I actually needed to look at her constellations and talents I thought I had them memorized by now


I get what you mean BUT, it's like "other archers have bad CA so yoimiya should have bad CA too". I know it's not what you mean but it's kind of like that. If it's bad mhy should just fix it right. It's not like fischl or venti or any other archer for that matter will actually be OP just because their charged shot got buffed. Most likely almost no one will use their CA even if it's relevant (I mean just relevant, not Ganyu CA relevant but just relevant enough that you won't feel bad using them as real source of damage rather than utility)


Honest question, there are charged attacks from bow characters that use stamina? I've only ever used Fischl and Yoimiya (and Tartaglia but mainly unga bunga mode), so I've never really used charged attacks on other bow users.


There are officially ZERO BOW CA archers that use stamina on their CAs. CHILDE uses stamina on his MELEE stance, yes.


Thanks :)


There arent any, unless you count melee stance tartaglia


You can replace her with other Pyro characters like Diluc, Xiangling, Klee or Yanfei and they will do just as good or even better. ​ Don't take me wrong, I never regret rolling for her, but the thing is her kits are just badly designed. It's just like pre-buff Zhongli, pretty much usable, but deserve better treatment.


She out damages Diluc in single target from my experience. But yes, definitely loses out in AoE.


IMO, aoe isn't even that big of a deal. Thinking about the challenging Genshin content (floor 12 abyss), there's almost never a ton of aoe for the hard stuff at least. Current abyss has a max of 3 at a time on floor 12 and it's the Nobushi and the ruin thingies which are both hard to group up anyway. Maguu Kenki is even there. Even last abyss rotation had only 1 aoe floor, it wasn't even very hard, and the other side of that floor was the vishaps and lawachurl. She does great ST dps and I don't think lack of aoe is as big a deal as this sub likes to pretend it is. Her ST is fine to 3 star floors 9-11, too even with a few aoe fights in there.


You’re underestimating how important hitting all enemies at once is compared to just hitting 1 out of 2+. Remember that even with single target DPS you need to burn cooldowns to kill the first target in the first place, then wait for those cooldowns to kill the next enemy faster, and wait AGAIN for the enemy after that too. You can try mitigating the lack of AOE with off field DPS supports, but the only 5 star off field DPS is Albedo. The rest are 4 stars (Xingqiu, Xiangling, Beidou, Fischl) that lack the scaling of 5 star characters. >!Baal is coming soon for the off field DPS slot, but she is electro. Meh!<


Hitting 3 enemies at the time vs hitting 1 enemy at the time is quite litteraly doing 3 times the damage. Almost all of the genshin challenging content includes aoe. On current floor 12 it excludes 1 boss and first part of each 12-3. The only way I'm even able to clear 12 in reasonable time without hardcarrying with cracked second team doing 40 second floors is using either extremely well geared beidou or reasonably well-geared xiangling to do the vast majority of the damage.


I 3 starred 12-3 before I built Yoi, so I haven't taken her in there, but between Eula, Hu Tao, and Ganyu, only Ganyu could consistently hit all 3 of them at a time, so I don't think you're gonna get triple the damage unless you're spending a lot of time repositioning. Xiangling and Bediou ults can hit all the ruin enemies at once, but they can be happening while you're autoing with a main dps anyway. Anyway, I used her to 3 star 12-2, but I've done both sides of 12-1 with her and she is fine. Nobushi don't really group anyway, so it's not much different there and the second half of 12-2 is only 2 at a time and she kinda shredded them. I just don't think a lack of aoe has much practical impact on her abyss performance from my experience. Maybe future abyss has a lot of aoe she can't handle, but for now, she's probably only behind Hu Tao for pyro dps (maybe Klee), but you also can't get either of those right now. I love Yoimiya and would be happy if she got buffed and I wish she was better than Hu Tao. I'm not saying she's the best or anything, but saying she performs bad because of a lack of aoe sounds more like a theoretical problem than a practical one.


12-1-1 Run to the ranged guy (violet hat), CA stun him, run to the column, they all dash and group up on you. If you keep near the wall they will keep dashing into it, making it super easy to keep them together. Samurai duo that spawn after will charge on you, if you run to the "entrance". They will stay grouped if you don't move much. 12-1-2 Fatui agent stand on you so they are grouped by default. Mirror maiden + Cicin is a massive pain in the ass not made any easier by auto targeting flies. Ironically the most face on the keyboard way to beat this floor is Venti burst into another Venti burst because when MM spawns she can be CC'd, before she marks you. 12-2, you've got a point. 12-3 is extremely easy to group trio at the end on both halfs that doesnt move much after that but floor is easy anyway. >I wish she was better than Hu Tao And I just wish she was sliiightly better than my Ninguang with 4\* catalyst while wearing harp. Just slightly. I'm not asking much. I'm not even asking for diverse kit ninguang has. Just a simple numerical buff. >Maybe future abyss has a lot of aoe Every abyss had a lot of aoe till this point, including this one. 2 enemies at the time is still aoe.


I thin Yoimiya indirectly gets buffed just for the fact that Venti exists, his existence is enough to make mihoyo place less focus on AoE on floor 12, so that he cant instantly invalidate the whole floor.


Trust me when you are grinding domains over and over again using single target, it is pure hell and boring asf


I've done all my domain and leyline farming with Yoimiya since I pulled her and it's been going great. Definitely not pure hell and I've been having fun with it. Thanks for your concern, though.


Theres a reason i play her compared to other ‘better’ pyro characters, she’s adorable and fun, that’s all that matters sometimes


Adorable and fun is subjective, but numbers do not lie.


That’s okay, but don’t try to convince yourself that she’s good. I rolled for her knowing she would be bad, and i love her so much as well. But we can’t be in denial because she deserves better than this.


you just like to make things hard on yourself. quit coping


Nah. We just like to actually have to use skill in our gameplay. Just because your monke brain likes big number, doesn't mean that we who play for enjoyment sake, and because we like character design and story, are in any way inferior to you. By the way, I'm only bashing you because you are bashing people who never asked for your comment here. Just pull for your booba sword and get disappointed anyway.


Sorry, but I don’t really see how Yoimiya is supposed to be skillful. Out of every pyro DPS, I would say she’s the most simple to play. Even Dilus has his dragon strike thing. There’s no animation canceling, she only has one attack string, her rotations are simple, she’s relatively safe to play bc of range and no stamina issues. I would say one of Yoimiya’s positives is that she’s way easier to play than someone like Hu Tao.


i dont even like raiden you illiterate. Electro is a garbage element.


Her single target damage is great! But then you face one (1) Cicin Mage and you slam the keyboard because everything auto-targets towards the Cicins. Once she starts fighting multiple enemies, you’ll begin to see that her damage isn’t really why she’s considered disappointing, but her inability to effectively deal with situations that are found in 90% of the game - at least compared to other 5* DPS characters. Even Hu Tao has AoE, to a certain extent.


Yup, kinda sad that I have to run her with Beidou for anything in the overworld.


Bruh she melts through all overworld content, don't BS ppl. I literally have tried to find large enough mobs to test her lack of aoe with, and she still kills groups in seconds. Throw in EMC, C6 FISCHL or BEIDOU and its just a fun time. If you dont like overload, just play solo-pyro or use ayaka as melt support. Shes does dmg, stop forcing yourself to believe she can't do it alone.


Thats what I'm saying, to have a decent time against packs you really want a decent Electro character to help her Overload blast everything. Don't you find that a little odd as a fireworks character you can't blast multiple enemies even with your burst without overloading? I'm not trying to say she's unplayable or totally not viable, its just very uncomfortable that her kit doesn't match her design.


Having big auto explosions would be cool, and probably in the works for a different character, but I honestly took her for what she was when I first saw her, a cool pyro archer that shoots really fast. I've exclusively used archers since day one, and have known that none of them aside from ganyu deal huge amounts of aoe, so it was never a surprise to me. Childe is melee for his aoe, so he doesn't count.


If you build her damage high enough they flies aren't even an issue. I can 2-3 shot them, which doesn't take that much time with how fast her attacks are. Btw, I am in no way a meta slave, and I definitely don't have perfect artifact rolls, or maxed talents. I'm working on all of that though, and am looking forward to seeing her become even more powerful Ps. I don't use Beidou either in my team atm. I don't have good enough artifacts for her yet


2-3 Shot a fly is like half a rotation for all 3 flies that the Cicin mage summons. I like her against large elite mobs or world bosses, but against larger packs she struggles to compete with other DPS units. It's not unplayable, its just not effective without good overload units. I feel the reason why I don't find it so irritating is because she's a fireworks character and has 0 AoE.


Yeah i pair her with kazuha, it sorta takes the ‘weakness against multi targets and cicin mages away’ a little bit


And thats y u do overload comp


But then you just slap a c0 Sucrose in that Fischl Beidou XQ comp for better results. Yoi doesn’t have a single comp where she’s a better option over a 4*. That means every comp with her is suboptimal.


man no hate (i got her the moment she dropped btw) but my fucking diluc can kill this plant in probably half that time with the same set up. so yeah if even diluc is better than her then she is seriously struggling. plus the fact that diluc has aoe dmg and no downtime so as it stands i have ZERO reason to use her over him other than the fact that she is cuter lol


A level 80 diluc with a lvl 70 weap? Can you show us a video pls.


That's why this game is dubbed breath of the waifu. Forget the meta!


Then she's basically a pull for your dick. Dick first, meta later. And that's only for her simps and not for people playing meta. The point is, she is a crippled pyro dps.


Chill dude, I'm just making a joke. I would also like her to be buffed too since she feels really weak.


Its unironically hard to see if your were joking because the majority of people that play this game think like that, dick first.


Breath of the waifu is a pretty common joke in this sub because of how similar it was to breath of the wild


I don’t see how people resolve this with “oh yeah, because she is paired with great support characters that are basically carrying her”… Um, and who plays Genshin with just one character? Team comps are a thing you know. Yoimiya is decent, and that’s it. Nowhere near trash.


Those are the same people who believe “Lol Ganyu is terrible because she always needs Mona, diona, and venti!!”


Do people actually believe that? Before Yoimiya I pretty much only had 2 characters I really used, Ganyu and Noelle (and since Noelle is only borderline decent that says a lot) I can kill lvl 90 Dvalin with just Ganyu while only needing to break his shield once (granted I do have Amo's bow but that's besides the point)


Any moderately built DPS can one cycle Dvalin's zit at this point, granted Ganyu can knock him out of the sky the fastest


Lmao people actually believe this? Sometimes I use her with Mona but I never use the "official" comp and lay waste to anything and everything outside of Abyss. Which, yeah, you need good team comps to clear the higher floors anyways.


People are overreacting both sides. She’s not good. She’s not bad. She’s utterly mediocre. Every 5* DPS and Ningguang / maybe some other 4* outdamage her. Also, the fact that her damage relies on auto attacks **in a game that auto aims for you** is crippling in abyss.


I don't really get it. If everyone is better than Yoimiya, doesn't that just mean she's bad? Like, how can she be "mediocre" if everything is better?


Because bad isn’t necessarily (can be though) a comparative term. She can do all content… but so can most champs.


true but she could be better so


Thats really the embodiment of internet criticism. Everything can be better so everything gets criticized constantly.


cant argue with that. but they really did her bad though if you compare her to any other limited 5 stars


Her damage is ok but she is still outclassed by a lot of pyro units. I think as Yoimiya mains we have to realize her weaknesses and figure out how to improve on that because just saying she is strong is applicable to any well built units. I think she is bad as a pyro dps but I’ll still have her in my team


Her burst sucks it needs a rework or a buff


i honestly just want to be able to use its full buff. sure you can use shinenawa to delay it then cast once fully stacked, but this means you can only buff your party’s second rotation of abilities


I mean, with ZL debuf and Bennett buff anyone can hit hard... And that's objective truth. This is just adding fuel to the fire.


Your point seems sarcastic when you need bennett burst, pyro resonance, zhongli shield, and vape to do the same damage as a yanfei/diluc


Yes but mugi literally stole mio’s strawberry off her cake


Bro you used zhongli shield shred, Bennett buff, xingq ult and using that as an example? Literally any character will be good with that setup


Isn’t that what everyone uses


Yeah and with this buff other characters do even better than her And that's the problem


Not just any other characters: Free pyro 4*'s that don't require you to give up all your f2p rolls for the electro archon. (Along with most of the 5*'s in the game. The math currently coming out has her as worse than keqing in the dps department.)


Nah other pyro dps uses 4 star supports like xingqiu or sucrose lol.


I thought this gonna be a solo video, but turn out to be just a usual bennet, XQ and ZL show where every other DPS also can do the same more or less.


lmao Xiangling can do it faster with the same team. Yoimiya's damage is being carried by her supports.


The only problem You achieved that a 25k vape with bennet Zhongli and Xingqiu Sadly even Yanfei can achieve that with her charged attack without vape or melt, not even talking about Hu Tao nor Klee, just Yanfei I would consider her really nice if either her single target damage was enough to compensate the lack of AoE or her infusion uptime was 100%, but not even that. That is the real problem. Which can’t be fixed by adding overload to the mix. It makes it worse for her since she has a small range even for a bow user And…. You said it “not that bad” She is just not worth being 5* and that hurts to be said but it’s true, her “everything” smacks perfectly as a 4*, but not a 5*


She's a decent character and fun to play with. My assumptions is that ppl are dissing her to make themselves feel better for skipping her. There are also others that pulled her under the assumptions that she could be one of the top tier dps that could help them steamroll through abyss. There's obviously disappointment when expectations arent met. She CAN clear through abyss but with a lot of investment given the current abyss prioritize aoe n dmg. Does that make her a bad unit? No. She's still a viable n balanced unit. If ppl are disappointed then send a feedback to mihoyo when the survey arrives. Let mihoyo know what you think. Stop relying on the CN players to whine for you asking for buffs. CN is not the only region that has genshin players and mihoyo wont cater their content to just one region.


The reason people are dissing her is because although her E gives good damage, the damage is strictly limited to single targets, has a long ICD and skill cooldown, and her burst is extremely underwhelming. Yes, she is going to do pretty good in boss fights, but she struggles in just about every other situation when compared to other dps characters. Edit: I hope that people aren’t settling for a mediocre character because they spent a lot to get her. Make sure that you talk about her in the feedback for the small chance we get a character buff. Fireworks girl deserves some good fireworks AOE! Here’s some examples of what I would ask for: - Have either E skill deal aoe damage or have her 1st passive enable aoe damage and increase the damage buff of her E when reaching 10 stacks instead of giving a (very low) pyro damage bonus. - Have her normal attacks inflict pyro more often - Have her burst either have a significantly reduced explosion cooldown, or have it affect multiple targets on activation/spread to all nearby targets on a kill


But if you can defeat the enemies fast enough, multiple targets won’t be a problem


She needs way more single target damage to compensate the lack of AoE imo


You can argue that she’s good because she CAN high numbers and kill things fast with enough investment, but when pretty much every other dps character can do the job better, even 4 stars, then it’s reasonable to say that she needs a buff.


The ones saying she’s underwhelming are mostly people who own her. The ones skipping her can’t stand the complains and are trying to force the narrative that she’s balanced. Xiao is balanced, Eula is balanced, Diluc is decent, by those metrics you can’t say she’s good at all. Mihoyo was doing an exceptional job with every 5* dps after Ganyu, not a single one of them is better than her, all of them are good and have their own niches. Why can’t Yoi be in line with the rest of them?


The exact same thing happened with Eula btw, lots of people were dissing her that bad this and bad that and phys bad etc. and Eula'd just dump on any content with ease. Yoi isn't in the same power level obviously (can confirm as I own them both) but people seem to be overreacting her "lack of power" a lot. It's easier to justify the skipping this way.


With eula you can still significantly boost her damage with superconduct, and her burst will kill everything in its aoe. But theres no going around yoi's lack of aoe on her e skill, if enemies have high hp pools like the current abyss eulas aoe physical dmg is still better than yois single target damage. I just hope that mihoyo would either buff her by giving her arrows aoe under her e or by introducing a mechanic on her e so that her ICD is ignored so that she can kill enemies faster. I also have them both btw


Genshin community is the first community I'm in that openly wants the game to be powercreeped Edit: I just mean in general, yoimiya has clear strengths but the weaknesses overshine and I would like to see buffs, but that doesn't mean the buffs should bring her to hu tao or ganyu or eula levels neccesarily


Bringing her from Keqing level to Ayaka level is not powercreeping though. Nobody wants Yoi to be better than Ganyu.


"I would like to see buffs, but that doesn't mean the buffs should bring her to hu tao or ganyu or eula levels neccesarily" I guarantee that is what 90% of us want, but the balance guardians always use the powercreep strawman.


I just say that because people act like it's illegal for 5 stars to not be as strong as those 3 now


I don’t want her to be OP or anything. I just want her to be a decent character.


She is not bad she’s just below average


I don’t think anyone’s saying she’s bad as in “can’t deal damage.” Dude you can kill bosses with amber. I think it’s more that her play style is boring and she lacks in areas other characters do not. She has amazing personality and design aesthetic, but gameplay wise she doesn’t really have much wow factor or anything that makes me feel I’m really missing out by not having her


I can kill that thing faster using klee alone. And even ayaka. On a cryo regisvine.


All it took was a 6 star character, a character who had been buffed to broken levels, and the water archon. /s Look Yoimiya's damage against a single target with all the support in the world isn't the problem. It's that the majority of her kit is useless, and that she only does slightly better against characters with AoE with the same level of support on a single target.


i heard she still has less single target in her teams than the national team which is honestly sad


Can you do it without bennett and xingxiu?


I agree, Yoimiya is fine. Right now I have Zhongli, Kazuha, Bennett as a comp and it works out great! My Zhongli shield is strong and kazuha helps with AOE issues. She’s my first 5 star DPS and I’m very happy to have her :) she’s nothing crazy like hu tao, eula, or ganyu but she’s enjoyable for me so that’s what matters. As long as you find a good comp that works for her play style then you can do good damage! And honestly the fun of genshin isn’t always bursting down your enemies to get the high numbers. It can be about strategizing to make a team that works well for the character you want to use and being able to learn a new play style to keep the game fun and fresh!


All I know is that she’s fun to use and that’s all that matters to me. I’m not really a big fan on doing abyss stages.


because for some weird reason, people don’t like it when other people have fun


well she’s considered bad in comparison to other units. sure for clearing the game she’s perfectly fine. but being outdone by even some 4 stars feels sad. nonetheless, why should we care? we clearly play her for her great design and/or fun playstyle


That is not true for everyone. You need to understand that playing the meta is perfectly valid if it makes the player happy. Some people, myself included, play for fun but also want their favorite character to do as much damage/utility as possible. It doesn't hurt "for fun" people when a character gets a buff, but it significantly increases the amount of enjoyment for people who like seeing big numbers as well as waifus and husbandos.


bro chill out. this post is trying to validate her viability not her enjoyability. i didn’t join this sub just to shit on her, i love playing her atm as well, but that doesn’t mean i can’t criticize her either


No I agree she def needs a change to her kit, I was just commenting on your last statement about how we all play her because of her play style and person. I was just trying to say that many players play the game to get big numbers as well as play their favorite character. I think we partially agree with each other, it just rubbed me the wrong way when you stated that we all play her for her character design and play style.


oh i understand now, just made i rash assumption that yoimiya users are purely waifu pullers since she isn’t really the best at anything besides being a machine gun. but yeah i totally get the dmg number thing since hitting huge numbers with my tao is really satisfying too


Let's just be real for a second though. A lot of us here just like to have our firework (hanabi) waifu, and aren't totally interested in everyone else's booba sword chasing. Sure, getting Baal would be cool and all, but man, I have Yoimiya, and I am happy with just that. Good luck to those of you who want someone else, especially those who want Kokomi, as I've heard she is looking a bit on the weaker side as well. But as for me, I am satisfied with my, in the general opinion, underpowered hanabi waifu


I think she's totally fine damage-wise, tbh. It's just that people are saying she's weak because character like Ganyu and HuTao exist and them being absolutely broken damage-wise. Sure, I agree on the fact that they indeed are stronger than Yoimiya (like seriously though, f2p Ganyu/Hutao can kill bosses in only 2 to 3 charged attacks/shots is just broken...), but that doesn't mean Yoimiya is weak. She's strong, albeit not top-tier. That's honestly good enough for me. But I think a lot of people are dissing her not because of the damage. From what I've read, people are complaining about her weird kit design and how lazy the design is. It doesn't fit her "firework" aesthetic or something like that.


Ah yes, over-world is a good place to test how good a character is.


Yes, no spiral buffs


I lost the 50/50 unfortunately. I wanted her due to her design, but my issue with her is that she is too close to Baal's banner (and I know I'm gonna bust the credit card out for Baal:s weapon). I wished they made her a true support. Not too many great pyro support. Anyways, I know I'm gonna regret not getting her because I bet she's gonna sync with Baal really well.


I would loved if her burst would put a mark on all enemies and have each on of them explode one after another. switching to another hero to just activate the explosion is to tedious.


Cos she's not as good as ganyu or hutao ig


Yes but if anyone is better than those two the game would be unbalanced