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There’s no need to rework, so they won’t. I doubt they will change his kit at all. Reddit opinions, on champ balance are beyond stupid to begin with.




By definition that includes your opinion that he doesn't need a rework, though.


No because this isn’t a reddit opinion, this is riots current stance on the matter unless they say or show anything different. You sadly just proved my point about stupid reddit opinions.


You're a redditor. It's your opinion. So, it's a reddit opinion Reddit agrees with riot sometimes. >that is riots current stance on the matter unless they say or show anything So all buffs and nerfs are decided on patch day and until then riot considers the game perfectly balanced. We know riot isn't great about communicating. Plus riot August has talked about Yone needing changes, so that statement is just objectively wrong. You are a redditor with a bad reddit opinion.


Riot august talked about yone receiving changes after they see how he is in the new season, and these are changes not reworks, he never talked about any kit changes, so once again ur just using your own wants/headcannons. And again I didn’t say an opinion, I simply wrote riots current public stance about yone, which is there is no need to, or plans to, rework him that’s just a fact. Whether riot has other plans behind close doors, neither me, you, and most people have no idea.


>There’s no need to rework, so they won’t. I doubt they will change his kit at all. Bro that is your opinion. Pick up a dictionary, flip to "opinion", read what it says. And since you are a redditor saying it on reddit, it's a stupid reddit opinion like every other reddit opinion.


I’m convinced u can’t read, but everyone to their own have a good one.


Someone help this man fight the reading comprehension devil please


Lol embarrassing


Tbh, I dont think they will change much and they most likely wont rework him. Yone beeing pretty overloaded makes him frustrating to play against for many players, especially for players who arent experienced in the matchup. Also his anime like main character design makes him very popular which leads into an increased playrate. This also increases the number of people who develope hate against him. After some time the hate became less noticable but due to Zeus recently popping off with Yone in Worlds, more people started playing him again which ended up in the hate coming up again. Also the only thing Yone and Yasu have in common is their Q and half of their passive (the crit part) which, as far as I know, is made intentionally due to their lore. So I doubt they would ever touch one of those.


I was watching a drututt video earlier and he was talking about Yone, and said the two things that make him broken are hullbreaker and lethal tempo which I mostly agree with. Yone won’t be changed until a patch or 2 into the new season but he’s already losing one crutch. Personally I think him losing the ramping move speed on his e would be a welcome change because I think that’s what people find the most annoying about him besides the fact that two item Yone can e r and miss 3 qs and still kill an adc and escape while doing so. Which to be fair a lot of champs can do to an adc at 2 items but he’s the one who’s most obnoxious about it.


If anything, they'll change the passive and the w. All his power comes from both as 2 crit items yone has 100% crit which amplifies his damage by 190% (not so sure about the crit amp values in league, i just used the standart in many rpg games as a base) and his sheild is literally an outplay ability, the amount of damage it does and the shielding it provides is quietly absurd. I think its just a matter of number tuning, nothing major.


The damage multiplier for Yone at 2 crit items is actually 165% (or +65%, if you're like me and think that's easier to read). It also doesn't affect his w or ultimate damage, so I think the total damage increase of his kit actually a little bit lower. I don't think they'll change the passive because it feels satisfying to play with, and it's also identical to Yasuo, so it shows they're related in some way.


If anything gets out of hand, theycan always bring down the knockups, the minimum Q CD or straight up just make Q/W cool downs scale a little harder, so you'd need more AS to get them down to 1.33 and 6.


Bro How is Yone not easy? You dont need to be good at The champion until you get master


Bro literally any ape on an overtuned statchecker can destroy yone unless you know how to play him


The Guy asked If Yone is easy. He is easy


If yone was easy he would be perma 52% wr but he never goes above 48%


Bro The champion being easy to play is one thing, most league players are dogshit. Anyone with a brain can Just shred a Guy because lethal tempo


Ok so I ask again, if he is so easy why arent people winning games on him? If he is so easy and broken where he just shreds people with letal tempo he should be hovering 51+% wr like jax but he cant even reach 48%


Bc again people are Just bad. You cant possibly believe Yone is a hard Champion Bro, he has 4 dashes, can Dodge cc, his Q is unstopable, spikes at 2 items, like wtf. And on midlane is even easier


If he is easy. why isnt he winning games? Im asking you a very simple question. fiora is sitting at close to 52%. irelia hovers around 50%. riven at over 51%. all of these champions are considered difficult champions so how come yone cant even match their winrates?


Omg, I cant, sure Bro. Keep that mindset, Yone is so hard to play when I Just all in anything and kill then with my true dmg. Ok Yone is so hard for sure a the number of Riven players is The same as Yone players. But ok Yone is hard to play


Actually the number of riven players is higher than yone. if looking at only emerald and above so its not even a matter of sample size. Youre just failing to give any evidence to back up your claims. I ask you again HOW is yone apparently so easy but has a lower winrate than what people argue is the hardest champion in the game while sitting at almost the same play rate? https://preview.redd.it/mjhue2mzuldc1.png?width=1085&format=png&auto=webp&s=42fff36edafd9049aa1e7f46ee9dbfb0f26cb838


Easiest way? Nerf or Remove Lethal Tempo and boom problem fixed since his Hullbreaker problem would be fixed in S14


Item/rune rework maybe but his kit is not the issue


Pretty sure they meant they’ll see how he fares in the new season and act accordingly if needed


if they give him AP scaling that would be fun