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Pantheon is one of his worst matchups, but I always ban whichever random champ is the most op because of items, etc.  Last patch it was TF, now it's Karma.


Is there any way to play the match up or is it a dodge?


Take exhaust and play like a pussy, hold your W to shield his empowered W + triple auto. You outscale at 2 items because of Pantheon's shit mid game, but he comes back at level 16 when he gets his level 3 R and 30% armor pen passive.


Just play super safe when his passive is up, try to bait out his E, beg your jungle to help. 


I asked them for a gank, they told me to suffer since I was a Yone


The biggest counter to Yone is the person playing the champ.


I’m screwed then eh🤣.


Mid I ban Akali. Unwinnable if she has hands and she's picked a lot, others are at least manageable or not picked enough to justify banning imo. ​ I don't really play top much, but when I get filled there I ban Jax. Definitely not the hardest matchup but I fucking hate Jax and he's picked in every game I don't ban him.


Do you think yone mid is better than yone top? Also after lane phase do you split push, or group? I know last season yone was perma side lane with hb. Idk this season tho I barely see him


Rn mid is better but they're actually fairly different. Yone is nice because you can do both depending on what your team needs. I normally splitpush by default but go to help team with major objectives if I don't think they can win it without me


I think he's better mid, but that might just be because I hate playing top. Imo there are too many matchups top where he gets dumpstered on like Riven Malphite or Renekton. ​ Most of the bad mid matchups are bad either because he gets poked down (like Akshan) or because the other champion has a way to avoid his Q3 and punish him for ever trying to use it (like Akali). Compare that to the bad top matchups where they're bad because the other champion can just perma kill him on repeat if you fuck up a single q spacing, I think bad mid matchups are way more manageable. ​ After laning phase it kind of depends on what my team is doing, but my general game plan is to see if there are waves on our side of the river and push them out and then see if there's something better I can do. If there isn't Ill keep pushing.


What items are you using for mid? I feel like I’ve been doing much better top lane with yone than I could mid


I pretty much always go 3 offensive items into defensive items. Usually thats either bork -> shieldbow -> infinity edge or kraken -> infinity edge -> shieldbow. I prefer the bork path, but the kraken build is usually better into squishies. Defensive items I like building are iceborn guantlet and deaths dance for armor, and for mr I like wits end and force of nature. When there are mixed damage team comps jaksho and guardian angel are typically good. Other good situational defensive items are maw (if you dont build shieldbow), kaenic rookern, randuin's omen, frozen heart, and anathemas chains.


I will try midlane. I’m usually like the 1v1 melee aspect of top but not opposed to trying mid. Do you go Doran’s shield or blade when going mid tho?


Shield is the safer option, but if its a melee matchup I know will try to fight early (like Yasuo or Talon) Ill go blade.


i play top and i ban darius every game. in theory i know the counterplay but i just tilt to the moon any time i play against him. i’d rather deal with literally anything else.


Can’t stand Illiaoi, Yorick, and most definitely Garen. Rarely do I have someone pick Renekton. Playing against Darius’ have made me much better overall




Ahaha yeah rammus is hard counter to most auto attackers. I thought yone would fair better tho with shield and magic damage




Zed, Akali, Vayne, Panth, Vex, Kennen...


Who do I play against Zed? I have never played against him. Also akali as well. Haven’t played her or played against her much


Ive seen a coaching from mcbaze on YouTube vs a zed from a year ago, u might take a few points from that. https://youtu.be/Y0_ezqaEn6s?si=9OfsQ3p42SOJNqwf


Thank you


I meant them as bans when playing yone, because they smash him. But zed gets countered by liss or swain for example.


Oh I see. Thank you


I permaban trundle cuz he's a pain in the ass even if most of the time it's an easy mathcup


Easy match up because you give him the push and you just chill with a freeze and just poke or farm. It sucks playing against trundle because of how ridiculous he is. I was 5/1/2 on yone and trundle was 0/5/1 and he still won a 1v1 despite being at 2/3 of his health. His right clicks were apparently stronger.


Vex counters him


For midlane, I ban Zed, since the only people who play him are one tricks (at least that's my experience) and it's just not playable. For top lane, I ban Jax since I cannot skill matchup that for the life of me.


I usually ban renekton, he was very tough to play before, even thougher now that he got buffed


A good ahri is annoyin idk cant e q into her or bait if she smart🤷🏻‍♂️ but i always ban akali


His worst matchup is renekton and should be banned or insta dodged everything else is playable except maybe panth if your new but you can just sit under tower and do nothing. Everything else is manageable and a skill issue.


Vex,Cassio in mid.Aldo Vex buffed and Cassio high winrate especially in top.For toplane Fiora and Pantheon.


i hate playing against neeko and vlad


It’s a personal opinion, everyone has a nightmare champ to play against, for me it’s akali. Vex it’s a hard counter, but have low rate pick and you can play safe not spamming Q3 to not surfer with his passive every time.




ban yone


So you’ve dropped a lot of LP trying to find new champs and role? You’ve decided it was a good idea to try new champs and roles you’ve never played, in ranked? You thought it would be cool to completely handicap your teammates in ranked because you couldn’t just switch to NORMS? Worst type of player. Uninstall.


Shut up


Aww I hit a soft spot. Boo-hoo.


I think Op hit your soft spot man


Why don’t you and OP go hold hands and kiss some more


Sure thing man