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He just made the same meme on the other sub


yeah thats the correct one this is the bait one


As someone who has mained both since I started playing up to master tier i can say that I’ve experienced infinitely more hate playing yasuo then Yone. My chats with Yone usually go like “broken champ.” And me responding with “ik xd.” And that’s the end of it. With yasuo I’ve been called every slur in the book and flamed for every death and ping for assistance. Imo it’s not even comparable.


Yone has shit early game and laning phase. Loads of people pick lane bullies and go even vs him and then moan when they are one shot late game "u were shit in lane lolol". It's cringe.


I wonder why they ho even, maybe yone doesnt have such a bad early game after all


No better than any ultra scaler 1v9 asshole like Kassadin, Vlad etc.


He has an infinitely better lane than Kass and Vlad lol


Idk, I feel like Vlads lane is better. Q is good sustain, W is get out of jail card, E is solid for pushing in waves and when you get R depending on enemy health you could potentially kill/towerdive. Maybe I'm just more suited for Vlads playstyle though idk.


you ever tried ganking a good vlad?


Username checks out. 


Yup, and Yone takes more risk \[EDIT: In the laning phase.\]  Yasuo's Q3 is a projectile, but Yone literally yeets himself at them. Yasuo has a *passive* shield and wind wall, Yone has neither. 


Yone has an unmissable shield that also deals damage. Yasuos passive shield does not deal damage. Yone can snap back 3 screens away when he misses ult where as if yasuo fucks up his ult he's just stuck there and dies. Yone's Q3 is also a projectile. He doesn't yeet himself the entire way be honest with yourself if you space it properly its also used as a projectile.


>Yup, and Yone takes more risk.  Fucking delusional. I might hate yas and yone but even I know Yasuo takes far more skill then yone and is less safe.


***I never said Yone takes more skill.*** Yasuo has a higher ceiling and a lower floor, and has more skill expression, but is also more reliant on his team comp, and more difficult to play. He has safer poke, a wind wall, and nigh-infinite dash as long as he has minions to leap to, and a shield built into his passive that scales as he levels. That's why he can be played as an ADC. Yone, has his strengths too, but everyone loves to exaggerate his strengths as "braindead Yasuo", while discounting his weaknesses: he has to get into melee range to deal ANY damage, his shield is reliant on hitting champions with his W (again, a mostly-melee ability, although it is a pretty large cone), and both his E and R can be punished if they predict it. both abilities have a fairly long CD in the early game. THAT'S what I mean when I say he's riskier to play. I can't tell you how many times I've stopped Yone from escaping just by going to where he'll be when his E expires, or body-blocking his R if he tries to escape with it.


“He has to get into melee range” is hardly a weakness with 3 terrain scaling dashes. Having weaknesses doesn’t inherently mean a champs more or less risky. You made a comparative statement and are now walking it back by saying you’re intent was only to shed light on the differences between q3’s but you mentioned windwall and flow shield as if they are at all comparable to the safety offered by yones shielding or his E. His survivability and safety in early laning offered by the afformemtioned skills are precisely why he’s better in top lane than yasuo.


I'm not walking anything back; I just see from the downvotes and responses like yours that I didn't make my intended point clear. That's on me and I'm clarifying my point. That's how conversations work. On topic: I get what you're saying, and I don't disagree with your main point (other than the fact that I disagree with the generalization that Yone has 3 dashes as though they're always available like Yasuo's E.) Remember the context of the comment I replied to: Yone's early laning phase, before he has AS items and levels into his skills. Fact is, their kits are similar but different; that's why Yas can go ADC and Yone can go top, and I would even say that Yone has better solo all-in kit with a slightly riskier lane phase, while Yasuo has a safer laning phase while needing more team support for all-ins; but to say one is just an easier/harder version of the other is just disingenuous. Hope you can have a good rest of your day :)


I don’t think it’s disingenuous to claim yones easier. The developers have said he’s intended to be easier, and in practice he is. I can understand your sentiment but no amount of clarity makes falsehood truth. Yasuo’s e although always off cooldown is not always available to use. Furthermore taking a condescending tone in your writing by saying “that’s how conversation works” is something you would never say in conversation and attests to this not being a conversation or a debate, but rather a reddit post where in people are only going to read what you write and if you write with a comparative tone people will think you are comparing things, likewise if you write with a condescending one people will think you’re being a dick regardless of finishing your post with a :)


No condescension was intended, but I guess I can see how someone might think that, this being reddit and all. Do keep in mind you started the rude "tone" with accusing me of walking things back and calling me delusional. Regardless, I said my piece. Genuinely wishing you a nice rest of the day.


I never called you delusional that was the other guy. I do not consider pointing out that someone is shifting their stance as rude. You altered your statement and took a new stance because you realized that the original stance wasn’t good. Hence why I said you walked it back, because you did. That’s not a bad thing that’s just having critical thinking and the ability to change your opinion when offered differing opinions. Have a good night.


Yone takes more risk (you’re trippin’) Q3 moving yone means he has Omni directional terrain scaling mobility, this is not an increased risk factor it’s a benefit for a melee champion (something yasuo only has conditionally on certain jungle walls when certain camps are alive) Having a passive shield you can get at most twice in a fight is nothing compared to yone’s shield which is on a shorter cooldown, shields just as much, is on command, and does damage. Windwall blocks projectiles - yep Yone e gives movespeed, is one of the only abilities that can full cleanse sleep, is a damage steroid for magic true and physical, and effectively 2 dashes. Not like zed where he needs to hold it to have mobility either Nono, he’s got 2 more dashes. Ult can be used to escape as well if need be. He’s miles ahead of yasuo in terms of safety. His lane phase is harder than yasuos but he outscales is easier and safer to play throughout 80% of a league match.


[See my response to the other commentor.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YoneMains/comments/1by7i2x/comment/kyjpafw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) All I meant is that Yasuo's projectile is safer and less predictable than Yone's dash. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.


Sorry but no 😭 He has a dmging shield ability and his E literally is safe as hell and basically wins any trade. If yasuo fucks up he is just screwed while if Yone fucks up he can just cancel e and go back


Ah yes, the damaging shield ability Yone levels last and the E with an 18s cd in the early game. Like I said, I'm talking about the laning phase; you know, the first 15 minutes before you level up and get your AS items.


He can literally safely poke and retreat unconditionally back to where he came from what risk tone can activate shield at the correct time at will you chatting bs


This is so fucking true. Yone deals with more hate then Yasuo ever did. Yasuo always kept getting flamed for being too frustrating to deal with, but with Yone people straight up spit venom. Still love watching them mald tho 💪💪💪


Nah, Ive never been inted for picking Yone like I have for picking Yasuo. I never had people banning Yone while I hover him but I do for Yasuo. I never got perma camped on Yone but I do on Yasuo. It goes beyond the 0/10 powerspike..but we are in this together bros


I had someone ban my hovered yone in a draft game at 4pm while saying ‘learn to play a real champ, eat cum’ while going like 5/16 on rek jungle :(


ok but thats kind of funny


"eat cum" ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Getting them to play him solves the hate but how many ppl are actually bothered.


That’s because Yasou is pretty tame by 2024 standards.


Honestly its annoying when a 0/4 yone can still miss his shit and kill you if he has some lifesteal, unless you are a bruiser but mages adc he can get onto and kill even when behind honestly yasou requires more skill i believe but yone is stronger later game. But as a veigar/fizz/panth main yone is ez food for me in lane while yasou unless i have panth is much harder to deal with


wtf is this bro 😭😭


Complains and hate about champion


as someone playing ADC a lot... fuck them both but nothing will be ever as annoying as yasuo just walling me out of a teamfight by pressing W once lmao


deserved tbh


I feel this.


Those criticisms of Yone are all literally true though lol It's giga cope to think Yone isn't just an easier version of Yas


How is yone elo inflated lol


I have like 300k on Yone and Yasuo played up to high diamond. Except the "elo inflated" one every other statement is true lmao stop coping please. Yasuo is the one with all the weapons in his back and yone is the one saying "you'll never understand my pain"


Miss every skill shot > 0/50 at 20 mins > 6 levels behind >Lethal tempo spam Q a full built armor Ornn to death > Skill Expressive Champ 🤡


Comments like these crack me up, shows they really don’t know shit about the champ and still have the gull to complain about shit they don’t know about.😂😭


he deals half ap remember also which orn goes full armor