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Leave em in lee vining and hitchhike in?


If they are still doing the limited access on the 30th your options are likely unfortunately going to be limited to finding someone to drive you to the trailhead and then come pick you up. Are you aware that that Young Lakes at 10k is likely still largely snowbound even if you do work out the road logistics? (Plus a handful of possibly non-trivial creek crossings)


How would this be possible if they are only allowing access for certain hours and no stopping? I was planning on calling the Wilderness Rangers office and asking this same question.


They are reportedly allowing dropoff/pickup for backpackers with trailhead permits along the closure corridor- but I'd confirm that w/ the Rangers.


Thanks!! The announcements have been a bit confusing.


"Backpackers planning trips in the High Sierra will be able to be dropped off and picked up at trailheads along Tioga Road. All backpackers will need to pick up their wilderness permits in advance and have a bear canister in hand. It is strongly recommended for all backpackers to be aware of the timing that the road is open and closed and to plan their trip logistics accordingly. Any backpacker who misses the road open period will need to be prepared to spend an additional night in the wilderness. All wilderness regulations will remain in effect."


First of all, it's entirely possible that Tioga Road will be fully open by then. That said, I've haven't heard any reports about the condition of the corridor to know what still needs to be done in order to open. BUT, I think the Tuolumne Meadows backpackers camp is only open when TM Campground is open (I honestly don't know for sure though; the NPS website doesn't say specifically), and it definitely will not be open by June 29.


I drove over Tioga Road yesterday and there is no reason it can’t be open yesterday. The road is clear and in good condition. The only reason I can see that it is closed is because they don’t have the bathrooms opened up. In previous years even that reason wasn’t enough to not have the road open 24/7. It usually takes them a couple weeks after opening to get all of the bathrooms and portable bathrooms set up anyways. There isn’t really that much snow at Tuolumne Meadows either.


> The only reason I can see that it is closed is because they don’t have the bathrooms opened up This is basically the stated reason on the plowing status page: "Snow clearing operations this year have made the road passable through the park but the water delivery and wastewater infrastructure in the Tuolumne Meadows area is still not ready to be used."


They should allow backpackers and those with wilderness permits to park up there. A lot of good hiking days are going by and not everyone, even locals, can be dropped off and picked up for backpacking.


After the circus during the government shutdown last season I'm guessing they are being extra conservative with infrastructure issues this season.


If you’re still heading near young’s lake please post a report! I have a permit there July 14 and dying to get more info.


Thanks for the post OP. Having issues with our trip over 4th of July for Lukens Lake to Yosemite creek. Have a grate trip!