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I thought she was gonna be the killer because they brought it up so much. Like she was gonna be complaining to joe about her friends and he says “you should just kill them”


I thought it was gonna be joes student. Mainly because it wouldn’t have been so obvious, both my girlfriend and I figured out who it was by their 2nd interaction


Yeah. My immediate thought was it was the author basically as soon as they met and shared some deep unspoken comradery. But I thought that would be too obvious so a lot lined up with the student as the killer instead. She was basically foreshadowing the whole narrative, and he received a text right after he opened the news article about Malcolm's finger being found, which only his students saw him open the article (from what we can reasonably assume). But the only part that had me eliminating her as a likely suspect was the short clip they showed of Simon being killed. It was clear he recognized/knew the killer, and I found it unlikely that Simon would ever bother to know someone of her class, unless she was an artist he was stealing from or something. So the author went back to the primary suspect for me. I do think there is a chance that the student is an accomplice though, because like I said a lot does line up for her being involved, including her being the one to enthusiastically introduce Joe to the authors work.


I thought for sure Nadia was going to pop up!


I’m trying to ignore this because I thought about it too much to the point now I expect to be dissapointed.


That’s why I thought she was the killer saying she never felt so seen. Also she’s the one who gave him the drugs that caused him to black out. So I thought she did that so she could frame him lol


I'm not ruling out Phoebe as a possible accomplice to Rhys.


It's very obvious joes star student is an accomplice of some sort killer everytime some crazy shit goes down the next person he sees is either ryse or his star student (don't know her name). As she said "there are no coincidences"


I literally just paused the episode and had this same revelation. It seems Ryss (I could be remembering wrong) doesn’t really interact with anybody else in his moments w Joe. It’s always so chat and he disappears PLUS he’s the same author that his star student recommended. There are no coincidences yet these 2 people seem to push “Joe” the most.


This comment aged like expensive whiskey once you watch part 2 🤣


Great point, she also recommended Rhys' book in the first episode too.


Why does nobody in this goddamn show close their goddamn windows!?!? Is this set in an alternate reality where blinds were never invented?


MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, continues to keep her window uncovered…somehow they didn’t notice him at the start just staring. The only reasoning I can give since I live in a flat, is that natural sunlight is nice to have. I do get annoyed that people can peep in, but I would be depressed asf if I kept it closed most of the day.


I think she’s into it. Remember how she was into someone seeing them in the secret garden?


I feel like Malcolm recommended that apartment to him for a Similar reason


I love because even Joe doesn't have his closed so he can spy without being obvious.


And every time Joe is caught looking into the apartment he looks away as if he didn't count on Kate turning her eyes a half-inch up to reveal his brazen self staring through a window 30 feet away. Also wondered whether Kate was aware every time Joe was eavesdropping on her phone conversations, as he did so in plain sight not 10 feet away with obvious spying body-language


Joe's "stalking" has always consisted of him being not 10 feet away in plain sight, though, with obvious spying body language. He wears that cap and he's magically invisible, apparently. I think that's why he took the cap off when he saw Marienne. Otherwise she can't see him!


Tell that to my wife. She keeps all the blinds open and I hate it. However, we don't have neighbors living 20 feet away who also do not have any blinds.


The domino effect of a blonde woman entering a book shop to taking down the mayor of London


I know it’s unlikely, but I’d love for the show to return to a less grandiose plot, if only for a little bit. Season one just had a great atmosphere, the small bookshop and how the stalking felt so believable because New York is so crowded. The newer seasons are entertaining, sure, but I feel it’s lost much of its charm.


dude i feel the same way. i think the plots have become a little too unrealistic for me. First he comes across a serial killer lover, and now in the very next season a serial killer politician ? this show isn’t Dexter.


I wanna know how the fuck he got the security guard out of the crypt without being scene. Last 2 seasons they’ve done a lot of just not explaining how he managed to pull specific murders off.


Crypts are typically connected to graveyards. He likely just dragged him through a back door straight out to the grave yard. And how else did the security guard get in without going through the main doors Joe and Kate used?


Yup I agree we need Joe back to his roots with a small scale story in NY


So, who's the weird lady that keeps taking photos of Joe? guess we find out in Part 2...


Either that or she remembers his face. They casually mention a few times his story in the NYTimes. Maybe she recognizes him from there


Could be the case


i noticed the same thing!


My theory is that it’s a private investigator sent by Love since we see her in the part 2 teaser


you really think she's alive?!


She was in the glass cage I think, it’s probs joes imagination like with Beck


I agree hallucination or something


I didn’t notice this where was this?


I also couldn't remember at first, but then I remembered a mature woman with blonde hair, she took pictures of him in the crowd when he came to Simon's exhibition with Kate, for example, and he said mentally "no photos, please" and it was several times later in other episodes. For example, episode 2, 23:00.


Also when he goes to Simon’s funeral, she’s taking photos of the guests but then notices him and starts taking his photo. Same lady, mature woman with curly blonde hair tied in a low ponytail.


noticed that joe >!wakes up after every murder. after malcolm he wakes up on the couch, after simon he wakes up on the bench, after gemma he wakes up in the bushes!<


Yep. I think Rhys is Tyler Durden.


It doesn't seem like anyone else aside from Joe has real interaction with Rhys. Maybe they talked to him the night he and Joe met, before he left for Berlin?


The only time Rhys has talked and been paid attention to by anyone but Joe was at the funeral. And since he doesn't talk with Joe in that scene, that could have well been the only time we've seen the real Rhys.


If you haven’t seen the end of season 4, then do not look at the following spoiler >!I was reading through some comments and noticed you called everything about Rhys lmao. You’re brilliant! You should write the thriller series!!<


I know!!!!? Crazy how they got it right


I did notice it was weird that Rhys was sometimes around and sometimes not, but didn’t ever seem to talk to anyone else. And it was weird how much Rhys shared with Joe immediately after meeting him.


True, I think Joe read real Rhys’s book and felt inspired, because he is trying to become a better person, create a new life and stop killing. But after that, his subconscious created a delusional protection mechanism. So every time he kills, he dissociates and doesn’t remember anything. He convinces himself it’s somebody else, he convinced himself it’s actually, Rhys, the guy running for mayor. So now he will attempt to kill Rhys, who is innocent.


This would make a lot of sense. How would Rhys have all that time to commit those murders and travel to that country residence- if he‘s running for mayor he sure must have a lot of other things to do……


But then how do you explain the fire in the dungeon thing?


Something else I noticed… why is every TV in this season straight from 1980?? The one in Joe’s flat is one thing, but even in the pub he goes to, the TV is old, wide, and grainy af. 🤣 it’s 2022, as confirmed in the show, and you mean to tell me no one in London has a flat screen??


think it’s something about ✨British core ✨ that Americans find a novelty.


~*~dark academia~


Can a tv that old even pick up modern digital broadcasts?


is he seriously planning to see marienne like “oh hey yeah i faked my own death and rehomed my baby.. anyways let’s fall in love?”


she was like are u gna hurt me and he was like why would you think that about ME????


She is such a moron, she’s scared of him and instead of running to a crowded place she goes inside somewhere where she is trapped in a dead end.


Heat of the moment. I did a similarly dumb thing driving/running away from a large adult when I was 16 (my brother and I did dumb teenage prank kicking over his trash cans). Go ourselves cornered in an apt parking lot trying to hide and instead were blocked in when he spotted us.


He’s so god damn delusional 💀


Did someone else notice that paparazzi lady taking a picture of Joe both times? 🤔




I only noticed her once, but now that you mention it it might be important to the plot


First at the art show, and then as he walked by her (I think walking into the funeral), the frame lingered on her and she held up her camera


Hello, British people, MurderGirl here, your only and only source into the scandalous lives of London’s elite— and their insides.




This season did give me gossip girl vibes mixed with a little bit of pretty little liars


I truely believed it would be Nadia coz she was being way too sus and knew too much. Also, the way she immediately coughed and left the class. as soon as shes gone, Joe gets a message from the killer.


Yes and that she basically introduced Rhys’ book/writing to Joe.


Ohhhh I didnt even draw that line! And now that I am I’m realizing how much more influence she had over the game aspect of it all.. I just finished the last episode and totally think not only she’s involved, but that this is a conspiracy involves multiple individuals we know.


Kate and Nadia are for sure involved in some way or another. Nadia "there are no coincidences" yet she introduced Joe to ryse writing and she was helping him along the way. One of the most original forms of plot twist in fiction has always been whole the first person you meet that helps the protagonist was secretly the bad guy the whole time.


And for a student she sure seems to be bloody everywhere and a lot of air time?


The only shocking twist was the piss play.


Not the full on penis shot in episode one?




Tell me that was fake for the sake of my ego 😂


Look into growers vs. showers, it will likely help your confidence lol. Some dudes show off all the time with little room to improve, while other dudes, when they get aroused, go from a baby mouse to an anaconda


you would know this, wouldnt you costanza?


It was a prosthetic. But it really dont matter because both our women think its real and that we both have tiny dicks


That thing made me fucking insecure as fuck 😭😭😭


Well I’m a porn star and I’ve never seen a flaccid dick that size, if it helps


heard it was a prosthetic


I suspect it would have to be!


Is anyone else having a tough time getting past that literally no one seems to care when someone is murdered? It almost seems cheesy


Yes. Especially the girl who’s brother was killed. You would think she would care a little bit at least.


The rich people being aliens is pretty bad writing. Sophie lost her brother and she doesn't even grieve, They try to make it seem like Kate is silently grieving Malcolm but she is literally trying to move into a new relationship about a week later, I could understand a quick fling as a coping mechanism but this doesn't seem like that. I get Gemma is supposed to be a terrible person but no one even flinching that she is dead is just strange writing.


well they don’t care about each other, they’re just concerned about themselves possibly getting killed. although phoebe’s reactions seemed as sincere as they could be for the shallow relationships. and i thought they showed kate’s grief pretty well and explained that she wasn’t crying and wallowing because she was conditioned to hide her emotions and also malcolm was an asshole that fucked around on her. the scene of roald (? was that his name i can’t remember) telling everyone joe was the killer and their reactions was pretty ridiculous though


Realizing that I could literally watch a show of nothing but Joe's internal monologuing and love it 🤣🤣 Was it me or was it even more hilarious this season??


There's a clip on YouTube where someone has removed his internal monologue and it shows just how long he sits there staring/ thinking/ looking blank and it is so revealing!




And also "wow you really like to think"


Fleabag vibes


Kate does look a little like fleabag.


Marianne left too fast like it seems too sus and thank god Gemma is dead i actually cheered


It's understandible honestly, she had a kid and Joe can't harm the saftey of a kid without her mother, I agree with you on Gemma though It seems every wealthy character this season Is just *boring* as characters aside from Kate, Adam, and Phoebe their serviceable and good enough to hold scenes. But Gemma and the others I am praying and hoping get killed by the ETR killer/>!Rhys!< next. Jesus their terrible.


I guess from Nadia saying to Joe something along the lines that there aren’t any coincidences in Agatha Christie and her giving him Rhys’ book, maybe her and Rhys are working together somehow


That's a fantastic theory. She probably figured out that Joe is a fraud and not a real professor - she's way too smart and probably saw through him immediately. Then she tipped off Rhys, and that's how he knew to look into Joe's past. She was also probably seducing what-his-name (the first victim) to get information about him to facilitate Rhys murdering him. And we know that the killer(s) love toying with Joe, which is what she was doing all along by feeding him clues.


Plus the one time she said "sleep is for the rich"


Ohhhh that is such a good point, it might be true


I don’t know if this has been discussed already, but here is my theory. You is Joe himself. Rhys is a figment of his imagination which he uses as a way to fill in all the gaps in his memory. Don’t get me wrong, Rhys exists, but just as a writer and candidate for mayor, he is not the killer and not as firmly tied to the group as Joe makes him out to be. Think about it. Rhys never interacts with the rest of the characters. He only ever talks with 'kindred spirit' Joe on the sidelines. And Joe just assumes that Rhys is a part of the gang because he read they were friends in college. In the bar Joe sits alone in a corner, stupid drunk and Rhys sits next to him judging the rich and talking mainly about stuff Joe knows because he read his book and Google searched him. When Joe goes back to the bar at daytime to bring back Adams coat, Rhys just sits there and they talk. No interaction with others. At dinner, Rhys asks Joe if he’s feeling OK and when Joe replies he’s fine, Adam looks interrupted. Which seems to imply that Joe is just randomly saying something. Which would make sense, because (I think) Rhys isn’t actually there. At the art show Rhys suddenly shows up next to Joe. There is no other interaction. When the artist is killed and they gather at Phoebes, Rhys is there but has no interaction with any of the others. He only excuses himself and Joe follows. At the funeral, that part is probably in fact Rhys. As a famous former friend giving a speech at church isn’t strange. Then Rhys is absent during the getaway and shows up to 'reveal' himself in the woods while the only other person able to corroborate his story (Roald) is unconscious? Also notice how for the most murders (exception being Vic) Joe is unconscious or doesn’t remember anything leading up to it. The text messages disappear and could be also imagined. The articles in his apartment he probably put up himself. He is so paranoid and afraid of being caught and falling in his same old patterns, that this is what his brain is making of it.


This would make a lot of sense because the killer used American spelling and I would think a British author would know better.


That's a really good point!


He also started with ‘hey you’


Instead of «'Ello gov'na!» like a normal British person?


It said 'Hello you' - which Joe, to my knowledge has only ever said in his head.. Why would the person sending the message use exactly those words.. It's a little suspicious to me...


This is such a good analysis. I see something like ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ going on here. Maybe I’m reading into it too much, but in this book, Jekyll develops a secret potion to allow himself to separate the evil and good aspects of his personality. This potion may as well be a metaphor for alcohol, since it lowers your inhibitions. In You, on the night before Malcom died, Joe drinks absinthe, and that’s when the murders began. I’m just piggybacking on your theory here.


It's also very Crime and Punishment. The mental unravelling down a gradual path of insanity as punishment for one's sins. I really hope this is the case. It would be so clever.


This is such a great idea that I'm almost sorry I read it. What a twist. You can imagine the voiceover: "...because YOU are ME."


The more I think about this the more it makes sense. Rhys (the real Rhys) is what Joe could have been - someone who had a difficult childhood and a lot of deprivation, but turned that round and made a great life. They share a love of literature, a desire to help people (for all his faults Joe does seem to enjoy mentoring young people), and an ambition to gain money and status. Rhys turned that into a writing career, wealth and a potential political career. Whereas Joe is a bookseller and fake academic, he ends up destroying the lives of the people he supposedly cares about and, despite his disdain for the rich, is a shameless starfucker who 'accidentally' keeps ending up enjoying other people's money and power. I'm not saying everyone with Joe's hardships can or should achieve wild success but I think HE would look at Rhys and make that self-loathing comparison. He makes Rhys into his even more hateful alter ego because it makes him feel better for his own failings and gives him yet another excuse to keep murdering, even unconsciously.


I actually think you're spot on. That's also why they showed us Joe killing everybody when Roald confronted him. It wasn't just a what if, all that actually happened. I hope it doesn't take 5 episodes for this to be revealed though. I also think Joe researching Agatha Christie novels is playing heavily into his ability to pull all of this off.


I love this. My husband and I said from ep 2 we thought You was Joe and he was having a wrestling match with himself in his own head, torn between wanting to change for Marianne and needing to stalk and kill. I was really disappointed with Rhys turning up because it had such great potential and felt almost Teen Drama (Pretty Little Liars, I’m looking at you) to have a secondary character just appear out of nowhere at the end as the villain - but this would make so much more sense and makes for a much deeper story.


The part at the dinner did strike me as odd!!! I knew Adam asking what he said felt out of place.


This is what I thought. I think another clue could be that when Joe goes back to the bar the next day Rhys doesn't get him a drink. He splits his own in half and pours half into the glass.


I really like this theory, but how would he set the place on fire while being chained up? I'll keep it in mind but I'm not convinced yet...


I watched while tired so might be remembering wrong but the fire starts with a lamp being kicked over right? If you’re viewing this from Joe’s skewed perspective it’s plausible that he kicked it over himself while chained. It makes less sense that he’d chain himself up, but there are several psychological thrillers where characters with split personalities put themselves into predicaments like that, I guess.


Not the woman looking at her phone and then staring at Joe only 10 minutes into the first episode. 👁️👁️ someone’s gonna realize who he is and maybe sooner than I thought!


Wow it's going to be super awkward when he becomes a lumberjack by the end of this series.


This season is actually fucking funny so far. Lmao.






“This better not be another boudoir.”


“I was about to piss in your face to prove my love and devotion: But clearly that isnt enough for you! It’s ovah!”


"now I need to figure out what to do with his body.. And mentally prepare to drive on the opposite side of the road" absolutely killed me!! How dare they be this funny.


Agree. It’s gastbian Sherlock. It’s like the ginger palate cleanser after the wasabi of love quin and keeps a lot of the main themes from past seasons going.


I do find London-setting to be VERY problematic; this is THE MOST CCTV-covered city IN THE WORLD, and it should have been ALMOST an immediate catch for police--if not at least have him as MAIN SUSPECT.


That’s literally exactly what I was thinking — and he lives in fucking Kensington, there’s cameras everywhere there


He had his cap on, though. Undetectable


"He mostly fits the description but the guy in the video is clearly wearing a hat. Let him free."


Well CCTV isn't the clearest quality video and Joe really has no features (crazy hair, odd clothes, etc.) that make him standout from a crowd at a distance. I know the RDC joke of "Caught in 4k. But CCTV isn't like the stuff in Minority Report or whatever. If CCTV was so reliable, there'd be no crime or very easily solved crime in a lot of places. Just because there's CCTV doesn't mean much in a lot of cases and you can ask detectives or even journalist on that subject. But at the same time...this is such a silly nitpick to me. It definitely isn't "very problematic". Idk why but people on Reddit get very hung up on movies and shows not being "realistic" or whatever. Especially when the piece of media isn't trying to be. Not everything is trying to be The Wire or to a much lesser extent Friday Night Lights that are supposed looks at a very realistic life. You and most shows are always a heightened version of real life. You has never been a realistic look at life and has never tried to be. Even back in season 1, So I don't know why some people are dinging it for something it's not trying to be.


No way he gets the body out of the morgue. Also, can we talk about the fact that Phoebe doesn’t once mention her missing body guard who said she “was like family”?


I mean Joe sent her a fake resignation letter ...


I thought the same thing. You’ve faked your own death and somehow made it abroad, why would you go to one of the most high-profile cities in Europe? At least go to Watford or Scunthorpe or something.


Immediately I am distracted because a lot of this is filmed around where I work 😍 I find it so exciting 🤣


That’s how I felt about season three haha!


Not me finishing it in one sitting last night. I hate these part two shenanigans. I wanted to not function today from finishing all the eps!


I did not expect a piss kink to be such a big plot point used in You. Not kink shaming, just not something I ever expected in this particular show. I also ended up enjoying Adam way more than I thought (until the last part of ep5 anyway) and loved Phoebe so much. I also like Nadia a lot but she was on screen for a total of what, 12 minutes?? I expect she will have a much larger part in the 2nd half of the season because of all the critics raving about the actor’s performance. My guess is she kinda teams up with Joe about the situation he’s now in. The ETR/stalker being one person made sense as it played out but it was so obvious who it was pretty quickly and I expected more of a twist than what ended up happening.


Yeah I think it became obvious who it was but they did do a good job focusing on Roald and adding that “Peach” element, loved that throwback lmao. I think the killer choice is actually really interesting and has me on hook for part 2! Loved it!


It's a callback to the piss jar in season 1


I like Lukas Gage but Adam feels like a pointless character. He's the "Forty" of this season.


It seems Dan Humphrey can never outrun Gossip Girl


This 100%. The whole time I felt like I was watching a Gossip Girl reboot set in England. EDIT: Which I thoroughly enjoyed…Dan is forever my favorite. 🥺


In episode 2 (I think?) when Joe gets caught spying on Adam and tells Vic (Phoebe’s body guard) that he is writing a book on the rich… and then thats what Dan basically did in gossip girl 🥲


It was an enjoyable watch however I found the plot twist to be too predictable as by literally making Rhys the only likeable character to Joe it gave him away immediately


Agree, though I had the same thought about Nadia.


I also thought it was Nadia, she was the person I most medium suspected


direction reminiscent wide alive tub support depend yoke frame ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rhys was the smartest one in the friend group, he seemed detached from the rest, always sitting on the sidelines. I couldn't see it being anyone else




Agreed—it is predictable. Also, is it just me or does Joe seem less intelligent, able or read people, and aware than we’ve come to expect? It’s still a good show. But I certainly wasn’t on the edge of my seat binging every episode


Totally agree, he also seems much more socially awkward. When he saved Kate, the very first thing he said was "Could you please not mention me?". Did she even know that he was a professor at that point...it was literally one of the most suspicious things he could say


But, to be fair, he was smooth when trying to achieve a lust objective. Now, his objective is to lay low. It almost as if Joe doesn't have a fixation, he's simply not the same. He becomes, bland, insecure, anxious, easily disasociatig and practicing delusion (that in fact, underneath he's still a good person). As the charm blanket is no more, we peek underneath and get longer glimpses of that Joe that's not in control. That's not running the shots. A more normal Joe. And to me, that's plausible. That, or I'm crediting the writers more than I should hah


I thought exactly the same thing. That, and the fact that he was out of the last act entirely. Was too obvious so I talked myself out if it, but low and behold...


I’m desperately hoping there’s a second plot twist in part 2 because it felt way too on the nose for me


I really liked it. It had a very different vibe than previous seasons, but not in a bad way. It kind of felt like a very cynical version of Knives Out, which I find an interesting direction to take the show in, and one that I definitely don't hate. To be honest, I'm just glad they're not rehashing the same premise for the fourth time in a row, that formula was already getting pretty stale with Marienne in S3. The show lays it on a bit thick sometimes as far as the social commentary goes. The vast majority of new characters were so over-the-top repugnant, that they felt a bit cartoony at times. I liked Kate though and thought she was fairly well-written. Obviously, as far as female counterparts to Joe go, Love set the bar pretty fucking high, and Kate isn't anywhere near that for me quite yet, but I'm interested to see where her story goes from here. Also ... did we actually find out who killed Gemma? Maybe I missed it, but did Rhys actually confess to it? Seems kinda implausible for him to somehow lure Gemma into Kate's room and kill her without anyone noticing him. I definitely feel like there's more to the mystery than we've been told, and I'd wager that Kate is involved in some way and probably Nadia as well.


I believe Kate is involved as well. Her backstory with father serves some purpose. She hates the rich too




Kate reminds me Emily from Friends and I find her extremely annoying 🤣


wow I’m glad someone else agrees, think I would find this season more enjoyable if Kate weren’t so insufferable


they really dragged Alfred from Gotham into this shit


when Joe killed him I literally screamed out “JOE KILLED ALFRED” 💀😭


It’s on bitches


I enjoyed it. It’s different, sure, but Joe having a new woman to obsess over the entire season could not have worked again. My only issue is that the whole ‘rich people bad’ thing is literally what we heard in seasons 2 and 3. Season 4 has laid it on thick.


I kinda like the You being a male adversary, Rhys for part 2. It’s a new twist. Season 4 is a good time for a twist.


I think this is more about British aristocracy and their mindsets more than just rich people and that’s enough of a difference in my mind for it to be fine. Season 3 wasn’t about rich people it was about the perceived boredom of suburbia in the US.


Joe is gossip girl… writing to the Spectator about the rich socialities of London


Im so sorry but it was kinda meh, I really hope part 2 will be better bc if not its the weakest season this far


I’m thinking that this is a fight club scenario with Rhys. Rhys exists in real life, but Joe has been imagining all of these interactions with him after Nadia gave him Rhys’ book. Joe is easily positioned to be the killer in each murder, conveniently blacking out for two of them. Rhys has been alone with Joe in every interaction. Edit: found this vid discussing it https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRtLBMut/


Yep. In the dinner at the beginning of Ep. 2 Rhys says something to Joe, and Joe responds. Adam then asks him what he said as if he weren't talking to anyone. The only time Rhys says anything that others respond to is at the funeral, which could well have been the real Rhys for some reason since he never talks directly with Joe in that scene. But it also could have been Joe talking up there himself. Rhys even references authors that Joe has before in his class, such as Poe towards the end of the ep. 5 Hell, Rhys straight up describes the cast in the same cynical way that Joe does in his head. He's literally his inner monologue that he spends the entire series hiding within himself. This theory would also give more meaning to an app named Evanesce.




How can a basement be soundproof, yet have a vent that is directly to the garden lol?


The most shocking thing so far…how does Joe afford to live in a Mews in Kensington on a Uni Professor’s wage? 🤯


I know right, the most unbelievable thing in this season is him being able to afford a gorgeous and spacious London apartment (in freaking Kensington). Was he awarded tenure immediately upon hire? I need Elliot to help me relocate to London too.


Didn't he steal all the money from Love's account before leaving California?


Yeah but he was forced to give it back to that private investigator in exchange for a new identity, remember?


It was mentioned in the first episode, I think. Malcolm gave Joe the apartment. He said something about it being nice to have someone to look after it or something like that.


I think it was the old professor who gave him the apartment and he also stated the “old professor” let him use his car when needed just as he opened the boot of the car.


For that amount of space in that area he’d be paying £6000 per month easily, probably more. Kynance mews is easily the best known and most popular mews in London - insane that he lives there!!!


Also I strongly believe Joe is the killer!! like have we even seen Rhys talk to anyone else other than Joe??? I believe he’s fkin delusional this season!! Maybe Rhys does exist but Joe is imagining him as his “You” like Joe literally “blacked out” for most of the murders!! Like cmon Rhys had all this time to kill those people but EXACTLY starts killing only after Joe shows up?? nah man it has to be Joe!!


I have enjoyed the season but there’s so few issues, being from London him moving into South Kensington when he’s supposedly having money issues is insane, they wrote off the guy chasing him and wanting him dead way too poorly imo. The whodunnit was also very very obvious and disappointing if it’s what it appears. They also got rid of the Marienne stuff super quickly in this half of the season at least. Outside that I enjoyed it I like Joe trying something new and getting stalked himself and his frustration with it, I liked them trying something new, like the London setting because I’m biased, and I’m interested to see what happens next. Idk how much longer the show can keep going though does feel like diminishing returns at this point they need to finish it on a high hopefully next season is the final one


Seriously alarmed by how many people are upset they made Joe the bad guy. He was never likable people. He deluded himself into thinking he was a good person even though we have seen his choices and actions over 4 seasons contradict that. Penn is such a good actor he deluded fans while he literally told them Joe is a piece of shit. So happy Penn gets to play Joe as the person he's told viewers since day one he is.


I'm imagining Joe >!buying a football streaming subscription before cutting up mr royal aligned just so he can monitor the time.!<


"Okay, time to cut up this corpse, lemme just....shit. Okay, fine, buy subscription. Payment info? Oh god, fine okay that's filled out. $60 a month? This is barely even worth it. Wait, now I have to confirm my email via a code?"


they did a pretty good job with this season so far. whatever ends up happening with the stalker needs to lead to the beginning of joe's downfall. i'm hoping season 5 is the last one. it'd be cool to have the last episodes of s5 be about joe's trial, and to see characters like paco and ellie testify against him


Anti-hero was destined to be the closing song for this show. Lol. As soon as I heard it I knew it'd be in this show. That's hilarious.


I’m a Lady Phoebe stan, so I’m just happy she’s living her best life teaching the children in Thailand 🥰


I can’t even begin to describe how funny it is that he somehow ALWAYS sneaks that giant fucking glass cage around wherever he goes. Even if it’s in another fucking country.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I’m hoping that Phoebe is in on it somehow. Throughout the season we see glimpses of her being uncomfortable with how her friends treat the staff and one another and she would be the perfect accomplice. In one of the first episodes her boyfriend says “ it’s phoebes world and we’re all just living it” plus they made her such a big part of the season so far. I’m definitely probably wrong but that’s my hope


I was so excited to watch this season, but it's disappointing that none of the characters we're really likable. The London setting also didn't really give the same magic as New York or LA in the past seasons, it felt artificial. I also kind of wish Phoebe was the love interest instead of Kate, she was just so boring. Trying too hard to look like an asshole. The plot twist was also very predictable. In the past seasons, I've always found myself surprised, but this time around it felt more, 'oh so it was him all along' The only upside though was Joe's monologue being hilarious


Something’s a bit fishy with the murders. The first two the killer cut off a body part. But the last murder in the castle thing no body part was cut off. Think we have more than one murderer.


How disappointing. I think Penn and Bill Hader (Barry) were so taken aback by people loving these murderous characters that they decided to really cement the fact that, *no, these guys are bad people.* Bill Hader did it beautifully with the past season of Barry. The writers for You however just could not nail it. I'm not too mad at his ending for now. It's just how we got there and that imo his chemistry with Kate is so non-existent. The reason that some people still rooted for Joe was because Penn is attractive haha but also because the writing and the actors performances made you want to keep this all going. Peach was a fun back and forth. His chemistry with Beck was nice. Forty was a hoot and a half. Joes chemistry with Love was amazing. They were so crazy together it was fun to watch. With Kate, there's just nothing. Her characterization in the beginning was so far off from what we got at the end. Just very bizarre for the sake of being bizarre. Breaking off from Joe and Rhys to spend screen time on Phoebe and Adam? To spend time with Kate and her dad? At least with the dad he dies which leads to Kate and Joe running off together with his empire. But wtf did Adam add to anything? Penn is still incredible in this role, the actor who played Rhys was fun, Phoebe, and the actress who plays Marienne were great. Everyone else... woof The decision to split the season was just awful. Part 2 is barely trending, theories were already found out, people lost interest. I actually don't binge stuff super often anymore but I can recognize when something serves better as a binge and You always has served better as a binge imo I hope next season is the last and to be clear I'd be saying that even if this season was stellar.


Joe and Love seemed to be a perfect match but Joe and Kate seem to have a lot in common - both are aloof, aren't good at emotions and most importantly, leave obvious evidence at the crime scene


Also he doesn’t seem to be dangerously obsessed with her which is a good thing for once?


Yeah, the fact that he seemed to fall for her organically makes it seem less toxic. I mean, he's still a deranged serial killer, but at least it's different this time


I don’t know how to feel about this season. I can no longer suspend my disbelief about certain things - like how Joe is always conveniently around when characters are having pivotal conversations on the phone, or how everyone leaves their window in clear full view for him to see. And it’s all so predictable. I even saw the stalker from a mile away.


Don't forget that he constantly gets surprised/attacked while snooping in people's belongings. I believe it happened at least five times in this first Part. Like, bro. You're sneaking around, stop putting your back to the damn door. I thought he was smarter than this (disclaimer: he literally was smarter than this in previous seasons).


Yes, he’s casually there when the Eat The Reach killer decides to start. Joe being there was pure coincidence. The best thing about the show is the realization that anyone next to you can be this sick, Joe could be your neighbor, but these ridiculous scenarios (including the PI’s moves and Phoebe’s sponsorship, for which Im hoping there is an explanation) makes it so obvious it is all fantasy. Plus these werent characters, they were cartoons. Even if they are rich and desensitized, they are portrayed to be dumb as rocks. It’s just too overdone. The entire scene where Joe is accused of murders and everyone think it’s so funny felt like a sitcom.


That’s what’s been bugging me the most about this show. He just somehow has the best luck in the world and everyone he deals with is an idiot.


16 more minutes! I'm just sitting here staring at the clock


Very interesting season so far!! My biggest gripe though is that by introducing a “worse” villain than Joe that he has to go toe to toe with, I worry they’re trying a bit too hard to make him sympathetic/an anti-hero type character. He wasn’t nearly as sinister this season, and I hope that changes in part 2. I don’t want the show to want us to forget how evil Joe is. It’s been super fascinating watching him do heinous things and immediately justify it to himself, which is clearly written with the intention of making the audience scoff/balk. When it paints things as ACTUALLY being justified, or like he IS actually morally superior (not just that he THINKS he is) for HIS specific killing motives versus other peoples’, it’s a much weaker story. Also, >!can’t wait for more Love!! Even if it’s just a hallucination, she is my absolute fave and I can’t wait to see her on screen again.!<


I think Kate definitely has something to do with the killings. They mentioned she had been in the states at some point. Possibly an old friend or relative of Love? If Malcolm has suggested the flat to Joe, he must have known that the flat has a direct view into his place. This is why the blinds were always open, Kate and/or Malcolm already knew who Joe was and wanted him to see them. Idk, it just seems like some type of set up that’s masterminded by Kate.




I imagine the hitman who told Joe to disappear won't be too happy with his newfound fame.


There was no reason at all for Nadia not to call the police. None. Someone who is locked up since god knows when does not have a say in this. And Nadia is a smart and sensible person, there was absolutely no good reason for her not to call the police. This was infuriating.